Lack of physical activity, a diet low in fibre and high in fat, obesit terjemahan - Lack of physical activity, a diet low in fibre and high in fat, obesit Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lack of physical activity, a diet l

Lack of physical activity, a diet low in fibre and high in fat, obesity, smoking and drinking alcohol – these are risk factors of colorectal cancer you can address straight away with a healthy lifestyle. Then when you hit age 50 (or earlier if you have a family history), get screened every year.

Sounds straightforward enough. But statistics show that, today, this form of the disease is the most common cancer among Singaporean men, with 4,434 new cases diagnosed between 2006 and 2010. It’s second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer-related deaths among local men, and is very much a product of ignorance rather than recklessness.

Lack of awareness
“The high incidence (of colorectal cancer) in Singapore reflects the lack of awareness of the screening methods,” says Dr Lim Jit Fong, senior consultant and director at Fortis Surgical Hospital. There are primarily two methods for detecting this cancer: Faecal Immunochemical Test (Fit) and colonoscopy.

Three years ago, the Health Promotion Board (HPB) launched the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme, encouraging those aged 50 and older to get screened annually for the disease using two-day Fit kits. Regular screening is vital, as more than half the people diagnosed with colorectal cancer have no symptoms, says Dr Zee Ying Kiat, consultant medical oncologist at Parkway Cancer Centre.

“Silent” disease
“Colorectal cancer is a ‘silent’ disease,” says Dr Shyamala Thilagaratnam, director of the Healthy Aging Division at the HPB. “Even if you feel generally well, you’ll never be sure if you’re really healthy on the inside, unless you go for screening,” she adds.

Colonoscopy, in particular, can detect and remove polyps – growths in the colon that might be precursors to colorectal cancer.

The family factor
People with a strong family history of the disease are at an increased risk of falling for it. “Family members of such patients are advised to undergo screening at least 10 years prior to the onset of cancer in the youngest family member,” says Dr Lim.

Monitor your family’s cancer history
“For example, if a patient develops colorectal cancer at the age of 50, the immediate family members – including his children – are advised to start screening from the age of 40 or earlier. This is because most colorectal cancers take about 10 years to develop from a normal colonic cell.”

Besides this type of cancer, a family history of endometrial, ovarian or breast cancer, colorectal polyps or inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease can also elevate one’s risk of developing it, says Dr Shyamala.

New screening tools
Molecular genetics research and newer screening tools are good bets to improve your chances against this disease in the not-too-distant future. Already, there’s a blood test kit (available in Singapore since 2012) that checks for 18 genes associated with cancer. “This helps doctors identify patients with early-stage colorectal cancer who are at high risk of developing cancer recurrence,” says Dr Lim.

Minimally invasive surgery techniques
At the same time, minimally invasive “keyhole” techniques are being introduced in colorectal cancer surgery, which helps reduce patient recovery time and complications. An advance in colonoscopy technology allows doctors to remove larger polyps without the need for surgery.

Swop beef for chicken
If detected early, the chances of survival from this disease “exceeds 90 per cent”, says Dr Zee. However, prevention – possible in the case of colorectal cancer – is better than cure. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, with annual screening a distant prospect, begin by swopping beef for chicken. “There’s strong and consistent evidence that eating red and processed meat increases the risk,” he stresses.

Add fibre to your diet
Add to your diet foods such as oats and bran as well. According to Dr Zee: “The evidence for the protective effect of fibre has strengthened in the past few years. Overall, this shows that the intake of dietary fibre – particularly from cereals and wholegrains – reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.”

The lesson? Lay the groundwork and you can swing a potentially deadly numbers game in your favour.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lack of physical activity, a diet low in fibre and high in fat, obesity, smoking and drinking alcohol – these are risk factors of colorectal cancer you can address straight away with a healthy lifestyle. Then when you hit age 50 (or earlier if you have a family history), get screened every year.Sounds straightforward enough. But statistics show that, today, this form of the disease is the most common cancer among Singaporean men, with 4,434 new cases diagnosed between 2006 and 2010. It’s second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer-related deaths among local men, and is very much a product of ignorance rather than recklessness.Lack of awareness“The high incidence (of colorectal cancer) in Singapore reflects the lack of awareness of the screening methods,” says Dr Lim Jit Fong, senior consultant and director at Fortis Surgical Hospital. There are primarily two methods for detecting this cancer: Faecal Immunochemical Test (Fit) and colonoscopy.Three years ago, the Health Promotion Board (HPB) launched the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme, encouraging those aged 50 and older to get screened annually for the disease using two-day Fit kits. Regular screening is vital, as more than half the people diagnosed with colorectal cancer have no symptoms, says Dr Zee Ying Kiat, consultant medical oncologist at Parkway Cancer Centre.“Silent” disease“Colorectal cancer is a ‘silent’ disease,” says Dr Shyamala Thilagaratnam, director of the Healthy Aging Division at the HPB. “Even if you feel generally well, you’ll never be sure if you’re really healthy on the inside, unless you go for screening,” she adds.Colonoscopy, in particular, can detect and remove polyps – growths in the colon that might be precursors to colorectal cancer.The family factor People with a strong family history of the disease are at an increased risk of falling for it. “Family members of such patients are advised to undergo screening at least 10 years prior to the onset of cancer in the youngest family member,” says Dr Lim.Monitor your family’s cancer history“For example, if a patient develops colorectal cancer at the age of 50, the immediate family members – including his children – are advised to start screening from the age of 40 or earlier. This is because most colorectal cancers take about 10 years to develop from a normal colonic cell.”Besides this type of cancer, a family history of endometrial, ovarian or breast cancer, colorectal polyps or inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease can also elevate one’s risk of developing it, says Dr Shyamala.New screening toolsMolecular genetics research and newer screening tools are good bets to improve your chances against this disease in the not-too-distant future. Already, there’s a blood test kit (available in Singapore since 2012) that checks for 18 genes associated with cancer. “This helps doctors identify patients with early-stage colorectal cancer who are at high risk of developing cancer recurrence,” says Dr Lim.Minimally invasive surgery techniquesAt the same time, minimally invasive “keyhole” techniques are being introduced in colorectal cancer surgery, which helps reduce patient recovery time and complications. An advance in colonoscopy technology allows doctors to remove larger polyps without the need for surgery.Swop beef for chicken If detected early, the chances of survival from this disease “exceeds 90 per cent”, says Dr Zee. However, prevention – possible in the case of colorectal cancer – is better than cure. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, with annual screening a distant prospect, begin by swopping beef for chicken. “There’s strong and consistent evidence that eating red and processed meat increases the risk,” he stresses.Add fibre to your diet Add to your diet foods such as oats and bran as well. According to Dr Zee: “The evidence for the protective effect of fibre has strengthened in the past few years. Overall, this shows that the intake of dietary fibre – particularly from cereals and wholegrains – reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.”The lesson? Lay the groundwork and you can swing a potentially deadly numbers game in your favour.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Kurangnya aktivitas fisik, diet rendah serat dan tinggi lemak, obesitas, merokok dan minum alkohol - ini adalah faktor risiko kanker kolorektal Anda dapat mengatasi langsung dengan gaya hidup sehat. Kemudian ketika anda menekan usia 50 (atau sebelumnya jika Anda memiliki riwayat keluarga), bisa diputar setiap tahun. Kedengarannya cukup sederhana. Tapi statistik menunjukkan bahwa, hari ini, bentuk penyakit adalah kanker paling umum di antara pria Singapura, dengan 4.434 kasus baru didiagnosis antara tahun 2006 dan 2010. Ini kedua setelah kanker paru-paru sebagai penyebab kematian terkait kanker di kalangan pria lokal, dan sangat banyak produk dari kebodohan daripada kecerobohan. Kurangnya kesadaran "Insiden yang tinggi (kanker kolorektal) di Singapura mencerminkan kurangnya kesadaran metode skrining," kata Dr Lim Jit Fong, konsultan senior dan direktur di Fortis Hospital Bedah . Ada terutama dua metode untuk mendeteksi kanker ini. Feses immunochemical Test (Fit) dan kolonoskopi Tiga tahun yang lalu, Dewan Promosi Kesehatan (HPB) meluncurkan Nasional Kanker Kolorektal Skrining Program, mendorong mereka yang berusia 50 dan lebih tua untuk mendapatkan diputar setiap tahun untuk Penyakit menggunakan dua-hari kit Fit. Skrining secara rutin sangat penting, karena lebih dari setengah orang yang didiagnosis dengan kanker kolorektal tidak menunjukkan gejala, kata Dr Zee Ying Kiat, ahli onkologi medis konsultan di Parkway Cancer Centre. "Diam" penyakit "Kanker kolorektal adalah penyakit 'silent'," kata Dr Shyamala Thilagaratnam, direktur Divisi Aging Sehat di HPB. "Bahkan jika Anda merasa umumnya baik, Anda tidak akan pernah yakin apakah Anda benar-benar sehat di dalam, kecuali jika Anda pergi untuk skrining," tambahnya. Kolonoskopi, khususnya, dapat mendeteksi dan menghapus polip - pertumbuhan dalam usus besar yang mungkin prekursor untuk kanker kolorektal. Faktor keluarga Orang dengan riwayat keluarga yang kuat dari penyakit ini berada pada peningkatan risiko jatuh untuk itu. "Anggota keluarga pasien tersebut disarankan untuk menjalani pemeriksaan setidaknya 10 tahun sebelum timbulnya kanker dalam anggota keluarga termuda," kata Dr Lim. Pantau riwayat kanker keluarga Anda "Sebagai contoh, jika pasien mengembangkan kanker kolorektal pada usia 50, anggota keluarga dekat - termasuk anak-anaknya - disarankan untuk memulai screening dari usia 40 atau sebelumnya. Hal ini karena sebagian besar kanker kolorektal memakan waktu sekitar 10 tahun untuk berkembang dari sel kolon normal. " Selain jenis kanker, riwayat keluarga endometrium, kanker ovarium atau payudara, polip kolorektal atau penyakit radang usus seperti penyakit Crohn juga dapat meningkatkan seseorang risiko pengembangan itu, kata Dr Shyamala. alat skrining New Molekuler penelitian genetika dan alat skrining yang lebih baru taruhan yang baik untuk meningkatkan peluang Anda terhadap penyakit ini dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. Sudah, ada kit tes darah (tersedia di Singapura sejak 2012) yang memeriksa 18 gen yang terkait dengan kanker. "Ini membantu dokter mengidentifikasi pasien dengan kanker stadium awal kolorektal yang berisiko tinggi terkena kanker kambuh," kata Dr Lim. Minimal teknik bedah invasif Pada saat yang sama, minimal invasif "lubang kunci" teknik sedang diperkenalkan di operasi kanker kolorektal, yang membantu mengurangi waktu pemulihan pasien dan komplikasi. Suatu kemajuan dalam teknologi kolonoskopi memungkinkan dokter untuk menghilangkan polip yang lebih besar tanpa perlu operasi. menukar daging sapi untuk ayam Jika terdeteksi dini, kemungkinan bertahan hidup dari penyakit ini "melebihi 90 persen", kata Dr Zee. Namun, pencegahan - mungkin dalam kasus kanker kolorektal - lebih baik daripada mengobati. Jika Anda berada di usia 20-an atau 30-an, dengan tahunan skrining prospek jauh, mulai dengan swopping daging sapi untuk ayam. "Ada bukti kuat dan konsisten bahwa makan daging merah dan olahan meningkatkan risiko," ia menekankan. Tambahkan serat untuk diet Anda Tambahkan ke makanan diet Anda seperti gandum dan dedak juga. Menurut Dr Zee: "Bukti untuk efek perlindungan dari serat telah diperkuat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Secara keseluruhan, ini menunjukkan bahwa asupan makanan serat - terutama dari sereal dan biji-bijian - mengurangi risiko kanker kolorektal ". Pelajaran? Meletakkan dasar dan Anda bisa mengayunkan permainan angka yang berpotensi mematikan dalam mendukung Anda.

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