In the following analyses, we investigated whether lexicalbehavior dur terjemahan - In the following analyses, we investigated whether lexicalbehavior dur Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In the following analyses, we inves

In the following analyses, we investigated whether lexical
behavior during exposure and age differences
(among the older adults) predict the strength of the
perceptual learning effect. The first analysis focused on
whether differences in the frequency of acceptance of
the odd-sounding items as words during the lexicaldecision
task resulted in differences in the amounts that
people would shift their phoneme categories. To that
end, we investigated whether listeners who more often
judged ambiguous items to be words during the lexicaldecision
task gave more learning-consistent responses
(i.e., more /r/ responses when exposed to the ambiguous
sound in /r/-final words, and more /l/ responses when
exposed to the ambiguous sound in /l/-final words). We
focused on the ambiguous stimuli because these are the
crucial items in the lexical-decision task that were supposed
to induce phonetic category adjustment. In each
age group, the two exposure groups were taken together,
and a new “learning-consistent” category was created
in which the /r/ responses during the phonetic categorization
task among the group of listeners exposed to the
ambiguous sound in /r/-final words and the /l/ responses
of the group of listeners exposed to the ambiguous
sound in the /l/-final words were combined. Moreover,
we only analyzed data from the stimulus steps of interest
(i.e., the most ambiguous steps: 2, 3, and 4).
Percentages of ambiguous items accepted as words during
the lexical-decision task were calculated for each
participant, and used as a fixed predictor of whether
the category response was learning consistent (the dependent
variable, coded as 0 and 1, for not learning
consistent and learning consistent, respectively). Age Group
(younger listener group on the intercept), Stimulus Step, and
Test Block were used as control variables; Subject was the
random factor.
Table 4 displays the parameter estimates in the final
model. Listeners who more often judged an ambiguous item
as being a word in the lexical-decision task gave more
learning-consistent responses during the phonetic categorization
task; that is, they showed stronger perceptual learning
than did listeners who less often judged an ambiguous item
as being a word. These listeners thus seem to have retuned
their phoneme categories more.
Subsequently, the effect of age on the perceptuallearning
effect was investigated among the older participants.
Since hearing loss is a common phenomenon
among older listeners, Hearing Loss was used as a
control variable (centralized to the mean). The dependent
variable was again the “learning-consistent” category,
taking into account only the three most ambiguous
stimulus steps. Age and hearing sensitivity were shown
to be correlated (r = .40, p < .005). To reduce collinearity
in the model, a residual was created for Age
(with Hearing Loss partialed out), which was used as
a fixed predictor. The other control variables were
Stimulus Step and Test Block, and Subject and Items
were the random factors.
Consistent with the age group comparison, in which the
younger listeners initially had a larger perceptual learning
effect than did the older listeners, the perceptual learning
effect in the first block was smaller with increasing age (β =
−0.1142, SE = 0.0385, p < .005). Moreover, the decrease in
the perceptual learning effect over blocks was smaller with
increasing age (β = 0.04473, SE = 0.0133, p < .001),which is
also consistent with the results of the group comparison.
Hearing sensitivity did not modify the size or stability of the
perceptual learning effect, showing that our stimuli were
indeed audible for listeners with hearing loss.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In the following analyses, we investigated whether lexicalbehavior during exposure and age differences(among the older adults) predict the strength of theperceptual learning effect. The first analysis focused onwhether differences in the frequency of acceptance ofthe odd-sounding items as words during the lexicaldecisiontask resulted in differences in the amounts thatpeople would shift their phoneme categories. To thatend, we investigated whether listeners who more oftenjudged ambiguous items to be words during the lexicaldecisiontask gave more learning-consistent responses(i.e., more /r/ responses when exposed to the ambiguoussound in /r/-final words, and more /l/ responses whenexposed to the ambiguous sound in /l/-final words). Wefocused on the ambiguous stimuli because these are thecrucial items in the lexical-decision task that were supposedto induce phonetic category adjustment. In eachage group, the two exposure groups were taken together,and a new “learning-consistent” category was createdin which the /r/ responses during the phonetic categorizationtask among the group of listeners exposed to theambiguous sound in /r/-final words and the /l/ responsesof the group of listeners exposed to the ambiguoussound in the /l/-final words were combined. Moreover,we only analyzed data from the stimulus steps of interest(i.e., the most ambiguous steps: 2, 3, and 4).Percentages of ambiguous items accepted as words duringthe lexical-decision task were calculated for eachparticipant, and used as a fixed predictor of whetherthe category response was learning consistent (the dependentvariable, coded as 0 and 1, for not learningconsistent and learning consistent, respectively). Age Group(younger listener group on the intercept), Stimulus Step, andTest Block were used as control variables; Subject was therandom factor.Table 4 displays the parameter estimates in the finalmodel. Listeners who more often judged an ambiguous itemas being a word in the lexical-decision task gave morelearning-consistent responses during the phonetic categorizationtask; that is, they showed stronger perceptual learningthan did listeners who less often judged an ambiguous itemas being a word. These listeners thus seem to have retunedtheir phoneme categories more.Subsequently, the effect of age on the perceptuallearningeffect was investigated among the older participants.Since hearing loss is a common phenomenonamong older listeners, Hearing Loss was used as acontrol variable (centralized to the mean). The dependentvariable was again the “learning-consistent” category,taking into account only the three most ambiguousstimulus steps. Age and hearing sensitivity were shownto be correlated (r = .40, p < .005). To reduce collinearityin the model, a residual was created for Age(with Hearing Loss partialed out), which was used asa fixed predictor. The other control variables wereStimulus Step and Test Block, and Subject and Itemswere the random factors.Consistent with the age group comparison, in which theyounger listeners initially had a larger perceptual learningeffect than did the older listeners, the perceptual learningeffect in the first block was smaller with increasing age (β =−0.1142, SE = 0.0385, p < .005). Moreover, the decrease inthe perceptual learning effect over blocks was smaller withincreasing age (β = 0.04473, SE = 0.0133, p < .001),which isalso consistent with the results of the group comparison.Hearing sensitivity did not modify the size or stability of theperceptual learning effect, showing that our stimuli wereindeed audible for listeners with hearing loss.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam analisis berikut, kami menyelidiki apakah leksikal
perilaku saat terpapar dan usia perbedaan
(antara orang dewasa yang lebih tua) memprediksi kekuatan
efek pembelajaran persepsi. Analisis pertama difokuskan pada
apakah perbedaan frekuensi penerimaan
barang aneh yang terdengar seperti kata-kata selama lexicaldecision
tugas mengakibatkan perbedaan dalam jumlah yang
orang akan menggeser kategori fonem mereka. Untuk itu
berakhir, kami menyelidiki apakah pendengar yang lebih sering
dinilai item ambigu menjadi kata-kata selama lexicaldecision
tugas memberi tanggapan belajar konsisten lebih
(yaitu, lebih / r / tanggapan bila terkena ambigu
suara dalam / r / kata-Final, dan lebih / l / tanggapan ketika
terkena suara ambigu dalam / l / kata-Final). Kami
fokus pada rangsangan ambigu karena ini adalah
item penting dalam tugas leksikal-keputusan yang seharusnya
untuk mendorong fonetik penyesuaian kategori. Dalam setiap
kelompok usia, kedua kelompok paparan diambil bersama-sama,
dan baru kategori "belajar-konsisten" diciptakan
di mana / r / tanggapan selama kategorisasi fonetik
tugas antara kelompok pendengar terkena
suara ambigu dalam / r / kata-Final dan / l / tanggapan
dari kelompok pendengar terkena ambigu
suara di / l / kata-Final digabungkan. Selain itu,
kami hanya menganalisis data dari langkah-langkah stimulus bunga
(yaitu, langkah yang paling ambigu: 2, 3, dan 4).
Persentase item ambigu diterima sebagai kata-kata selama
tugas leksikal-keputusan dihitung untuk setiap
peserta, dan digunakan sebagai prediktor tetap apakah
respon kategori belajar konsisten (dependen
variabel, kode sebagai 0 dan 1, karena tidak belajar
konsisten dan belajar konsisten, masing-masing). Kelompok Umur
(kelompok pendengar muda di mencegat), Stimulus Langkah, dan
Uji Blok digunakan sebagai variabel kontrol; Subjek adalah
faktor acak.
Tabel 4 menampilkan perkiraan parameter di final
Model. Pendengar yang lebih sering dinilai item ambigu
sebagai sebuah kata dalam tugas leksikal-keputusan memberikan lebih banyak
tanggapan belajar konsisten selama kategorisasi fonetik
tugas; yaitu, mereka menunjukkan pembelajaran persepsi kuat
daripada pendengar yang kurang sering dinilai item ambigu
sebagai sebuah kata. Pendengar ini sehingga tampaknya telah kembali lagi
kategori fonem mereka lebih.
Selanjutnya, efek usia pada perceptuallearning
efek diselidiki antara para peserta yang lebih tua.
Karena gangguan pendengaran merupakan fenomena umum
di kalangan pendengar yang lebih tua, Gangguan Pendengaran digunakan sebagai
variabel kontrol (terpusat untuk mean). Dependen
variabel lagi kategori "belajar konsisten",
dengan mempertimbangkan hanya tiga yang paling ambigu
langkah stimulus. Usia dan sensitivitas pendengaran ditunjukkan
berkorelasi (r = .40, p <0,005). Untuk mengurangi collinearity
dalam model, sisa yang diciptakan untuk Age
(dengan Gangguan Pendengaran partialed keluar), yang digunakan sebagai
prediktor tetap. Variabel kontrol lain
Stimulus Langkah dan Uji Block, dan Subyek dan Produk
adalah faktor acak.
Konsisten dengan perbandingan kelompok usia, di mana
pendengar muda awalnya lebih besar pembelajaran persepsi
efek daripada pendengar yang lebih tua, pembelajaran persepsi
efek dalam blok pertama lebih kecil dengan bertambahnya usia (β =
-0,1142, SE = 0,0385, p <0,005). Selain itu, penurunan
efek pembelajaran persepsi atas blok lebih kecil dengan
bertambahnya usia (β = 0,04473, SE = 0,0133, p <.001), yang
juga konsisten dengan hasil perbandingan kelompok.
Mendengar sensitivitas tidak mengubah ukuran atau stabilitas
efek pembelajaran persepsi, menunjukkan bahwa rangsangan kami yang
memang terdengar bagi pendengar dengan gangguan pendengaran.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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