In I waved the dou­ble sword, said with a smile: „Fights a bat­tle to  terjemahan - In I waved the dou­ble sword, said with a smile: „Fights a bat­tle to  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In I waved the dou­ble sword, said

In I waved the dou­ble sword, said with a smile: „Fights a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion, butch­ers him!”
Lasts merely is less than 5 min­utes, this easy shape ac­cu­rate BOSS to have poured in my sword has got­ten down, be­cause he is re­ally too ugly, there­fore Lin Wan Er re­fuses to man­u­fac­ture this mon­ster with the dis­guiser ring the il­lus­trated hand­book, is good, the dis­guiser ring can only man­u­fac­ture 10 il­lus­trated hand­books, must trea­sure.
When we go out of out­side the cave, en­ters the sec­ond cave, but is ex­actly the same, Seurre who easy shape to dis­guise as be­fore, Cooldown has wasted as the mat­ter stands, mak­ing peo­ple feel that was some­what wor­ried.
Al­to­gether 49 caves, even if our ef­fi­ciency is very high, 30 min­utes kill off mon­ster in a cave, that also needs 24 hours, was too long, bursts one­self.
„What to do, can­not re­ally seeks?” Lin Xi­aowu said.
I look at the dis­tant place is pa­trolling the mon­ster group, sud­denly heart one bright, said with a smile: „Had, you look at that side, isn't one crowd re­spon­si­ble for trans­port­ing the sickle lit­tle ras­cal of corpse and food? As far as I know, the sta­tus of sickle lit­tle ras­cal 2 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon has been very low, more­over re­ceives the up­per-level op­pres­sion quite to be also se­ri­ous, is greedy for money, this Wan Er changes Cheng Huoqi Lin Zao, is bring­ing the gold coin, digs out Seurre's con­crete de­ten­tion lo­ca­tion from these sickle lit­tle ras­cal mouths, like this we were also con­ve­nient.”
The Dong Cheng month claps: „Great idea!”
Lin Wan Er chuckle: „Good, you wait a bit my mo­ment here.”
Sev­eral of us bend down in the thick patch of grass and jun­gle wait, Lin Wan Er has changed and be­come the hot flag the for­est dry ap­pear­ance, grasped the lance hot flag to walk, but that crowd trans­ported the sickle lit­tle ras­cal of wild boar corpse to stop im­me­di­ately, chirp was call­ing to Lin Wan Er, ac­tu­ally very warm ap­pear­ance, I even can see the Lin Wan Er awk­ward smile a very much re­spect­fully, does not know that she can un­der­stand.
The PS. cold pledge and [Zhan Long] palace mem­ber god of death elegy school­mate will blow up after one hour the courage, re­cited BUFF, the at­tack and de­fense + 100% to his girl­friend pro­poses, here, we wish him to pro­pose, to hug the beau­ti­ful woman to­gether to turn over to suc­cess­fully ~~
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In I waved the dou­ble sword, said with a smile: „Fights a bat­tle to force a quick de­ci­sion, butch­ers him!”„Um!”Lasts merely is less than 5 min­utes, this easy shape ac­cu­rate BOSS to have poured in my sword has got­ten down, be­cause he is re­ally too ugly, there­fore Lin Wan Er re­fuses to man­u­fac­ture this mon­ster with the dis­guiser ring the il­lus­trated hand­book, is good, the dis­guiser ring can only man­u­fac­ture 10 il­lus­trated hand­books, must trea­sure.When we go out of out­side the cave, en­ters the sec­ond cave, but is ex­actly the same, Seurre who easy shape to dis­guise as be­fore, Cooldown has wasted as the mat­ter stands, mak­ing peo­ple feel that was some­what wor­ried.Al­to­gether 49 caves, even if our ef­fi­ciency is very high, 30 min­utes kill off mon­ster in a cave, that also needs 24 hours, was too long, bursts one­self.„What to do, can­not re­ally seeks?” Lin Xi­aowu said.I look at the dis­tant place is pa­trolling the mon­ster group, sud­denly heart one bright, said with a smile: „Had, you look at that side, isn't one crowd re­spon­si­ble for trans­port­ing the sickle lit­tle ras­cal of corpse and food? As far as I know, the sta­tus of sickle lit­tle ras­cal 2 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon has been very low, more­over re­ceives the up­per-level op­pres­sion quite to be also se­ri­ous, is greedy for money, this Wan Er changes Cheng Huoqi Lin Zao, is bring­ing the gold coin, digs out Seurre's con­crete de­ten­tion lo­ca­tion from these sickle lit­tle ras­cal mouths, like this we were also con­ve­nient.”The Dong Cheng month claps: „Great idea!”Lin Wan Er chuckle: „Good, you wait a bit my mo­ment here.”„Um!”Sev­eral of us bend down in the thick patch of grass and jun­gle wait, Lin Wan Er has changed and be­come the hot flag the for­est dry ap­pear­ance, grasped the lance hot flag to walk, but that crowd trans­ported the sickle lit­tle ras­cal of wild boar corpse to stop im­me­di­ately, chirp was call­ing to Lin Wan Er, ac­tu­ally very warm ap­pear­ance, I even can see the Lin Wan Er awk­ward smile a very much re­spect­fully, does not know that she can un­der­stand.The PS. cold pledge and [Zhan Long] palace mem­ber god of death elegy school­mate will blow up after one hour the courage, re­cited BUFF, the at­tack and de­fense + 100% to his girl­friend pro­poses, here, we wish him to pro­pose, to hug the beau­ti­ful woman to­gether to turn over to suc­cess­fully ~~
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dalam Aku melambaikan pedang ganda, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Perkelahian pertempuran untuk memaksa keputusan cepat, tukang daging dia!"
Berlangsung hanya kurang dari 5 menit, bentuk mudah BOSS akurat ini telah dituangkan dalam pedang saya memiliki mendapat down, karena dia benar-benar terlalu jelek, karena Lin Wan Er menolak untuk memproduksi rakasa ini dengan cincin Disguiser buku pegangan digambarkan, baik, cincin Disguiser hanya bisa memproduksi 10 buku pegangan digambarkan, harus menghargai.
Ketika kami pergi keluar dari luar gua, memasuki gua kedua, tapi persis sama, Seurre yang bentuknya mudah untuk menyamarkan seperti sebelumnya, Cooldown telah terbuang sebagai materi berdiri, membuat orang merasa itu agak khawatir.
sama sekali 49 gua, bahkan jika efisiensi sangat tinggi, 30 menit membunuh rakasa di sebuah gua, yang juga perlu 24 jam, itu terlalu lama, semburan diri.
"Apa yang harus dilakukan, tidak bisa benar-benar berusaha?" Lin Xiaowu kata.
aku melihat tempat yang jauh adalah berpatroli kelompok rakasa, tiba-tiba jantung satu terang, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Apakah, Anda melihat sisi itu, tidak satu orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengangkut bajingan kecil sabit mayat dan makanan? Sejauh yang saya tahu, status sabit sedikit nakal 2 tingkat setan yang berbeda telah sangat rendah, apalagi menerima penindasan tingkat atas cukup menjadi juga serius, loba akan uang, Wan Er ini berubah Cheng Huoqi Lin Zao, adalah membawa koin emas, menggali keluar lokasi penahanan beton Seurre ini dari ini mulut bajingan kecil sabit, seperti ini kami juga nyaman ".
The Dong Cheng bulan tepukan:"! ide bagus "
Lin Wan Er tertawa:" Baik, Anda menunggu sedikit saya saat di sini. "
" Um! "
Beberapa dari kami membungkuk di patch tebal rumput dan hutan menunggu, Lin Wan Er telah berubah dan menjadi bendera panas hutan penampilan kering, memahami tombak bendera panas untuk berjalan, tapi itu kerumunan diangkut bajingan kecil sabit dari babi mayat liar untuk segera berhenti, kicauan menelepon ke Lin Wan Er, sebenarnya penampilan yang sangat hangat, aku bahkan bisa melihat Lin Wan Er senyum canggung yang sangat banyak hormat, tidak tahu bahwa dia bisa mengerti.
The PS . janji dingin dan [Zhan Panjang] anggota istana dewa kematian elegi sekolahnya akan meledakkan setelah satu jam keberanian, membacakan BUFF, serangan dan pertahanan + 100% untuk pacarnya mengusulkan, di sini, kami ingin dia mengusulkan, memeluk indah wanita bersama-sama untuk menyerahkan berhasil ~~
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