Constructing a model of the spiritual tasks of ageingThe themes discus terjemahan - Constructing a model of the spiritual tasks of ageingThe themes discus Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Constructing a model of the spiritu

Constructing a model of the spiritual tasks of ageing
The themes discussed above were all derived from the data of transcribed
in-depth interviews of older people. The themes were based on their
stories; these themes were their themes: what they saw as important and
relevant to their lives, not what the researcher saw as important. The
themes from the interviews were:
• ultimate life meaning
• response to meaning
• self-sufficiency versus vulnerability
• meaning and wisdom in later life
• relationship versus isolation
• hope versus fear.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Constructing a model of the spiritual tasks of ageingThe themes discussed above were all derived from the data of transcribedin-depth interviews of older people. The themes were based on theirstories; these themes were their themes: what they saw as important andrelevant to their lives, not what the researcher saw as important. Thethemes from the interviews were:• ultimate life meaning• response to meaning• self-sufficiency versus vulnerability• meaning and wisdom in later life• relationship versus isolation• hope versus fear.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Membangun sebuah model dari tugas-tugas spiritual penuaan
Tema yang dibahas di atas semua berasal dari data ditranskripsikan
wawancara mendalam dari orang tua. Tema didasarkan pada mereka
cerita; Tema ini adalah tema mereka: apa yang mereka lihat sebagai penting dan
relevan dengan kehidupan mereka, bukan apa yang peneliti lihat sebagai penting. Para
tema dari wawancara adalah:
• kehidupan akhir yang berarti
• respon terhadap makna
• swasembada dibandingkan kerentanan
• arti dan kebijaksanaan nanti kehidupan
• hubungan dibandingkan isolasi
• harapan terhadap rasa takut.
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