Locker Great beams into a smile, stands up to visit us, said: „Ven­tur terjemahan - Locker Great beams into a smile, stands up to visit us, said: „Ven­tur Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Locker Great beams into a smile, st

Locker Great beams into a smile, stands up to visit us, said: „Ven­tur­ers, you are the pride of Tian Ling Em­pire, come, you have brought the Pangu axe for the or­phaned king, this is the re­ward that is you to earn!”
Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, you have made the con­tri­bu­tion for Locker Great re­cast Pangu axe duty, and has ex­ter­mi­nated crowd of evil spir­its in the Pangu deep pool, the con­tri­bu­tion value is 3928 points, you will ob­tain the SSS level re­ward!
Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, ob­tains re­ward charm value + 30, Level + 1, gold coin sev­eral + 40000, in the pres­ti­gious value large scale pro­mo­tion of Tian Ling Em­pire, and ob­tains the duty re­ward goods: 【Fire Yao Son of Heaven】( Di­vine Tier re­mark­able)!
„Fire Yao Son of Heaven?”
I stare in­stan­ta­neously, what Dong­dong is this?
Opens wraps looks, im­pres­sively is a han­dle flame dense long sword, the place above reap­pears the fire red fire Yao Son of Heaven four large char­ac­ters, is this my new pointed weapons?
Takes out the pack­age, „whish” roar­ing flame flees re­mote of sev­eral rice, this im­pos­ing man­ner of sword also is re­ally not a lid, al­ready ended to win the town month sword, looks at the at­tribute again, Di­vine Tier is not very truly or­di­nary, is mainly uses Level to be high, there­fore the strik­ing power is also high, my as­sis­tant weapon had the where­abouts
【Fire Yao Son of Heaven】( Di­vine Tier re­mark­able)
At­tack: 4120-4750
Strength: + 137
Phys­i­cal strength: + 135
Agile: + 134
Spirit tech­nique: + 130
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 50% strik­ing power
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 40% hot at­tribute sput­ter­ing in­juries
Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 40% at­tack speeds
Spe­cial ef­fect: Roasts the flame, after the tar­get, has 50% prob­a­bil­i­ties to cre­ate fires the in­jury con­tin­u­ally, cre­ates weapon or­di­nary in­jury 50% to it in 7 sec­onds
Spe­cial ef­fect: The firm, durable spend­ing rate re­duces 50%
In­tro­duced: The fire Yao Son of Heaven, be­fore the Flood, the roar­ing flame burn­ing down earth, the bad peo­ple run­ning wild, a world of human be­ings deathly still­ness, the an­cient war-gods died in bat­tle in abun­dance, their pointed weapons fall on var­i­ous earth places, en­dures the ig­ni­tion of fire of world, fi­nally con­gealed a han­dle god sol­dier when ten thou­sand years later, was this han­dle flame Son of Heaven, the fable bran­dished this han­dle sword can send out to swal­low the flame of world
Needs Level: 118
Needs the charm value: 250
Needs Class: Swords­men
Looked that the at­tribute of fire Yao Son of Heaven I was happy, the strik­ing power pro­mo­tion did not say that firm at­tribute most makes me like, the durable spend­ing rate re­duces 50%, I must re­pair equip­ment each time time is the weapon first shat­ters, the Longchi sword will never wear did not say that does not need to re­pair, the town month sword first shat­ters each time, but after hav­ing this flame Son of Heaven, the abil­ity of pro­tracted war has been in­creased, this weapon I like!
„Ka”, changed the town month sword, ex­changed the fire Yao Son of Heaven, the strik­ing power has pro­moted much need­less say­ing that more­over the pre­sent two han­dle swords, the Longchi sword is dense the shade of Shen­long, the fire Yao Son of Heaven must burn the bro­ken day the rhythm, looked like ex­cep­tion­ally in the noble at­mos­phere the scale.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Locker Great beams into a smile, stands up to visit us, said: „Ven­tur­ers, you are the pride of Tian Ling Em­pire, come, you have brought the Pangu axe for the or­phaned king, this is the re­ward that is you to earn!”„Bites!”Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, you have made the con­tri­bu­tion for Locker Great re­cast Pangu axe duty, and has ex­ter­mi­nated crowd of evil spir­its in the Pangu deep pool, the con­tri­bu­tion value is 3928 points, you will ob­tain the SSS level re­ward!„Bites!”Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, ob­tains re­ward charm value + 30, Level + 1, gold coin sev­eral + 40000, in the pres­ti­gious value large scale pro­mo­tion of Tian Ling Em­pire, and ob­tains the duty re­ward goods: 【Fire Yao Son of Heaven】( Di­vine Tier re­mark­able)!„Fire Yao Son of Heaven?”I stare in­stan­ta­neously, what Dong­dong is this?Opens wraps looks, im­pres­sively is a han­dle flame dense long sword, the place above reap­pears the fire red fire Yao Son of Heaven four large char­ac­ters, is this my new pointed weapons?Takes out the pack­age, „whish” roar­ing flame flees re­mote of sev­eral rice, this im­pos­ing man­ner of sword also is re­ally not a lid, al­ready ended to win the town month sword, looks at the at­tribute again, Di­vine Tier is not very truly or­di­nary, is mainly uses Level to be high, there­fore the strik­ing power is also high, my as­sis­tant weapon had the where­abouts【Fire Yao Son of Heaven】( Di­vine Tier re­mark­able)At­tack: 4120-4750Strength: + 137Phys­i­cal strength: + 135Agile: + 134Spirit tech­nique: + 130Ad­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 50% strik­ing powerAd­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 40% hot at­tribute sput­ter­ing in­juriesAd­di­tional: Pro­motes the user 40% at­tack speedsSpe­cial ef­fect: Roasts the flame, after the tar­get, has 50% prob­a­bil­i­ties to cre­ate fires the in­jury con­tin­u­ally, cre­ates weapon or­di­nary in­jury 50% to it in 7 sec­ondsSpe­cial ef­fect: The firm, durable spend­ing rate re­duces 50%In­tro­duced: The fire Yao Son of Heaven, be­fore the Flood, the roar­ing flame burn­ing down earth, the bad peo­ple run­ning wild, a world of human be­ings deathly still­ness, the an­cient war-gods died in bat­tle in abun­dance, their pointed weapons fall on var­i­ous earth places, en­dures the ig­ni­tion of fire of world, fi­nally con­gealed a han­dle god sol­dier when ten thou­sand years later, was this han­dle flame Son of Heaven, the fable bran­dished this han­dle sword can send out to swal­low the flame of worldNeeds Level: 118Needs the charm value: 250Needs Class: Swords­menLooked that the at­tribute of fire Yao Son of Heaven I was happy, the strik­ing power pro­mo­tion did not say that firm at­tribute most makes me like, the durable spend­ing rate re­duces 50%, I must re­pair equip­ment each time time is the weapon first shat­ters, the Longchi sword will never wear did not say that does not need to re­pair, the town month sword first shat­ters each time, but after hav­ing this flame Son of Heaven, the abil­ity of pro­tracted war has been in­creased, this weapon I like!„Ka”, changed the town month sword, ex­changed the fire Yao Son of Heaven, the strik­ing power has pro­moted much need­less say­ing that more­over the pre­sent two han­dle swords, the Longchi sword is dense the shade of Shen­long, the fire Yao Son of Heaven must burn the bro­ken day the rhythm, looked like ex­cep­tion­ally in the noble at­mos­phere the scale.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Loker besar balok tersenyum, berdiri untuk mengunjungi kami, mengatakan: "Venturer, Anda adalah kebanggaan Tian Ling Empire, datang, Anda telah membawa kapak Pangu untuk raja yatim piatu, ini adalah hadiah yang Anda peroleh! " "
Bites! "
sistem sistem pemberitahuan: mengucapkan selamat, Anda telah membuat kontribusi untuk Locker besar menyusun kembali Pangu kapak tugas, dan telah dimusnahkan kerumunan roh-roh jahat di Pangu kolam yang dalam, nilai kontribusi adalah 3.928 poin, Anda akan mendapatkan SSS tingkat imbalan!
pemberitahuan sistem sistem: mengucapkan selamat, memperoleh nilai pahala pesona + 30, tingkat + 1, koin emas beberapa + 40000, nilai prestisius promosi skala besar Tian Ling Empire, dan memperoleh barang tugas reward: 【api Yao Putra Langit】 (Tier Ilahi yang luar biasa)!
"api Yao Putra Langit?"
aku menatap seketika, apa yang Dongdong ini?
Membuka membungkus terlihat, mengesankan adalah pegangan api padat pedang panjang, tempat di atas muncul kembali merah api api Yao Putra Langit empat karakter besar, apakah ini senjata tajam baru saya?
Membawa keluar paket, "whish" mengaum api melarikan diri jauh dari beberapa beras, cara mengesankan ini pedang juga benar-benar tidak tutup, sudah berakhir untuk menang kota pedang bulan, melihat atribut lagi, Tier Ilahi sangat tidak benar-benar biasa, terutama menggunakan Tingkat menjadi tinggi, karena itu daya mencolok juga tinggi, asisten senjata saya memiliki keberadaan
【Api Yao Putra Langit】 (Tier Ilahi yang luar biasa )
Attack: 4120-4750
kekuatan: + 137
kekuatan fisik: + 135
Agile: + 134
teknik Spirit: + 130
tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 50% daya mencolok
tambahan: Mempromosikan pengguna 40% atribut panas sputtering cedera
tambahan: Meningkatkan pengguna 40 serangan% kecepatan
efek khusus: daging panggang api, setelah target, memiliki 50% probabilitas untuk membuat kebakaran cedera terus, menciptakan cedera biasa senjata 50% untuk dalam 7 detik
efek khusus: perusahaan, tingkat belanja tahan lama mengurangi 50%
Diperkenalkan: api Yao Putra Langit, sebelum Banjir, api menderu membakar bumi, orang-orang jahat berjalan liar, dunia manusia keheningan Relikui, kuno perang-dewa meninggal dalam pertempuran dalam kelimpahan, senjata tajam mereka jatuh pada berbagai bumi tempat, bertahan pengapian api dunia, akhirnya beku seorang tentara menangani dewa ketika sepuluh ribu tahun kemudian, adalah menangani ini api Putra Langit, dongeng yang mengacungkan pedang pegangan ini dapat mengirimkan menelan api dunia
Kebutuhan level: 118
Kebutuhan nilai pesona: 250
Kebutuhan Kelas: Swordsmen
Tampak bahwa atribut api Yao Putra Langit saya senang, promosi kekuatan mencolok tidak mengatakan bahwa atribut perusahaan yang paling membuat saya seperti, tingkat belanja tahan lama mengurangi 50%, saya harus memperbaiki peralatan setiap kali waktu adalah shatters pertama senjata, pedang Longchi tidak akan pernah memakai tidak mengatakan bahwa tidak perlu untuk memperbaiki, pedang bulan kota pertama menghancurkan setiap kali, tapi setelah api ini Putra Langit, kemampuan perang berlarut-larut telah meningkat, senjata ini saya suka!
"Ka", mengubah pedang kota bulan, ditukar api Yao Putra Langit, kekuatan mencolok telah dipromosikan banyak perlu mengatakan bahwa apalagi sekarang dua pegangan pedang, pedang Longchi padat naungan Shenlong , api Yao Putra Langit harus membakar hari rusak irama, tampak seperti sangat dalam suasana mulia skala.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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