Nie Li ap­pears very re­laxed ap­pear­ance, is care­free and con­tent. terjemahan - Nie Li ap­pears very re­laxed ap­pear­ance, is care­free and con­tent. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Nie Li ap­pears very re­laxed ap­pe

Nie Li ap­pears very re­laxed ap­pear­ance, is care­free and con­tent.
The peo­ple who side sur­rounds se­cretly are guess­ing, ac­tu­ally Nie Li is the bold­ness be­cause of one's skill, is blind self-con­fi­dent? By Nie Li one per­son, can cope with these Dao of Dragon Realm mas­ters of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce re­ally? This also was too rather dif­fi­cult!
„In the End­less Wilder­ness bor­der, the dig­nity of our dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce can­not be de­fied, the boy, what words did you have to say?” Pres­i­dent Lin sees the Nie Li still self-pos­sessed ap­pear­ance, the com­plex­ion flashes through wipes dig­ni­fiedly, Nie Li strength far and away is in­fe­rior to them. Ac­tu­ally can be so calm, only feared that has taken ad­van­tage.
Pres­i­dent Lin is also ex­pe­ri­enced, works is care­ful ex­tremely. The Nie Li ac­tion, got rid to throw 30 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone. The sta­tus is not per­haps sim­ple, he sud­denly also a lit­tle anx­i­ety.
How­ever dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce can­not be de­fied in the in­ter­ests of End­less Wilder­ness bor­der, oth­er­wise, the dig­nity of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce did not have!
Pres­i­dent Lin sig­naled with the eyes, he pre­pares to grasp first Nie Li, be­hind in­ter­ro­gated the Nie Li ori­gin again slowly, in order to avoid Nie Li had any ex­tra­or­di­nary back­ground, of­fended should not the per­son of of­fend­ing!
The peo­ple who out­side sur­rounds are ob­serv­ing the de­vel­op­ment of sit­u­a­tion.
Saw that Pres­i­dent Lin per­son under presses for­ward steadily. Nie Li ac­tu­ally smiled, said: „I do not know that this End­less Wilder­ness bor­der is the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce takes re­spon­si­bil­ity, the mat­ter was a lit­tle truly crude, ex­pressed my apol­ogy in here.”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Nie Li ap­pears very re­laxed ap­pear­ance, is care­free and con­tent.The peo­ple who side sur­rounds se­cretly are guess­ing, ac­tu­ally Nie Li is the bold­ness be­cause of one's skill, is blind self-con­fi­dent? By Nie Li one per­son, can cope with these Dao of Dragon Realm mas­ters of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce re­ally? This also was too rather dif­fi­cult!„In the End­less Wilder­ness bor­der, the dig­nity of our dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce can­not be de­fied, the boy, what words did you have to say?” Pres­i­dent Lin sees the Nie Li still self-pos­sessed ap­pear­ance, the com­plex­ion flashes through wipes dig­ni­fiedly, Nie Li strength far and away is in­fe­rior to them. Ac­tu­ally can be so calm, only feared that has taken ad­van­tage.Pres­i­dent Lin is also ex­pe­ri­enced, works is care­ful ex­tremely. The Nie Li ac­tion, got rid to throw 30 ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone. The sta­tus is not per­haps sim­ple, he sud­denly also a lit­tle anx­i­ety.How­ever dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce can­not be de­fied in the in­ter­ests of End­less Wilder­ness bor­der, oth­er­wise, the dig­nity of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce did not have!Pres­i­dent Lin sig­naled with the eyes, he pre­pares to grasp first Nie Li, be­hind in­ter­ro­gated the Nie Li ori­gin again slowly, in order to avoid Nie Li had any ex­tra­or­di­nary back­ground, of­fended should not the per­son of of­fend­ing!The peo­ple who out­side sur­rounds are ob­serv­ing the de­vel­op­ment of sit­u­a­tion.Saw that Pres­i­dent Lin per­son under presses for­ward steadily. Nie Li ac­tu­ally smiled, said: „I do not know that this End­less Wilder­ness bor­der is the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce takes re­spon­si­bil­ity, the mat­ter was a lit­tle truly crude, ex­pressed my apol­ogy in here.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Nie Li muncul penampilan yang sangat santai, riang dan konten.
Orang-orang yang sisi mengelilingi diam-diam sedang menebak, sebenarnya nie Li adalah keberanian karena keterampilan seseorang, buta percaya diri? Dengan Nie Li satu orang, bisa mengatasi ini Dao Dragon master Realm of chamber naga sisa perdagangan benar-benar? Ini juga terlalu agak sulit!
"Di perbatasan Wilderness tak berujung, martabat ruang naga sisa kami perdagangan tidak dapat menantang, anak, kata-kata apa yang harus Anda katakan?" Presiden Lin melihat Nie Li penampilan masih diri kerasukan , berkedip kulit melalui tisu dignifiedly, Nie Li kekuatan jauh dan jauh lebih rendah daripada mereka. Sebenarnya bisa begitu tenang, hanya takut bahwa keuntungan telah diambil.
Presiden Lin juga dialami, bekerja berhati-hati sangat. Aksi Nie Li, menyingkirkan membuang 30 sepuluh ribu Spiritual Stone. Status ini tidak mungkin sederhana, ia tiba-tiba juga sedikit kecemasan.
Namun ruang naga sisa perdagangan tidak dapat menantang untuk kepentingan perbatasan Wilderness tak berujung, jika tidak, martabat ruang naga sisa perdagangan tidak memiliki!
Presiden Lin isyarat dengan mata, dia mempersiapkan untuk memahami pertama Nie Li, balik diinterogasi asal Nie Li lagi perlahan, untuk menghindari Nie Li memiliki latar belakang yang luar biasa, tersinggung harus bukan orang menyinggung!
orang-orang yang luar mengelilingi mengamati perkembangan situasi.
melihat bahwa Presiden Lin orang di bawah menekan ke depan terus. Nie Li benar-benar tersenyum, mengatakan: ". Aku tidak tahu bahwa perbatasan gurun tak berujung ini adalah ruang naga sisa perdagangan bertanggung jawab, masalah itu sedikit yang benar-benar mentah, menyatakan permintaan maaf saya di sini"
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