2.5 Bulk productany product which has completed manufacturing stages u terjemahan - 2.5 Bulk productany product which has completed manufacturing stages u Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

2.5 Bulk productany product which h

2.5 Bulk product
any product which has completed manufacturing stages up to, but not including, final packaging

2.6 Calibration
set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material measure, and the corresponding known values of a reference standard

2.7 Change control
internal organization and responsibilities relative to any planned change of one or several activities covered by the Good Manufacturing Practices in order to ensure that all the manufactured, packaged, controlled and stored products correspond to the defined acceptance criteria

2.8 Cleaning
all operations that ensure a level of cleanliness and appearance, consisting of separating and eliminating generally visible dirt from a surface by means of the following combined factors, in variable proportions, such
as chemical action, mechanical action, temperature, duration of application

2.9 Complaint
external information claiming a product does not meet defined acceptance criteria

2.10 Contamination
occurrence of any undesirable matter such as chemical, physical and/or microbiological matter in the product

2.11 Consumables
materials such as cleaning agents and lubricants that are used up during cleaning, sanitization ormaintenance operations

2.12 ?Contract acceptor
person, company or external organization carrying out an operation on behalf of another person, company or organization

2.13 Control
verification that acceptance criteria are met

2.14 Deviation
internal organization and responsibilities relative to the authorization to deviate from specified requirements due to a planned or unplanned and, in any case, temporary situation concerning one or several activities covered by the Good Manufacturing Practices

2.15 Finished product
cosmetic product that has undergone all stages of production, including packaging in its final container, for shipment

2.16 In-process control
controls performed during production in order to monitor and, if appropriate, to adjust the process to ensure that the product meets the defined acceptance criteria

2.17 Internal audit
systematic and independent examination made by competent personnel inside the company, the aim of which is to determine whether activities covered by these guidelines and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving

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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
2.5 Bulk productany product which has completed manufacturing stages up to, but not including, final packaging2.6 Calibrationset of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between values indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system, or values represented by a material measure, and the corresponding known values of a reference standard2.7 Change controlinternal organization and responsibilities relative to any planned change of one or several activities covered by the Good Manufacturing Practices in order to ensure that all the manufactured, packaged, controlled and stored products correspond to the defined acceptance criteria2.8 Cleaningall operations that ensure a level of cleanliness and appearance, consisting of separating and eliminating generally visible dirt from a surface by means of the following combined factors, in variable proportions, suchas chemical action, mechanical action, temperature, duration of application2.9 Complaintexternal information claiming a product does not meet defined acceptance criteria2.10 Contaminationoccurrence of any undesirable matter such as chemical, physical and/or microbiological matter in the product2.11 Consumablesmaterials such as cleaning agents and lubricants that are used up during cleaning, sanitization ormaintenance operations2.12 ?Contract acceptorperson, company or external organization carrying out an operation on behalf of another person, company or organization2.13 Controlverification that acceptance criteria are met2.14 Deviationinternal organization and responsibilities relative to the authorization to deviate from specified requirements due to a planned or unplanned and, in any case, temporary situation concerning one or several activities covered by the Good Manufacturing Practices2.15 Finished productcosmetic product that has undergone all stages of production, including packaging in its final container, for shipment2.16 In-process controlcontrols performed during production in order to monitor and, if appropriate, to adjust the process to ensure that the product meets the defined acceptance criteria2.17 Internal auditsystematic and independent examination made by competent personnel inside the company, the aim of which is to determine whether activities covered by these guidelines and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable for achievingobjectives
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

2,5 produk Massal
produk yang telah menyelesaikan tahap manufaktur hingga, tetapi tidak termasuk, akhir kemasan 2,6 Kalibrasi set operasi yang membangun, dalam kondisi tertentu, hubungan antara nilai-nilai yang ditunjukkan oleh alat ukur atau sistem pengukuran, atau nilai-nilai yang diwakili oleh bahan mengukur, dan nilai-nilai yang dikenal sesuai standar referensi 2,7 Ganti pengendalian internal organisasi dan tanggung jawab relatif terhadap setiap perubahan yang direncanakan satu atau beberapa kegiatan yang tercakup dalam Good Manufacturing Practices untuk memastikan bahwa semua diproduksi, dikemas, dikendalikan dan disimpan produk yang sesuai kriteria penerimaan yang ditetapkan 2,8 Membersihkan semua operasi yang memastikan tingkat kebersihan dan penampilan, yang terdiri dari memisahkan dan menghilangkan kotoran umumnya terlihat dari permukaan dengan cara faktor-faktor gabungan berikut, dalam proporsi variabel, seperti sebagai aksi kimiawi, tindakan mekanis, suhu , durasi aplikasi 2,9 Pengaduan informasi eksternal mengklaim produk tidak memenuhi kriteria penerimaan didefinisikan 2.10 Kontaminasi terjadinya setiap masalah yang tidak diinginkan seperti kimia, fisik dan / atau bahan mikrobiologi pada produk 2.11 Consumables bahan seperti bahan pembersih dan pelumas yang digunakan up selama pembersihan, sanitasi operasi ormaintenance 2.12? Kontrak akseptor orang, perusahaan atau organisasi eksternal melakukan operasi atas nama orang lain, perusahaan atau organisasi 2.13 Pengendalian verifikasi bahwa kriteria penerimaan terpenuhi 2.14 Penyimpangan internal organisasi dan tanggung jawab relatif terhadap otorisasi untuk menyimpang dari persyaratan yang ditentukan karena direncanakan atau tidak direncanakan dan, dalam hal apapun, situasi sementara mengenai satu atau beberapa kegiatan yang tercakup dalam Good Manufacturing Practices 2,15 produk jadi produk kosmetik yang telah mengalami semua tahapan produksi, termasuk kemasan dalam wadah akhir, untuk pengiriman 2.16 Dalam proses pengendalian kontrol yang dilakukan selama produksi untuk memantau dan, jika sesuai, untuk menyesuaikan proses untuk memastikan bahwa produk tersebut memenuhi kriteria penerimaan yang ditetapkan 2,17 Internal audit pemeriksaan yang sistematis dan independen yang dibuat oleh personel yang kompeten dalam perusahaan, tujuan yang adalah untuk menentukan apakah kegiatan yang tercakup dalam pedoman ini dan hasil terkait sesuai dengan pengaturan yang direncanakan dan apakah pengaturan ini dilaksanakan secara efektif dan cocok untuk mencapai tujuan

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