Team enor­mous and pow­er­ful crossed child Wushan, ar­rives in Ba Hua terjemahan - Team enor­mous and pow­er­ful crossed child Wushan, ar­rives in Ba Hua Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Team enor­mous and pow­er­ful cross

Team enor­mous and pow­er­ful crossed child Wushan, ar­rives in Ba Huang City within the bound­aries, does not have need any­thing entry Wen Die, Queen An­gela to order all the way, as long as has the palace guard token in the Ba Huang City bor­der to move unim­peded, this has also given me a huge face, is rid­ing the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, at the same time has a look at be­hind the long team, I some­what am dis­turbed, thought that the heroic spirit spurts thinly, not long, I un­ex­pect­edly have be­come this sharp mas­ter has com­manded, this sense of achieve­ment makes each men be charmed suf­fi­ciently.
Way azure large male deer deep pool and Dragon’s den, I make the team ad­vance, one­self went to Dragon’s den, re­cruited 500 crag dragon cav­al­ries once again, such came Dragon’s den to have 6500 crag dragon cav­al­ries after these many days de­vel­op­ment, the total mil­i­tary strength has also achieved the fear­ful 13855 peo­ple, was been cold by Chi Yu Han , Chi Yu Qing com­mand, if took the com­bat , the com­plete force will not lose to the palace guard of 4 W per­son to be too many, even can com­pare the strength of [Zhan Long] en­tire guild, but the short­com­ing was died in bat­tle un­able to come back to life, oth­er­wise was re­ally in­vin­ci­ble.
Has man­aged the Dragon’s den mat­ters con­cerned, im­me­di­ately di­aled the horse to pur­sue, caught up with the trans­port team, Han Yuan al­ready raised a han­dle new long blade to pa­trol in all di­rec­tions, saw that I came to say im­me­di­ately: „Gen­eral, we such enter the wild re­gion, can en­counter the at­tack of bar­bar­ian tribe, they may not be un­friendly to hu­man­ity”
I smile: „Relax, I se­lected to choose 100 peo­ple of blade shield camps to ac­com­pany, they were the bar­bar­ian, the lan­guage are also in­ter­linked, com­mu­ni­cated with the local bar­bar­ian does not cer­tainly have the issue.”
„So that's how it is!”
Marches for­ward, I while opened the man­age­ment list of [Zhan Long], has a look at the player po­si­tion and Level fluc­tu­a­tion, then opens the guild chat chan­nel, said: „Was right, the pre­vi­ous time does not have in­cor­rupt­ible demon em­peror king level BOSS to at­tack Ze deep pool city? The final sit­u­a­tion is what kind , does the Amer­i­can mas­sacre this king level BOSS?”
Li Mudao: „Mas­sa­cred!”
I am as­ton­ished: „Yo, is the US war zone so pow­er­ful?”
Yue Qing Qian chuckle: „Hasn't ram­ble elder brother known? The in­cor­rupt­ible demon em­peror col­lab­o­rated to strike to kill by the player and NPC in has not turned over to the sea the edge, that han­dle coun­try level law stick ex­ploded, prob­a­bly was calls ‚the stick of snow and ice queen Aier­sha scepter’? The name is good to be long, heard that at­tribute is for­mi­da­ble, ‚in rain rhythm’ by guild­mas­ter of US war zone sec­ond guild was taken away, it is said for this han­dle Aier­sha scepter, the first trade union war sharp knife blade at­tacks bru­tally with the sec­ond trade union feather god, fi­nally has not at­tained, the sky rose soon the air/Qi cried!”
I am speech­less: „Sky rose woman per­son is ac­tu­ally very at­trac­tive, but was too crude, a girl played any swords­man”
Li Mux­iao: „But some­body's girl­friend plays spe­cially as­sas­sin of as­sas­si­na­tion”
Lin Wan Er seems killing strangely, ac­tu­ally also chuckle: „Whom Li Mu you said!”
Li Mu Ha Ha smiles: „What does not have, but in the af­ter­noon soon time, on the paper the pic­ture demon had the Dawn Mills brand to ride to enter the map of north­ern dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory to ex­plore, [Leg­end] will def­i­nitely have the big move­ment, who had the news?”
Yue Qing Qian said: „Here knows some­thing, Lian Fang song error af­ter­ward also had the human to go, it is said ob­tained an in­for­ma­tion, in the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory has higher Level sad­dle horse, the goal of [Leg­end] this act is very sim­ple , to con­tinue to strengthen one to ride the war is the strengt
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Team enor­mous and pow­er­ful crossed child Wushan, ar­rives in Ba Huang City within the bound­aries, does not have need any­thing entry Wen Die, Queen An­gela to order all the way, as long as has the palace guard token in the Ba Huang City bor­der to move unim­peded, this has also given me a huge face, is rid­ing the fly­ing sickle ar­mored war horse, at the same time has a look at be­hind the long team, I some­what am dis­turbed, thought that the heroic spirit spurts thinly, not long, I un­ex­pect­edly have be­come this sharp mas­ter has com­manded, this sense of achieve­ment makes each men be charmed suf­fi­ciently.Way azure large male deer deep pool and Dragon’s den, I make the team ad­vance, one­self went to Dragon’s den, re­cruited 500 crag dragon cav­al­ries once again, such came Dragon’s den to have 6500 crag dragon cav­al­ries after these many days de­vel­op­ment, the total mil­i­tary strength has also achieved the fear­ful 13855 peo­ple, was been cold by Chi Yu Han , Chi Yu Qing com­mand, if took the com­bat , the com­plete force will not lose to the palace guard of 4 W per­son to be too many, even can com­pare the strength of [Zhan Long] en­tire guild, but the short­com­ing was died in bat­tle un­able to come back to life, oth­er­wise was re­ally in­vin­ci­ble.Has man­aged the Dragon’s den mat­ters con­cerned, im­me­di­ately di­aled the horse to pur­sue, caught up with the trans­port team, Han Yuan al­ready raised a han­dle new long blade to pa­trol in all di­rec­tions, saw that I came to say im­me­di­ately: „Gen­eral, we such enter the wild re­gion, can en­counter the at­tack of bar­bar­ian tribe, they may not be un­friendly to hu­man­ity”I smile: „Relax, I se­lected to choose 100 peo­ple of blade shield camps to ac­com­pany, they were the bar­bar­ian, the lan­guage are also in­ter­linked, com­mu­ni­cated with the local bar­bar­ian does not cer­tainly have the issue.”„So that's how it is!”Marches for­ward, I while opened the man­age­ment list of [Zhan Long], has a look at the player po­si­tion and Level fluc­tu­a­tion, then opens the guild chat chan­nel, said: „Was right, the pre­vi­ous time does not have in­cor­rupt­ible demon em­peror king level BOSS to at­tack Ze deep pool city? The final sit­u­a­tion is what kind , does the Amer­i­can mas­sacre this king level BOSS?”Li Mudao: „Mas­sa­cred!”I am as­ton­ished: „Yo, is the US war zone so pow­er­ful?”Yue Qing Qian chuckle: „Hasn't ram­ble elder brother known? The in­cor­rupt­ible demon em­peror col­lab­o­rated to strike to kill by the player and NPC in has not turned over to the sea the edge, that han­dle coun­try level law stick ex­ploded, prob­a­bly was calls ‚the stick of snow and ice queen Aier­sha scepter’? The name is good to be long, heard that at­tribute is for­mi­da­ble, ‚in rain rhythm’ by guild­mas­ter of US war zone sec­ond guild was taken away, it is said for this han­dle Aier­sha scepter, the first trade union war sharp knife blade at­tacks bru­tally with the sec­ond trade union feather god, fi­nally has not at­tained, the sky rose soon the air/Qi cried!”I am speech­less: „Sky rose woman per­son is ac­tu­ally very at­trac­tive, but was too crude, a girl played any swords­man”Li Mux­iao: „But some­body's girl­friend plays spe­cially as­sas­sin of as­sas­si­na­tion”Lin Wan Er seems killing strangely, ac­tu­ally also chuckle: „Whom Li Mu you said!”Li Mu Ha Ha smiles: „What does not have, but in the af­ter­noon soon time, on the paper the pic­ture demon had the Dawn Mills brand to ride to enter the map of north­ern dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory to ex­plore, [Leg­end] will def­i­nitely have the big move­ment, who had the news?”Yue Qing Qian said: „Here knows some­thing, Lian Fang song error af­ter­ward also had the human to go, it is said ob­tained an in­for­ma­tion, in the dif­fer­ent demon ter­ri­tory has higher Level sad­dle horse, the goal of [Leg­end] this act is very sim­ple , to con­tinue to strengthen one to ride the war is the strengt
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tim besar dan anak menyeberang kuat Wushan, tiba di Ba Huang Kota dalam batas-batas, tidak memiliki kebutuhan apapun entri Wen Die Queen Angela untuk memesan semua jalan, asalkan memiliki token pengawal istana di perbatasan Ba Huang Kota untuk memindahkan tanpa hambatan, ini juga telah memberi saya wajah besar, yang naik terbang sabit kuda perang lapis baja, pada saat yang sama memiliki tampilan di belakang tim lama, saya agak saya terganggu, berpikir bahwa semangat heroik menyembur tipis, tidak lama, saya tiba-tiba telah menjadi tuan tajam ini telah diperintahkan, hal ini prestasi membuat setiap orang terpesona cukup.
rusa jantan Way biru besar kolam yang dalam dan den dragon, saya membuat kemajuan tim, diri pergi ke den dragon, merekrut 500 cavalries tebing naga sekali lagi , seperti datang den dragon memiliki 6500 cavalries tebing naga setelah ini banyak pembangunan hari, kekuatan militer keseluruhan juga mencapai takut 13.855 orang, itu sudah dingin Chi Yu Han, perintah Chi Yu Qing, jika mengambil tempur, kekuatan lengkap tidak akan kalah dengan penjaga istana 4 W orang terlalu banyak, bahkan dapat membandingkan kekuatan [Zhan panjang] seluruh serikat, namun kekurangan itu meninggal dalam pertempuran tidak dapat hidup kembali, jika tidak benar-benar tak terkalahkan.
telah berhasil hal den Dragon bersangkutan, segera keluar kuda untuk mengejar, tertangkap dengan tim transportasi, Han Yuan sudah mengangkat menangani pisau panjang baru untuk patroli di semua arah, melihat bahwa aku datang untuk mengatakan segera: "General, kita seperti memasuki daerah liar, dapat menghadapi serangan dari suku barbar, mereka mungkin tidak ramah bagi kemanusiaan "
aku tersenyum:" Tenang, saya memilih untuk memilih 100 orang dari kamp pisau perisai untuk menemani, mereka barbar, bahasa juga saling terkait, dikomunikasikan dengan barbar lokal tidak pasti memiliki masalah. "
" Jadi itulah bagaimana hal itu! "
pawai maju, saya sementara membuka daftar manajemen [Zhan panjang], memiliki tampilan pada posisi pemain dan Tingkat fluktuasi, kemudian membuka serikat chatting saluran, mengatakan: "Apakah benar, waktu sebelumnya tidak memiliki demon kaisar tingkat raja BOSS fana untuk menyerang Ze dalam kota pool? Situasi terakhir adalah apa, apakah pembantaian Amerika ini BOSS tingkat raja "?
Li Mudao:" dibantai "!
Aku heran:" Yo, adalah zona perang AS begitu kuat "?
Yue Qing Qian tertawa:" Belum mengoceh kakak dikenal? Setan Kaisar fana berkolaborasi untuk menyerang untuk membunuh oleh pemain dan NPC di belum diserahkan ke laut tepi, yang menangani negara tongkat hukum tingkat meledak, mungkin adalah panggilan, tongkat salju dan es queen Aiersha tongkat '? Nama baik menjadi panjang, mendengar bahwa atribut tangguh,, dalam hujan ritme 'oleh Guildmaster dari zona perang AS serikat kedua dibawa pergi, dikatakan untuk ini menangani Aiersha tongkat, perang serikat buruh pertama tajam serangan pisau pisau brutal dengan kedua serikat buruh bulu Tuhan, akhirnya tidak tercapai, langit naik segera udara / Qi menangis "!
aku berkata-kata:" Sky naik wanita orang sebenarnya sangat menarik, tapi terlalu kasar, seorang gadis dimainkan setiap pendekar "
Li Muxiao: "tapi pacar seseorang memainkan khusus pembunuh dari pembunuhan"
Lin Wan Er tampaknya membunuh aneh, sebenarnya juga tertawa: "Siapa Li Mu Anda mengatakan!"
Li Mu Ha Ha tersenyum: "Apa yang tidak memiliki, tapi di sore hari segera waktu, ? atas kertas setan gambar memiliki merek Dawn Mills untuk naik memasuki peta wilayah setan utara yang berbeda untuk mengeksplorasi, [Legenda] pasti akan memiliki gerakan besar, yang memiliki berita "
kata Yue Qing Qian:" di sini tahu sesuatu , Lian Fang kesalahan lagu sesudahnya juga memiliki manusia untuk pergi, dikatakan memperoleh informasi, di wilayah setan yang berbeda memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi pelana kuda, tujuan [Legenda] tindakan ini sangat sederhana, untuk terus memperkuat satu untuk naik perang adalah strengt yang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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