Fiona has a look at me ill-hu­moredly, said: „That was like this good, terjemahan - Fiona has a look at me ill-hu­moredly, said: „That was like this good, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Fiona has a look at me ill-hu­mored

Fiona has a look at me ill-hu­moredly, said: „That was like this good, de­liv­ers you 3000 peo­ple, what kind of?”
I hes­i­tate: „Palace guard, al­though is strong, but wooden show Yu Lin, wind must de­stroy it, flame Long Jun, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, the hot axe armed forces and crazy Lei Jun early eyed cov­etously to us, the light is 3000 peo­ple can­not re­sist their cav­alry charges, Fiona, we are the friends, I am im­pos­si­ble to make your con­san­guin­ity in vain brings death.”
Fiona winked the wink­ing beau­ti­ful eye: „That 5000 dark month of spirit, your this fel­low, do not reach out for a yard after tak­ing an inch”
I nod: „Good, 5000 5000 peo­ple, but I re­ceived 5000 dark month of spir­its, will cer­tainly seek re­venge for the slight­est griev­ance by in­di­vid­u­al­ity, the 12 W leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces army threat­ens the bor­der, I should make 5000 dark month of spirit bow­men am­bush out­side armed forces re­sist them, does not know how long can re­sist”
Say­ing, me was pat­ting Fiona's fine shoul­der, said: „The queen you could rest as­sured that my Li Xiao Yao iron teeth cop­per tooth is not ex­changed for gold, even if your 5000 dark month of spirit bow­man fire­power is not enough to in­ter­cept the charge of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, I also cer­tainly make the palace guard notch try to shield them to re­treat, will not let adorable dark month spirit younger sis­ters few root hair!”
Fiona opens a two stars pupil to visit me, blinked, said: „Lost to you 1 W, will not be more, this was also I biggest au­thor­ity, gave you 1 W dark month spirit army, but you must pledge kindly treat them, well pro­tec­tion they, if ap­peared again the dark month spirit young girl by the mat­ter of human in­sult, I asked cer­tainly you to do ac­counts!”
My moral na­ture is wild with joy, ac­tu­ally on the face main­tains com­po­sure, said: „Fiona you could rest as­sured that I will cer­tainly kindly treat these dark month spir­its, and alone forms Ying Tuan to them, the con­trol ap­points your peo­ple on one's own side, sent ef­fi­cient five bar chiefs to be good to me!”
Fiona is some­what puz­zled, ac­tu­ally must say: „Um!”
Then, Fiona turns around, shouted to clear the way loudly ten­derly: „Fine silks, come!”
Soon, in dark month spirit crowd a young girl dashes to come, light Ar­mour, on the cheek is pass­ing calmly, in the hand above the long bow pan- the fear­ful gloss, was say­ing: „Queen, what mat­ter looks for my?”
Fiona said: „A our dark month spirit clan al­ways has the gra­cious­ness to re­port, palace guard Sir Li Xiao Yao helps us seek for the new home­land, there­fore I de­cided that be­stows 10000 dark month spir­its to join the palace guard, is dis­patched by Sir Li Xiao Yao per­son­ally, but you act as this 1 W dark month spirit di­rec­tion, from now hence­forth, you will take or­ders in Sir Li Xiao Yao di­rectly, knew?”
This is called „fine silks” young girl has not asked any­thing, the di­rect nod said: „Yes, Queen, Sir Li Xiao Yao, what has to order?”
I have been star­tled being star­tled: „Tem­porar­ily does not have, first cleaned up the wild an­i­mal in Zizhulin to say again!”
The set­ting sun sets, the wild an­i­mal in Zizhulin has cleaned up al­most, the first batch of grain of palace guard have also trans­ported, and as­signed 50 war­ships to obey Queen Fiona to dis­patch, late at night, car­ried the war­ship of dark month spirit young girl to come from the north sea level, but I was also very cu­ri­ous, how these dark month spir­its mul­ti­plied, fi­nally in­quired from fine silks there ob­tains, the way of dark month spirit through pray­ing turned into Shengquan the water seep­age, but the fe­male who the hope gave birth to en­tered Shengquan bathing deep sleep one night, later will then have the preg­nancy.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Fiona has a look at me ill-hu­moredly, said: „That was like this good, de­liv­ers you 3000 peo­ple, what kind of?”I hes­i­tate: „Palace guard, al­though is strong, but wooden show Yu Lin, wind must de­stroy it, flame Long Jun, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, the hot axe armed forces and crazy Lei Jun early eyed cov­etously to us, the light is 3000 peo­ple can­not re­sist their cav­alry charges, Fiona, we are the friends, I am im­pos­si­ble to make your con­san­guin­ity in vain brings death.”Fiona winked the wink­ing beau­ti­ful eye: „That 5000 dark month of spirit, your this fel­low, do not reach out for a yard after tak­ing an inch”I nod: „Good, 5000 5000 peo­ple, but I re­ceived 5000 dark month of spir­its, will cer­tainly seek re­venge for the slight­est griev­ance by in­di­vid­u­al­ity, the 12 W leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces army threat­ens the bor­der, I should make 5000 dark month of spirit bow­men am­bush out­side armed forces re­sist them, does not know how long can re­sist”Say­ing, me was pat­ting Fiona's fine shoul­der, said: „The queen you could rest as­sured that my Li Xiao Yao iron teeth cop­per tooth is not ex­changed for gold, even if your 5000 dark month of spirit bow­man fire­power is not enough to in­ter­cept the charge of leg­endary Em­peror Yu armed forces, I also cer­tainly make the palace guard notch try to shield them to re­treat, will not let adorable dark month spirit younger sis­ters few root hair!”Fiona opens a two stars pupil to visit me, blinked, said: „Lost to you 1 W, will not be more, this was also I biggest au­thor­ity, gave you 1 W dark month spirit army, but you must pledge kindly treat them, well pro­tec­tion they, if ap­peared again the dark month spirit young girl by the mat­ter of human in­sult, I asked cer­tainly you to do ac­counts!”
My moral na­ture is wild with joy, ac­tu­ally on the face main­tains com­po­sure, said: „Fiona you could rest as­sured that I will cer­tainly kindly treat these dark month spir­its, and alone forms Ying Tuan to them, the con­trol ap­points your peo­ple on one's own side, sent ef­fi­cient five bar chiefs to be good to me!”
Fiona is some­what puz­zled, ac­tu­ally must say: „Um!”
Then, Fiona turns around, shouted to clear the way loudly ten­derly: „Fine silks, come!”
Soon, in dark month spirit crowd a young girl dashes to come, light Ar­mour, on the cheek is pass­ing calmly, in the hand above the long bow pan- the fear­ful gloss, was say­ing: „Queen, what mat­ter looks for my?”
Fiona said: „A our dark month spirit clan al­ways has the gra­cious­ness to re­port, palace guard Sir Li Xiao Yao helps us seek for the new home­land, there­fore I de­cided that be­stows 10000 dark month spir­its to join the palace guard, is dis­patched by Sir Li Xiao Yao per­son­ally, but you act as this 1 W dark month spirit di­rec­tion, from now hence­forth, you will take or­ders in Sir Li Xiao Yao di­rectly, knew?”
This is called „fine silks” young girl has not asked any­thing, the di­rect nod said: „Yes, Queen, Sir Li Xiao Yao, what has to order?”
I have been star­tled being star­tled: „Tem­porar­ily does not have, first cleaned up the wild an­i­mal in Zizhulin to say again!”
The set­ting sun sets, the wild an­i­mal in Zizhulin has cleaned up al­most, the first batch of grain of palace guard have also trans­ported, and as­signed 50 war­ships to obey Queen Fiona to dis­patch, late at night, car­ried the war­ship of dark month spirit young girl to come from the north sea level, but I was also very cu­ri­ous, how these dark month spir­its mul­ti­plied, fi­nally in­quired from fine silks there ob­tains, the way of dark month spirit through pray­ing turned into Shengquan the water seep­age, but the fe­male who the hope gave birth to en­tered Shengquan bathing deep sleep one night, later will then have the preg­nancy.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Fiona memiliki tampilan pada saya sakit-humoredly, mengatakan: "Itu seperti ini baik, memberikan Anda 3000 orang, apa?"
Aku ragu-ragu: "guard Palace, meskipun kuat, tapi acara kayu Yu Lin, angin harus menghancurkannya , api panjang Juni, Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris, angkatan bersenjata kapak panas dan gila Lei Juni awal bermata covetously kepada kami, cahaya adalah 3000 orang tidak dapat menolak tuduhan kavaleri mereka, Fiona, kami adalah teman-teman, saya tidak mungkin untuk membuat . kekerabatan Anda sia-sia membawa kematian "
Fiona mengedipkan mata yang mengedip mata yang indah:" Itu 5000 bulan gelap semangat, Anda orang ini, tidak menjangkau untuk yard setelah mengambil satu inci "
saya mengangguk:" Baik, 5000 5000 orang, tapi saya menerima 5000 bulan gelap roh, tentu akan membalas dendam untuk keluhan sedikit pun oleh individualitas, 12 Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata tentara legendaris W mengancam perbatasan, saya harus membuat 5000 bulan gelap pemanah semangat menyergap angkatan bersenjata luar melawan mereka, tidak tahu berapa lama bisa menolak "
mengatakan, saya menepuk-nepuk bahu baik Fiona, mengatakan:" The queen Anda bisa yakin bahwa saya Li Xiao Yao gigi gigi besi tembaga tidak ditukar emas, bahkan jika 5000 bulan gelap semangat pemanah senjata adalah tidak cukup untuk mencegat biaya Kaisar Yu angkatan bersenjata legendaris, saya juga pasti membuat istana penjaga kedudukan mencoba untuk melindungi mereka untuk mundur, tidak akan membiarkan menggemaskan semangat bulan gelap adik perempuan beberapa akar rambut! "
Fiona membuka dua bintang murid untuk mengunjungi saya, berkedip, mengatakan: "Kalah Anda 1 W, tidak akan lebih, ini juga saya otoritas terbesar, memberi Anda 1 W gelap tentara roh bulan, tetapi Anda harus berjanji hormat memperlakukan mereka, baik perlindungan mereka, jika muncul lagi semangat bulan gelap gadis muda dengan soal penghinaan manusia, saya bertanya tentu Anda lakukan rekening "!
sifat moral saya adalah liar dengan sukacita, benar-benar di wajah mempertahankan ketenangannya, mengatakan:" Fiona Anda bisa yakin bahwa saya akan pasti ramah mengobati roh-roh gelap bulan, dan bentuk sendiri Ying Tuan mereka, kontrol menunjuk orang-orang Anda di sisi sendiri, mengirim efisien lima bar kepala menjadi baik padaku "!
Fiona agak bingung, sebenarnya harus mengatakan:"! Um "
Kemudian, Fiona berbalik, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan keras lembut: "! sutra halus, datang"
Segera, dalam gelap kerumunan semangat sebulan strip gadis muda untuk datang, Armour cahaya, di pipi lewat dengan tenang, di tangan di atas busur panjang Pan gloss menakutkan, berkata: "? Queen apa pun mencari saya"
Fiona mengatakan: "sebulan gelap semangat klan kami selalu memiliki keanggunan melaporkan, penjaga istana Sir Li Xiao Yao membantu kita mencari tanah air baru, karena itu saya memutuskan bahwa melimpahkan 10000 roh bulan gelap untuk bergabung pengawal istana, dikirim oleh Sir Li Xiao Yao pribadi, tetapi Anda bertindak sebagai 1 W arah semangat bulan gelap ini, dari sekarang selanjutnya, Anda akan mengambil pesanan di Sir Li Xiao Yao langsung ?, tahu "
ini disebut" sutra halus "gadis muda belum meminta apa-apa, anggukan langsung mengatakan:" Ya, Queen, Sir Li Xiao Yao, apa yang harus memesan "?
saya telah terkejut sedang kaget:" untuk sementara tidak telah, pertama dibersihkan binatang liar di Zizhulin mengatakan lagi! "
" Ya! "
pengaturan matahari terbenam, binatang liar di Zizhulin telah dibersihkan hampir, batch pertama dari sebutir pengawal istana juga telah diangkut, dan ditugaskan 50 kapal perang untuk mematuhi Queen Fiona untuk pengiriman, larut malam, membawa kapal perang gelap gadis muda semangat bulan datang dari permukaan laut utara, tapi aku juga sangat penasaran, bagaimana roh-roh bulan gelap dikalikan, akhirnya bertanya dari sutra halus ada memperoleh, cara roh bulan gelap melalui berdoa berubah menjadi Shengquan rembesan air, tetapi wanita yang harapan melahirkan memasuki Shengquan mandi tidur nyenyak satu malam, kemudian akan memiliki kehamilan.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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