ERIKSON’S PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE Erik Erikson (1963) built onFreud’s terjemahan - ERIKSON’S PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE Erik Erikson (1963) built onFreud’s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


Freud’s ideas and extended his theory by stressing the psychosocial aspects
of development beyond early childhood. His theory of development holds that
psychosexual growth and psychosocial growth take place together, and that
at each stage of life we face the task of establishing equilibrium between ourselves
and our social world. He describes development in terms of the entire
life span, divided by specifi c crises to be resolved. According to Erikson, a crisis
is equivalent to a turning point in life when we have the potential to move forward
or to regress. At these turning points, we can either resolve our confl icts
or fail to master the developmental task. To a large extent, our life is the result
of the choices we make at each of these stages.
Erikson is often credited with bringing an emphasis on social factors to
contemporary psychoanalysis. Classical psychoanalysis is grounded on id
psychology, and it holds that instincts and intrapsychic confl icts are the basic
factors shaping personality development (both normal and abnormal). Contemporary
psychoanalysis tends to be based on ego psychology, which does
not deny the role of intrapsychic confl icts but emphasizes the striving of the
ego for mastery and competence throughout the human life span. Ego psychology
deals with both the early and the later developmental stages, for the
assumption is that current problems cannot simply be reduced to repetitions
of unconscious confl icts from early childhood. The stages of adolescence, midadulthood,
and later adulthood all involve particular crises that must be addressed.
As one’s past has meaning in terms of the future, there is continuity
in development, refl ected by stages of growth; each stage is related to the other
Viewing an individual’s development from a combined perspective that includes
both psychosexual and psychosocial factors is useful. Erikson believed
Freud did not go far enough in explaining the ego’s place in development and
did not give enough attention to social infl uences throughout the life span. A
comparison of Freud’s psychosexual view and Erikson’s psychosocial view of
the stages of development is presented in Table 4.2.
COUNSELING IMPLICATIONS By taking a combined psychosexual and psychosocial
perspective, counselors have a helpful conceptual framework for understanding
developmental issues as they appear in therapy. The key needs and
developmental tasks, along with the challenges inherent at each stage of life,
provide a model for understanding some of the core confl icts clients explore in
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
ERIKSON yang PSIKOSOSIAL perspektif Erik Erikson (1963) dibangun diIde-ide Freud dan diperpanjang teorinya dengan menekankan psikososial aspek-aspekpembangunan luar anak usia dini. Teori perkembangan berpendapat bahawapsychosexual pertumbuhan dan pertumbuhan psikososial mengambil tempat bersama-sama, dan bahwapada setiap tahap kehidupan kita menghadapi tugas untuk membangun keseimbangan antara diridan dunia sosial kami. Dia menjelaskan pengembangan dalam hal seluruhrentang hidup, dibagi dengan olah c krisis untuk diselesaikan. Menurut Erikson, krisissetara dengan titik balik dalam hidup ketika kita memiliki potensi untuk bergerak majuatau untuk mundur. Di titik-titik balik ini, kita juga dapat menyelesaikan ICT confl kamiatau gagal untuk menguasai tugas perkembangan. Untuk sebagian besar, hidup kita adalah hasilpilihan kami membuat masing-masing tahap ini.Erikson yang sering dikreditkan dengan membawa penekanan pada faktor-faktor sosial untukkontemporer psikoanalisis. Klasik psikoanalisis didasarkan pada idPsikologi, dan berpendapat bahwa naluri dan intrapsikis confl ICT adalah dasarfaktor-faktor yang membentuk pengembangan kepribadian (baik normal dan abnormal). Kontemporerpsikoanalisis cenderung didasarkan pada psikologi ego, yang melakukantidak menyangkal peran intrapsikis confl ICT tetapi menekankan perjuanganego untuk penguasaan dan kompetensi seluruh rentang hidup manusia. Ego psikologiPenawaran dengan baik awal dan kemudian tahapan perkembanganAsumsinya adalah bahwa saat ini masalah tidak hanya dikurangi untuk pengulangandari bawah sadar confl ICT dari anak usia dini. Tahap-tahap masa remaja, midadulthood,dan kemudian dewasa semua melibatkan krisis tertentu yang harus diatasi.Karena masa lalu seseorang memiliki makna dalam hal masa depan, ada kesinambungandalam pengembangan, refl ected oleh tahap pertumbuhan; setiap tahap berkaitan dengan yang laintahap.Melihat perkembangan individu dari perspektif gabungan yang mencakupfaktor psychosexual dan psikososial ini berguna. Erikson percayaFreud tidak pergi cukup jauh di menjelaskan ego tempat dalam pengembangan dantidak memberikan perhatian yang cukup untuk infl sosial uences seluruh rentang hidup. Aperbandingan tampilan psychosexual Freud dan Erikson yang psikososial tampilan daritahapan pembangunan disajikan dalam tabel 4.2.KONSELING implikasi dengan mengambil gabungan psychosexual dan psikososialperspektif, konselor memiliki kerangka kerja konseptual yang berguna untuk pemahamanperkembangan isu-isu seperti yang muncul dalam terapi. Kunci kebutuhan dantugas perkembangan, bersama dengan tantangan yang melekat pada setiap tahap kehidupan,menyediakan model untuk memahami beberapa inti confl ICT klien mengeksplorasi dalam
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Freud’s ideas and extended his theory by stressing the psychosocial aspects
of development beyond early childhood. His theory of development holds that
psychosexual growth and psychosocial growth take place together, and that
at each stage of life we face the task of establishing equilibrium between ourselves
and our social world. He describes development in terms of the entire
life span, divided by specifi c crises to be resolved. According to Erikson, a crisis
is equivalent to a turning point in life when we have the potential to move forward
or to regress. At these turning points, we can either resolve our confl icts
or fail to master the developmental task. To a large extent, our life is the result
of the choices we make at each of these stages.
Erikson is often credited with bringing an emphasis on social factors to
contemporary psychoanalysis. Classical psychoanalysis is grounded on id
psychology, and it holds that instincts and intrapsychic confl icts are the basic
factors shaping personality development (both normal and abnormal). Contemporary
psychoanalysis tends to be based on ego psychology, which does
not deny the role of intrapsychic confl icts but emphasizes the striving of the
ego for mastery and competence throughout the human life span. Ego psychology
deals with both the early and the later developmental stages, for the
assumption is that current problems cannot simply be reduced to repetitions
of unconscious confl icts from early childhood. The stages of adolescence, midadulthood,
and later adulthood all involve particular crises that must be addressed.
As one’s past has meaning in terms of the future, there is continuity
in development, refl ected by stages of growth; each stage is related to the other
Viewing an individual’s development from a combined perspective that includes
both psychosexual and psychosocial factors is useful. Erikson believed
Freud did not go far enough in explaining the ego’s place in development and
did not give enough attention to social infl uences throughout the life span. A
comparison of Freud’s psychosexual view and Erikson’s psychosocial view of
the stages of development is presented in Table 4.2.
COUNSELING IMPLICATIONS By taking a combined psychosexual and psychosocial
perspective, counselors have a helpful conceptual framework for understanding
developmental issues as they appear in therapy. The key needs and
developmental tasks, along with the challenges inherent at each stage of life,
provide a model for understanding some of the core confl icts clients explore in
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