Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the bottom of the Deity’s Lake. Th terjemahan - Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the bottom of the Deity’s Lake. Th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the bottom of the Deity’s Lake. The entire lake began quaking, as if it were about to crumble.

The rupture inscription patterns that Nie Li had placed were finally doing their job.

It was impossible for the rupture inscription patterns to destroy the Deity’s Lake, but it still caused quite a considerable commotion with its series of explosions.

At last, that Dao of Dragon Realm Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor couldn’t stand it anymore. What a huge commotion! Was someone trying to destroy its Deity’s Lake?


The Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor soared into the sky. With a *woosh*, it turned into a streak of light, on its way to see what was going on at the bottom of the Deity’s Lake.

Once the Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor left, Nie Li and Li Xingyun immediately took action.

Their window of opportunity wasn’t very large!

Nie Li and Li Xingyun entered the Deity’s Lake. The remaining Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes realised that strangers were invading. They flapped their wings and pounced towards Nie Li and his group.

“Kill them!” Li Xingyun barked and immediately charged forward with his men.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

A chaotic war burst out as Li Xingyun and five hundred of his men attacked the Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes.

“Brother Nie Li, we’ll stall them! You go in! Hurry!”

“Yes!” Nie Li nodded as he merged with his Bloodwing Saint Jiao-dragon, flapped his wings, and flew down.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

Nie Li collided with several Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes; however, he powered through with his powerful physique.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

More infernal lightning attacks struck Nie Li, but thanks to the Bloodwing Saint Jiao-dragon’s physique, Nie Li possessed a powerful resistance towards fire-attribute attacks. Therefore, he didn’t suffer many injuries.

Three Heavenly Star Realm Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes surrounded Nie Li, trying to stop him. However, Li Xingyun and his men quickly intervened.

Swords flashed and blood splattered. The three Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes were diced and sent writhing as they fell from the sky.

At last, Nie Li broke through the heavy siege, landed on the Deity’s Lake, and rapidly laid down his inscription patterns. One by one, the designs fell into the lake and blasted its bottom.

There were many spiritual stones and spiritual stone essences lying at the bottom of the Deity’s Lake, but Nie Li didn’t give them a second thought as he continued to focus on writing the inscription patterns.

Li Xingyun and his men entered a harsh battle that brought death to many of his subordinates. However, many of the Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes were also being killed.

As Li Xingyun and his men were caught up in a heated battle, the enormous Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor appeared again. This was their king, a demon spirit of the Dao of Dragon Realm. Once it realised that the bottom of the Deity’s Lake were just merely explosion, it quickly returned to the surface find Li Xingyun and his men closing in on the Deity’s Lake. It was instantly enraged.

The Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor shrouded itself in a rolling cloud of Infernal Lightning and dived down. Its blazing flames seemed as though they were trying to melt everything.

Li Xingyun and his group never expected the emperor to return so quickly. His face changed as he barked, “Get over there and obstruct it!”

Li Xingyun’s voice sounded

*Woosh!* *Woosh!* *Woosh!*

Countless figures charged the Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor.

The emperor hissed as it flicked its red tongue and ruthlessly whipped its tail.

The tail struck dozens of people, turning them into explosions of flesh, burnt to ashes. Among them were a few who were at least of the Heavenly Star Realm.

The strength of that Dao of Dragon Realm Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor was unimaginable.

However, there were still many people who charged towards it.

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Tiba-tiba ledakan terdengar dari dasar danau Ketuhanan. Danau seluruh mulai gemetar, seolah-olah akan runtuh.Pola-pola prasasti pecah yang Nie Li telah ditempatkan akhirnya melakukan pekerjaan mereka.Ianya mustahil untuk pola prasasti pecah untuk menghancurkan ketuhanan Lake, tapi itu masih menyebabkan cukup banyak keributan dengan serangkaian ledakan.Akhirnya, Dao dari Dragon Realm Infernal petir bersayap ular Kaisar tidak bisa tahan lagi. Apa keributan besar! Seseorang berusaha untuk menghancurkan dewa yang Lake?* Woosh! *Infernal petir bersayap ular Kaisar melonjak ke langit. Dengan * woosh *, itu berubah menjadi seberkas cahaya, dalam perjalanan untuk melihat apa yang terjadi di bawah dewa di danau.Sekali Infernal petir bersayap ular Kaisar meninggalkan, Nie Li dan Li Xingyun segera mengambil tindakan.Mereka jendela kesempatan tidak sangat besar!Nie Li dan Li Xingyun memasuki Danau Ketuhanan. Infernal sisa petir bersayap ular menyadari bahwa orang asing yang menyerang. Mereka flapped sayap mereka dan menerkam menuju Nie Li dan kelompoknya."Membunuh mereka!" Li Xingyun menyalak dan segera didakwa maju dengan orangnya.* Booming! * * Boom! * * Boom! *Perang kacau terbahak-Li Xingyun dan lima ratus orangnya menyerang Infernal petir bersayap ular."Saudara Nie Li, kita akan kios mereka! Anda pergi! Terburu-buru!""Ya!" Nie Li mengangguk sebagai ia bergabung dengan Bloodwing Saint Jiao-naga itu, flapped sayap-Nya, dan terbang ke bawah.*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*Nie Li collided with several Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes; however, he powered through with his powerful physique.*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*More infernal lightning attacks struck Nie Li, but thanks to the Bloodwing Saint Jiao-dragon’s physique, Nie Li possessed a powerful resistance towards fire-attribute attacks. Therefore, he didn’t suffer many injuries.Three Heavenly Star Realm Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes surrounded Nie Li, trying to stop him. However, Li Xingyun and his men quickly intervened.Swords flashed and blood splattered. The three Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes were diced and sent writhing as they fell from the sky.At last, Nie Li broke through the heavy siege, landed on the Deity’s Lake, and rapidly laid down his inscription patterns. One by one, the designs fell into the lake and blasted its bottom.There were many spiritual stones and spiritual stone essences lying at the bottom of the Deity’s Lake, but Nie Li didn’t give them a second thought as he continued to focus on writing the inscription patterns.Li Xingyun and his men entered a harsh battle that brought death to many of his subordinates. However, many of the Infernal Lightning Winged Snakes were also being killed.As Li Xingyun and his men were caught up in a heated battle, the enormous Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor appeared again. This was their king, a demon spirit of the Dao of Dragon Realm. Once it realised that the bottom of the Deity’s Lake were just merely explosion, it quickly returned to the surface find Li Xingyun and his men closing in on the Deity’s Lake. It was instantly enraged.The Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor shrouded itself in a rolling cloud of Infernal Lightning and dived down. Its blazing flames seemed as though they were trying to melt everything.Li Xingyun and his group never expected the emperor to return so quickly. His face changed as he barked, “Get over there and obstruct it!”Li Xingyun’s voice sounded*Woosh!* *Woosh!* *Woosh!*Countless figures charged the Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor.The emperor hissed as it flicked its red tongue and ruthlessly whipped its tail.The tail struck dozens of people, turning them into explosions of flesh, burnt to ashes. Among them were a few who were at least of the Heavenly Star Realm.The strength of that Dao of Dragon Realm Infernal Lightning Winged Snake Emperor was unimaginable.However, there were still many people who charged towards it.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tiba-tiba, ledakan terdengar dari bawah Dewa Danau. Seluruh danau mulai gemetar, seolah-olah itu akan runtuh. Pola pecah prasasti yang Nie Li telah menempatkan akhirnya melakukan pekerjaan mereka. Itu tidak mungkin untuk pola pecah prasasti untuk menghancurkan Dewa Danau, tetapi masih menyebabkan cukup besar keributan dengan seri ledakan. akhirnya, yang Dao Dragon Realm Infernal Petir Winged Snake Kaisar tidak bisa tahan lagi. Apa keributan besar! Adalah seseorang yang mencoba untuk menghancurkan Dewa-nya Lake? * Woosh! * The Infernal Petir Winged Ular Kaisar membumbung ke angkasa. Dengan * Woosh *, itu berubah menjadi seberkas cahaya, dalam perjalanan untuk melihat apa yang sedang terjadi di bawah Ketuhanan Danau. Setelah Infernal Petir Winged Snake Kaisar kiri, Nie Li dan Li Xingyun segera mengambil tindakan. Mereka jendela kesempatan itu tidak sangat besar! Nie Li dan Li Xingyun memasuki Dewa Danau. Sisanya Infernal Petir Winged Ular menyadari bahwa orang asing yang menyerang. Mereka mengepakkan sayap mereka dan menerkam ke arah Nie Li dan kelompoknya. "Bunuh mereka!" Li Xingyun menyalak dan segera dibebankan ke depan dengan anak buahnya. * Boom! * * Boom! * * Boom! * Sebuah perang kacau meledak sebagai Li Xingyun dan lima ratus anak buahnya menyerang Infernal Petir Winged Ular. "Saudara Nie Li, kami akan kios mereka! Anda masuk! Cepat! " " Ya! "Nie Li mengangguk saat ia bergabung dengan nya Bloodwing Saint Jiao-naga, mengepakkan sayapnya, dan terbang ke bawah. * Boom! * * Boom! * * Boom! * Nie Li bertabrakan dengan beberapa Infernal Petir Winged Ular ; Namun, ia didukung melalui dengan fisik yang kuat. * Boom! * * Boom! * * Boom! * serangan petir Lebih neraka melanda Nie Li, namun berkat tubuh yang Bloodwing Saint Jiao-naga, Nie Li memiliki resistensi yang kuat terhadap kebakaran hutan atribut serangan. Oleh karena itu, ia tidak menderita banyak cedera. Realm Surgawi Bintang Tiga Infernal petir Winged Ular dikelilingi Nie Li, berusaha untuk menghentikannya. Namun, Li Xingyun dan anak buahnya cepat turun tangan. Swords melintas dan darah berceceran. Tiga Infernal Petir Winged Ular yang potong dadu dan dikirim menggeliat saat mereka jatuh dari langit. Akhirnya, Nie Li menerobos pengepungan berat, mendarat di Dewa Danau, dan cepat meletakkan pola prasasti nya. Satu per satu, desain jatuh ke dalam danau dan mengecam bawahnya. Ada banyak batu spiritual dan esensi batu spiritual berbaring di bagian bawah Ketuhanan Danau, tapi Nie Li tidak memberi mereka berpikir dua sambil terus fokus pada menulis pola prasasti. Li Xingyun dan anak buahnya memasuki pertempuran keras yang membawa kematian bagi banyak bawahannya. Namun, banyak dari Infernal Petir Winged Ular juga dibunuh. Sebagai Li Xingyun dan orang-orangnya terperangkap dalam pertempuran dipanaskan, besar Infernal Petir Winged Snake Kaisar muncul lagi. Ini adalah raja mereka, semangat setan dari Dao Dragon Realm. Setelah menyadari bahwa bagian bawah Ketuhanan Danau hanya sekedar ledakan, dengan cepat kembali ke permukaan menemukan Li Xingyun dan anak buahnya mendekati Dewa Danau. Hal itu langsung marah. The Infernal Petir Winged Snake Kaisar diselimuti sendiri dalam awan bergulir dari Infernal Petir dan menyelam ke bawah. Menyala api yang tampak seolah-olah mereka berusaha untuk mencairkan segalanya. Li Xingyun dan kelompoknya tidak pernah berharap kaisar untuk kembali begitu cepat. Wajahnya berubah saat ia membentak, "Pergilah ke sana dan menghalanginya!" Suara Li Xingyun terdengar * Woosh! * * Woosh! * * Woosh! * Angka yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dikenakan Infernal Petir Winged Ular Kaisar. Kaisar mendesis seperti menjentikkan nya merah lidah dan kejam dicambuk ekornya. ekor melanda puluhan orang, mengubahnya menjadi ledakan daging, dibakar menjadi abu. Di antara mereka adalah beberapa yang paling dari Alam Surgawi Star. Kekuatan yang Dao Dragon Realm Infernal Petir Winged Snake Kaisar tidak terbayangkan. Namun, masih ada banyak orang yang dibebankan ke arah itu.

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