17.DRY STRENGH: from the core select enough material to squeeze inti a terjemahan - 17.DRY STRENGH: from the core select enough material to squeeze inti a Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

17.DRY STRENGH: from the core selec

17.DRY STRENGH: from the core select enough material to squeeze inti a ball about 25 mm in diameter. Mold the material until it has the consistency of putty, adding water if necessary. allow the best specimens to dry in air. Test the strenght of the dry balls or lumps by crushing between the fingers. note strenght as:

N- None - the dry specimen crumbles into powder when picked up corefully
L- Low - the dry specimen crumbles into powder with some finger pressure
M- Medium - the dry specimen breaks into pieces or crumbles with considerable finger pressure
H- High -the dry specimen cannot be broken with finger pressure. specimen will break into pieces between thumb and a hard surface
VH- Very high - the dry specimen cannot be broken between the thumb anh hard surface
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
17.DRY STRENGH: from the core select enough material to squeeze inti a ball about 25 mm in diameter. Mold the material until it has the consistency of putty, adding water if necessary. allow the best specimens to dry in air. Test the strenght of the dry balls or lumps by crushing between the fingers. note strenght as:

N- None - the dry specimen crumbles into powder when picked up corefully
L- Low - the dry specimen crumbles into powder with some finger pressure
M- Medium - the dry specimen breaks into pieces or crumbles with considerable finger pressure
H- High -the dry specimen cannot be broken with finger pressure. specimen will break into pieces between thumb and a hard surface
VH- Very high - the dry specimen cannot be broken between the thumb anh hard surface
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
17.DRY KEKUATAN: dari inti pilih bahan yang cukup untuk memeras di inti bola sekitar 25 mm. Mold materi sampai memiliki konsistensi dempul, menambahkan air jika perlu. memungkinkan spesimen terbaik untuk kering di udara. Menguji kekuatan dari bola kering atau benjolan dengan menghancurkan antara jari-jari. perhatikan kekuatan sebagai: N None - spesimen kering hancur menjadi bubuk jika diangkat corefully L Rendah - spesimen kering hancur menjadi bubuk dengan beberapa tekanan jari M Medium - spesimen putus kering menjadi potongan-potongan atau runtuh dengan tekanan jari yang cukup H- tinggi spesimen kering -yang tidak dapat dibatalkan dengan tekanan jari. spesimen akan pecah menjadi potongan-potongan antara ibu jari dan permukaan yang keras VH- sangat tinggi - spesimen kering tidak dapat dibatalkan antara ibu jari anh permukaan yang keras

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