This dif­fer­ent demon can­not bear the body trem­ble, sneers: „Only k terjemahan - This dif­fer­ent demon can­not bear the body trem­ble, sneers: „Only k Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

This dif­fer­ent demon can­not bear

This dif­fer­ent demon can­not bear the body trem­ble, sneers: „Only knows that with­draws the chop suey in south cap­i­tal city also to know to threaten oth­ers un­ex­pect­edly, good, the fa­ther does not hag­gle over with you, after tak­ing looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, the fa­ther must your head chop to in­sert on the long-bar­relled gun, then the ver­ti­cal stroke is in sight the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate in the city wall, wait and see!”
I also smiled, con­temp­tu­ously vis­its him: „Relax, if there is an op­por­tu­nity, under I also chop­ping with­out hes­i­ta­tion your this dog head, let alone these use­less, im­me­di­ately sends out great Gun Zhuzhan, if can­not take the har­bor, I re­duce your this stink­ing head now!”
„Snort, is”
This BOSS obeyed my order even­tu­ally, great Gun tum­bled in the sea water has been fir­ing into the sea­coast, but we were away from the there also less than 300 me­ters, quick heard in the light­house that at night scouted some peo­ple to shout loud: „Dif­fer­ent demon at­tack! Dif­fer­ent demon at­tack! These hy­brids while the night sneak at­tack har­bor, re­ported the gar­ri­son com­man­der quickly!”
Was late, when his sound has not ceased, leader great Gun Fan played the dread­ful rough sea waves to sweep across the har­bor, an­chored the war­ship with the body in har­bor gives to knock, at this time was the night in game, on the war­ship ba­si­cally no­body de­fended im­pe­r­ial, 27 great Gun Ziran also played the role of sur­prise at­tack.
„Comes ashore!”
I am rais­ing the long sword, first Cooldown over­ran, the but­ter­fly wields sud­denly, rides the wind to cut the erup­tion, in one crowd grasps in the NPC crowd of sharp sword, the in­stan­ta­neous sec­ond has killed sev­eral peo­ple, that sev­eral rode the wind the sol­dier who cuts to tear into shreds the stature to call out piti­fully to fall to the ground slowly, wiped the white soul to re­ceive the at­trac­tion to float in the im­pris­on­ing soul niche in my hand rapidly.
War­ship „bang bang bang” ap­proach shoring, grasps the tom­a­hawk, lance and dif­fer­ent demon brave war­rior of den­ti­cle blade to call out is flush­ing ashore, is main­tain­ing their most prim­i­tive ag­gres­sive­ness, breaks out the skull of enemy with the tom­a­hawk, opens the macros­to­mia to cut by bit­ing the throat of match by the sharp tooth, chews the flesh and blood of enemy reck­lessly, in the mouth is nip­ping some meat of enemy body , to con­tinue to de­com­pose the match with the weapon.
The piti­ful yell sound oc­curred re­peat­edly, the en­tire sea­coast de­gen­er­ated into a sea of fire, with near­ness of war­ships, the first batch of near 20 W dif­fer­ent evil spir­its all landed, but I am rais­ing the blood­stained long sword, slaugh­ters un­ceas­ingly every­where, si­mul­ta­ne­ously sev­eral li (0.5km) in the hand soul of im­pris­on­ing soul niche buys in com­pletely, looks that the count­less soul ray flut­ters to im­pris­on­ing the soul niche, the moral na­ture thinks ac­tu­ally sins, this time is I leads the dif­fer­ent demon to in­vade the human the home­land, the crime crime.
But this trans­ac­tion purely for Tian Ling Em­pire, even if re­ceives to try me to be also glad, but, if I can strength of the cap­ture to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, who has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to try me, who also has the guts to try me?
„demon palace rides.”
My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­me­di­ately be­hind in­serts the demon palace of scar­let war flag to ride the BOSS level com­bat gen­eral to run, is 184 level god level BOSS, the sink­ing sound track: „Sir, what mat­ter can arrange to give us the demon palace to ride?”
I put out a hand a fig­ure of front jun­gle: „Sends out sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple full speed to rush to the front jun­gle to seek for the major road, re­duces the per­son who all at­tempts the cir­cu­lar
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
This dif­fer­ent demon can­not bear the body trem­ble, sneers: „Only knows that with­draws the chop suey in south cap­i­tal city also to know to threaten oth­ers un­ex­pect­edly, good, the fa­ther does not hag­gle over with you, after tak­ing looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, the fa­ther must your head chop to in­sert on the long-bar­relled gun, then the ver­ti­cal stroke is in sight the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate in the city wall, wait and see!”I also smiled, con­temp­tu­ously vis­its him: „Relax, if there is an op­por­tu­nity, under I also chop­ping with­out hes­i­ta­tion your this dog head, let alone these use­less, im­me­di­ately sends out great Gun Zhuzhan, if can­not take the har­bor, I re­duce your this stink­ing head now!”„Snort, is”This BOSS obeyed my order even­tu­ally, great Gun tum­bled in the sea water has been fir­ing into the sea­coast, but we were away from the there also less than 300 me­ters, quick heard in the light­house that at night scouted some peo­ple to shout loud: „Dif­fer­ent demon at­tack! Dif­fer­ent demon at­tack! These hy­brids while the night sneak at­tack har­bor, re­ported the gar­ri­son com­man­der quickly!”Was late, when his sound has not ceased, leader great Gun Fan played the dread­ful rough sea waves to sweep across the har­bor, an­chored the war­ship with the body in har­bor gives to knock, at this time was the night in game, on the war­ship ba­si­cally no­body de­fended im­pe­r­ial, 27 great Gun Ziran also played the role of sur­prise at­tack.„Comes ashore!”I am rais­ing the long sword, first Cooldown over­ran, the but­ter­fly wields sud­denly, rides the wind to cut the erup­tion, in one crowd grasps in the NPC crowd of sharp sword, the in­stan­ta­neous sec­ond has killed sev­eral peo­ple, that sev­eral rode the wind the sol­dier who cuts to tear into shreds the stature to call out piti­fully to fall to the ground slowly, wiped the white soul to re­ceive the at­trac­tion to float in the im­pris­on­ing soul niche in my hand rapidly.War­ship „bang bang bang” ap­proach shoring, grasps the tom­a­hawk, lance and dif­fer­ent demon brave war­rior of den­ti­cle blade to call out is flush­ing ashore, is main­tain­ing their most prim­i­tive ag­gres­sive­ness, breaks out the skull of enemy with the tom­a­hawk, opens the macros­to­mia to cut by bit­ing the throat of match by the sharp tooth, chews the flesh and blood of enemy reck­lessly, in the mouth is nip­ping some meat of enemy body , to con­tinue to de­com­pose the match with the weapon.The piti­ful yell sound oc­curred re­peat­edly, the en­tire sea­coast de­gen­er­ated into a sea of fire, with near­ness of war­ships, the first batch of near 20 W dif­fer­ent evil spir­its all landed, but I am rais­ing the blood­stained long sword, slaugh­ters un­ceas­ingly every­where, si­mul­ta­ne­ously sev­eral li (0.5km) in the hand soul of im­pris­on­ing soul niche buys in com­pletely, looks that the count­less soul ray flut­ters to im­pris­on­ing the soul niche, the moral na­ture thinks ac­tu­ally sins, this time is I leads the dif­fer­ent demon to in­vade the human the home­land, the crime crime.But this trans­ac­tion purely for Tian Ling Em­pire, even if re­ceives to try me to be also glad, but, if I can strength of the cap­ture to look at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, who has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to try me, who also has the guts to try me?„demon palace rides.”My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­me­di­ately be­hind in­serts the demon palace of scar­let war flag to ride the BOSS level com­bat gen­eral to run, is 184 level god level BOSS, the sink­ing sound track: „Sir, what mat­ter can arrange to give us the demon palace to ride?”I put out a hand a fig­ure of front jun­gle: „Sends out sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple full speed to rush to the front jun­gle to seek for the major road, re­duces the per­son who all at­tempts the cir­cu­lar
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Iblis yang berbeda ini tidak tahan gemetar tubuh, menyeringai: "Hanya tahu bahwa menarik kembali suey chop di ibu kota selatan juga tahu untuk mengancam orang lain tiba-tiba, baik, ayah tidak tawar-menawar dengan Anda, setelah mengambil terlihat di semi-melingkar tembok pelindung di luar gerbang kota utama, ayah harus kepala Anda memotong untuk memasukkan pada pistol laras panjang, maka stroke vertikal terlihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama di tembok kota, menunggu dan melihat! "
saya juga tersenyum, menghina mengunjunginya:" Tenang, jika ada kesempatan, di bawah saya juga memotong tanpa ragu-ragu Anda kepala anjing ini, apalagi ini berguna, segera mengirimkan besar Gun Zhuzhan, jika tidak bisa mengambil pelabuhan, saya mengurangi Anda kepala ini bau sekarang! "
" Snort, adalah "
BOSS ini mematuhi perintah saya akhirnya, besar Gun jatuh di air laut memiliki telah menembak ke pantai laut, tapi kami jauh dari sana juga kurang dari 300 meter, cepat terdengar di mercusuar bahwa pada malam dibina beberapa orang berteriak keras: "serangan iblis yang berbeda! Setan serangan yang berbeda! Hibrida ini sementara pelabuhan malam serangan menyelinap, melaporkan komandan garnisun cepat! "
Apakah-an, ketika suara itu tidak berhenti, pemimpin besar Gun Fan bermain ombak laut kasar mengerikan untuk menyapu pelabuhan, berlabuh kapal perang dengan tubuh di pelabuhan memberikan mengetuk, saat ini malam dalam permainan, di kapal perang pada dasarnya tidak ada yang membela kekaisaran, 27 besar Gun Ziran juga memainkan peran serangan mendadak.
"Datang darat!"
saya mengangkat pedang panjang, Cooldown pertama menyerbu, yang butterfly wields tiba-tiba, naik angin untuk memotong letusan, dalam satu kerumunan menggenggam di NPC kerumunan pedang yang tajam, kedua seketika telah menewaskan beberapa orang, bahwa beberapa naik angin prajurit yang memotong merobeknya cabik perawakannya untuk memanggil menyedihkan jatuh ke tanah perlahan, mengusap jiwa putih untuk menerima tarik untuk mengapung di relung jiwa memenjarakan di tangan saya dengan cepat.
Kapal Perang "bang bang bang" pendekatan menopang, menggenggam tomahawk, tombak dan iblis yang berbeda gagah pisau denticle untuk memanggil adalah pembilasan darat, adalah menjaga agresivitas paling primitif mereka, pecah tengkorak musuh dengan tomahawk itu, membuka macrostomia untuk memotong dengan menggigit tenggorokan pertandingan dengan gigi tajam, mengunyah daging dan darah musuh sembarangan, di mulut adalah menggigit daging dari tubuh musuh, untuk terus terurai pertandingan dengan senjata.
suara teriakan menyedihkan terjadi berulang kali, seluruh pesisir berubah menjadi lautan api, dengan kedekatan kapal perang, batch pertama dari dekat 20 W yang berbeda roh jahat semua mendarat, tapi saya mengangkat pedang panjang bernoda darah, menyembelih tanpa henti di mana-mana, secara bersamaan beberapa li (0.5km) dalam jiwa tangan memenjarakan jiwa niche membeli di sepenuhnya, terlihat bahwa banyak sinar jiwa berdebar untuk memenjarakan niche jiwa, sifat moral yang berpikir sebenarnya dosa, kali ini saya memimpin setan yang berbeda untuk menyerang manusia tanah air, kejahatan kejahatan.
tapi transaksi ini semata-mata untuk Tian Ling Empire, bahkan jika menerima untuk mencoba saya untuk menjadi juga senang, tapi, jika saya dapat kekuatan capture untuk melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama, yang memiliki kualifikasi untuk mencoba saya, yang juga memiliki keberanian untuk mencoba me?
"iblis istana naik."
rendah jauh saya memiliki satu mabuk, segera balik menyisipkan istana setan bendera perang merah naik tempur tingkat BOSS umum untuk menjalankan, adalah tingkat 184 tingkat dewa BOSS, sound track tenggelam: "Sir, apa pun dapat mengatur untuk memberikan setan istana untuk naik?"
aku mengulurkan tangan sosok hutan depan: "Mengirim keluar beberapa ratus orang kecepatan penuh untuk bergegas ke hutan depan untuk mencari jalan utama, mengurangi orang yang semua mencoba melingkar yang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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