My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­me­di­ately be­hind in­serts the dem terjemahan - My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­me­di­ately be­hind in­serts the dem Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­m

My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­me­di­ately be­hind in­serts the demon palace of scar­let war flag to ride the BOSS level com­bat gen­eral to run, is 184 level god level BOSS, the sink­ing sound track: „Sir, what mat­ter can arrange to give us the demon palace to ride?”
I put out a hand a fig­ure of front jun­gle: „Sends out sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple full speed to rush to the front jun­gle to seek for the major road, re­duces the per­son who all at­tempts the cir­cu­lar news.”
„Yes, Sir!”
One row of demon palaces ride are hid­den rapidly in the jun­gle, di­rected the feel­ing of mon­ster to be re­ally good I now to enter in this task sys­tem, the dif­fer­ent demon army was the uni­form green friend is com­pletely las­civ­i­ous in my con­tact sur­face, NND, feel­ings of this sim­ply seek­ing an im­pos­si­bil­ity, but for me only then the ad­van­tage did not have the fault, Seurre, sil­ver, the piti­ful con­di­tion of Sif iso- demon king I and Frost saw, act­ing in a play can­not make, they can de­ceive me, but was im­pos­si­ble to de­ceive the eye of Frost, Frost had the su­pe­rior god god­ship, can the clear in­duc­tion to weak­en­ing of these king god­ship. With suf­fer­ing dev­as­tat­ing.
Ap­proached early morn­ing Cooldown, moon dropped the jun­gle, the photo source of dis­plac­ing was every­where star light.
The bar­baric wolf rides, the demon palace to ride sub­merges in the jun­gle in abun­dance, but air­borne has heard the howl­ing sound of sword spirit cav­alry sol­dier, a leader warhawk rides to search to be killed, looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the de­fend­ing the bor­der abil­ity al­most in in­stan­ta­neously dis­card­ing by the dif­fer­ent demon army, ac­tu­ally the dif­fer­ent demon army orig­i­nal di­rec­tion was some blood­thirsty liv­ing thing, which knew any Qing wild tac­tic, does not know that my this di­rec­tor they were good are bad, if, they used these tac­tics to cope with Tian Ling Em­pire, I can­not guar­an­tee the army that Tian Ling Em­pire de­fended the bor­der can re­sist such at­tack.
Crosses a meet­ing again, the dense and nu­mer­ous dif­fer­ent demon armies blot out the sky left the jun­gle, it is es­ti­mated that looked at that side the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to re­ceive the news, be­cause had many play­ers to be mas­sa­cred by the dif­fer­ent demon in the jun­gle, and I per­son­ally have also solved three in the player who in the jun­gle prac­ticed the level, but was the news dis­closes was unim­por­tant, now look­ing at semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate Cooldown prob­a­bly closes the city gate!
„Sir, the front is the clear rain city!” Com­man­der who an demon palace rides said in a low voice.
Under the star light, a sec­ondary host city tow­ers in the jun­gle, this is looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate one of the two pro­tect guard cities, does not turn over to the sea looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to by the fortress.
Lifts the arm, the but­ter­fly sword points to the clear rain city, I said: „one-third mil­i­tary strength at­tack clear rain city, other mil­i­tary strength cir­cle, the di­rect at­tack looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, do not delay, rapid!”
The de­fense of clear rain city is or­di­nary, the next quar­ter dif­fer­ent demon army all over al­ready sur­rounded this small town wa­ter­tight, the scal­ing lad­der raises up in abun­dance, even these dig up a grave the ghost to mount the city wall by the blade arm di­rectly, is scary, the play­ers in clear rain city orig­i­nally few, NPC is mis­er­able, which can with­stand such fiercely at­tack­ing, within one hour falls to the enemy in­evitably!
The armies de­tour, half beastly peo­ple, bar­bar­ians and liv­ing corpse are rid­ing the warhorse, bran­dishes the pointed weapons, in the mouth
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
My dis­tant low has drunk one, im­me­di­ately be­hind in­serts the demon palace of scar­let war flag to ride the BOSS level com­bat gen­eral to run, is 184 level god level BOSS, the sink­ing sound track: „Sir, what mat­ter can arrange to give us the demon palace to ride?”I put out a hand a fig­ure of front jun­gle: „Sends out sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple full speed to rush to the front jun­gle to seek for the major road, re­duces the per­son who all at­tempts the cir­cu­lar news.”„Yes, Sir!”One row of demon palaces ride are hid­den rapidly in the jun­gle, di­rected the feel­ing of mon­ster to be re­ally good I now to enter in this task sys­tem, the dif­fer­ent demon army was the uni­form green friend is com­pletely las­civ­i­ous in my con­tact sur­face, NND, feel­ings of this sim­ply seek­ing an im­pos­si­bil­ity, but for me only then the ad­van­tage did not have the fault, Seurre, sil­ver, the piti­ful con­di­tion of Sif iso- demon king I and Frost saw, act­ing in a play can­not make, they can de­ceive me, but was im­pos­si­ble to de­ceive the eye of Frost, Frost had the su­pe­rior god god­ship, can the clear in­duc­tion to weak­en­ing of these king god­ship. With suf­fer­ing dev­as­tat­ing.Ap­proached early morn­ing Cooldown, moon dropped the jun­gle, the photo source of dis­plac­ing was every­where star light.The bar­baric wolf rides, the demon palace to ride sub­merges in the jun­gle in abun­dance, but air­borne has heard the howl­ing sound of sword spirit cav­alry sol­dier, a leader warhawk rides to search to be killed, looked at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate the de­fend­ing the bor­der abil­ity al­most in in­stan­ta­neously dis­card­ing by the dif­fer­ent demon army, ac­tu­ally the dif­fer­ent demon army orig­i­nal di­rec­tion was some blood­thirsty liv­ing thing, which knew any Qing wild tac­tic, does not know that my this di­rec­tor they were good are bad, if, they used these tac­tics to cope with Tian Ling Em­pire, I can­not guar­an­tee the army that Tian Ling Em­pire de­fended the bor­der can re­sist such at­tack.
Crosses a meet­ing again, the dense and nu­mer­ous dif­fer­ent demon armies blot out the sky left the jun­gle, it is es­ti­mated that looked at that side the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to re­ceive the news, be­cause had many play­ers to be mas­sa­cred by the dif­fer­ent demon in the jun­gle, and I per­son­ally have also solved three in the player who in the jun­gle prac­ticed the level, but was the news dis­closes was unim­por­tant, now look­ing at semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate Cooldown prob­a­bly closes the city gate!
„Sir, the front is the clear rain city!” Com­man­der who an demon palace rides said in a low voice.
Under the star light, a sec­ondary host city tow­ers in the jun­gle, this is looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate one of the two pro­tect guard cities, does not turn over to the sea looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate to by the fortress.
Lifts the arm, the but­ter­fly sword points to the clear rain city, I said: „one-third mil­i­tary strength at­tack clear rain city, other mil­i­tary strength cir­cle, the di­rect at­tack looks at the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate, do not delay, rapid!”
The de­fense of clear rain city is or­di­nary, the next quar­ter dif­fer­ent demon army all over al­ready sur­rounded this small town wa­ter­tight, the scal­ing lad­der raises up in abun­dance, even these dig up a grave the ghost to mount the city wall by the blade arm di­rectly, is scary, the play­ers in clear rain city orig­i­nally few, NPC is mis­er­able, which can with­stand such fiercely at­tack­ing, within one hour falls to the enemy in­evitably!
The armies de­tour, half beastly peo­ple, bar­bar­ians and liv­ing corpse are rid­ing the warhorse, bran­dishes the pointed weapons, in the mouth
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Rendah jauh saya memiliki satu mabuk, segera balik menyisipkan istana setan bendera perang merah naik tempur tingkat BOSS umum untuk menjalankan, adalah tingkat 184 tingkat dewa BOSS, sound track tenggelam: "Sir, apa pun dapat mengatur untuk memberikan kita ? istana setan untuk naik "
saya mengulurkan tangan sosok hutan depan:". Mengirim keluar beberapa ratus orang kecepatan penuh untuk bergegas ke hutan depan untuk mencari jalan utama, mengurangi orang yang semua mencoba berita melingkar
" " Ya, Sir! "
satu baris dari istana setan menunggang tersembunyi cepat di hutan, diarahkan perasaan rakasa untuk menjadi benar-benar baik saya sekarang untuk masuk dalam sistem tugas ini, tentara setan yang berbeda adalah teman hijau seragam benar-benar mesum di saya permukaan kontak, NND, perasaan ini hanya mencari sebuah kemustahilan, tapi bagi saya hanya kemudian keuntungan tidak memiliki kesalahan, Seurre, perak, kondisi menyedihkan dari Sif iso- raja iblis I dan Frost melihat, bertindak dalam drama tidak dapat membuat , mereka bisa menipu saya, tetapi tidak mungkin untuk menipu mata Frost, Frost memiliki dewa godship superior, dapat induksi jelas melemahnya raja godship ini. Dengan menderita menghancurkan.
Mendekati Cooldown pagi, bulan turun hutan, sumber foto dari menggusur mana-mana cahaya bintang.
Wahana serigala barbar, setan istana untuk naik submerges di hutan dalam kelimpahan, tetapi udara telah mendengar suara lolongan pedang semangat kavaleri tentara, seorang warhawk pemimpin naik untuk mencari untuk dibunuh, melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama membela kemampuan perbatasan hampir seketika membuang oleh tentara setan yang berbeda, sebenarnya tentara setan yang berbeda arah asli beberapa makhluk hidup yang haus darah, yang tahu setiap Qing taktik liar, tidak tahu bahwa sutradara ini saya mereka baik buruk, jika, mereka menggunakan taktik ini untuk mengatasi Tian Ling Empire, saya tidak bisa menjamin tentara yang Tian Ling Empire membela perbatasan dapat menahan serangan tersebut.
Persilangan pertemuan lagi, tentara setan yang berbeda padat dan banyak menghapuskan langit meninggalkan hutan, diperkirakan yang tampak di sisi yang dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar pintu gerbang kota utama untuk menerima berita, karena memiliki banyak pemain yang akan dibantai oleh iblis yang berbeda di hutan, dan saya pribadi juga telah memecahkan tiga pemain yang di hutan dipraktekkan tingkat, tapi yang mengungkapkan berita tidak penting, sekarang melihat dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar utama gerbang Cooldown mungkin menutup pintu gerbang kota!
"Sir, depan adalah kota hujan yang jelas!" Komandan yang mengatakan setan istana wahana dengan suara rendah.
di bawah cahaya bintang, sebuah menara kota tuan rumah sekunder di hutan, ini adalah terlihat di dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama salah satu dari dua kota guard melindungi, tidak menyerahkan ke laut terlihat di dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran luar pintu gerbang kota utama oleh benteng.
Lift lengan, pedang kupu-kupu poin ke kota hujan yang jelas, aku berkata: "sepertiga militer serangan kekuatan kota hujan yang jelas, lingkaran kekuatan militer lainnya, serangan langsung terlihat pada dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama, jangan tunda, cepat! "
" Ya! "
The pertahanan kota hujan yang jelas adalah biasa, kuartal berikutnya yang berbeda tentara setan seluruh sudah dikelilingi kota kecil ini kedap air, scaling tangga membangkitkan dalam kelimpahan, bahkan ini menggali kuburan hantu untuk me-mount tembok kota dengan lengan pisau langsung, menakutkan, pemain di kota hujan yang jelas awalnya sedikit, NPC sengsara, yang dapat menahan seperti sengit menyerang, dalam waktu satu jam jatuh ke musuh pasti!
The tentara memutar, orang setengah jijik, barbar dan mayat hidup yang mengendarai kuda perang itu, mengacung-acungkan senjata tajam, di mulut
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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