CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONA large percentage of the world’s language learne terjemahan - CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONA large percentage of the world’s language learne Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan



A large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order to develop profiency in speaking. The ability to speak a second or foreign language well is a very complex task if we try to understand the nature of what appears to be involved.
To begin with, speaking is used for many different purposes involves different skills. When we use casual conversation, for example, our purposes may be to make social contact with people when we engage in discussion with someone, the purpose may be to seek or express opinions, to persuade someone about something or to classify information.
In some situation we use speaking to give instructions, describe things or to entertain people with jokes, anecdotes or telling stories (Richards and Renandya, 2002:2001).
Like visuals narratives are powerful vehicles for understanding and remembering conceptual information. In our research with presenting learning strategies to younger students, we have used story that illustrates how learning strategies are applied by a fictional character to complete a task successfully. “The mountain climber story” has been successful in helping younger students better understand what strategies are and how to use them. This story is about a girl who climbs a mountain successfully, using numerous strategies to achieve her objective (Chamot, 1999:89). For most people, being able to claim knowledge of a second language means being able to – speak and write in that language. Listening and reading are therefore secondary skills – means to other ends, rather that ends in themselves (Nunan, 2002:238).
Based on my experience in teaching English at high school or vocational school, my students sometimes had got difficulties in practice speaking. As a teacher I have to be able to build their curiosity to learn, because through the curiosity their motivation to practice speaking will come out. In this case, the teacher should be able to create the learning condition enjoyable for the student.
I would like to use telling short stories as a media to make the students cheerful and it can also make them curios about learning to speak. It means through telling the stories the teacher can increase their ability for speaking.

Background of the Study

English is an international language widely spoken all over the world. English studied and taught not only in Indonesia but also in all over the world. Language is a main tool of communication and it plays an important role in daily life, because without language people cannot express or convey their ideas to the other people perfectly. So that, communication will not run well.
The process communication can be in from of spoken or written this study focused on spoken communication, especially speaking. According to Krashen (1989:57), “Speaking” is primary goal of most language students. Speaking is one of the four language skill, which is learned by the students. The ability of speaking is the main target for the learners.
It’s appropriate with the aim of teaching speaking to the students at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang, where the students are expected to be able to :
Spell and pronounce the words they have learned.
Ask and answer the question.
Many students got difficulties in expressing their ideas orally in English. Most of them are passive in learning English. The problem is also focused by the students at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. Some of them do not have self confidence to speak since they seldom practice their English orally. It means that the teacher should give the students more opportunities to practice their abilities of speaking, so that they can express their ideas or thought fluently.
In giving the students more opportunities to practice their abilities to speak in English, listening stories would like to be used. The reason is the listening stories can create enjoyable atmosphere.
Based on the ideas above, this research is hoped to be able to find out what exact problems faced by the student at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang in learning to speak English through listening to stories. By knowing the problem at acquiring speaking skills the solution can be made.

Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above, this study is intended to answer this question : “How does listening to English stories build up the students’ speaking abilities in English language?”

Limitation of the Problem

This study is only limited to observe the students at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang, in learning to speak English through listening to stories. The population at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang are amount 60 persons. The samples for two genres are grouped to boys as an experiment and girls as a control class. Sample of the genre is gotten in stratified random sampling.
The research used an experiment method and for analyze data in quantity analysis, the result of quantity analyze was described in quality.

According to Web Center For Social Research Method “An hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study”. The writer formulated the hypotheses as follow:
Alternative Hypotheses (Ha)

There is significant influence of teaching speaking English betwen experimental and control group.
Null Hypotheses (Ho)

There is no significant influence of teaching speaking English betwen experimental and control group.
In this study my hypotheses is learning to speak English through listening to stories effective at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang.

Significance of the study

The significance of this study is to prove that by listening to English stories which are read aloud, the students can speak the language, and ready to participate in their EFL learning process in the future.
The study is also useful, in that it can be understood more about more the materials to be taught to the students. Moreover hopefully, the method of teaching by listening to stories could build, be applied and useful for constructing the student’s of SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang ability in English.

Aims of the study

The purpose of the study is to find out whether listening or not listening to English stories could build up the student’s ability to speak English. 
Method of the study

The method of the study used in this paper was descriptive method. It is a method applied to find out a problem which needs further analyses on data when the data has been gained. According to Gay (1981), “Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer question concerning the current status of the subject of the study and a quasi experimental method.

Population and the sample

The population of the study were the student of SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. The number of the population was 60 students. Sample at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. The number of the sample was 30 students who were selected as a sample through stratified random sampling technique.

Data collection procedures


In this study there were two variables to be analyzed. They are independent and dependent variable. The independent variable was the use of listening to stories and dependent variable was speaking ability.

Steps of collecting data

In collecting the data, the writer gave the students test. There were two kinds of test to the students, the pre-test was given before doing the teaching experiment and post-test was given to the students at the end of teaching experiment.

Data analysis

The technique for analyzing data in this study are done through :
Percentage analysis
The conversion of the percentage range
The match test

Clarification of Terms

Speaking : in learning to speaking English, the writer interpreted the Students could speak if they could answer the questions of story correctly in understanding without pay attention about grammar or complete answer and properly answer.
Listening : meant heard the story from the teacher in orally.
Story : Kind of story was : short story, such as : A Friendship Between Fish and Monkey, Timun Mas and Cinderella.

Organization of the research paper

The paper of this research is organized as follows : the first chapter discussed provides the background of the study, statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, hypotheses, aims of the study, significance of the study, method of the study, population and the sample, data collection procedure and organization of this paper.
The second chapter is theoretical foundation which covered the clarification of terms, teaching the speaking skill, oral stimulating interaction in the class room, listening in language learning, the changing face of listening, listening and speaking; folks and fairy tales; find the changes.
The third chapter focused on the research method, which discussed the method of the research, population and sample, techniques for collecting data and techniques for analyzing data.
The fourth chapter is the findings and the students’ scores in the pre-test and post-test, the calculation of essay and discussion.
The fifth chapter reveals some conclusion and suggestions.

Concept of Speaking

Speaking is a skill to use the communication in daily life whether at school or other activities. Is consists of sending and receiving messages competence. Speaking is an action to express views, wishes and other thought. Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997 in a web area “Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.”
Meanwhile, harmer in his book said (1998:134) “Speaking is talking about the problem of teaching mixed ability classes, suggesting either different material, different tasks, ignoring the problem or using students as way of dealing of with it.
From those
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONA large percentage of the world’s language learners study English in order to develop profiency in speaking. The ability to speak a second or foreign language well is a very complex task if we try to understand the nature of what appears to be involved.To begin with, speaking is used for many different purposes involves different skills. When we use casual conversation, for example, our purposes may be to make social contact with people when we engage in discussion with someone, the purpose may be to seek or express opinions, to persuade someone about something or to classify information.In some situation we use speaking to give instructions, describe things or to entertain people with jokes, anecdotes or telling stories (Richards and Renandya, 2002:2001).Like visuals narratives are powerful vehicles for understanding and remembering conceptual information. In our research with presenting learning strategies to younger students, we have used story that illustrates how learning strategies are applied by a fictional character to complete a task successfully. “The mountain climber story” has been successful in helping younger students better understand what strategies are and how to use them. This story is about a girl who climbs a mountain successfully, using numerous strategies to achieve her objective (Chamot, 1999:89). For most people, being able to claim knowledge of a second language means being able to – speak and write in that language. Listening and reading are therefore secondary skills – means to other ends, rather that ends in themselves (Nunan, 2002:238).Based on my experience in teaching English at high school or vocational school, my students sometimes had got difficulties in practice speaking. As a teacher I have to be able to build their curiosity to learn, because through the curiosity their motivation to practice speaking will come out. In this case, the teacher should be able to create the learning condition enjoyable for the student.I would like to use telling short stories as a media to make the students cheerful and it can also make them curios about learning to speak. It means through telling the stories the teacher can increase their ability for speaking. Background of the StudyEnglish is an international language widely spoken all over the world. English studied and taught not only in Indonesia but also in all over the world. Language is a main tool of communication and it plays an important role in daily life, because without language people cannot express or convey their ideas to the other people perfectly. So that, communication will not run well.The process communication can be in from of spoken or written this study focused on spoken communication, especially speaking. According to Krashen (1989:57), “Speaking” is primary goal of most language students. Speaking is one of the four language skill, which is learned by the students. The ability of speaking is the main target for the learners.It’s appropriate with the aim of teaching speaking to the students at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang, where the students are expected to be able to : Spell and pronounce the words they have learned. Ask and answer the question.Many students got difficulties in expressing their ideas orally in English. Most of them are passive in learning English. The problem is also focused by the students at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. Some of them do not have self confidence to speak since they seldom practice their English orally. It means that the teacher should give the students more opportunities to practice their abilities of speaking, so that they can express their ideas or thought fluently.In giving the students more opportunities to practice their abilities to speak in English, listening stories would like to be used. The reason is the listening stories can create enjoyable atmosphere.Based on the ideas above, this research is hoped to be able to find out what exact problems faced by the student at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang in learning to speak English through listening to stories. By knowing the problem at acquiring speaking skills the solution can be made.  Statement of the ProblemBased on the background above, this study is intended to answer this question : “How does listening to English stories build up the students’ speaking abilities in English language?” Limitation of the ProblemThis study is only limited to observe the students at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang, in learning to speak English through listening to stories. The population at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang are amount 60 persons. The samples for two genres are grouped to boys as an experiment and girls as a control class. Sample of the genre is gotten in stratified random sampling.The research used an experiment method and for analyze data in quantity analysis, the result of quantity analyze was described in quality. HypothesesAccording to Web Center For Social Research Method “An hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study”. The writer formulated the hypotheses as follow: Alternative Hypotheses (Ha)There is significant influence of teaching speaking English betwen experimental and control group. Null Hypotheses (Ho)There is no significant influence of teaching speaking English betwen experimental and control group.In this study my hypotheses is learning to speak English through listening to stories effective at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. Significance of the studyThe significance of this study is to prove that by listening to English stories which are read aloud, the students can speak the language, and ready to participate in their EFL learning process in the future.The study is also useful, in that it can be understood more about more the materials to be taught to the students. Moreover hopefully, the method of teaching by listening to stories could build, be applied and useful for constructing the student’s of SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang ability in English. Aims of the studyThe purpose of the study is to find out whether listening or not listening to English stories could build up the student’s ability to speak English. Method of the studyThe method of the study used in this paper was descriptive method. It is a method applied to find out a problem which needs further analyses on data when the data has been gained. According to Gay (1981), “Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer question concerning the current status of the subject of the study and a quasi experimental method.
Population and the sample

The population of the study were the student of SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. The number of the population was 60 students. Sample at Class X in SMK Karya Mulya Husada Serang. The number of the sample was 30 students who were selected as a sample through stratified random sampling technique.

Data collection procedures


In this study there were two variables to be analyzed. They are independent and dependent variable. The independent variable was the use of listening to stories and dependent variable was speaking ability.

Steps of collecting data

In collecting the data, the writer gave the students test. There were two kinds of test to the students, the pre-test was given before doing the teaching experiment and post-test was given to the students at the end of teaching experiment.

Data analysis

The technique for analyzing data in this study are done through :
Percentage analysis
The conversion of the percentage range
The match test

Clarification of Terms

Speaking : in learning to speaking English, the writer interpreted the Students could speak if they could answer the questions of story correctly in understanding without pay attention about grammar or complete answer and properly answer.
Listening : meant heard the story from the teacher in orally.
Story : Kind of story was : short story, such as : A Friendship Between Fish and Monkey, Timun Mas and Cinderella.

Organization of the research paper

The paper of this research is organized as follows : the first chapter discussed provides the background of the study, statement of the problem, limitation of the problem, hypotheses, aims of the study, significance of the study, method of the study, population and the sample, data collection procedure and organization of this paper.
The second chapter is theoretical foundation which covered the clarification of terms, teaching the speaking skill, oral stimulating interaction in the class room, listening in language learning, the changing face of listening, listening and speaking; folks and fairy tales; find the changes.
The third chapter focused on the research method, which discussed the method of the research, population and sample, techniques for collecting data and techniques for analyzing data.
The fourth chapter is the findings and the students’ scores in the pre-test and post-test, the calculation of essay and discussion.
The fifth chapter reveals some conclusion and suggestions.

Concept of Speaking

Speaking is a skill to use the communication in daily life whether at school or other activities. Is consists of sending and receiving messages competence. Speaking is an action to express views, wishes and other thought. Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce, 1997 in a web area “Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information.”
Meanwhile, harmer in his book said (1998:134) “Speaking is talking about the problem of teaching mixed ability classes, suggesting either different material, different tasks, ignoring the problem or using students as way of dealing of with it.
From those
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