Shal­low for­est nod smiles: „Gen­eral Li must promise me, after fir­i terjemahan - Shal­low for­est nod smiles: „Gen­eral Li must promise me, after fir­i Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Shal­low for­est nod smiles: „Gen­e

Shal­low for­est nod smiles: „Gen­eral Li must promise me, after fir­ing off the Lin­hai city, must teach me to en­tan­gle the skill of sword.”
My con­tin­u­a­tion stands in the bar­bi­can wall waits and sees, fre­quently kills sev­eral peo­ple, looks at the coun­try to fight the in­te­gral again, as if Fang Geque pur­sues spe­cially tightly, this time at­tacks the Lin­hai city, the per­son who Fang Geque kills are more than me, the over­all score pulled closer
1 st, the Xiao Yao Zi Zai coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 112273
2 nd, Fang Geque the coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 108232
3 rd, on paper pic­ture demon coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 74661
4 th, the Cang Yue coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 73212
5 th, the Cang Tong coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 69270
6 th, Mu Xu­an­guo fights in­te­gral: 68210
7 th, the Sim­ple coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 64722
8 th, the Drunken Spear coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 61232
9 th, the Q Sword coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 60020
10 th, Ye Laiguo fights in­te­gral: 58732
First sec­ond with third dis­parate very big, but Tian Ling Em­pire, looks at the coun­try that the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate and fire Yun Cheng, the Lin­hai city three Dai­jouike in­ter­locks to form to fight on the chain, I and Fang Geque the in­te­gral as be­fore is two peo­ple of keep­ing aloof, more­over as if two peo­ple both have not hung, hangs one time to lose 10% in­te­grals, that quite in­jured.
The div­ing pos­ture drops the city, has rushed ahead a meet­ing in the crowd, gains some coun­tries to fight the in­te­gral, at this mo­ment, is built on Lin Wan Er of bar­bi­can wall to say sud­denly: „The flat­ter pig, comes to see quickly, prob­a­bly some dis­tant place peo­ple came, what sit­u­a­tion?”
I rose straight from the ground to fly the city wall hur­riedly, stood firm side Lin Wan Er, looks at the di­rec­tion that she pointed, saw only the dis­tant place dust to fly up­wards, the dense and nu­mer­ous sol­diers and horses were rush­ing to our di­rec­tion to come, I could not bear ask: „What per­son?”
„Does not know that tem­porar­ily does not have what in­for­ma­tion.”
At this time, on Yue Qing Qian and paper pic­ture demon, Q Sword et al. also rapidly dashed the city, the main play­ers of ma­jor­ity of at­tack­ing a city guild turned around to look to be­hind enemy, once were re­ally the enemy, we were at­tacked front and rear, re­gion on un­usual is not won­der­ful.
The bird's eye view earth, the palace guard in sur­round­ing has at­tacked the inner city ma­jor­ity, re­mains same place ba­si­cally com­pletely is Rong Di Jun, truly duke to pre­serve own mil­i­tary strength has not made Rong Di Jun at­tack the city wall, but now looks like this is not the great idea, the sur­round­ing has come many peo­ple, Rong Di Jun on the con­trary has be­come be­hind us a shield.
„Damn, is who?”
Truly duke went out of the tent, the anger shouted to clear the way: „Where scouts, but also doesn't have news?”
Scouts not to have, the in­tel­li­gence sys­tem of player is bet­ter, after Yue Qing Qian sev­eral sec­onds, blinked said to me: „Ram­ble elder brother, has de­ter­mined, is the fire Yun Cheng per­son, the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to lead per­son­ally, al­to­gether ap­prox­i­mately 500 W per­son, this was the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to rely on most pop­u­la­tion that own pres­tige can gather.”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Shal­low for­est nod smiles: „Gen­eral Li must promise me, after fir­ing off the Lin­hai city, must teach me to en­tan­gle the skill of sword.”„Good!”My con­tin­u­a­tion stands in the bar­bi­can wall waits and sees, fre­quently kills sev­eral peo­ple, looks at the coun­try to fight the in­te­gral again, as if Fang Geque pur­sues spe­cially tightly, this time at­tacks the Lin­hai city, the per­son who Fang Geque kills are more than me, the over­all score pulled closer1 st, the Xiao Yao Zi Zai coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 1122732 nd, Fang Geque the coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 1082323 rd, on paper pic­ture demon coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 746614 th, the Cang Yue coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 732125 th, the Cang Tong coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 692706 th, Mu Xu­an­guo fights in­te­gral: 682107 th, the Sim­ple coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 647228 th, the Drunken Spear coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 612329 th, the Q Sword coun­try fights the in­te­gral: 6002010 th, Ye Laiguo fights in­te­gral: 58732First sec­ond with third dis­parate very big, but Tian Ling Em­pire, looks at the coun­try that the semi-cir­cu­lar pro­tec­tive wall out­side the main city gate and fire Yun Cheng, the Lin­hai city three Dai­jouike in­ter­locks to form to fight on the chain, I and Fang Geque the in­te­gral as be­fore is two peo­ple of keep­ing aloof, more­over as if two peo­ple both have not hung, hangs one time to lose 10% in­te­grals, that quite in­jured.The div­ing pos­ture drops the city, has rushed ahead a meet­ing in the crowd, gains some coun­tries to fight the in­te­gral, at this mo­ment, is built on Lin Wan Er of bar­bi­can wall to say sud­denly: „The flat­ter pig, comes to see quickly, prob­a­bly some dis­tant place peo­ple came, what sit­u­a­tion?”
I rose straight from the ground to fly the city wall hur­riedly, stood firm side Lin Wan Er, looks at the di­rec­tion that she pointed, saw only the dis­tant place dust to fly up­wards, the dense and nu­mer­ous sol­diers and horses were rush­ing to our di­rec­tion to come, I could not bear ask: „What per­son?”
„Does not know that tem­porar­ily does not have what in­for­ma­tion.”
At this time, on Yue Qing Qian and paper pic­ture demon, Q Sword et al. also rapidly dashed the city, the main play­ers of ma­jor­ity of at­tack­ing a city guild turned around to look to be­hind enemy, once were re­ally the enemy, we were at­tacked front and rear, re­gion on un­usual is not won­der­ful.
The bird's eye view earth, the palace guard in sur­round­ing has at­tacked the inner city ma­jor­ity, re­mains same place ba­si­cally com­pletely is Rong Di Jun, truly duke to pre­serve own mil­i­tary strength has not made Rong Di Jun at­tack the city wall, but now looks like this is not the great idea, the sur­round­ing has come many peo­ple, Rong Di Jun on the con­trary has be­come be­hind us a shield.
„Damn, is who?”
Truly duke went out of the tent, the anger shouted to clear the way: „Where scouts, but also doesn't have news?”
Scouts not to have, the in­tel­li­gence sys­tem of player is bet­ter, after Yue Qing Qian sev­eral sec­onds, blinked said to me: „Ram­ble elder brother, has de­ter­mined, is the fire Yun Cheng per­son, the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to lead per­son­ally, al­to­gether ap­prox­i­mately 500 W per­son, this was the clear pupil de­vel­ops black ink to rely on most pop­u­la­tion that own pres­tige can gather.”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dangkal mengangguk hutan tersenyum: ". General Li harus berjanji, setelah menembakkan kota Linhai, harus mengajar saya untuk melibatkan keterampilan pedang"
! "Baik"
kelanjutan saya berdiri di menunggu dinding barbican dan melihat, sering membunuh beberapa orang, terlihat di negara itu untuk memerangi integral lagi, seakan Fang Geque mengejar khusus erat, kali ini menyerang kota Linhai, orang yang Fang Geque membunuh lebih dari saya, skor keseluruhan ditarik lebih dekat
1 st, negara Xiao Yao Zi Zai perkelahian integral: 112.273
2 nd, Fang Geque negara perkelahian integral: 108.232
3 rd, pada gambar kertas setan negara perkelahian terpisahkan: 74.661
4 th, negara Cang Yue perkelahian terpisahkan: 73.212
5 th, perkelahian negara Cang Tong integral: 69270
6 th, Mu Xuanguo perkelahian terpisahkan: 68210
7 th, negara Simple perkelahian integral: 64.722
8 th, negara Drunken Tombak perkelahian integral: 61.232
9 th, negara Q Pedang perkelahian integral: 60020
10 th , Ye Laiguo perkelahian terpisahkan: 58.732
detik pertama dengan berbeda ketiga sangat besar, tapi Tian Ling Empire, terlihat di negara yang dinding pelindung setengah lingkaran di luar gerbang kota utama dan api Yun Cheng, kota Linhai tiga interlock Daijouike untuk membentuk ke bertempur di rantai, saya dan Fang Geque integral seperti sebelumnya yaitu dua orang menjaga menyendiri, apalagi seolah dua orang keduanya memiliki tidak digantung, hang satu waktu untuk kehilangan 10% integral, yang cukup terluka.
postur diving tetes kota, telah bergegas ke depan pertemuan di kerumunan, keuntungan beberapa negara untuk melawan integral, pada saat ini, dibangun di atas Lin Wan Er dinding barbican mengatakan tiba-tiba: "The datar babi, datang untuk melihat dengan cepat, mungkin beberapa tempat orang yang jauh datang , situasi apa? "
aku bangkit langsung dari tanah untuk terbang tembok kota buru-buru, berdiri sisi perusahaan Lin Wan Er, melihat arah yang ia menunjuk, hanya melihat tempat debu jauh terbang ke atas, para prajurit padat dan banyak dan kuda bergegas ke arah kami datang, saya tidak tahan bertanya: "apa orang"
. "Apakah tidak tahu bahwa sementara tidak memiliki informasi apa"
pada saat ini, di Yue Qing Qian dan setan gambar kertas, Q Pedang et al. juga cepat berlari kota, para pemain utama mayoritas menyerang guild kota berbalik untuk melihat ke musuh di belakang, setelah benar-benar musuh, kami diserang depan dan belakang, daerah di tidak biasa tidak indah.
The burung eye view bumi, pengawal istana di sekitarnya telah menyerang sebagian dalam kota, tetap tempat yang sama pada dasarnya benar-benar adalah Rong di Juni, benar-benar duke untuk mempertahankan kekuatan militer sendiri tidak membuat Rong di Juni serangan tembok kota, tapi sekarang sepertinya ini bukan ide bagus ., sekitarnya telah datang banyak orang, Rong di Juni sebaliknya telah menjadi di belakang kami perisai
"? Sialan, adalah yang"
Benar-benar duke pergi keluar dari tenda, kemarahan berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan: "di mana pramuka, tetapi juga ? tidak memiliki berita "
Pramuka untuk tidak memiliki, sistem intelijen pemain yang lebih baik, setelah Yue Qing Qian beberapa detik, berkedip berkata kepada saya:" mengoceh kakak, telah ditentukan, adalah api Yun Cheng orang, murid jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam untuk memimpin secara pribadi, sama sekali sekitar 500 W orang, ini adalah murid jelas mengembangkan tinta hitam mengandalkan sebagian besar penduduk yang memiliki prestise bisa berkumpul. "
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