I shake the head: „I also think that but is not, is by my teacher Fros terjemahan - I shake the head: „I also think that but is not, is by my teacher Fros Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I shake the head: „I also think tha

I shake the head: „I also think that but is not, is by my teacher Frost con­firmed that was also prob­a­bly equal to that the sys­tem con­firmed au­to­mat­i­cally, the Class place more has the op­por­tu­nity to be re­cruited the se­lec­tion be­fore the per­son to ex­ceed.”
„Be­fore this” he ar­rives at Cheon­gra-myun, but said: „Joins the reg­is­tra­tion fee of re­cruit­ing so to be un­ex­pect­edly ex­pen­sive, 1000 gold coins!”
I let go awk­wardly smile, said: „You looked that on this cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den is in­fer­tile, was poor soon could not eat meal, has such op­por­tu­nity with great dif­fi­culty, nat­u­rally can seize the chance to butcher, your [Leg­end] trade union is not short of money, con­sid­ered to help the poor?”
Fang Geque laughs in spite of try­ing not to: „Mean­ing that your this fel­low a lit­tle takes ad­van­tage but ac­tu­ally.”
In him be­hind, on the paper the pic­ture demon is rais­ing the water deity hal­berd, said with a smile: „Ram­ble guild­mas­ter, my elder sis­ter?”
I: „That is your older sis­ter, where you should be clearer than me”
On the paper pic­ture demon blinked, whisks off being snow­ing on bangs con­ve­niently, said: „She is also in Por­tu­gal now, when also does not know comes back, said again, she only rec­og­nized that now your this Boss, ahem, my this younger sis­ter's words do not lis­ten.”
I said: „Lis­tened to elder sis­ter's words on this younger sis­ter, you must lis­ten to Xue Rou words to be right.”
On the paper pic­ture demon grasps the water deity hal­berd to look to Fang Geque, said: „guild­mas­ter you looked that the ram­ble also said that my elder sis­ter makes me wait the un­happy words to go to [Zhan Long] in [Leg­end], she said that will seek to hold the flag Wei's po­si­tion for me!”
Fang Geque can­not bear the stature trem­ble, said: „Scenery, your any­thing was need­less say­ing that tonight pro­motes you to be good for [Leg­end] vice- guild­mas­ter, I Lu Chun­yang per­suad­ing to quit, this time have made you work as long-time vice- guild­mas­ter.”
„I ad­vo­cate wisely, the salary must en­hance”
„Knows that you re­fuel well, im­me­di­ately Level and equip­ment must be over­taken by your older sis­ter.”
„Ehm, I will re­fuel, but that after is my elder sis­ter, the game strength has is much flagi­tious you are not does not know.”
„Does every­thing pos­si­ble”
I in au­dit­ing smile, pours is also, who Xue Rou is, that is the small mon­ster in fable, wants to pre­vent her pro­mo­tion and strength pro­mo­tion, that is al­most un­likely, let alone the small mon­ster cur­rently has en­tire [Zhan Long] to be the back­ing, can say that [Zhan Long] in the per­sonal con­nec­tion and re­sources strength of Chi­nese area under [Leg­end], pro­gress­ing by leaps and bounds of small mon­ster Level and equip­ment is no one can­not pre­vent com­pletely.
After sev­eral min­utes, Fang Geque is lead­ing one group of peo­ple reg­is­ter com­pletely suc­cess­fully, but re­cruits the pat­tern also 3 hours, there­fore led No. dozens per­son to cure a cold the un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den north to kill 1-6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its di­rectly to pro­mote, was the Chi­nese war zone first per­son, Fang Geque paid great at­ten­tion to the de­tail, did not waste one minute in game one sec­ond, walked cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den also to our pe­riph­eral mon­sters elim­i­nat­ing, so-called „place vis­ited and being in­fer­tile” the prac­tic­ing level strat­egy ap­prox­i­mately on was like this.
Crosses a meet­ing again, the peo­ple in Prague came, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled leads per­son­ally, fought me under greeted reg­is­ters.
After sev­eral min­utes, Drunken Spear alone ap­pears in the snow cur­tain, Long Xiang as if only then he comes, but may also be comes se­cretly, I no­ti­fied him, this goods were not out of the an­tic­i­pa­tion wants to let my de­cided but not yet an­nounced this mem­ber, but I could not help, can only along with the rea­son,
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I shake the head: „I also think that but is not, is by my teacher Frost con­firmed that was also prob­a­bly equal to that the sys­tem con­firmed au­to­mat­i­cally, the Class place more has the op­por­tu­nity to be re­cruited the se­lec­tion be­fore the per­son to ex­ceed.”„Be­fore this” he ar­rives at Cheon­gra-myun, but said: „Joins the reg­is­tra­tion fee of re­cruit­ing so to be un­ex­pect­edly ex­pen­sive, 1000 gold coins!”I let go awk­wardly smile, said: „You looked that on this cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den is in­fer­tile, was poor soon could not eat meal, has such op­por­tu­nity with great dif­fi­culty, nat­u­rally can seize the chance to butcher, your [Leg­end] trade union is not short of money, con­sid­ered to help the poor?”Fang Geque laughs in spite of try­ing not to: „Mean­ing that your this fel­low a lit­tle takes ad­van­tage but ac­tu­ally.”In him be­hind, on the paper the pic­ture demon is rais­ing the water deity hal­berd, said with a smile: „Ram­ble guild­mas­ter, my elder sis­ter?”I: „That is your older sis­ter, where you should be clearer than me”On the paper pic­ture demon blinked, whisks off being snow­ing on bangs con­ve­niently, said: „She is also in Por­tu­gal now, when also does not know comes back, said again, she only rec­og­nized that now your this Boss, ahem, my this younger sis­ter's words do not lis­ten.”I said: „Lis­tened to elder sis­ter's words on this younger sis­ter, you must lis­ten to Xue Rou words to be right.”On the paper pic­ture demon grasps the water deity hal­berd to look to Fang Geque, said: „guild­mas­ter you looked that the ram­ble also said that my elder sis­ter makes me wait the un­happy words to go to [Zhan Long] in [Leg­end], she said that will seek to hold the flag Wei's po­si­tion for me!”Fang Geque can­not bear the stature trem­ble, said: „Scenery, your any­thing was need­less say­ing that tonight pro­motes you to be good for [Leg­end] vice- guild­mas­ter, I Lu Chun­yang per­suad­ing to quit, this time have made you work as long-time vice- guild­mas­ter.”„I ad­vo­cate wisely, the salary must en­hance”„Knows that you re­fuel well, im­me­di­ately Level and equip­ment must be over­taken by your older sis­ter.”„Ehm, I will re­fuel, but that after is my elder sis­ter, the game strength has is much flagi­tious you are not does not know.”„Does every­thing pos­si­ble”„Um!”I in au­dit­ing smile, pours is also, who Xue Rou is, that is the small mon­ster in fable, wants to pre­vent her pro­mo­tion and strength pro­mo­tion, that is al­most un­likely, let alone the small mon­ster cur­rently has en­tire [Zhan Long] to be the back­ing, can say that [Zhan Long] in the per­sonal con­nec­tion and re­sources strength of Chi­nese area under [Leg­end], pro­gress­ing by leaps and bounds of small mon­ster Level and equip­ment is no one can­not pre­vent com­pletely.After sev­eral min­utes, Fang Geque is lead­ing one group of peo­ple reg­is­ter com­pletely suc­cess­fully, but re­cruits the pat­tern also 3 hours, there­fore led No. dozens per­son to cure a cold the un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den north to kill 1-6 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its di­rectly to pro­mote, was the Chi­nese war zone first per­son, Fang Geque paid great at­ten­tion to the de­tail, did not waste one minute in game one sec­ond, walked cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den also to our pe­riph­eral mon­sters elim­i­nat­ing, so-called „place vis­ited and being in­fer­tile” the prac­tic­ing level strat­egy ap­prox­i­mately on was like this.
Crosses a meet­ing again, the peo­ple in Prague came, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled leads per­son­ally, fought me under greeted reg­is­ters.
After sev­eral min­utes, Drunken Spear alone ap­pears in the snow cur­tain, Long Xiang as if only then he comes, but may also be comes se­cretly, I no­ti­fied him, this goods were not out of the an­tic­i­pa­tion wants to let my de­cided but not yet an­nounced this mem­ber, but I could not help, can only along with the rea­son,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku menggeleng: "Saya juga berpikir bahwa tetapi tidak, adalah dengan guru saya Frost menegaskan bahwa itu juga mungkin sama dengan sistem dikonfirmasi secara otomatis, Kelas tempat yang lebih memiliki kesempatan untuk direkrut pilihan sebelum orang tersebut melebihi. " "
Sebelum ini "ia tiba di Cheongra-myun, tetapi mengatakan:"! Bergabung biaya pendaftaran merekrut sehingga menjadi tak terduga mahal, 1000 koin emas "
aku melepaskan canggung tersenyum, mengatakan:" Kamu tampak bahwa pada tanah yang tidak digarap dingin ini den naga adalah subur, miskin segera tidak bisa makan makanan, memiliki kesempatan seperti dengan kesulitan besar, secara alami dapat merebut kesempatan untuk menjagal, [Legenda] serikat pekerja Anda tidak kekurangan uang, dianggap untuk membantu orang miskin? "
Fang Geque tertawa terlepas dari mencoba untuk tidak: ". Artinya Anda orang ini sedikit mengambil keuntungan tapi benar-benar"
dalam dia di belakang, di atas kertas setan gambar yang menaikkan tombak dewa air, berkata sambil tersenyum: "Guildmaster mengoceh, kakak saya ? "
saya:" Itu adalah kakak Anda, di mana Anda harus lebih jelas dari saya "
pada gambar kertas setan berkedip, whisks off menjadi salju turun pada poni mudah, mengatakan:" Dia juga di Portugal sekarang, ketika juga tidak tahu datang . kembali, kata lagi, ia hanya mengakui bahwa sekarang Anda Boss ini, ahem, saya kata-kata adik ini muda ini tidak mendengarkan "
saya berkata:" dengarkan kata-kata sesepuh kakak pada adik ini, Anda harus mendengarkan kata-kata Xue Rou untuk menjadi benar . "
pada setan gambar kertas menggenggam tombak dewa air untuk melihat ke Fang Geque, mengatakan:" Guildmaster Anda melihat bahwa pelancongan tersebut juga mengatakan bahwa kakak saya membuat saya menunggu kata-kata bahagia untuk pergi ke [Zhan panjang] di [Legenda] !, dia mengatakan bahwa akan berusaha untuk memegang bendera posisi Wei bagi saya "
Fang Geque tidak tahan gemetar perawakannya, mengatakan:" Pemandangan, apa Anda adalah perlu mengatakan bahwa malam ini mempromosikan Anda untuk menjadi baik untuk [Legenda] Guildmaster wakil, saya lu Chunyang membujuk untuk berhenti, kali ini telah membuat Anda bekerja selama waktu wakil Guildmaster. "
" saya menganjurkan bijak, gaji harus meningkatkan "
" tahu bahwa Anda mengisi bahan bakar dengan baik, segera Tingkat dan peralatan harus dikalahkan oleh kakak Anda. "
" Ehm, saya akan mengisi bahan bakar, tapi itu setelah adalah kakak saya, kekuatan permainan memiliki jauh menjijikkan Anda tidak tidak tahu. "
" Apakah segala kemungkinan "
" Um! "
aku di audit senyum, menuangkan juga, yang Xue Rou adalah, bahwa adalah rakasa kecil dalam dongeng, ingin mencegah dia promosi dan kekuatan promosi, yang hampir tidak mungkin, apalagi rakasa kecil saat ini memiliki seluruh [Zhan panjang] menjadi backing, dapat mengatakan bahwa [Zhan panjang] di koneksi dan sumber daya kekuatan pribadi dari wilayah Cina di bawah [Legenda], maju dengan pesat Tingkat rakasa kecil dan perlengkapan ada satu tidak dapat mencegah sepenuhnya.
Setelah beberapa menit, Fang Geque memimpin satu kelompok orang mendaftar benar-benar berhasil, tapi merekrut pola juga 3 jam, karena itu dipimpin No. puluhan orang untuk menyembuhkan dingin tanah yang tidak digarap Dragon den utara untuk membunuh 1-6 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda secara langsung untuk mempromosikan, adalah orang pertama zona perang Cina, Fang Geque menaruh perhatian besar untuk detail, tidak menyia-nyiakan satu menit di pertandingan kedua, berjalan tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon den juga untuk monster perifer kami menghilangkan, yang disebut "tempat yang dikunjungi dan menjadi subur" strategi tingkat berlatih sekitar pada seperti ini.
Persilangan pertemuan lagi, orang-orang di Praha datang, Yanzhao lead yang tak tertandingi pribadi, berjuang saya di bawah register disambut.
Setelah beberapa menit, Drunken Tombak saja muncul di tirai salju, Long Xiang seakan hanya kemudian dia datang, tapi mungkin juga datang diam-diam, saya diberitahu dia, barang ini tidak keluar dari antisipasi ingin membiarkan saya memutuskan tetapi belum mengumumkan anggota ini, tapi aku tidak bisa membantu, hanya bisa bersama dengan alasan,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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