Hears the Nie Li words, gaze of Pres­i­dent Lin fell on the body of Ni terjemahan - Hears the Nie Li words, gaze of Pres­i­dent Lin fell on the body of Ni Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Hears the Nie Li words, gaze of Pre

Hears the Nie Li words, gaze of Pres­i­dent Lin fell on the body of Nie Li, in the eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly a sur­prise, he has not thought ob­vi­ously the Nie Li ac­tu­ally aper­ture apol­o­gized to him.
Pres­i­dent Lin snort, he nat­u­rally such will not have let lightly off Nie Li. Nie Li just had robbed six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth from his hand, this mat­ter made him very not happy. Has not com­pleted mas­ter and ser­vant con­tract while Nie Li, he can also snatch these six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts!
If these six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts. In the hand of Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, their fight will not rob, after all they and be­tween Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race have the agree­ment. How­ever six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts in the hand of Nie Li. They did not have any scru­ples.
„What did you have to say?” Sev­eral of nearby Pres­i­dent Lin ac­com­pany say­ing of coldly.
„The name of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, likes thun­der re­ver­ber­at­ing in one's ears, does not know that Pres­i­dent Lin is will­ing to do a busi­ness with me?” Nie Li smiles was say­ing.
„Does busi­ness, Ha Ha, funny!” Pres­i­dent Lin laughs in spite of try­ing not, both hands hold the chest to look at Nie Li.
„Fun­nily what does this have? Here I come the place of bound­ary, comes for the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, won't the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce such re­ject one sin­cerely the guest who comes to do busi­ness?” The Nie Li eye­brow se­lects, said.
The for­est meets the pa­tience to live the doubts to look at Nie Li. He a lit­tle does not un­der­stand that what mean­ing is Nie Li?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hears the Nie Li words, gaze of Pres­i­dent Lin fell on the body of Nie Li, in the eye pupil passed over gen­tly and swiftly a sur­prise, he has not thought ob­vi­ously the Nie Li ac­tu­ally aper­ture apol­o­gized to him.Pres­i­dent Lin snort, he nat­u­rally such will not have let lightly off Nie Li. Nie Li just had robbed six Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth from his hand, this mat­ter made him very not happy. Has not com­pleted mas­ter and ser­vant con­tract while Nie Li, he can also snatch these six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts!If these six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts. In the hand of Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man, their fight will not rob, after all they and be­tween Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race have the agree­ment. How­ever six mas­ter and ser­vant con­tracts in the hand of Nie Li. They did not have any scru­ples.„What did you have to say?” Sev­eral of nearby Pres­i­dent Lin ac­com­pany say­ing of coldly.„The name of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, likes thun­der re­ver­ber­at­ing in one's ears, does not know that Pres­i­dent Lin is will­ing to do a busi­ness with me?” Nie Li smiles was say­ing.„Does busi­ness, Ha Ha, funny!” Pres­i­dent Lin laughs in spite of try­ing not, both hands hold the chest to look at Nie Li.„Fun­nily what does this have? Here I come the place of bound­ary, comes for the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, won't the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce such re­ject one sin­cerely the guest who comes to do busi­ness?” The Nie Li eye­brow se­lects, said.The for­est meets the pa­tience to live the doubts to look at Nie Li. He a lit­tle does not un­der­stand that what mean­ing is Nie Li?
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mendengar kata-kata Nie Li, tatapan Presiden Lin jatuh pada tubuh Nie Li, dalam pupil mata melewati lembut dan cepat kejutan, dia tidak berpikir jelas Nie Li sebenarnya aperture meminta maaf kepadanya.
Presiden Lin mendengus, ia secara alami tersebut tidak akan membiarkan ringan off Nie Li. Nie Li hanya telah merampok enam pemuda Roh Balap Primordial Surgawi dari tangannya, hal ini membuatnya sangat tidak senang. Belum menyelesaikan tuan dan hamba kontrak sementara Nie Li, ia juga bisa merebut enam tuan dan hamba kontrak ini!
Jika enam tuan dan hamba kontrak ini. Di tangan Surgawi Primordial Roh Balap klan, perjuangan mereka tidak akan merampok, setelah semua mereka dan antara Surgawi Primordial Roh Balap memiliki perjanjian. Namun enam tuan dan hamba kontrak di tangan Nie Li. Mereka tidak memiliki keberatan apapun.
"Apa yang harus Anda katakan?" Beberapa terdekat Presiden Lin menemani mengatakan dari dingin.
"Nama chamber naga sisa perdagangan, suka guntur bergema di telinga seseorang, tidak tahu bahwa Presiden Lin adalah bersedia untuk melakukan bisnis dengan saya? "Nie Li tersenyum berkata.
" Apakah bisnis, Ha Ha, lucu! "Presiden Lin tertawa meskipun berusaha tidak, kedua tangan memegang dada untuk melihat Nie Li.
" lucu apa ini memiliki? Di sini saya datang tempat batas, datang untuk ruang naga sisa perdagangan, tidak akan ruang naga sisa perdagangan seperti menolak satu tulus tamu yang datang untuk melakukan bisnis? "The Nie Li alis memilih, kata.
Hutan memenuhi kesabaran untuk hidup keraguan untuk melihat Nie Li. Dia sedikit tidak mengerti bahwa apa makna Nie Li?
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