After tak­ing a seat, Xia Ye side me, in the arms is lin­ger­ing the s terjemahan - After tak­ing a seat, Xia Ye side me, in the arms is lin­ger­ing the s Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

After tak­ing a seat, Xia Ye side m

After tak­ing a seat, Xia Ye side me, in the arms is lin­ger­ing the strength of light Saint ter­ri­tory, he is a dis­crete per­son, al­ready se­cretly pro­moted the strongest bat­tle con­di­tion, this is the xing fire launches an at­tack, we are also in­suf­fi­cient to be at a loss.
I show a faint smile: „Calm.”
Xia Ye also smiled: „Knows that end al­ways will be very calm.”
At this time, the of­fi­cials out­side side hall loudly were also shout­ing: „Lin­hai city mar­shals and sea bu­reaus of in­ves­ti­ga­tion get fine gold Gen­eral Long!”
Out­side, has come in one line, ap­pear­ances of bluff­ing and blus­ter­ing, what front line is one about 30 -year-old high and low young mil­i­tary of­fi­cer, the hand is press­ing the sword hilt, this goods can carry the pointed weapons to enter Jiangjunfu un­ex­pect­edly, in the top of the head reap­pears „sea bu­reau of in­ves­ti­ga­tion is get­ting fine gold dragon” the phrase, is the NPC mil­i­tary of­fi­cers in Lin­hai city?
„Lin­hai city mar­shal?” I knit the brows, said: „Does the Lin­hai city have the mar­shal?”
Xia Ye said in a low voice: „Gen­eral has not to know that this fine gold dragon is a Rong Di Jun's Yorozuo was long, truly stayed be­hind by guards the Lin­hai city, how­ever our palace guards ex­ter­mi­nate Rong Di Jun after fire Shen­shan thor­oughly, this fine gold dragon ac­tu­ally about 50,000 Rong Di Jun who leaves be­hind the Lin­hai city in scat­ters, re­or­ga­nizes with the local troops in the same place, was known as that for ‚dark blue navy’, the total mil­i­tary strength has prob­a­bly the 13 W per­son more, these mil­i­tary strength are guard­ing the en­tire Lin­hai city, prob­a­bly also be­cause of like this, this fine gold Long Caigan pro­claims as the Lin­hai city mar­shals? Snort, this clumsy mis­chief-doer, the gen­eral you do not dare to call the com­man­der-in-chief, this per­son dares to say the mar­shal un­ex­pect­edly, sim­ply is a joke!”
My cor­ners of the mouth raise: „Calm, do not lose one's tem­per.”
Fi­nally, that fine gold dragon takes a seat in our di­rectlies op­po­site, lead­ing under his hand sev­eral Yorozuo long to sit down to­gether, the fine gold dragon looked at my one eyes from afar, sneers say­ing: „I ac­tu­ally any­one, is the awe-in­spir­ing bro­ken caul­dron male, what wind gave to blow here to come you un­ex­pect­edly?”
I lower the head to have a look at the roast chicken on table, with­out man­ag­ing him, the air/Qi re­sults in the fine gold dragon com­plex­ion to be red, al­most must come to go all out.
Again shortly af­ter­ward, out­side of­fi­cials are one shouted: „The Tian Ling Em­pire hot axe armed forces vice- com­mand Gen­eral Wang Zecheng!”
This time I could not sit still, has a big shock say­ing: „How did this goods come?!”
Xia Ye vis­its me, is puz­zled: „Is gen­eral so why as­ton­ished?”
I: „Ini­tially the hot axe armed forces at­tacked fire Shen­shan are he in­sti­gate, that time he has not gone not to hold re­spon­si­ble, this time went to Sin­ga­pore to come un­ex­pect­edly, does he want to be up to mis­chief?”
Xia Yedao: „In­vari­ably on Wan Bian, this is the gen­eral you teaches me!”
Again shortly af­ter­ward, Yun Piao the streamer mil­i­tary of­fi­cers of one group of flood dragon armed forces have been com­ing in fi­nally, si­mul­ta­ne­ously with im­pres­sively is the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier group reg­i­men­tal com­man­der xing fire that she en­ters shoul­der to shoul­der, within two per­son con­ver­sa­tions is af­fec­tion­ate, even Yun Piaopiao is also hold­ing the hand of xing fire, im­me­di­ately I fall three zhang (3.33 m), lost to the cloud to be float­ing, this Sin­ga­pore we were Bai to come!
„Gen­eral, please sit down, does not need to be po­lite.”
A xing fire face smil­ing face, sits with Yun Piaopiao on the mas­ter seat, the xing fire car­ries the wine class to start to pro­pose a toast, after three cups, said with a smile: „Today Mon­go­lian every­body think highly , the day plum
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Setelah mengambil kursi, sisi Xia kamu saya, di lengan adalah berlama-lama kekuatan cahaya Saint wilayah, ia adalah diskrit orang, sudahpun diam-diam dipromosikan kondisi pertempuran yang terkuat, inilah xing api meluncurkan serangan, kami juga tidak cukup untuk menjadi bingung.Aku menunjukkan senyum yang lemah: "Tenang."Xia kamu juga tersenyum: "Tahu itu akan selalu menjadi sangat tenang."Saat ini, para pejabat di luar aula sisi keras itu juga berteriak: "Linhai kota Marsekal dan laut Biro Investigasi mendapatkan emas umum Long!"Luar, telah datang dalam satu baris, penampilan dan omong, garis depan apa adalah salah satu sekitar 30 - tahun-tua perwira militer yang tinggi dan rendah muda, tangan adalah menekan gagang pedang, barang-barang ini dapat membawa senjata tajam untuk memasukkan Jiangjunfu tiba-tiba, di atas kepala muncul "laut Biro Investigasi semakin baik naga emas" frase , adalah NPC perwira militer di Linhai city?"Linhai kota Marsekal?" Saya rajut alis, berkata: "Apakah kota Linhai memiliki Marsekal?"Xia Ye said in a low voice: „Gen­eral has not to know that this fine gold dragon is a Rong Di Jun's Yorozuo was long, truly stayed be­hind by guards the Lin­hai city, how­ever our palace guards ex­ter­mi­nate Rong Di Jun after fire Shen­shan thor­oughly, this fine gold dragon ac­tu­ally about 50,000 Rong Di Jun who leaves be­hind the Lin­hai city in scat­ters, re­or­ga­nizes with the local troops in the same place, was known as that for ‚dark blue navy’, the total mil­i­tary strength has prob­a­bly the 13 W per­son more, these mil­i­tary strength are guard­ing the en­tire Lin­hai city, prob­a­bly also be­cause of like this, this fine gold Long Caigan pro­claims as the Lin­hai city mar­shals? Snort, this clumsy mis­chief-doer, the gen­eral you do not dare to call the com­man­der-in-chief, this per­son dares to say the mar­shal un­ex­pect­edly, sim­ply is a joke!”My cor­ners of the mouth raise: „Calm, do not lose one's tem­per.”„Yes!”Fi­nally, that fine gold dragon takes a seat in our di­rectlies op­po­site, lead­ing under his hand sev­eral Yorozuo long to sit down to­gether, the fine gold dragon looked at my one eyes from afar, sneers say­ing: „I ac­tu­ally any­one, is the awe-in­spir­ing bro­ken caul­dron male, what wind gave to blow here to come you un­ex­pect­edly?”I lower the head to have a look at the roast chicken on table, with­out man­ag­ing him, the air/Qi re­sults in the fine gold dragon com­plex­ion to be red, al­most must come to go all out.Again shortly af­ter­ward, out­side of­fi­cials are one shouted: „The Tian Ling Em­pire hot axe armed forces vice- com­mand Gen­eral Wang Zecheng!”This time I could not sit still, has a big shock say­ing: „How did this goods come?!”Xia Ye vis­its me, is puz­zled: „Is gen­eral so why as­ton­ished?”I: „Ini­tially the hot axe armed forces at­tacked fire Shen­shan are he in­sti­gate, that time he has not gone not to hold re­spon­si­ble, this time went to Sin­ga­pore to come un­ex­pect­edly, does he want to be up to mis­chief?”Xia Yedao: „In­vari­ably on Wan Bian, this is the gen­eral you teaches me!”„Um”Again shortly af­ter­ward, Yun Piao the streamer mil­i­tary of­fi­cers of one group of flood dragon armed forces have been com­ing in fi­nally, si­mul­ta­ne­ously with im­pres­sively is the hot lion mer­ce­nary sol­dier group reg­i­men­tal com­man­der xing fire that she en­ters shoul­der to shoul­der, within two per­son con­ver­sa­tions is af­fec­tion­ate, even Yun Piaopiao is also hold­ing the hand of xing fire, im­me­di­ately I fall three zhang (3.33 m), lost to the cloud to be float­ing, this Sin­ga­pore we were Bai to come!„Gen­eral, please sit down, does not need to be po­lite.”A xing fire face smil­ing face, sits with Yun Piaopiao on the mas­ter seat, the xing fire car­ries the wine class to start to pro­pose a toast, after three cups, said with a smile: „Today Mon­go­lian every­body think highly , the day plum
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setelah mengambil tempat duduk, Xia Ye sisi saya, di lengan yang melekat kekuatan wilayah Saint cahaya, ia adalah orang yang diskrit, sudah diam-diam dipromosikan kondisi pertempuran terkuat, ini adalah api xing meluncurkan serangan, kami juga tidak cukup untuk . menjadi bingung
saya menunjukkan senyum samar: ". Calm"
Xia Ye juga tersenyum: "tahu bahwa akhir akan selalu sangat tenang."
pada saat ini, para pejabat di luar aula sisi keras juga berteriak: "kota marsekal Linhai dan biro laut penyelidikan mendapatkan emas murni Umum panjang! "
di luar, telah datang dalam satu baris, penampilan dari menggertak dan menggertak, apa garis depan adalah salah satu sekitar 30 perwira militer muda yang tinggi dan rendah -tahun-tua, tangan menekan gagang pedang , barang ini dapat membawa senjata tajam untuk masuk Jiangjunfu tiba-tiba, di atas kepala muncul kembali "biro laut penyelidikan semakin naga emas murni" frase, adalah perwira militer NPC di Linhai kota?
"pemimpin kota Linhai?" aku merajut alis, mengatakan: "? Apakah kota Linhai memiliki marshal"
kata Xia Ye dengan suara rendah: "General belum tahu bahwa naga emas tua ini adalah Rong di Jun Yorozuo panjang, benar-benar tinggal di belakang oleh penjaga kota Linhai, namun penjaga istana kami memusnahkan Rong di Juni setelah kebakaran Shenshan menyeluruh, naga emas murni ini sebenarnya sekitar 50.000 Rong di Jun yang meninggalkan kota Linhai di beraikan, mereorganisasi dengan pasukan lokal di tempat yang sama, dikenal sebagai bahwa untuk , gelap biru ', kekuatan militer keseluruhan mungkin memiliki 13 W orang lebih, ini kekuatan militer yang menjaga seluruh kota Linhai, mungkin juga karena seperti ini, emas ini baik-baik saja panjang Caigan menyatakan sebagai kota marsekal Linhai? Snort, ini canggung kenakalan-pelaku, yang umum Anda tidak berani untuk memanggil komandan-in-chief itu, orang ini berani mengatakan marshal tiba-tiba, hanya merupakan lelucon "!
Sudut saya dari kenaikan mulut:" Tenang, jangan . marah seseorang "
" Ya! "
Akhirnya, naga emas tua mengambil tempat duduk di directlies kami berlawanan, terkemuka di bawah tangannya beberapa Yorozuo lama untuk duduk bersama, naga emas murni menatap satu mata saya dari jauh, menyeringai mengatakan: "aku benar-benar orang, adalah rasa hormat yang rusak kuali laki-laki, apa angin memberi meniup sini untuk datang Anda tiba-tiba?"
aku menurunkan kepala untuk melihat di ayam panggang di atas meja, tanpa mengelola dirinya, udara / hasil Qi di naga emas kulit halus menjadi merah, hampir harus datang untuk pergi keluar semua.
sekali lagi tak lama kemudian, para pejabat luar yang satu berteriak: "The Tian Ling Empire kapak panas angkatan bersenjata wakil perintah Jenderal Wang Zecheng"
kali ini saya tidak bisa duduk diam, memiliki kejutan pepatah besar: "Bagaimana barang ini datang ?!"
Xia Ye mengunjungi saya, yang bingung: "Apakah umum jadi mengapa heran?"
I: "Awalnya kapak panas angkatan bersenjata menyerang api Shenshan yang ia menghasut, bahwa saat ia belum pergi tidak bertanggung jawab, kali ini pergi ke Singapura untuk datang tiba-tiba, dia ingin sampai kerusakan? "
Xia Yedao:"! Selalu di Wan Bian, ini adalah umum Anda mengajarkan saya "
" Um "
Sekali lagi tak lama kemudian, Yun Piao para perwira militer streamer dari satu kelompok angkatan bersenjata naga banjir telah datang di akhirnya, bersamaan dengan mengesankan adalah singa panas kelompok tentara bayaran komandan resimen xing api yang dia memasuki bahu-membahu, dalam waktu dua percakapan orang adalah kasih sayang, bahkan Yun Piaopiao juga memegang tangan api xing, segera aku jatuh tiga zhang (3,33 m), kalah awan mengambang, Singapura ini kami Bai datang!
"Jenderal, silahkan duduk, tidak . perlu bersikap sopan "
wajah xing api wajah tersenyum, duduk dengan Yun Piaopiao di kursi guru, api xing membawa anggur kelas untuk memulai bersulang, setelah tiga cangkir, berkata sambil tersenyum:" Hari ini Mongolia semua orang berpikir sangat, hari plum
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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