Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it terjemahan - Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out i

Sometimes it’s hard to figure out if you have a food allergy, since it can show up so many different ways. Your symtomps could be caused by many other problems. You may have rashes, hives, and joint pains mimicking arthrithis, headaches, irritability, or depression. The most common food allergies are to milk, seafood, eggs, whea, nuts, seeds, chocolate, oranges and tomatoes. Many of this allergies will not develop if this food is not fed to the infant until her or his intestines mature at around seven months. Breast milk also tends to be protective. Migraines can be SET OFF by food containing tyrosine, phenathylamine, monosodium glutamate, or sodium nitrate.common foods which contain these are chocolate , aged cheeses, sour cream, red wine, picked herring, chicken livers, avocados, ripe bananas, cured meat, many oriental and prepared foods (red the labels)some people have been successful in treating their migraines with suplementsor vitamin b, particularly b6 and niacin. Chidren who are HYPERACTIVE may benefit from eliminating food additive, especially colorings, and foods high in salicylates from their diets. A few of THESE are almonds , green peppers, peaches, tea, grapes . this diet made popular by benjamin Feinghold, who has written the book WHY YOUR CHILD IS HYPERACTIVE. Other researchers have had mixed results when testing whether the diet is effective.
31. the topic of this passage is
a. reactions to foods
b. infant and allergies
c. food and nutrition
d. a good diet
e. foods diets
32. according to the passage, the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to food is due to
a. lack of proper treatment plan
b. the develoment of the allergy
c. thevast number of different foos we eat
d. the use of prepared formula to feed babies
e. the similarity of symtomps of the allergy to other problems
33. the word “syptoms” in line 2 is closest in meaning to
a. diet
b. problems
c. diagosis
d. indications
e. prescriptions
34. the phrase “set off” in the text above is closest in meaning to
a. identified b. Triggered c. Relieved d. Avoided e. Started
35. what can be inferred about babies from this passage
a. they can eat almost anything
b. they might suffer from such allergies
c. they gain little benefit from being breast fed
d. they should have carrefully restricted diet as infants
e. they may become hyperactive if fed solid food to early
36. the word “hyperactive” in the text above is closest in meanin to
a. excited b. Inquisitive c. Superlative d. Overly active e. Unusually low activity
37. the author states that the reason that ifants need to avoid certain food related to allergies has to do with the infants
a.lck of teeth b. Poor metabolism c. Common food allergy d. Inability to swallow solid food e. Underdeveloved intestinal tract
38. the word “these” in the text above refers to
a. almonds additives c. Food colorings d. Unnutritious foods e. Foods in high salicylates
39. which of folowing statement was a suggested treatment for migraines in the passage?
a. using vitamin b in addition to a good diet
b. getting plenty of sodium nitrate
c. eating more ripe bananas
d. avoiding all oriental food
e. using food additive
40. according to the article the feinghold diet is not
a. good for children
b. available in book form
c. beneficial for hyperactive children
d. verified by researches as being consistently effective
e. designed to eliminate foods containing certain food additives.
51. ke 2. The incidence of anorexia growing in industrially advanced society
a. is an eating disorder
b. an eating disorder which
c. an eating disorder
d. for which eating dissorder
e. which an eating disorder
55. the federal reserve system ........under president wilson , plays a key role in regulation the u. S. Economy.
a. the establishment in 1913
b. was established in 1913
c. established in 1913
d. in 1913 they established it
e. that established in 1913
58. w hole-grain food products ......inmost large supermarkets across the u.s. and canada
a. now can purchase
b. can now be purchased
c. now to purchase
d. yhe purchase of which
e. purchasing

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kadang-kadang sangat sulit untuk mengetahui jika Anda memiliki alergi makanan, karena dapat muncul banyak cara yang berbeda. Symtomps Anda bisa disebabkan oleh masalah lainnya. Anda mungkin memiliki ruam, gatal-gatal dan nyeri sendi yang meniru arthrithis, sakit kepala, lekas marah, atau depresi. Alergi makanan yang paling umum adalah untuk susu, makanan laut, telur, whea, kacang-kacangan, biji, cokelat, jeruk dan tomat. Banyak dari alergi ini tidak akan berkembang jika makanan ini tidak diberikan untuk bayi sampai dia atau ususnya berumur sekitar tujuh bulan. ASI juga cenderung menjadi pelindung. Migran bisa SET OFF oleh makanan yang mengandung tirosin, phenathylamine, monosodium glutamat, atau natrium nitrate.common makanan yang mengandung ini adalah keju coklat, usia, krim asam, merah anggur, mengambil herring, hati ayam, alpukat, masak pisang, daging disembuhkan, banyak makanan oriental dan siap (merah label) beberapa orang telah sukses dalam mengobati mereka migrain dengan suplementsor vitamin b, terutama b6 dan niasin. Chidren yang HYPERACTIVE dapat mengambil manfaat dari menghilangkan makanan aditif, terutama pewarna, dan makanan tinggi salisilat dari diet mereka. Beberapa ini adalah almond, paprika hijau, persik, teh, anggur. diet ini dipopulerkan oleh benjamin Feinghold, yang telah menulis buku mengapa Anda anak yang HIPERAKTIF. Peneliti lain telah memiliki hasil yang beragam ketika pengujian Apakah diet efektif.31. topik dari bagian ini adalah a. reaksi makananb. bayi dan Alergic. pangan dan gizi d. diet yang baike. makanan diet32. sesuai dengan bagian ini, kesulitan dalam mendiagnosis alergi makanan karena a. kurangnya rencana pengobatan yang tepat b. develoment Alergi c. thevast jumlah foos berbeda yang kita makan d. penggunaan formula disiapkan untuk memberi makan bayi e. kesamaan symtomps Alergi masalah lain33. kata "syptoms" di baris 2 yang terdekat dalam arti a. diet b. masalah c. diagosis d. indikasi e. resep34. frase "berangkat" dalam teks di atas yang terdekat dalam arti a. diidentifikasi b. dipicu c. lega d. e. Avoided memulai35. Apakah dapat disimpulkan tentang bayi dari bagian ini a. mereka bisa makan hampir apa punb. mereka mungkin menderita alergi sepertic. mereka mendapatkan sedikit keuntungan dari sedang disusui makand. mereka harus memiliki carrefully pembatasan diet sebagai bayie. mereka mungkin menjadi hiperaktif jika makan makanan padat ke awal 36. kata "hiperaktif" dalam teks di atas terdekat di meanin untuka. bersemangat b. c. penasaran superlatif d. e. terlalu aktif aktivitas luar biasa rendah37. penulis menyatakan bahwa alasan bahwa ifants harus menghindari makanan tertentu yang berkaitan dengan alergi harus dilakukan dengan bayia.LCK gigi metabolisme miskin b. c. Common Makanan Alergi d. ketidakmampuan untuk menelan makanan padat e. Underdeveloved saluran usus38. kata "ini" dalam teks di atas merujuk kepadaa. almonds additives c. Food colorings d. Unnutritious foods e. Foods in high salicylates39. which of folowing statement was a suggested treatment for migraines in the passage?a. using vitamin b in addition to a good dietb. getting plenty of sodium nitratec. eating more ripe bananasd. avoiding all oriental foode. using food additive 40. according to the article the feinghold diet is nota. good for childrenb. available in book formc. beneficial for hyperactive childrend. verified by researches as being consistently effectivee. designed to eliminate foods containing certain food additives.51. ke 2. The incidence of anorexia growing in industrially advanced societya. is an eating disorderb. an eating disorder which c. an eating disorderd. for which eating dissorder e. which an eating disorder55. the federal reserve system ........under president wilson , plays a key role in regulation the u. S. Economy.a. the establishment in 1913b. was established in 1913c. established in 1913d. in 1913 they established ite. that established in 191358. w hole-grain food products ......inmost large supermarkets across the u.s. and canadaa. now can purchaseb. can now be purchasedc. now to purchased. yhe purchase of whiche. purchasing
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