IntroductionAs we have seen in earlier chapters, the introduction of t terjemahan - IntroductionAs we have seen in earlier chapters, the introduction of t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

IntroductionAs we have seen in earl

As we have seen in earlier chapters, the introduction of technology can significantly improve warehouse productivity, increase utilization, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.
As customers become more sophisticated, requiring accurate, secure, fast data exchange, and as the competition becomes more intense, companies need to have the information-technology tools to support the business and build reliability, speed, control and flexibility into the warehouse operation. The ability to communicate in real time is crucial in today’s fast-moving technological world.
Paper-based warehouse management systems or even spreadsheets can fulfil a need and manage stock accurately if managed well. However, I still find it incredible that companies can operate a warehouse without a location system, relying on staff knowing where the items are located in the warehouse.
Other warehouses have stock control systems that tell you where the stock is and how much there is of it, but don’t provide optimum pick paths or slotting functionality.
If a company is going to compete effectively it needs to introduce a real-time warehouse management system.
The cost of these systems has reduced significantly over the past few years and today companies are able to rent systems on a month-by-month basis using software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing, in which you can pay as you go, share resources and only use the functionality you require.
Warehouse management systems (WMSs) can be stand alone or can be part of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems supporting the latest technological advances within the warehouse including automation, RFID and voice recognition.
Although there has been some consolidation within the WMS marketplace, there continues to be a myriad of systems to choose from.
This chapter looks at the process of choosing a WMS and the functionalities that assist companies in improving productivity and reducing costs.

Why does a company need a WMS?
Although companies operating with paper-based systems are able to introduce best practice into the warehouse such as improving warehouse layout and minimizing travel time by having the fastest-selling items closest to despatch, they can improve even further and become more productive by introducing software technology into the warehouse.
Customers are becoming increasingly demanding and the ability to communicate via electronic data interchange, have online visibility and receive instant replies to queries is more of an expectation than a need. A WMS can be part of this solution.
Sales and marketing teams are also desperate for real-time information, whilst finance departments are chasing data constantly.
Before we discuss the advantages of a WMS we need to point out that a stock-control system is not the same as a WMS. We have come across many companies who have purchased an inventory management system in the belief that it will operate the warehouse efficiently. Stock-control systems will manage the inventory at stock location and quantity level, but the majority of these systems will not manage productivity within the warehouse.
In our opinion, in order to be productive, warehouse systems need to be able to work in real time, manage all the processes within the warehouse and have the ability to communicate with other company systems. We will go into more detail as to the minimum requirements of the system later in this chapter.
A WMS can process data quickly and coordinate movements within the warehouse. It can produce reports and handle large volumes of transactions as experienced in e-commerce operations.
The introduction of new technologies into your operation not only improves your competitiveness in a challenging market but can also be instrumental in meeting ever-increasing customer demands.
The potential benefits of having a WMS in place include the following:
1) real-time stock visibility and traceability;
2) improved productivity;
3) accurate stock;
4) reduction in mis-picks;
5) automatic replenishments;
6) reductions in returns;
7) accurate reporting;
8) improved responsiveness;
9) remote data visibility;
10) improved customer service; and
11) minimized paperwork.
The diagram from Tompkins in Figure 8.1 illustrates how the quality of information can lead to increased sales and cost reduction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
IntroductionAs we have seen in earlier chapters, the introduction of technology can significantly improve warehouse productivity, increase utilization, reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.As customers become more sophisticated, requiring accurate, secure, fast data exchange, and as the competition becomes more intense, companies need to have the information-technology tools to support the business and build reliability, speed, control and flexibility into the warehouse operation. The ability to communicate in real time is crucial in today’s fast-moving technological world.Paper-based warehouse management systems or even spreadsheets can fulfil a need and manage stock accurately if managed well. However, I still find it incredible that companies can operate a warehouse without a location system, relying on staff knowing where the items are located in the warehouse.Other warehouses have stock control systems that tell you where the stock is and how much there is of it, but don’t provide optimum pick paths or slotting functionality.If a company is going to compete effectively it needs to introduce a real-time warehouse management system.The cost of these systems has reduced significantly over the past few years and today companies are able to rent systems on a month-by-month basis using software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing, in which you can pay as you go, share resources and only use the functionality you require.Warehouse management systems (WMSs) can be stand alone or can be part of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems supporting the latest technological advances within the warehouse including automation, RFID and voice recognition.Although there has been some consolidation within the WMS marketplace, there continues to be a myriad of systems to choose from.This chapter looks at the process of choosing a WMS and the functionalities that assist companies in improving productivity and reducing costs.Why does a company need a WMS?Although companies operating with paper-based systems are able to introduce best practice into the warehouse such as improving warehouse layout and minimizing travel time by having the fastest-selling items closest to despatch, they can improve even further and become more productive by introducing software technology into the warehouse.Customers are becoming increasingly demanding and the ability to communicate via electronic data interchange, have online visibility and receive instant replies to queries is more of an expectation than a need. A WMS can be part of this solution.Sales and marketing teams are also desperate for real-time information, whilst finance departments are chasing data constantly.Before we discuss the advantages of a WMS we need to point out that a stock-control system is not the same as a WMS. We have come across many companies who have purchased an inventory management system in the belief that it will operate the warehouse efficiently. Stock-control systems will manage the inventory at stock location and quantity level, but the majority of these systems will not manage productivity within the warehouse.In our opinion, in order to be productive, warehouse systems need to be able to work in real time, manage all the processes within the warehouse and have the ability to communicate with other company systems. We will go into more detail as to the minimum requirements of the system later in this chapter.A WMS can process data quickly and coordinate movements within the warehouse. It can produce reports and handle large volumes of transactions as experienced in e-commerce operations.The introduction of new technologies into your operation not only improves your competitiveness in a challenging market but can also be instrumental in meeting ever-increasing customer demands.The potential benefits of having a WMS in place include the following:1) real-time stock visibility and traceability;2) improved productivity;3) accurate stock;4) reduction in mis-picks;5) automatic replenishments;6) reductions in returns;7) accurate reporting;8) improved responsiveness;9) remote data visibility;10) improved customer service; and11) minimized paperwork.The diagram from Tompkins in Figure 8.1 illustrates how the quality of information can lead to increased sales and cost reduction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebagaimana telah kita lihat dalam bab-bab sebelumnya, pengenalan teknologi secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas gudang, meningkatkan pemanfaatan, mengurangi biaya dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.
Sebagai pelanggan menjadi lebih canggih, yang memerlukan akurat, aman, pertukaran data yang cepat, dan karena persaingan menjadi lebih intens, perusahaan harus memiliki alat teknologi informasi untuk mendukung bisnis dan membangun kehandalan, kecepatan, kontrol dan fleksibilitas dalam operasi gudang. Kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi secara real time sangat penting dalam bergerak cepat dunia teknologi saat ini.
Sistem manajemen gudang Kertas berbasis atau bahkan spreadsheet dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan mengelola saham akurat jika dikelola dengan baik. Namun, saya masih merasa luar biasa bahwa perusahaan dapat beroperasi gudang tanpa sistem lokasi, mengandalkan staf mengetahui di mana barang-barang yang terletak di gudang.
Gudang lain memiliki sistem kontrol stok yang memberitahu Anda di mana saham dan berapa banyak ada dari itu, tetapi tidak memberikan pick jalur optimal atau fungsi slotting.
Jika sebuah perusahaan akan bersaing secara efektif perlu memperkenalkan real-time sistem manajemen gudang.
Biaya sistem ini telah berkurang secara signifikan selama beberapa tahun terakhir dan perusahaan hari ini dapat menyewa sistem pada bulan-demi-bulan dasar menggunakan perangkat lunak sebagai layanan (SaaS) dan komputasi awan, di mana Anda dapat membayar saat Anda pergi, berbagi sumber daya dan hanya menggunakan fungsi yang Anda butuhkan.
sistem manajemen Gudang (WMSs) dapat berdiri sendiri atau dapat menjadi bagian dari perencanaan sumber daya perusahaan (ERP) sistem yang mendukung kemajuan teknologi terbaru dalam gudang termasuk otomatisasi, RFID dan pengenalan suara.
Meskipun telah ada beberapa konsolidasi dalam pasar WMS, ada terus menjadi segudang sistem untuk memilih dari.
Bab ini membahas proses memilih WMS dan fungsi yang membantu perusahaan dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengurangi biaya. Mengapa perusahaan membutuhkan WMS? Meskipun perusahaan yang beroperasi dengan sistem berbasis kertas mampu memperkenalkan praktek terbaik ke dalam gudang seperti perbaikan tata letak gudang dan meminimalkan waktu perjalanan dengan memiliki item paling cepat terjual paling dekat dengan memberangkatkan, mereka dapat meningkatkan lebih jauh dan menjadi lebih produktif dengan memperkenalkan teknologi perangkat lunak ke dalam gudang. Pelanggan semakin menuntut dan kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi melalui pertukaran data elektronik, memiliki visibilitas online dan menerima balasan instan untuk pertanyaan lebih merupakan harapan dari kebutuhan. Sebuah WMS dapat menjadi bagian dari solusi ini. Penjualan dan tim pemasaran juga putus asa untuk informasi real-time, sementara departemen keuangan mengejar data yang terus-menerus. Sebelum kita membahas keuntungan dari WMS kita perlu menunjukkan bahwa sistem saham-kontrol tidak sama dengan WMS. Kami telah menemukan banyak perusahaan yang telah membeli sistem manajemen persediaan dalam keyakinan bahwa itu akan beroperasi gudang efisien. Sistem saham-kontrol akan mengelola persediaan di lokasi saham dan tingkat kuantitas, namun sebagian besar sistem ini tidak akan mengelola produktivitas dalam gudang. Menurut pendapat kami, untuk menjadi produktif, sistem gudang harus mampu bekerja secara real time , mengatur semua proses dalam gudang dan memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan sistem perusahaan lain. Kami akan pergi ke detail lebih lanjut mengenai persyaratan minimum sistem kemudian dalam bab ini. Sebuah WMS dapat memproses data dengan cepat dan mengkoordinasikan gerakan dalam gudang. Hal ini dapat menghasilkan laporan dan menangani volume besar transaksi seperti yang dialami dalam operasi e-commerce. Pengenalan teknologi baru ke dalam operasi Anda tidak hanya meningkatkan daya saing Anda dalam pasar yang menantang tetapi juga dapat berperan dalam pertemuan yang terus meningkat permintaan pelanggan. Potensi manfaat memiliki WMS di tempat meliputi: 1) real-time visibilitas saham dan mampu telusur; 2) peningkatan produktivitas; 3) saham akurat; 4) pengurangan mis-picks; 5) replenishments otomatis; 6) penurunan kembali; 7) pelaporan yang akurat; 8) ditingkatkan tanggap; 9) visibilitas data remote; 10) meningkatkan layanan pelanggan; dan 11) diminimalkan dokumen. Diagram dari Tompkins pada Gambar 8.1 menggambarkan bagaimana kualitas informasi dapat menyebabkan peningkatan penjualan dan pengurangan biaya.

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