This paper compliments the Kim et al. (2011) study, and disclosure lit terjemahan - This paper compliments the Kim et al. (2011) study, and disclosure lit Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This paper compliments the Kim et a

This paper compliments the Kim et al. (2011) study, and disclosure literature in general, by investigating the extent to which corporate tax avoidance influences the timelines of the annual earnings announcement. In a sample consisting of 16,340 firm-year observations spanning the period 1993–2010, evidence is presented suggesting higher levels of corporate tax avoidance, manifested through larger temporary and permanent book-tax differences, results in a less timely annual earnings announcement. This result is robust to including several control variables used in prior empirical work, such as the sign and magnitude of the earnings surprise at the announcement date, size, auditor-related influences, financial condition, leverage, shareholder composition, capital intensity and financial reporting aggressiveness. We also investigate whether greater levels of tax avoidance results in less informative earnings announcements by examining the earnings response coefficients (‘‘ERCs’’) surrounding the annual earnings announcement date. Evidence suggests a lower earnings response coefficient for the 3 day window surrounding the annual earnings announcement for firms with greater exhibited tax avoidance during the most recent fiscal year (relative to firms with moderate levels of tax avoidance). This suggests earnings are generally more informative in the short window surrounding the annual earnings announcement date for firms with less tax avoidance during the previous fiscal year, complementing Ayers et al. (2009). Our study also offers practical relevance to the debate over book-tax conformity (Hanlon and Heitzman 2010; Atwood et al. 2010) by documenting that a potential ‘hidden cost’ associated with reduced book-tax conformity (i.e., greater book-tax differences) is a less timely and less informative annual earnings announcement. The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews the previous literature in earnings announcement timing and tax avoidance that motivates the current study. Section 3 presents the sample selection criteria, tax avoidance proxies and research design. Section 4 presents results and Sect. 5 briefly concludes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This paper compliments the Kim et al. (2011) study, and disclosure literature in general, by investigating the extent to which corporate tax avoidance influences the timelines of the annual earnings announcement. In a sample consisting of 16,340 firm-year observations spanning the period 1993–2010, evidence is presented suggesting higher levels of corporate tax avoidance, manifested through larger temporary and permanent book-tax differences, results in a less timely annual earnings announcement. This result is robust to including several control variables used in prior empirical work, such as the sign and magnitude of the earnings surprise at the announcement date, size, auditor-related influences, financial condition, leverage, shareholder composition, capital intensity and financial reporting aggressiveness. We also investigate whether greater levels of tax avoidance results in less informative earnings announcements by examining the earnings response coefficients (‘‘ERCs’’) surrounding the annual earnings announcement date. Evidence suggests a lower earnings response coefficient for the 3 day window surrounding the annual earnings announcement for firms with greater exhibited tax avoidance during the most recent fiscal year (relative to firms with moderate levels of tax avoidance). This suggests earnings are generally more informative in the short window surrounding the annual earnings announcement date for firms with less tax avoidance during the previous fiscal year, complementing Ayers et al. (2009). Our study also offers practical relevance to the debate over book-tax conformity (Hanlon and Heitzman 2010; Atwood et al. 2010) by documenting that a potential ‘hidden cost’ associated with reduced book-tax conformity (i.e., greater book-tax differences) is a less timely and less informative annual earnings announcement. The rest of this paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 reviews the previous literature in earnings announcement timing and tax avoidance that motivates the current study. Section 3 presents the sample selection criteria, tax avoidance proxies and research design. Section 4 presents results and Sect. 5 briefly concludes.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Makalah ini pujian Kim et al. (2011) studi, dan sastra pengungkapan secara umum, dengan menyelidiki sejauh mana penghindaran pajak perusahaan memengaruhi batas waktu dari pengumuman laba tahunan. Dalam sampel yang terdiri dari 16.340 fi pengamatan rm-tahun yang mencakup periode 1993-2010, bukti yang disajikan menunjukkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari penghindaran pajak perusahaan, diwujudkan melalui perbedaan buku-pajak sementara dan permanen yang lebih besar, hasil dalam waktu kurang tepat waktu pendapatan tahunan pengumuman. Hasil ini kuat untuk termasuk beberapa variabel kontrol yang digunakan dalam pekerjaan empiris sebelumnya, seperti tanda dan besarnya laba kejutan pada tanggal pengumuman, ukuran, auditor terkait pengaruh-pengaruh, kondisi keuangan, leverage, komposisi pemegang saham, intensitas modal dan pelaporan keuangan agresivitas. Kami juga menyelidiki tingkat apakah yang lebih besar dari hasil penghindaran pajak di pengumuman pendapatan kurang informatif dengan memeriksa respon laba koe fi sien ( '' ERC '') sekitar tanggal pengumuman pendapatan tahunan. Bukti menunjukkan lebih rendah respon laba koefisien untuk jendela 3 hari sekitar pengumuman laba tahunan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan dengan penghindaran pajak dipamerkan lebih besar selama tahun fiskal terbaru (relatif terhadap perusahaan-perusahaan dengan tingkat moderat penghindaran pajak). Hal ini menunjukkan laba umumnya lebih informatif di jendela singkat seputar tanggal pengumuman pendapatan tahunan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan dengan penghindaran pajak kurang selama sebelumnya tahun fiscal, melengkapi Ayers et al. (2009). Studi kami juga menawarkan relevansi praktis untuk perdebatan sesuai buku-pajak (Hanlon dan Heitzman 2010;. Atwood et al 2010) dengan mendokumentasikan bahwa potensi 'biaya tersembunyi' yang terkait dengan kesesuaian berkurang buku-pajak (yaitu, perbedaan buku-pajak yang lebih besar ) adalah kurang tepat waktu dan kurang informatif tahunan pengumuman laba. Sisa kertas ini hasil sebagai berikut. Bagian 2 ulasan literatur sebelumnya di pengumuman laba waktu dan penghindaran pajak yang memotivasi penelitian ini. Bagian 3 menyajikan kriteria pemilihan sampel, proxy penghindaran pajak dan desain penelitian. Bagian 4 menyajikan hasil dan Sect. 5 secara singkat menyimpulkan.
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