The Legend of Princess Loro Jonggrang Once upon a time in Java Island, terjemahan - The Legend of Princess Loro Jonggrang Once upon a time in Java Island, Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Legend of Princess Loro Jonggra

The Legend of Princess Loro Jonggrang

Once upon a time in Java Island, especially in Prambanan, there were two Hindu kingdoms, they were Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging Kingdom was a prosperous and wealthy kingdom led by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo who had a son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso.
Kraton Boko was a part of Pengging Kingdom jurisdiction led by a cruel king that was not a man but a giant who was a man eater, named Prabu Boko. However, Prabu Boko had a very beautiful daughter named Princess Loro Jonggrang. Prabu Boko also had a minister named Patih Gupolo that was a giant too. Prabu Boko had a desire to revolt and had control over Pengging Kingdom. Therefore, together with Patih Boko, they gathered the power by training men to become soldiers and collected goods from civil people as provisions.
After having enough preparation, Prabu Boko and all soldiers went to Pengging Kingdom to revolt. Then the war between Pengging and Boko Soldier happened in Pengging kingdom. A lot of soldiers died from both sides. People of Pengging became poor and suffered from starvation.Knowing that his people were suffering and there were lots of soldiers died, Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son, Raden Bandung Bondowoso to have a battle with Prabu Boko. The ghting between Raden Bandung Bondowoso and Prabu Boko was very furious. Because of the power of Raden Bandung Bondowoso, Prabu Boko can be defeated, and then he died. When Patih Gupalo found out that his king died, he ran away from the battle. Raden Bandung Bondowoso chased him to Kraton Boko.
After he arrived at Kraton Boko, Patih Gupalo reported to Princess Loro Jonggrang that her father died in the battle, that he was killed by a Pengging knight named Raden Bandung Bondowoso.
Then the princess cried, she was very sad because of the death of her father.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso nally arrived at Kraton Boko. He was surprised when he saw Princess Loro Jonggrang, She was very beautiful so he proposed her to become his wife. However, Princess Loro Jonggrang did not want to marry Raden Bandung Bondowoso because he killed her father. To refuse his proposal, Princess Loro Jonggrang had a strategy. She had two requests that should be ful lled by Raden Bandung Bondowoso so that she would agree to marry him. First, she asked him to make Jalatunda well. Then, she asked him to make 1000 temples in one night.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso accepted the requests. Immediately he started to make Jalatunda well and asked Princess Loro Jonggrang to see it. Then, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked Raden Bandung Bondowoso to go into the well, and after that she ordered Patih Gupolo to pile up the well with stone. Both Princess Loro Jonggrang and Patih Gupolo thought that Raden Bandung Bondowoso already died in the well. However, Raden Bandung Bondowoso was still alive. He meditated and nally he could get out from the well safely.
Raden Bandung Bondowoso was very angry with Princess Loro Jonggrang. However, because of her beauty, he soon forgot about his anger. After that, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked Raden Bandung Bondowoso to do the second request which was to make 1000 temples in one night. Therefore Raden Bandung Bondowoso commanded genies to make the temples immediately. However Princess Loro Jonggrang intended to foil his effort to make the temples. She ordered the girls to pound and burn stubbles, so that the sky looked bright as if the morning had come. That made the cocks crow loudly.
Hearing the cocks crowing, people pounding rice, and seeing the brightness in the east, the genies stopped making temples. Genies reported to Raden Bandung Bondowoso that they could not continue building the temples because the morning had come. Raden Bandung Bondowoso got the feeling that the morning had not come yet. He asked Princess Loro Jonggrang to count the amount of the temples. The total was only 999 temples, so there was still 1 temple left. Therefore, Princess Loro Jonggrang refused to marry Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Feeling deceived, Raden Bandung Bondowoso was very angry and cursed her, “Loro Jonggrang, there is only 1 temple left, let you be the one to make it complete”. It was a miracle that suddenly Princess Loro Jonggrang transformed to a stone statue.
Until today, the stone statue of Princess Loro Jonggrang is still in Candi Prambanan and Raden Bandung Bondowoso cursed the girls around Prambanan area to become old virgins because they helped Princess Loro Jonggrang. Based on what is believed by old people, the couple who are dating in Prambanan temple will break up.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Legend of Princess Loro Jonggrang Once upon a time in Java Island, especially in Prambanan, there were two Hindu kingdoms, they were Pengging and Kraton Boko. Pengging Kingdom was a prosperous and wealthy kingdom led by a wise king named Prabu Damar Moyo who had a son named Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Kraton Boko was a part of Pengging Kingdom jurisdiction led by a cruel king that was not a man but a giant who was a man eater, named Prabu Boko. However, Prabu Boko had a very beautiful daughter named Princess Loro Jonggrang. Prabu Boko also had a minister named Patih Gupolo that was a giant too. Prabu Boko had a desire to revolt and had control over Pengging Kingdom. Therefore, together with Patih Boko, they gathered the power by training men to become soldiers and collected goods from civil people as provisions. After having enough preparation, Prabu Boko and all soldiers went to Pengging Kingdom to revolt. Then the war between Pengging and Boko Soldier happened in Pengging kingdom. A lot of soldiers died from both sides. People of Pengging became poor and suffered from starvation.Knowing that his people were suffering and there were lots of soldiers died, Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son, Raden Bandung Bondowoso to have a battle with Prabu Boko. The ghting between Raden Bandung Bondowoso and Prabu Boko was very furious. Because of the power of Raden Bandung Bondowoso, Prabu Boko can be defeated, and then he died. When Patih Gupalo found out that his king died, he ran away from the battle. Raden Bandung Bondowoso chased him to Kraton Boko. After he arrived at Kraton Boko, Patih Gupalo reported to Princess Loro Jonggrang that her father died in the battle, that he was killed by a Pengging knight named Raden Bandung Bondowoso.Then the princess cried, she was very sad because of the death of her father. Raden Bandung Bondowoso nally arrived at Kraton Boko. He was surprised when he saw Princess Loro Jonggrang, She was very beautiful so he proposed her to become his wife. However, Princess Loro Jonggrang did not want to marry Raden Bandung Bondowoso because he killed her father. To refuse his proposal, Princess Loro Jonggrang had a strategy. She had two requests that should be ful lled by Raden Bandung Bondowoso so that she would agree to marry him. First, she asked him to make Jalatunda well. Then, she asked him to make 1000 temples in one night. Raden Bandung Bondowoso accepted the requests. Immediately he started to make Jalatunda well and asked Princess Loro Jonggrang to see it. Then, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked Raden Bandung Bondowoso to go into the well, and after that she ordered Patih Gupolo to pile up the well with stone. Both Princess Loro Jonggrang and Patih Gupolo thought that Raden Bandung Bondowoso already died in the well. However, Raden Bandung Bondowoso was still alive. He meditated and nally he could get out from the well safely. Raden Bandung Bondowoso was very angry with Princess Loro Jonggrang. However, because of her beauty, he soon forgot about his anger. After that, Princess Loro Jonggrang asked Raden Bandung Bondowoso to do the second request which was to make 1000 temples in one night. Therefore Raden Bandung Bondowoso commanded genies to make the temples immediately. However Princess Loro Jonggrang intended to foil his effort to make the temples. She ordered the girls to pound and burn stubbles, so that the sky looked bright as if the morning had come. That made the cocks crow loudly. Hearing the cocks crowing, people pounding rice, and seeing the brightness in the east, the genies stopped making temples. Genies reported to Raden Bandung Bondowoso that they could not continue building the temples because the morning had come. Raden Bandung Bondowoso got the feeling that the morning had not come yet. He asked Princess Loro Jonggrang to count the amount of the temples. The total was only 999 temples, so there was still 1 temple left. Therefore, Princess Loro Jonggrang refused to marry Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Feeling deceived, Raden Bandung Bondowoso was very angry and cursed her, “Loro Jonggrang, there is only 1 temple left, let you be the one to make it complete”. It was a miracle that suddenly Princess Loro Jonggrang transformed to a stone statue. Until today, the stone statue of Princess Loro Jonggrang is still in Candi Prambanan and Raden Bandung Bondowoso cursed the girls around Prambanan area to become old virgins because they helped Princess Loro Jonggrang. Based on what is believed by old people, the couple who are dating in Prambanan temple will break up.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Legenda Putri Loro Jonggrang Sekali waktu di Pulau Jawa, terutama di Prambanan, ada dua kerajaan Hindu, mereka Pengging dan Kraton Boko. Pengging Raya adalah sebuah kerajaan yang makmur dan kaya dipimpin oleh seorang raja yang bijaksana bernama Prabu Damar Moyo yang memiliki seorang putra bernama Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Kraton Boko adalah bagian dari Kerajaan Pengging yurisdiksi yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja yang kejam itu bukan manusia tapi raksasa yang seorang pria pemakan, bernama Prabu Boko. Namun, Prabu Boko memiliki seorang putri yang sangat cantik bernama Putri Loro Jonggrang. Prabu Boko juga memiliki seorang menteri bernama Patih Gupolo yang raksasa juga. Prabu Boko memiliki keinginan untuk memberontak dan memiliki kontrol atas Pengging Raya. Oleh karena itu, bersama-sama dengan Patih Boko, mereka berkumpul kekuatan dengan melatih orang untuk menjadi tentara dan barang yang dikumpulkan dari orang-orang sipil sebagai ketentuan. Setelah memiliki cukup persiapan, Prabu Boko dan semua tentara pergi ke Pengging Raya untuk memberontak. Maka perang antara Pengging dan Boko Soldier terjadi di Pengging kerajaan. Banyak tentara tewas dari kedua belah pihak. Orang dari Pengging menjadi miskin dan menderita starvation.Knowing bahwa orang yang menderita dan ada banyak tentara tewas, Prabu Damar Moyo mengutus anaknya, Raden Bandung Bondowoso untuk memiliki pertempuran dengan Prabu Boko. The bertempur antara Raden Bandung Bondowoso dan Prabu Boko sangat marah. Karena kekuatan Raden Bandung Bondowoso, Prabu Boko dapat dikalahkan, lalu ia mati. Ketika Patih Gupalo menemukan bahwa rajanya meninggal, ia lari dari pertempuran. Raden Bandung Bondowoso mengejarnya ke Kraton Boko. Setelah ia tiba di Kraton Boko, Patih Gupalo dilaporkan Princess Loro Jonggrang bahwa ayahnya meninggal dalam pertempuran, bahwa dia dibunuh oleh seorang ksatria Pengging bernama Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Kemudian sang putri menangis, dia sangat sedih karena kematian ayahnya. Raden Bandung Bondowoso akhirnya tiba di Kraton Boko. Dia terkejut saat melihat Putri Loro Jonggrang, Dia sangat cantik sehingga ia mengusulkan dia menjadi istrinya. Namun, Putri Loro Jonggrang tidak mau menikah Raden Bandung Bondowoso karena ia membunuh ayahnya. Untuk menolak proposal, Putri Loro Jonggrang memiliki strategi. Dia memiliki dua permintaan yang harus ful lled oleh Raden Bandung Bondowoso sehingga ia akan setuju untuk menikah dengannya. Pertama, ia meminta dia untuk membuat Jalatunda baik. Kemudian, ia memintanya untuk membuat 1000 candi dalam satu malam. Raden Bandung Bondowoso menerima permintaan. Segera ia mulai membuat Jalatunda baik dan meminta Princess Loro Jonggrang untuk melihatnya. Kemudian, Princess Loro Jonggrang meminta Raden Bandung Bondowoso untuk pergi ke sumur, dan setelah itu ia memerintahkan Patih Gupolo untuk menimbun sumur dengan batu. Kedua Princess Loro Jonggrang dan Patih Gupolo berpikir bahwa Raden Bandung Bondowoso sudah meninggal di dalam sumur. Namun, Raden Bandung Bondowoso masih hidup. Dia bermeditasi dan akhirnya dia bisa keluar dari sumur dengan selamat. Raden Bandung Bondowoso sangat marah dengan Princess Loro Jonggrang. Namun, karena kecantikannya, ia segera melupakan kemarahannya. Setelah itu, Putri Loro Jonggrang meminta Raden Bandung Bondowoso untuk melakukan permintaan kedua yang membuat 1000 candi dalam satu malam. Oleh karena itu Raden Bandung Bondowoso memerintahkan jin untuk membuat candi segera. Namun Princess Loro Jonggrang dimaksudkan untuk menggagalkan usahanya untuk membuat candi. Dia memerintahkan anak pon dan membakar jerami, sehingga langit tampak cerah seolah pagi telah datang. Yang membuat ayam berkokok lantang. Mendengar ayam berkokok, orang menumbuk padi, dan melihat kecerahan di timur, para jin berhenti membuat candi. Jin melaporkan ke Raden Bandung Bondowoso bahwa mereka tidak bisa terus membangun candi karena pagi telah datang. Raden Bandung Bondowoso punya perasaan bahwa pagi itu belum datang. Dia meminta Princess Loro Jonggrang untuk menghitung jumlah candi. Jumlah ini hanya 999 candi, jadi masih ada 1 kiri candi. Oleh karena itu, Putri Loro Jonggrang menolak untuk menikah Raden Bandung Bondowoso. Merasa ditipu, Raden Bandung Bondowoso sangat marah dan mengutuk dia, "Loro Jonggrang, hanya ada 1 kiri candi, membiarkan Anda menjadi orang yang membuatnya lengkap". Itu adalah mukjizat yang tiba-tiba Princess Loro Jonggrang ditransformasikan ke patung batu. Sampai saat ini, patung batu Putri Loro Jonggrang masih di Candi Prambanan dan Raden Bandung Bondowoso mengutuk para gadis di sekitar daerah Prambanan menjadi perawan tua karena mereka membantu Princess Loro Jonggrang . Berdasarkan apa yang diyakini oleh orang-orang tua, pasangan yang berpacaran di Candi Prambanan akan putus.

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