The armies move, lead­ing troop dense and nu­mer­ous bar­bar­ian clans terjemahan - The armies move, lead­ing troop dense and nu­mer­ous bar­bar­ian clans Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The armies move, lead­ing troop den

The armies move, lead­ing troop dense and nu­mer­ous bar­bar­ian clans­men to leave them to live for a long time place, led a cav­alry reg­i­ment to come to salute after Ba Huang City time An­gela, in fact ad­mon­ished, after all that many bar­bar­ians, once launched the at­tack, Ba Huang City shortly will be noth­ing left.
Crosses child Wushan, en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire within the bound­aries, does not have any reg­i­ment to come to pre­vent, does not have any aris­to­crat to come to salute, thinks that Tian Ling Em­pire these aris­to­crats are still pass­ing the drunk gold Mi day, who will care about a you triv­ial palace guard? How­ever, this time I ac­tu­ally guessed mis­tak­enly.
Palace guard army after Tian Ling Em­pire time, dis­cov­ered on im­pres­sively one crowd of NPC sol­dier com­plete arms is wrap­ping the white cloth, when palace guard cav­alry sol­dier close city, the dis­cov­ery wore the princess to lead cav­alry sol­diers of one crowd of strong wind from afar reg­i­ments to en­cir­cle, wore a face dark green ac­com­mo­dated, saw after me, fi­nally has shown a fa­cial ex­pres­sion of com­fort, ac­tu­ally tears bil­low­ing, stood up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue sud­denly, cries say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, the fa­ther em­peror passed away”
I also stand up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue: „Wasn't Locker Great in the past few days body also very?”
Wore cries say­ing: „Fa­ther em­peror not has been healthy, fi­nally half a month ago had the se­ri­ous ill­ness to pass away, two em­peror broth­ers his he had as­cended the throne for the em­peror half a month ago, after you arrange the mat­ters con­cerned of palace guard and bar­bar­ian, im­me­di­ately comes to the im­pe­r­ial palace to look for me, two em­peror broth­ers he pro­claimed sum­mon your three times you not to come, I feared that he will vent anger in you.”
„Yes, good”
Leads the palace guard to con­tinue, I am dis­turbed, as­cends the throne, this is not any good deed for me ab­solutely!
Soon, en­ters the palace guard bat­tal­ion re­gion, the bar­rack, tent of sur­round­ings al­most find­ing at every­where palace guard had con­structed, but I have not stopped , to con­tinue to lead al­to­gether the bar­bar­ian tribe clans­man of 15 W + per­son to push on­ward to­ward Tian Ling Em­pire south, across month blade edge for­est, pro­ceeded again is a fer­tile plain, but in the mid­dle of fer­tile plain was a giant basin, was vast, can spec­u­late that the for­ma­tion of this basin cer­tainly be­cause of the col­li­sion of pho­to­star, oth­er­wise is un­able to form such nat­ural basin.
In the basin rich re­sources, the fer­tile plain grows thickly, every large or small an­i­mal goes through in the for­est land, but on re­veal­ing land out­side pre­sented flame spars, these spars are hard, are called the hot crys­tals, this is also the name ori­gin of hot crys­tal basin, but in the basin, the sur­round­ing woods was felled, has built many log cab­ins, si­mul­ta­ne­ously opens up mas­sive open­ing up waste­land, my one month has not come back, here has sown seeds many pad­dies, even in some pad­dies stretched out the sprout.
In hot crys­tal basin also palace guard in the bar­racks, in the bat­tal­ion one group of blade shield camp bar­bar­ian sol­diers walked, a law clerk holds the book to progress to come, said re­spect­fully: „Com­mands the Sir, these bar­bar­ians move into need to reg­is­ter the reg­is­ter of names, this is the stip­u­la­tion of em­pire!”
I nod: „This group of bar­bar­ian many peo­ple do not have the name.”
The law clerks smile: „Has not re­lated, can presently take.”
The South Ko­rean deep pool and Xiao Li et al. are also re­spon­si­ble for ar­rang­ing the lodg­ings, soon after, the bar­bar­ian clans­man of 15 W + per­son al­ready arranged about partly to move in the log cabin, other, then builds the crude tent, waited for that the lum­ber­jack con­tin­ues the log­ging to build the house, Han Yuan was also rapid in the sur­round­i
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The armies move, lead­ing troop dense and nu­mer­ous bar­bar­ian clans­men to leave them to live for a long time place, led a cav­alry reg­i­ment to come to salute after Ba Huang City time An­gela, in fact ad­mon­ished, after all that many bar­bar­ians, once launched the at­tack, Ba Huang City shortly will be noth­ing left.Crosses child Wushan, en­ters Tian Ling Em­pire within the bound­aries, does not have any reg­i­ment to come to pre­vent, does not have any aris­to­crat to come to salute, thinks that Tian Ling Em­pire these aris­to­crats are still pass­ing the drunk gold Mi day, who will care about a you triv­ial palace guard? How­ever, this time I ac­tu­ally guessed mis­tak­enly.Palace guard army after Tian Ling Em­pire time, dis­cov­ered on im­pres­sively one crowd of NPC sol­dier com­plete arms is wrap­ping the white cloth, when palace guard cav­alry sol­dier close city, the dis­cov­ery wore the princess to lead cav­alry sol­diers of one crowd of strong wind from afar reg­i­ments to en­cir­cle, wore a face dark green ac­com­mo­dated, saw after me, fi­nally has shown a fa­cial ex­pres­sion of com­fort, ac­tu­ally tears bil­low­ing, stood up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue sud­denly, cries say­ing: „Li Xiao Yao, the fa­ther em­peror passed away”„What?!”I also stand up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue: „Wasn't Locker Great in the past few days body also very?”Wore cries say­ing: „Fa­ther em­peror not has been healthy, fi­nally half a month ago had the se­ri­ous ill­ness to pass away, two em­peror broth­ers his he had as­cended the throne for the em­peror half a month ago, after you arrange the mat­ters con­cerned of palace guard and bar­bar­ian, im­me­di­ately comes to the im­pe­r­ial palace to look for me, two em­peror broth­ers he pro­claimed sum­mon your three times you not to come, I feared that he will vent anger in you.”„Yes, good”Leads the palace guard to con­tinue, I am dis­turbed, as­cends the throne, this is not any good deed for me ab­solutely!Soon, en­ters the palace guard bat­tal­ion re­gion, the bar­rack, tent of sur­round­ings al­most find­ing at every­where palace guard had con­structed, but I have not stopped , to con­tinue to lead al­to­gether the bar­bar­ian tribe clans­man of 15 W + per­son to push on­ward to­ward Tian Ling Em­pire south, across month blade edge for­est, pro­ceeded again is a fer­tile plain, but in the mid­dle of fer­tile plain was a giant basin, was vast, can spec­u­late that the for­ma­tion of this basin cer­tainly be­cause of the col­li­sion of pho­to­star, oth­er­wise is un­able to form such nat­ural basin.In the basin rich re­sources, the fer­tile plain grows thickly, every large or small an­i­mal goes through in the for­est land, but on re­veal­ing land out­side pre­sented flame spars, these spars are hard, are called the hot crys­tals, this is also the name ori­gin of hot crys­tal basin, but in the basin, the sur­round­ing woods was felled, has built many log cab­ins, si­mul­ta­ne­ously opens up mas­sive open­ing up waste­land, my one month has not come back, here has sown seeds many pad­dies, even in some pad­dies stretched out the sprout.In hot crys­tal basin also palace guard in the bar­racks, in the bat­tal­ion one group of blade shield camp bar­bar­ian sol­diers walked, a law clerk holds the book to progress to come, said re­spect­fully: „Com­mands the Sir, these bar­bar­ians move into need to reg­is­ter the reg­is­ter of names, this is the stip­u­la­tion of em­pire!”
I nod: „This group of bar­bar­ian many peo­ple do not have the name.”
The law clerks smile: „Has not re­lated, can presently take.”
The South Ko­rean deep pool and Xiao Li et al. are also re­spon­si­ble for ar­rang­ing the lodg­ings, soon after, the bar­bar­ian clans­man of 15 W + per­son al­ready arranged about partly to move in the log cabin, other, then builds the crude tent, waited for that the lum­ber­jack con­tin­ues the log­ging to build the house, Han Yuan was also rapid in the sur­round­i
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tentara bergerak, memimpin pasukan padat dan banyak klan barbar meninggalkan mereka untuk hidup untuk tempat lama, memimpin resimen kavaleri datang untuk memberi hormat setelah waktu Ba Huang Kota Angela, pada kenyataannya menegur, setelah semua bahwa banyak barbar, sekaligus meluncurkan serangan, Ba Huang Kota lama akan ada yang tersisa.
Crosses anak Wushan, memasuki Tian Ling Empire dalam batas-batas, tidak memiliki resimen datang untuk mencegah, tidak memiliki bangsawan datang untuk memberi hormat, berpikir bahwa Tian Ling Empire bangsawan ini masih melewati emas mabuk Mi hari, yang akan peduli tentang sepele Anda pengawal istana? Namun, kali ini aku benar-benar menduga keliru.
Palace penjaga militer setelah waktu Tian Ling Empire, ditemukan pada mengesankan salah satu kerumunan NPC prajurit senjata lengkap membungkus kain putih, ketika pengawal istana kavaleri tentara tutup kota, penemuan mengenakan putri untuk memimpin kavaleri tentara dari satu kerumunan angin kencang dari jauh resimen untuk mengelilingi, mengenakan wajah hijau gelap ditampung, melihat setelah saya, akhirnya telah menunjukkan ekspresi wajah kenyamanan, sebenarnya air mata mengepul, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan tiba-tiba, menangis mengatakan: "Li xiao Yao, kaisar ayah meninggal "
" Apa ?! "
aku juga berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan:"? Apakah tidak Locker besar dalam beberapa hari tubuh terakhir juga sangat "
Mengenakan teriakan mengatakan:" Bapa kaisar tidak telah sehat , akhirnya setengah bulan lalu memiliki penyakit serius berlalu, dua saudara kaisar, ia telah naik tahta untuk kaisar setengah bulan yang lalu, setelah Anda mengatur hal-hal yang bersangkutan dari pengawal istana dan barbar, segera datang ke istana kekaisaran untuk mencari saya, dua saudara kaisar ia menyatakan memanggil Anda tiga kali Anda tidak datang, aku takut bahwa ia akan melampiaskan kemarahan Anda. "
" Ya, baik "
Memimpin pengawal istana untuk melanjutkan, saya terganggu, naik tahta, ini tidak ada perbuatan baik bagi saya benar-benar!
Segera, memasuki pengawal istana wilayah batalion, barak, tenda lingkungan hampir menemukan di mana-mana pengawal istana telah dibangun, tapi saya belum berhenti, untuk terus memimpin sama sekali dengan klan suku barbar dari 15 W + orang untuk mendorong maju ke arah Tian Ling Empire selatan, melintasi hutan bulan pisau tepi, melanjutkan lagi adalah dataran subur, tapi di tengah-tengah dataran subur adalah cekungan raksasa, sangat luas, dapat berspekulasi bahwa pembentukan cekungan ini tentu karena dari tabrakan photostar, jika tidak dapat membentuk cekungan alam seperti.
dalam cekungan sumber daya yang kaya, dataran subur tumbuh tebal, setiap hewan besar atau kecil berjalan melalui di lahan hutan, tetapi pada mengungkapkan lahan di luar disajikan spar api, spar ini yang keras, disebut kristal panas, ini juga merupakan nama asal baskom kristal panas, tapi di lembah, hutan sekitarnya ditebang, telah membangun banyak log kabin, secara bersamaan membuka besar membuka gurun, saya satu bulan belum kembali, biji sini telah ditaburkan banyak sawah, bahkan di beberapa sawah mengulurkan tunas.
dalam kristal kolam air panas juga pengawal istana di barak, di batalion satu kelompok pisau perisai kamp tentara barbar berjalan, petugas hukum memegang buku untuk kemajuan yang akan datang, kata hormat: "Perintah Sir, barbar ini bergerak dalam kebutuhan untuk mendaftarkan daftar nama, ini adalah penetapan kerajaan!"
aku mengangguk: "kelompok ini barbar banyak orang tidak memiliki nama."
The panitera tersenyum: "Apakah tidak berhubungan, saat dapat mengambil."
The Korea Selatan dalam kolam dan Xiao Li et al. juga bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur penginapan, segera setelah itu, para anggota klan barbar dari 15 W + orang sudah diatur tentang sebagian untuk bergerak di kabin log, lainnya, kemudian membangun tenda mentah, menunggu untuk itu penebang terus penebangan untuk membangun rumah , Han Yuan juga cepat dalam surroundi yang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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