This statement was last updated February 4, 2011.The term '' or  terjemahan - This statement was last updated February 4, 2011.The term '' or  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This statement was last updated Feb

This statement was last updated February 4, 2011.

The term '' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website 'x19 Limited' whose registered office is x19 Limited, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. Our company registration number is 05995703, registered in England. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website. The term 'Content' refers to the website you are using in conjunction with the Service.

We at x19 Limited respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at anytime you visit or communicate with our site. Our privacy policy has been provided and reviewed by the solicitors at Legal Centre who specialise in online internet contracts.

Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy offers you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you.

This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time; therefore, it should be reviewed occasionally.

[For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, x19 Limited is our data controller.]

1. Collected Information

Data can be collected and processed during the operations of our website. The following are ways we may perform these actions:

1.1 Data regarding your visit(s) to our website and any resources used are collected. The following is included and not limited to: location data, weblogs, traffic data, and any other communication information.

1.2 Any forms you filled out on our site allows us to collect data such as registering for information or when you complete a purchase.

1.3 If for any reason you communicate with our personnel or site we may collect information.

2. Cookie Usage

There are instances where we may use cookies to gather information regarding our services in a mathematical collection for our website and our advertisers.

Any information collected will not have any identifying data. It is statistical data about our visitors and how they have used our site. No personal details will be shared that could identify you.

We may assemble information about your common internet use with a cookie file. When used, the cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. The cookie is stored on the hard drive, with transferred information. The data sought by the cookie helps us improve our website and any service offered to you.

Your browser has the ability to decline cookies. This is done by setting your browser options to decline all cookies. Note: if you do decline the download of cookies, some aspects of our site may not work or allow you access.

Our advertisers may download cookies to which we have no control. If used, these cookies are downloaded by clicking on an advertisement found on our website.

3. Our Use of Your Information

Information stored or collected regarding you helps us improve and offer services you need. The following list contains how we might use your data:

3.1 Any request you make of our site or personnel allows us to use information you provided us with, relating to the products or services we have. We may also send information on products or services you may be interested in, as long as consent has been received.

3.2 Contract Commitments: To meet any Commitment we make to you.

3.3 Changes or Improvements made to the site can warrant use of your information, with regard to notification of such changes.

3.4 An existing customer may be contacted regarding products and services related to any item of previous sale you made on our site.

3.5 We may use data or allow third parties to use information that is not related to goods or services you may be interested in. We or third parties contact you only if consent has been provided by you at anytime, based on information we collected.

3.6 Any new customer can only be contacted by us or third parties if consent has been offered via our site. We only send communications you have consented to.

3.7 Anyone who does not wish to give consent for our site or third party use has the opportunity to decline. Once we receive your withhold for consent we will remove your details from any mailings or third party communications.

3.8 None of the information collected about you will offer identifiable characteristics. Information shared to a third party is statistical only. We will not reveal who you are, only mathematical information about our visitors.

4. Personal Data Storage

4.1 Locations outside the European Economic Area may be used for transferring data we collect about you. These data sites are for storing or processing of your information. The information we share outside the European Economic Area may be shared with staff based on the process and storage of said data. It may include such processes as processing a payment or offering support for your service or product needs. The staff processing or storing information may work for our suppliers outside the European Economic Area. By submitting your data to use you have agreed to this transfer and storage of data. We take all reasonable action to ensure the safety of your personal data in agreement with this Privacy Policy.

4.2 Information we are provided will be stored on secure servers. Transaction data is encrypted for your safety.

4.3 You should understand data via online transmission is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee full protection and security data, only that we take all reasonable action to protect information sent to us electronically. Transmission of any data by you is at your own risk. Where applicable you may be given access to sections of our site that require a password. You are responsible for the passwords safety and confidentiality.

5. Information Disclosure

5.1 At times we may disclose personal information to persons in our group. This can include subsidiaries, holding companies, or any other subsidiaries involved in our business, if applicable.

5.2 Third Party disclosure may occur for the following reasons:

5.2.1 Selling any or all of our business to a third party may result in sharing your information.

5.2.2 At any time when we are legally required to we may disclose information about you and your visits to our sites.

5.2.3 To prevent fraud and help in fraud protection in order to reduce credit risk, we may disclose information.

6. Third Party Links

Third party links may be discovered on our site. These third party links have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. We are not responsible nor do we accept responsibility for third party links. Our liability covers us only on our site, and thus we do not accept liability for third party links as we have no control over them.

7. Information Accessibility

We cannot withhold data we collect about you, as per The Data Protection Act 1998. This act provides you with access to any information we may hold on you. If you wish to have access about our data collection on you please pay our fee of £10. The fee covers our costs for processing your request and getting the data to you. Please use the contact details below to formulate your data access request.

8. Contacting Us

Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy. We welcome any communication via our contact form.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Laporan ini terakhir diperbarui 4 Februari 2011.

istilah '' atau 'kami' atau 'kami' merujuk kepada pemilik website 'x 19 terbatas' kantor yang terdaftar adalah x 19 terbatas, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. Nomor pendaftaran perusahaan kami adalah 05995703, terdaftar di Inggris. Istilah 'Anda' mengacu pada pengguna atau pemirsa dari website kami. Istilah 'Isi' mengacu pada website Anda menggunakan dalam hubungannya dengan layanan

kami di x 19 terbatas menghormati privasi dari pengunjung kami dan berkomitmen untuk mempertahankan your keamanan online dengan menjaga privasi Anda kapan saja Anda kunjungi atau berkomunikasi dengan situs kami. Kebijakan Privasi kami telah disediakan dan ditinjau oleh para pengacara di pusat hukum yang mengkhususkan diri dalam online internet kontrak.

kami persyaratan penggunaan dan kebijakan privasi menawarkan penjelasan menyeluruh mengenai data pribadi yang diberikan kepada kami atau data apapun yang mungkin kami kumpulkan dari Anda.

Kebijakan Privasi ini akan diperbarui dari waktu ke waktu; oleh karena itu, itu harus ditinjau ulang sesekali.

[Untuk Data Protection Act 1998, x 19 Limited bertujuan kami pengontrol data.]

1. Mengumpulkan informasi

Data yang dapat dikumpulkan dan diproses selama operasi dari website kami. Berikut ini adalah cara kita dapat melakukan tindakan ini:

1.1 Data mengenai Anda visit(s) ke situs kami dan sumber daya yang digunakan dikumpulkan. Berikut termasuk dan tidak terbatas pada: data lokasi, weblog lalu lintas data, dan setiap lain komunikasi informasi.

1.2 bentuk Anda mengisi situs kami memungkinkan kita untuk mengumpulkan data seperti mendaftar untuk informasi atau ketika Anda menyelesaikan pembelian.

1.3 jika untuk alasan apapun Anda berkomunikasi dengan personil kami atau situs kami dapat mengumpulkan informasi.

2. Penggunaan cookie

Ada contoh yang mana kami dapat menggunakan cookie untuk mengumpulkan informasi mengenai layanan dalam koleksi matematika untuk website kami dan pengiklan kami.

setiap informasi yang dikumpulkan tidak akan memiliki data identitas. Ini adalah data statistik tentang pengunjung kami dan bagaimana mereka telah menggunakan situs kami. Informasi pribadi tidak akan dibagi yang dapat mengidentifikasi Anda.

Kami mungkin mengumpulkan informasi tentang penggunaan internet umum dengan cookie file. Ketika digunakan, cookie di-download ke komputer Anda secara otomatis. Cookie disimpan pada hard drive, dengan informasi yang ditransfer. Data yang dicari oleh cookie membantu kami meningkatkan situs kami dan setiap layanan yang ditawarkan kepada Anda.

browser Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk menolak cookie. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menetapkan pilihan browser Anda untuk menolak semua cookie. Catatan: jika Anda menolak download cookie, beberapa aspek dari situs kami mungkin tidak bekerja atau memungkinkan Anda akses.

pengiklan kami dapat men-download cookie yang kita tidak memiliki kendali. Jika digunakan, cookies tersebut di-download dengan mengklik pada iklan yang ditemukan di situs web kami.

3. Kami menggunakan informasi Anda

Informasi yang disimpan atau dikumpulkan mengenai Anda membantu kami meningkatkan dan menawarkan layanan yang Anda butuhkan. Daftar berikut berisi bagaimana kita mungkin menggunakan data Anda:

3.1 permintaan Anda membuat situs atau personil kami memungkinkan kita untuk menggunakan informasi yang Anda berikan kepada kami, berkaitan dengan produk atau layanan yang kami miliki. Kami juga dapat mengirimkan informasi tentang produk atau jasa Anda mungkin akan tertarik, selama sebagai persetujuan diterima.

3.2 komitmen kontrak: untuk memenuhi komitmen kami membuat Anda.

3.3 perubahan atau perbaikan yang dibuat ke situs dapat menjamin penggunaan informasi Anda, berkaitan dengan pemberitahuan tentang perubahan tersebut.

3.4 Pelanggan yang ada dapat dihubungi mengenai produk dan layanan yang berkaitan dengan item sebelumnya penjualan yang Anda buat pada situs kami.

3.5 kami dapat menggunakan data atau mengizinkan pihak ketiga untuk menggunakan informasi yang tidak terkait untuk barang atau jasa yang Anda mungkin akan tertarik. Kami atau pihak ketiga menghubungi Anda hanya apabila persetujuan telah disediakan oleh Anda kapan saja, berdasarkan informasi yang kami kumpulkan.

3.6 setiap pelanggan baru hanya dapat dihubungi oleh kami atau pihak ketiga jika persetujuan telah ditawarkan melalui situs kami. Kami hanya mengirim komunikasi Anda telah menyetujui.

3.7 siapa pun yang tidak ingin memberikan persetujuan untuk penggunaan situs atau pihak ketiga kami memiliki kesempatan untuk menolak. Setelah kami menerima Anda menahan persetujuan kami akan menghapus data Anda dari setiap surat atau pihak ketiga komunikasi.

3,8 tidak ada informasi yang dikumpulkan mengenai Anda akan menawarkan karakteristik diidentifikasi. Informasi yang dibagi kepada pihak ketiga ini hanya Statistik. Kami tidak akan mengungkapkan siapa Anda, hanya matematika informasi tentang pengunjung kami.

4. Penyimpanan Data Pribadi

4.1 lokasi di luar Area ekonomi Eropa dapat digunakan untuk mentransfer data yang kami kumpulkan tentang Anda. Data situs ini adalah untuk menyimpan atau pengolahan informasi Anda. Informasi yang kami bagikan di luar Area ekonomi Eropa dapat dipergunakan bersama dengan staf yang didasarkan pada proses dan penyimpanan data kata. Ini mungkin termasuk proses tersebut sebagai pengolahan pembayaran atau menawarkan dukungan untuk layanan atau produk perlu. Staf pengolahan atau menyimpan informasi dapat bekerja untuk para pemasok kami di luar Area ekonomi Eropa. Dengan mengirimkan data untuk menggunakan, Anda telah setuju untuk transfer ini dan penyimpanan data. Kami mengambil semua tindakan yang wajar untuk memastikan keamanan data pribadi Anda dalam Perjanjian ini kebijakan privasi.

4.2 informasi yang kami berikan akan disimpan pada server aman. Data transaksi dienkripsi untuk keselamatan Anda.

4.3 Anda harus memahami data melalui pengiriman online tidak benar-benar aman. Kami tidak menjamin data perlindungan dan keamanan yang lengkap, hanya bahwa kita mengambil semua tindakan yang wajar untuk melindungi informasi yang dikirimkan kepada kami secara elektronik. Transmisi data oleh Anda adalah risiko Anda sendiri. Mana yang berlaku, Anda mungkin diberikan akses ke bagian dari situs kami yang memerlukan sandi. Anda bertanggung jawab sandi keamanan dan kerahasiaan.

5. Keterbukaan informasi

5.1 pada waktu kami dapat mengungkapkan informasi pribadi kepada orang-orang dalam kelompok kami. Hal ini dapat mencakup anak perusahaan, perusahaan holding atau setiap perusahaan lain yang terlibat dalam bisnis kami, jika berlaku.

5.2 pihak ketiga pengungkapan dapat terjadi karena alasan berikut:

5.2.1 menjual salah satu atau semua bisnis kami untuk pihak ketiga dapat mengakibatkan berbagi informasi Anda.

5.2.2 pada waktu Kapan kita secara hukum diperlukan untuk kita mungkin menyingkapkan informasi mengenai Anda dan kunjungan Anda ke kami situs.

5.2.3 untuk mencegah penipuan dan membantu dalam perlindungan penipuan untuk mengurangi risiko kredit, kita dapat mengungkapkan informasi.

6. Link pihak ketiga

link pihak ketiga dapat ditemukan di situs kami. Link pihak ketiga tersebut memiliki kebijakan privasi mereka sendiri, yang Anda setuju untuk ketika Anda klik pada link. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atau kita menerima tanggung jawab untuk link pihak ketiga. Tanggung jawab kami meliputi kita hanya di situs kami, dan dengan demikian kami tidak menerima tanggung jawab untuk link pihak ketiga seperti kita tidak memiliki kontrol atas mereka.

7. Aksesibilitas informasi

kita tidak bisa menahan data yang kami kumpulkan tentang Anda, seperti The Undang Perlindungan Data 1998. Tindakan ini menyediakan Anda dengan akses ke informasi kita dapat memegang pada Anda. Jika Anda ingin memiliki akses tentang kami pengumpulan data pada Anda silahkan membayar kami biaya sebesar £10. Biaya ini meliputi biaya kami untuk memproses permintaan Anda dan mendapatkan data Anda. Silakan gunakan rincian kontak di bawah ini untuk merumuskan Anda data akses permintaan.

8. Menghubungi kami

silahkan merasa bebas untuk menghubungi kami dengan pertanyaan, permintaan, atau komentar Anda tentang kebijakan privasi kami. Kami menyambut setiap komunikasi melalui formulir kontak.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
This statement was last updated February 4, 2011.

The term '' or 'us' or 'we' refers to the owner of the website 'x19 Limited' whose registered office is x19 Limited, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. Our company registration number is 05995703, registered in England. The term 'you' refers to the user or viewer of our website. The term 'Content' refers to the website you are using in conjunction with the Service.

We at x19 Limited respect the privacy of our visitors and are committed to preserving your online safety by preserving your privacy at anytime you visit or communicate with our site. Our privacy policy has been provided and reviewed by the solicitors at Legal Centre who specialise in online internet contracts.

Our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy offers you a thorough explanation regarding your personal data provided to us or any data we may collect from you.

This Privacy Policy is updated from time to time; therefore, it should be reviewed occasionally.

[For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, x19 Limited is our data controller.]

1. Collected Information

Data can be collected and processed during the operations of our website. The following are ways we may perform these actions:

1.1 Data regarding your visit(s) to our website and any resources used are collected. The following is included and not limited to: location data, weblogs, traffic data, and any other communication information.

1.2 Any forms you filled out on our site allows us to collect data such as registering for information or when you complete a purchase.

1.3 If for any reason you communicate with our personnel or site we may collect information.

2. Cookie Usage

There are instances where we may use cookies to gather information regarding our services in a mathematical collection for our website and our advertisers.

Any information collected will not have any identifying data. It is statistical data about our visitors and how they have used our site. No personal details will be shared that could identify you.

We may assemble information about your common internet use with a cookie file. When used, the cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically. The cookie is stored on the hard drive, with transferred information. The data sought by the cookie helps us improve our website and any service offered to you.

Your browser has the ability to decline cookies. This is done by setting your browser options to decline all cookies. Note: if you do decline the download of cookies, some aspects of our site may not work or allow you access.

Our advertisers may download cookies to which we have no control. If used, these cookies are downloaded by clicking on an advertisement found on our website.

3. Our Use of Your Information

Information stored or collected regarding you helps us improve and offer services you need. The following list contains how we might use your data:

3.1 Any request you make of our site or personnel allows us to use information you provided us with, relating to the products or services we have. We may also send information on products or services you may be interested in, as long as consent has been received.

3.2 Contract Commitments: To meet any Commitment we make to you.

3.3 Changes or Improvements made to the site can warrant use of your information, with regard to notification of such changes.

3.4 An existing customer may be contacted regarding products and services related to any item of previous sale you made on our site.

3.5 We may use data or allow third parties to use information that is not related to goods or services you may be interested in. We or third parties contact you only if consent has been provided by you at anytime, based on information we collected.

3.6 Any new customer can only be contacted by us or third parties if consent has been offered via our site. We only send communications you have consented to.

3.7 Anyone who does not wish to give consent for our site or third party use has the opportunity to decline. Once we receive your withhold for consent we will remove your details from any mailings or third party communications.

3.8 None of the information collected about you will offer identifiable characteristics. Information shared to a third party is statistical only. We will not reveal who you are, only mathematical information about our visitors.

4. Personal Data Storage

4.1 Locations outside the European Economic Area may be used for transferring data we collect about you. These data sites are for storing or processing of your information. The information we share outside the European Economic Area may be shared with staff based on the process and storage of said data. It may include such processes as processing a payment or offering support for your service or product needs. The staff processing or storing information may work for our suppliers outside the European Economic Area. By submitting your data to use you have agreed to this transfer and storage of data. We take all reasonable action to ensure the safety of your personal data in agreement with this Privacy Policy.

4.2 Information we are provided will be stored on secure servers. Transaction data is encrypted for your safety.

4.3 You should understand data via online transmission is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee full protection and security data, only that we take all reasonable action to protect information sent to us electronically. Transmission of any data by you is at your own risk. Where applicable you may be given access to sections of our site that require a password. You are responsible for the passwords safety and confidentiality.

5. Information Disclosure

5.1 At times we may disclose personal information to persons in our group. This can include subsidiaries, holding companies, or any other subsidiaries involved in our business, if applicable.

5.2 Third Party disclosure may occur for the following reasons:

5.2.1 Selling any or all of our business to a third party may result in sharing your information.

5.2.2 At any time when we are legally required to we may disclose information about you and your visits to our sites.

5.2.3 To prevent fraud and help in fraud protection in order to reduce credit risk, we may disclose information.

6. Third Party Links

Third party links may be discovered on our site. These third party links have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. We are not responsible nor do we accept responsibility for third party links. Our liability covers us only on our site, and thus we do not accept liability for third party links as we have no control over them.

7. Information Accessibility

We cannot withhold data we collect about you, as per The Data Protection Act 1998. This act provides you with access to any information we may hold on you. If you wish to have access about our data collection on you please pay our fee of £10. The fee covers our costs for processing your request and getting the data to you. Please use the contact details below to formulate your data access request.

8. Contacting Us

Please feel free to contact us with queries, requests, or comments you may have about our Privacy Policy. We welcome any communication via our contact form.
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