Despite the permeability problems associated with arbitrarily defined  terjemahan - Despite the permeability problems associated with arbitrarily defined  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Despite the permeability problems a

Despite the permeability problems associated with arbitrarily defined generational
boundaries, it is documented that in excess of four million people were born in
Australia within the time period that is commonly used to demark the baby boomer
generational cohort (i.e. 19461964). In terms of numbers, and their reconfiguration
of work, relationship, and retirement desires, the baby boomer cohort is recognised
as being one of the most distinct generational demographics to occur in Australian
history (Australian Government, 2007; Moen, 1998). As this cohort ages, the ensuing
seniors boom will place increasing demands on the country’s health and wellness
services. In addition, it is anticipated that as the baby boomer generational cohort
reaches retirement age it will by sheer weight of numbers force the gero-counselling
profession to respond to its distinct therapeutic service needs (Capuzzi & Gross,
2002; Maples & Abney, 2006).
It is also anticipated that the core issues relating to therapeutic practice in
Western Australia will be pertinent to researchers throughout the Western world
contemplating the counselling needs of baby boomers residing apart from their
siblings. However, before such specific sibling-related counselling needs are
addressed, a determination ought to occur as to whether the more general
counselling services provided to previous generational cohorts of retirees are
appropriate for the current baby boomer cohort. Moreover, given that the baby
boomer cohort spans almost 20 years it also has to be determined whether within
cohort differences exist in the baby boomer’s counselling service provision needs. For
instance, future research could reveal whether the service wants and needs of the first
wave of baby boomers (i.e. those born between 1946 and 1950) are similar to, or
distinct from, those of the other three age-waves (i.e. baby boomers born between
1951 and 1955, 1956 and 1960, and 1961 and 1964).
A further difficulty for the gero-counselling profession is that there are
insufficient numbers of practitioners/researchers specialising in the gero-counselling
field (Giordano, 2000). This shortfall probably accounts for the scarcity of literature
relating to the loss and grief counselling needs of distance-separated baby boomer
sibling dyads. While the authors acknowledge the concept of being separated by
distance is an individualised concept with distinct geographical connotations (i.e. for
baby boomers living in a relatively small country like England the concept of
distance separation may well be quite different to individuals in a vast country like
Australia) they also contend that research into the perceptions of distance among
today’s four baby boomers age-waves will provide clinicians with valuable insights
into the cohort’s world. In turn, these insights will also provide future researchers
with a foundation for making comparisons of the similarities/differences between
baby boomer perceptions and those of subsequent generational cohorts.
Similarly, it would be informative to clinical practice if research was conducted to
determine if differences exist between the ways in which the older (i.e. baby boomers
in the first two waves 19461955 currently approaching/entering retirement) and the
younger (i.e. baby boomers in the last two waves 19561964 working full time and/or
actively raising children) halves of the Western baby boomer generational cohort
deal with sibling separation and loss issues. Moreover, if such differences occur,
whether these differences are in some way related to the sibling dyads’ family of
origin’s, nuclear family structural type (beanpole or loose), diversity (biological,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Despite the permeability problems associated with arbitrarily defined generationalboundaries, it is documented that in excess of four million people were born inAustralia within the time period that is commonly used to demark the baby boomergenerational cohort (i.e. 19461964). In terms of numbers, and their reconfigurationof work, relationship, and retirement desires, the baby boomer cohort is recognisedas being one of the most distinct generational demographics to occur in Australianhistory (Australian Government, 2007; Moen, 1998). As this cohort ages, the ensuingseniors boom will place increasing demands on the country’s health and wellnessservices. In addition, it is anticipated that as the baby boomer generational cohortreaches retirement age it will by sheer weight of numbers force the gero-counsellingprofession to respond to its distinct therapeutic service needs (Capuzzi & Gross,2002; Maples & Abney, 2006).It is also anticipated that the core issues relating to therapeutic practice inWestern Australia will be pertinent to researchers throughout the Western worldcontemplating the counselling needs of baby boomers residing apart from theirsiblings. However, before such specific sibling-related counselling needs areaddressed, a determination ought to occur as to whether the more generalcounselling services provided to previous generational cohorts of retirees areappropriate for the current baby boomer cohort. Moreover, given that the babyboomer cohort spans almost 20 years it also has to be determined whether withincohort differences exist in the baby boomer’s counselling service provision needs. Forinstance, future research could reveal whether the service wants and needs of the firstwave of baby boomers (i.e. those born between 1946 and 1950) are similar to, ordistinct from, those of the other three age-waves (i.e. baby boomers born between1951 and 1955, 1956 and 1960, and 1961 and 1964).A further difficulty for the gero-counselling profession is that there areinsufficient numbers of practitioners/researchers specialising in the gero-counsellingfield (Giordano, 2000). This shortfall probably accounts for the scarcity of literaturerelating to the loss and grief counselling needs of distance-separated baby boomersibling dyads. While the authors acknowledge the concept of being separated bydistance is an individualised concept with distinct geographical connotations (i.e. forbaby boomers living in a relatively small country like England the concept ofdistance separation may well be quite different to individuals in a vast country likeAustralia) they also contend that research into the perceptions of distance amongtoday’s four baby boomers age-waves will provide clinicians with valuable insightsinto the cohort’s world. In turn, these insights will also provide future researcherswith a foundation for making comparisons of the similarities/differences betweenbaby boomer perceptions and those of subsequent generational cohorts.Similarly, it would be informative to clinical practice if research was conducted todetermine if differences exist between the ways in which the older (i.e. baby boomersin the first two waves 19461955 currently approaching/entering retirement) and theyounger (i.e. baby boomers in the last two waves 19561964 working full time and/oractively raising children) halves of the Western baby boomer generational cohortdeal with sibling separation and loss issues. Moreover, if such differences occur,whether these differences are in some way related to the sibling dyads’ family oforigin’s, nuclear family structural type (beanpole or loose), diversity (biological,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Meskipun masalah permeabilitas terkait dengan generasi didefinisikan secara sewenang-wenang
batas, itu didokumentasikan bahwa lebih dari empat juta orang lahir di
Australia dalam jangka waktu yang umum digunakan untuk demark bayi boomer
generasi kohort (yaitu 1946? 1964). Dalam hal jumlah, dan rekonfigurasi mereka
pekerjaan, hubungan, dan keinginan pensiun, baby boomer kohort diakui
sebagai salah satu demografi generasi paling berbeda terjadi di Australia
sejarah (Pemerintah Australia, 2007; Moen, 1998). Sebagai kelompok ini usia, berikutnya
senior booming akan menempatkan tuntutan peningkatan pada kesehatan dan kesejahteraan negara
layanan. Selain itu, diantisipasi bahwa sebagai baby boomer kohort generasi
mencapai usia pensiun itu akan berat semata nomor memaksa gero-konseling
profesi untuk menanggapi kebutuhan layanan terapi yang berbeda yang (Capuzzi & Gross,
2002; Maples & Abney, 2006) .
Hal ini juga diantisipasi bahwa isu-isu inti yang berkaitan dengan praktek terapi di
Australia Barat akan berhubungan dengan peneliti di seluruh dunia Barat
merenungkan kebutuhan konseling baby boomer yang tinggal terpisah dari mereka
saudara. Namun, sebelum-saudara terkait kebutuhan konseling seperti spesifik
ditujukan, tekad harus terjadi, apakah yang lebih umum
layanan konseling yang diberikan kepada kohort generasi sebelumnya pensiunan yang
sesuai untuk saat baby boomer kohort. Selain itu, mengingat bahwa bayi
kohort boomer meliputi hampir 20 tahun itu juga harus ditentukan apakah dalam
kohort ada perbedaan dalam pelayanan konseling kebutuhan penyediaan bayi boomer itu. Untuk
contoh, penelitian di masa depan bisa mengungkapkan apakah layanan keinginan dan kebutuhan yang pertama
gelombang baby boomer (yaitu mereka yang lahir antara tahun 1946 dan 1950) mirip dengan, atau
berbeda dari, orang-orang dari tiga lainnya usia-gelombang (yaitu baby boomer lahir antara
tahun 1951 dan 1955, 1956 dan 1960, dan 1961 dan 1964).
Kesulitan lebih lanjut untuk profesi gero-konseling adalah bahwa ada
kurangnya jumlah praktisi / peneliti yang mengkhususkan diri dalam gero-konseling
lapangan (Giordano, 2000). Kekurangan ini mungkin account untuk kelangkaan literatur
yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan kerugian dan konseling kesedihan jarak dipisahkan baby boomer
saudara diad. Sementara penulis mengakui konsep yang dipisahkan oleh
jarak merupakan konsep individual dengan konotasi geografis yang berbeda (yaitu untuk
baby boomer yang tinggal di sebuah negara yang relatif kecil seperti Inggris konsep
pemisahan jarak mungkin menjadi sangat berbeda kepada perorangan di negara yang sangat luas seperti
Australia ) mereka juga berpendapat bahwa penelitian ke dalam persepsi jarak antara
empat baby boomer usia-gelombang hari ini akan memberikan dokter dengan wawasan berharga
ke dunia kohort ini. Pada gilirannya, wawasan ini juga akan menyediakan peneliti masa depan
dengan dasar untuk membuat perbandingan dari persamaan / perbedaan antara
persepsi boomer bayi dan orang-orang dari kohort generasi berikutnya.
Demikian pula, akan informatif untuk praktek klinis jika penelitian dilakukan untuk
menentukan apakah ada perbedaan antara cara di mana tua (yaitu baby boomer
di dua gelombang pertama 1946? 1955 saat mendekati / masuk pensiun) dan
muda (yaitu baby boomer dalam dua gelombang 1956? 1964 lalu bekerja penuh waktu dan / atau
aktif membesarkan anak-anak) bagian dari Barat baby boomer kohort generasi
kesepakatan dengan saudara isu pemisahan dan rugi. Selain itu, jika perbedaan tersebut terjadi,
apakah perbedaan ini dalam beberapa cara yang berhubungan dengan keluarga saudara diad 'dari
asal yang, keluarga inti tipe struktural (beanpole atau longgar), keragaman (biologi,
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