Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Principles and Standards for School Mathematics is intended to be a resourceand guide for all who make decisions that affect the mathematicseducation of students in prekindergarten through grade 12. The recommendationsin it are grounded in the belief that all students shouldlearn important mathematical concepts and processes with understanding.Principles and Standards makes an argument for the importance ofsuch understanding and describes ways students can attain it. Its audienceincludes mathematics teachers; teacher-leaders in schools and districts;developers of instructional materials and frameworks; districtlevelcurriculum directors and professional development leaders; thoseresponsible for educating mathematics teachers; preservice teachers;school, state, and provincial administrators; and policymakers. In addition,the document can serve as a resource for researchers, mathematicians,and others with an interest in school mathematics. Principles andStandards has been produced by the National Council of Teachers ofMathematics (NCTM), an international professional organizationcommitted to excellence in mathematics teaching and learning for allstudents.The NCTM had previously produced a landmark trio of Standardsdocuments—Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics(1989), Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics (1991), and AssessmentStandards for School Mathematics (1995). These three documentsrepresented a historically important first attempt by a professional organization
to develop and articulate explicit and extensive goals for teachers
and policymakers. Since their release, they have given focus, coherence,
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