Subject: meth recipe againFrom: "Kontac" Date: 1999/01/14Newsgroups: alt.drugs.hardFrom: (David Copeland)Subject: methamphetamine sythesisDate: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 00:00:00 GMTMessage-ID: <>MIME-Version: 1.0Reply-To: dcopela@pacifier.comOrganization: Pacifier Internet Server (360) 693-0325Newsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistry--okay; All you people who want an easy meth systhesis - They don't exist! You have to know some chemistry. Learn some (yes it takes some discipline) or be doomed to fail. So, again, this information is posted for information purposes only. I accept no responsibility for anyone actually using this. If you do you will be subject to state and federal laws and will be subject to fines and/or imprisonment. If you are stupid enough to actually manufacture meth you WILL probably go to prison. This is the 90's. So to make meth from ephedrine- Using l- or pseudo ephedrine place 1000 gms of ephedrine, 250gms of red phosphorus, and 1000ml of hydriotic acid in a suitable round bottom flask. Fit the flask with a reflux condenser and reflux the mixture for 48hrs at 120 degrees C. Add a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide until the Ph is 14. You should get an oil layer and a water layer. Separate the oil layer in a separatory funnel and put it a flask with 3 volumes of water. Rig the flask for distillation and distill the oil water mixture until the oil is mostly gone (except for highly colored globs of oil.) In the reciever flask there should be two layers, an upper oil layer and a lower water layer. Separate the oil layer and mix it with 10% hydrochloric acid until the Ph is 7.6. evaporate the water and it will crystallize into methamphetamine hcl. -------------------------------------------------------Pacifier Online Data Service Dialup SLIP/PPP UserTo register: (360) 693-0325 or telnet (Loonus)Subject: CLIC Homepage Methamphetamine SynthesisDate: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 00:00:00 GMTMessage-ID: <>X-Admin: news@aol.comOrganization: AOL alt.drugs.chemistry"We have observed that mixtures containing red phosphorus, iodine andeither concentrated HCl or glacial acetic acid do convert ephedrine to methamphetamine; however, when the phosphorus is omitted, methamphetamineis not formed. Ephedrine was reacted with red phosphorus and iodine inrefluxing water, varying the ratios of red phosphorus and iodine; when redphosphorus and iodine are in excess of ephedrine in a 1:3.8:7.2 molar ratio (ephedrine:red phosphorus:iodine) methamphetamine is formed and theephedrine is consumed in 8 hours."Anyone have any thoughts, experience with the typical E-RP-HA when theusually separate step of creating the hydriotic acid is omitted and the three chemicals are just reacted in refluxing water. It seems like that is whatis being described (along with acid substitution). oo 0' ' 'From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)Subject: Microscale Meth Synthesis Using Grocery Store MaterialsDate: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 00:00:00 GMTMessage-ID: <6am5tp$>X-001: Replay may or may not approve of the content of this postingX-002: Report misuse of this automated service to X-URL: Wed, 28 Jan 1998 03:42:03 CETOrganization: Replay Associates, L.L.P.Newsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistryMaterials:1. 30ml bottle tincture iodine containing 2% iodine, sodium iodide 2.4%,alcohol 47%, rest H202. 5 Sinustop Herbal Decongestant tablets containing 60mg crystalinepseudoephedrine HCl each mixed with some herbal ingrediants. Or 300mg ofephedrine obtained thru some other method.3. 5 road flares.4. Bottle of drain cleaner containg conc. H2SO4 5. Bottle white distilled vinegar6. Red devil Lye containing sodium hydroxide 7. Spray can of brake cleaner containing 1,1,1 trichloroethylene or 1,1,1trichloroethane ------------Procedure:A. Purifying pseudoephedrine:1. Take the 5 decongestant capsules, empty their contents into a smallfunnelwith a coffee filter. Pour 50ml of cold water through the filter, andcollectthe liquid in a small jar. 2. Add a 1/4tsp of lye to the collected liquid.Youshould immediately smell the odor of ephedrine. 3. Put the resultantsolutionin another small jar, and add 50ml of brake cleaner, then close the lid andshake vigorously. Let stand so that the layers seperate. 4. Using a turkeybaster, suck up the bottom brake cleaner layer out of the jar and put itintoasmall bowl. 5. Add 50ml of vinegar and heat the resultant mixure over lowheatin a frying pan with 1/2 inch of water. Thus a water bath. Do not use a gasstove, since the brake cleaner vapors will produce toxic phosgene if thereiscontact with a flame. Instead use a hot plate or electric stove at low heatonly. 6. Heat the bowl in the water bath until no more liquid is left. Atthebottom will be a solid layer of a pseudoephedrine acetate. B. Preparing the red phosphorus:1. Scrape the red phosphorus off of the caps of the 5 flares and store forlater use. You should get about 0.1g per flare. C. Preparing the iodine/HI solution:1. Pour the entire bottle of the iodine tincture into a small ceramic bowl.Heat on the above type water bath until no more alcohol is left. Let cool,putin a small polyethylene jar, and add 0.1ml of the H2SO4 drain cleaner.Thatsabout 1/4inch of liquid in the end of an eye dropper. This converts thesodiumiodide to HI. You now have a solution of iodine and HI. 2. Add the redphosphorus, and heat bottle in a water bath until the purple iodine colorgoesaway.D. The reaction:1. Add the pseudoephedrine acetate to the solution of HI/I and phosphorus,andheat on a water bath for 24 hours.E: Extraction:1. Cool the reaction solution and add 1/2tsp of lye. Take the solution andperform steps A3-A6. 2. You will end up with methamphetamine acetate that
can scrape from the bowl.
Congradulations! You have circumvented all of law enforcement and have
contributed to the end of the "drug war". (or contributed to the outlaw of
flares, iodine tincture, vignegar, drain cleaners, and auto store chemicals
coffee filters as will happen in the next year)
Best regards, Cousin Singe
From: (Sean Casey)
Subject: Re: Testing for bunk
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <44hgdc$>
references: <43aqhu$>
organization: Rutgers University
newsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistry
FAQ fodder...
If methamphetamine looks waxy or oily, it is probably contaminated
with the HI salt of meth, an oily by-product of the red-phosphorous/HI
reduction of ephedrine--the most prevalent method of clandestine
The HI salt is soluble in acetone, while the HCL salt is only very
slightly soluble. The HI salt could be washed out, basified, and then
precipitated with HCl gas to give methamphetmine HCL.
When completely dry, methamphetamine HCL is soluble in chloroform,
while ephedrine HCL is not. This would provide a convenient method of
[Reference: Skinner, Harry F., "Methamphetamine Synthesis Via
Hydriotic Acid/Red Phosphorous Reduction Of Ephedrine," Forensic
Science International, Vol 48, 1990, pp. 123-134]
[Provided for academic interest. Do not attempt. Etc.]
``Wind, waves, etc. are breakdowns in the face of the commitment to
getting from here to there. But they are conditions for sailing -- not
something to be gotten rid of, but something to be danced with.''
From: josh
Subject: Re: methamphetamine synthesis
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>
References: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Organization: AT&T WorldNet Services
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Newsgroups: alt.drugs.chemistry
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
Guest wrote:
> I'm posting this 'cause I'm sick and tired of people asking and no real
> answers. I want some things in return. But heres the synh. This is
> from Space Monkey the original biker cook!
> Get 22,000ml boiling flask with a condenser and mantle. Add 5 pounds of
> l-ephedrine hydrochloride. Pour in one gallon of hydriodic acid. Add
> 1000 grams of red phosphorus.
> Crank up the mantle and let it boil for 13 hours. Now think for a
> minute: Take the output off the top of the condenser, put a check valve
> in line with a long piece of tygon tubing and bubble the output of the
> tube through a bucket of water outside where you are cooking. That way
> there is no accumulation of hydrogen in the house to blow you to
> he-double toothpicks.
> Now that the 13 hours are up, turn off the mantle, but let the condenser
> run until the flask is cool enough to pick up.
> During this 13 hours of cooking, you have made a strong lye solution.
> Now fill a big carboy with spigot about a third of the way with clear
> ice from the liquor store (it is made with distilled water [duh]). Pour
> the lye solution over the ice.
> Now pour the contents of the boiling flask into the ice/lye filled
> carbouy and agitate.
> An oil layer will seperate on top. This is methamphetamine free-base.
> Discard the water layer, save the oil
> Put the oil in beaker so you know how much you have.
> Now add equal parts of VERY hot water and oil in a seperatory funnel and
> shake for a couple of minutes.
> Put the sep funnel in a ring stand and let it sit for about 10 minutes
> till the crap falls out of the oil into the water. Discard the water.
> Keep doing this until the oil clean.
> Now start
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