“Alone. In the dark,” Jude says in a flat voice. He gives Eric a sidel terjemahan - “Alone. In the dark,” Jude says in a flat voice. He gives Eric a sidel Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Alone. In the dark,” Jude says in

“Alone. In the dark,” Jude says in a flat voice. He gives Eric a sidelong glance.
“I … actually, I ran into Caleb. Our painting teacher?” I try to sound casual, but my voice quavers when I say his name.
Jude turns all the way around in his seat. “Are you serious? Was he at the movie, too?”
I press my lips together and shake my head. “I ran into him on the street. We chatted for a bit.”
“And?” Jude’s fingers are curled over his seat.
“What do you mean ‘and?’ We chatted. He’s starting up an oil painting class and thought I might be interested.”
“He’s starting up a class a few weeks into the semester?” Eric asks, his tone drenched in skepticism.
“He did look like he might be interested in you,” says Jude, giving me a questioning look.
I lean my head against the window. “I think you might have read him wrong.” I think I might have read him wrong, too, and I’m more disappointed by that than I should be. I rub my face, hard. “Besides, I’m trying to focus on myself right now.”
“Who said you couldn’t focus on yourself?” Eric asks. “You need to reclaim your power, Romy. And maybe explore a little. You could use him as your playground. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
“What are you talking about?”
Eric tilts his head. “Maybe you could do something that’s just fun, and isn’t about someone owning and controlling you.”
“You are such a guy, Eric. You think I need to have a shallow, physical relationship with someone, and that would fix me?” I laugh. Eric always says exactly what he’s thinking.
“I’m saying a shallow physical relationship might be fun, Romy, as long as you feel safe.” He glances at me in the rearview. “And you don’t need to be fixed. You need to get back in the game and not let what that asshole did keep you on the sidelines. You need to be the one in control.”
“But she doesn’t know this Caleb guy, Eric,” Jude says gently. “He may have his own issues.”
“Who doesn’t? It was simply a suggestion. Or, I mean, paint some pictures. Whatever works for you.”
I pat Eric’s shoulder. “I’ll take it under advisement. But right now, the only simple pleasure I’m after is an omelet with sausage and cheese.” Unfortunately, I’m also having trouble thinking about anything other than exploring … things … with Caleb. He’s probably exploring with someone else right now, I remind myself. Or maybe not. He didn’t seem eager to go, at least not at first, but then he couldn’t get away fast enough. The more I think about it, the more confused I am about what exactly was going on with him.
We pull into the nearly full parking lot of Sammy’s and head inside. The hostess looks frazzled and mutters something about needing more menus as she leads us to a booth in the middle of the restaurant. I scoot in and immediately set my palm in a smear of syrup generously left behind by the booth’s previous occupants. Grimacing, I motion to Jude to let me out again. “I’m going to go wash my hands,” I tell him.
With my fingers curled over my sticky palm, I weave my way through the crowded restaurant. The booths and tables are full of laughing students, and the faint smell of pot hanging in the air tells me that the cooks are probably very busy in the back, working to accommodate at least a dozen serious cases of the munchies. Several tables are occupied by older couples or groups, all of whom probably came from the film festival, and in the booth in the corner is a lone couple that seriously needs to seek some privacy. As I walk by, his hand closes over her breast. Their mouths are locked together. Her fingers are clutching at his shoulders.  I look away quickly as my thoughts once again stray to Caleb.
I skip the line for the stalls and wash my hands, glancing at my reflection as I rub soap between my fingers. What did Caleb see when he looked at me? Does he prefer those polished women with their carefully painted faces, their manicured nails, their painstakingly highlighted hair? Would I really want something stupid and casual with him? Would that really be possible? The more I think about it, the more intriguing the idea is, but would he even be interested? Jude thought he was, and for a moment, I could have sworn Jude was right. Shaking my head, I dry my hands and promise myself I’ll stop thinking about it tonight.
I push open the door to the ladies’ room and enter the hallway, nearly colliding with a guy coming out of the men’s. He catches my shoulders and mumbles a quick apology, but then he pulls up short. “Romy.”
I twist around as I hear his voice, and my stomach drops. “Alex.” It comes out broken. A whisper.
He looks the same, curly blond hair, only a few inches taller than me, but muscular and fit. A hard, possessive grip. “Oh my God,” he says. “You cut your hair.”
I try to shrug his hands away, but he moves with me. “Let me go,” I mouth, but my heart is beating too fast to allow any sound.
“You look good.” His thumbs stroke over my shoulders, and he smiles. I used to love that smile. So confident, so powerful, so unafraid. “How have you been?”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Alone. In the dark,” Jude says in a flat voice. He gives Eric a sidelong glance.“I … actually, I ran into Caleb. Our painting teacher?” I try to sound casual, but my voice quavers when I say his name.Jude turns all the way around in his seat. “Are you serious? Was he at the movie, too?”I press my lips together and shake my head. “I ran into him on the street. We chatted for a bit.”“And?” Jude’s fingers are curled over his seat.“What do you mean ‘and?’ We chatted. He’s starting up an oil painting class and thought I might be interested.”“He’s starting up a class a few weeks into the semester?” Eric asks, his tone drenched in skepticism.“He did look like he might be interested in you,” says Jude, giving me a questioning look.I lean my head against the window. “I think you might have read him wrong.” I think I might have read him wrong, too, and I’m more disappointed by that than I should be. I rub my face, hard. “Besides, I’m trying to focus on myself right now.”“Who said you couldn’t focus on yourself?” Eric asks. “You need to reclaim your power, Romy. And maybe explore a little. You could use him as your playground. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”“What are you talking about?”Eric tilts his head. “Maybe you could do something that’s just fun, and isn’t about someone owning and controlling you.”“You are such a guy, Eric. You think I need to have a shallow, physical relationship with someone, and that would fix me?” I laugh. Eric always says exactly what he’s thinking.“I’m saying a shallow physical relationship might be fun, Romy, as long as you feel safe.” He glances at me in the rearview. “And you don’t need to be fixed. You need to get back in the game and not let what that asshole did keep you on the sidelines. You need to be the one in control.”“But she doesn’t know this Caleb guy, Eric,” Jude says gently. “He may have his own issues.”“Who doesn’t? It was simply a suggestion. Or, I mean, paint some pictures. Whatever works for you.”I pat Eric’s shoulder. “I’ll take it under advisement. But right now, the only simple pleasure I’m after is an omelet with sausage and cheese.” Unfortunately, I’m also having trouble thinking about anything other than exploring … things … with Caleb. He’s probably exploring with someone else right now, I remind myself. Or maybe not. He didn’t seem eager to go, at least not at first, but then he couldn’t get away fast enough. The more I think about it, the more confused I am about what exactly was going on with him.We pull into the nearly full parking lot of Sammy’s and head inside. The hostess looks frazzled and mutters something about needing more menus as she leads us to a booth in the middle of the restaurant. I scoot in and immediately set my palm in a smear of syrup generously left behind by the booth’s previous occupants. Grimacing, I motion to Jude to let me out again. “I’m going to go wash my hands,” I tell him.With my fingers curled over my sticky palm, I weave my way through the crowded restaurant. The booths and tables are full of laughing students, and the faint smell of pot hanging in the air tells me that the cooks are probably very busy in the back, working to accommodate at least a dozen serious cases of the munchies. Several tables are occupied by older couples or groups, all of whom probably came from the film festival, and in the booth in the corner is a lone couple that seriously needs to seek some privacy. As I walk by, his hand closes over her breast. Their mouths are locked together. Her fingers are clutching at his shoulders. I look away quickly as my thoughts once again stray to Caleb.I skip the line for the stalls and wash my hands, glancing at my reflection as I rub soap between my fingers. What did Caleb see when he looked at me? Does he prefer those polished women with their carefully painted faces, their manicured nails, their painstakingly highlighted hair? Would I really want something stupid and casual with him? Would that really be possible? The more I think about it, the more intriguing the idea is, but would he even be interested? Jude thought he was, and for a moment, I could have sworn Jude was right. Shaking my head, I dry my hands and promise myself I’ll stop thinking about it tonight.I push open the door to the ladies’ room and enter the hallway, nearly colliding with a guy coming out of the men’s. He catches my shoulders and mumbles a quick apology, but then he pulls up short. “Romy.”I twist around as I hear his voice, and my stomach drops. “Alex.” It comes out broken. A whisper.He looks the same, curly blond hair, only a few inches taller than me, but muscular and fit. A hard, possessive grip. “Oh my God,” he says. “You cut your hair.”I try to shrug his hands away, but he moves with me. “Let me go,” I mouth, but my heart is beating too fast to allow any sound.“You look good.” His thumbs stroke over my shoulders, and he smiles. I used to love that smile. So confident, so powerful, so unafraid. “How have you been?”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Sendirian. Dalam gelap, "kata Jude dengan suara datar. Dia memberikan Eric melirik.
"Aku ... sebenarnya, aku berlari ke Caleb. Guru lukisan kita? "Aku mencoba untuk terdengar santai, tapi suaraku not seperdelapan ketika saya mengatakan namanya.
Jude ternyata semua jalan di sekitar di kursinya. "Apakah kamu serius? Apakah dia di film, juga?
"Aku menekan bibirku bersama-sama dan menggeleng. "Aku bertemu dengannya di jalan. Kami mengobrol sebentar.
"" Dan? "Jari Jude melengkung lebih
duduknya." Apa maksudmu 'dan?' Kami mengobrol. Dia memulai kelas lukisan minyak dan pikir saya mungkin akan tertarik.
"" Dia memulai kelas beberapa minggu ke semester? "Eric bertanya, nadanya basah kuyup di
skeptisisme." Dia terlihat seperti dia mungkin tertarik pada Anda, "kata Jude, memberi saya tanya.
Aku bersandar kepala terhadap jendela. "Saya pikir Anda mungkin telah membaca bahwa dia salah." Saya pikir saya mungkin harus membaca dia salah, juga, dan aku lebih kecewa dengan itu daripada saya harus. Aku menggosok wajahku, keras. "Selain itu, saya mencoba untuk fokus pada diri saya sekarang."
"Siapa bilang Anda tidak bisa fokus pada diri sendiri?" Eric bertanya. "Anda perlu untuk merebut kembali kekuasaan Anda, Romy. Dan mungkin mengeksplorasi sedikit. Anda bisa menggunakan dia sebagai taman bermain Anda. Saya yakin dia tidak akan keberatan. "" Apa yang kamu bicarakan? "Eric memiringkan kepalanya. "Mungkin Anda bisa melakukan sesuatu yang hanya menyenangkan, dan bukan tentang seseorang memiliki dan mengendalikan Anda." "Kamu adalah pria, Eric tersebut. Anda pikir saya harus memiliki, hubungan fisik dangkal dengan seseorang, dan itu akan memperbaiki saya? "Aku tertawa. Eric selalu mengatakan apa yang dia pikirkan. "Saya mengatakan hubungan fisik dangkal mungkin menyenangkan, Romy, selama Anda merasa aman." Dia melirikku di spion tersebut. "Dan Anda tidak perlu diperbaiki. Anda perlu untuk mendapatkan kembali dalam permainan dan tidak membiarkan apa bajingan yang tidak membuat Anda di sela-sela. Anda harus memegang kendali. "" Tapi dia tidak tahu orang Caleb ini, Eric, "kata Jude lembut. "Dia mungkin memiliki masalah sendiri." "Siapa yang tidak? Itu hanya saran. Atau, maksudku, melukis beberapa gambar. Apa pun yang bekerja untuk Anda. "Aku menepuk bahu Eric. "Aku akan mempertimbangkannya. Tapi sekarang, hanya kesenangan sederhana saya setelah adalah telur dadar dengan sosis dan keju. "Sayangnya, saya juga mengalami kesulitan memikirkan apa pun selain menjelajahi ... hal ... dengan Caleb. Dia mungkin menjelajahi dengan orang lain sekarang, saya mengingatkan diri sendiri. Atau mungkin tidak. Dia tampaknya tidak ingin pergi, setidaknya tidak pada awalnya, tapi kemudian dia tidak bisa pergi cukup cepat. Semakin aku memikirkannya, semakin bingung saya tentang apa sebenarnya yang terjadi dengan dia. Kami menarik ke tempat parkir hampir penuh Sammy dan kepala dalam. Nyonya rumah tampak letih dan bergumam sesuatu tentang membutuhkan lebih banyak menu saat ia membawa kita ke bilik di tengah-tengah restoran. Aku bergeser dan segera menetapkan telapak tanganku di smear sirup murah hati ditinggalkan oleh penghuni stan sebelumnya. Meringis, aku gerak ke Jude untuk membiarkan saya keluar lagi. "Aku akan pergi mencuci tangan saya," kataku padanya. Dengan jari-jari saya meringkuk di telapak lengket, aku menenun jalan melalui restoran yang ramai. Bilik dan meja yang penuh dengan tertawa mahasiswa, dan bau samar pot gantung di udara memberitahu saya bahwa para juru masak mungkin sangat sibuk di belakang, bekerja untuk mengakomodasi setidaknya selusin kasus serius kudapan. Beberapa meja ditempati oleh pasangan yang lebih tua atau kelompok, yang semuanya mungkin berasal dari festival film, dan di bilik di sudut adalah beberapa tunggal yang serius perlu mencari beberapa privasi. Saat aku berjalan oleh, tangannya menutup lebih payudaranya. Mulut mereka terkunci bersama-sama. Jari-jarinya yang mencengkeram bahunya. Aku berpaling secepat pikiran saya sekali lagi nyasar ke Caleb. Saya melewatkan baris untuk kios dan mencuci tangan, melirik bayanganku saat aku menggosok sabun di antara jari saya. Apa yang Caleb melihat ketika dia menatapku? Apakah dia lebih memilih wanita-wanita dipoles dengan wajah mereka dengan hati-hati dicat, kuku terawat mereka, rambut mereka susah payah disorot? Apakah saya benar-benar ingin sesuatu yang bodoh dan santai dengan dia? Akan yang benar-benar mungkin? Semakin aku memikirkannya, semakin menarik ide, tapi akan ia bahkan tertarik? Jude pikir dia, dan sesaat, saya berani bersumpah Jude benar. Menggelengkan kepala, aku mengeringkan tangan saya dan berjanji pada diriku sendiri aku akan berhenti memikirkannya malam ini. Saya mendorong membuka pintu ke kamar wanita dan masukkan lorong, hampir bertabrakan dengan seorang pria yang keluar dari laki-laki. Ia menangkap bahu saya dan bergumam permintaan maaf cepat, tapi kemudian ia menarik pendek. "Romy." Aku memutar sekitar seperti aku mendengar suaranya, dan perutku tetes. Muncul keluar rusak "Alex.". Bisikan A. Dia tampak sama, rambut pirang keriting, hanya beberapa inci lebih tinggi dari saya, tapi berotot dan fit. Sebuah hard, pegangan posesif. "Oh Tuhan," katanya. "Anda memotong rambut Anda." Aku mencoba untuk mengangkat bahu tangannya pergi, tapi ia bergerak dengan saya. "Biarkan aku pergi," Aku mulut, tapi hati saya berdetak terlalu cepat untuk memungkinkan suara apapun. "Kau tampak baik." Stroke jempol Nya atas bahu saya, dan dia tersenyum. Aku dulu suka senyum itu. Begitu percaya diri, begitu kuat, sehingga tidak takut. "Bagaimana harus kau?"

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