ARCHITECTURAL TYPESIn Chapter 2, we introduced five common and major t terjemahan - ARCHITECTURAL TYPESIn Chapter 2, we introduced five common and major t Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan


In Chapter 2, we introduced five common and major types of architecture. As indicated earlier,
these types essentially differ in the way data is integrated and stored and also in the way
“data warehouses” and “data marts” are related.
At this point, we would like to revisit these architectural types so that you may view our
entire discussion of architecture in this chapter and see how it would apply to each of these
five common types of architecture. Note the arrangement and linkage of the “data warehouse”
and “data marts” in each case wherever applicable. Also, notice how the architectural
arrangements facilitate the intended data flows as discussed earlier in this chapter.
Centralized Corporate Data Warehouse
In this architecture type, a centralized enterprise data warehouse is present. There are no data
marts, whether dependent or independent. Therefore all information delivery is from the
centralized data warehouse.
See Figure 7-7 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of data from
source systems to staging area, then to the normalized central data warehouse, and thereafter
to end-users as business intelligence.
Independent Data Marts
In this architecture type, the data warehouse is really a collection of unconnected, disparate
data marts, each serving a specific department or purpose. These data marts in such organizations
usually evolve over time without any overall planning. Each data mart delivers
information to its own group of users.
See Figure 7-8 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of data from
source systems to staging area, then to the various independent data marts, and thereafter
to individual groups of end-users as business intelligence. In many cases, data staging
functions and movement to each data mart may be carried out separately.
This architecture type appears to be similar to the type with independent data marts. But
there is one big difference. In the federated architectural type, common data elements
in the various data marts and even data warehouses that compose the federation are integrated
physically or logically. The goal is to strive for a single version of truth for the organization;
a centralized enterprise data warehouse is present. There are no data marts, whether
dependent or independent. Therefore all information delivery is from the centralized data
See Figure 7-9 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of data
from the federation of data marts, data warehouses, and other sources to the end-users as
business intelligence. In between, logical or physical integration of common data elements
takes place.
In this architecture type, a centralized enterprise data warehouse is present. In addition,
there are data marts that depend on the enterprise data warehouse for data feed.
Information delivery can, therefore, be both from the centralized data warehouse and the
dependent data marts.
See Figure 7-10 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of data
from source systems to the staging area, then to the normalized central data warehouse,
and thereafter to end-users as business intelligence from both the central data warehouse
and the dependent data marts.
Data-Mart Bus
In this architecture type, no distinct, single data warehouse exists. The collection of all the
data marts form the data warehouse because the data marts are conformed “super-marts”
because the business dimensions and measured facts are conformed and linked among
the data marts. All information delivery is from the conglomeration of the conformed data
marts. These data marts may serve the entire enterprise, not just single departments.
See Figure 7-11 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of data
from source systems to staging area, then to the various conformed data marts, thereafter
to end-users as business intelligence from the conformed data marts.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
JENIS ARSITEKTURDi Bab 2, kami memperkenalkan lima jenis Umum dan besar arsitektur. Seperti yang ditunjukkan sebelumnya,jenis ini pada dasarnya berbeda dalam cara data terintegrasi dan disimpan dan juga dalam cara"gudang data" dan "data mart" yang terkait.Pada titik ini, kami ingin kembali jenis arsitektur sehingga Anda dapat melihat kamiseluruh diskusi arsitektur di Bab ini dan melihat bagaimana ini akan berlaku untuk masing-masinglima jenis umum dari arsitektur. Catatan pengaturan dan kaitan "gudang data"dan "data mart" dalam setiap kasus manapun berlaku. Juga, perhatikan bagaimana arsitekturpengaturan memfasilitasi dimaksudkan data mengalir seperti yang dibahas sebelumnya dalam bab ini.Gudang Data terpusat perusahaanDalam jenis arsitektur ini, ada gudang data terpusat perusahaan. Ada tidak ada dataMart, Apakah tergantung atau independen. Oleh karena itu semua informasi pengiriman adalah dariGudang data terpusat.Lihat gambar 7-7 untuk gambaran yang tingkat tinggi komponen. Perhatikan aliran data darisumber sistem ke area stage, lalu ke gudang menormalkan pusat data, dan sesudahnyauntuk pengguna akhir sebagai intelijen bisnis.Independen Data MartDalam jenis arsitektur ini, gudang data adalah benar-benar koleksi tidak terhubung, berbedaData Mart, masing-masing menyajikan Departemen tertentu atau tujuan. Ini data Mart dalam organisasi tersebutbiasanya berkembang dari waktu ke waktu tanpa keseluruhan perencanaan. Setiap data mart memberikaninformasi untuk kelompok pengguna.Lihat gambar 7-8 untuk gambaran yang tingkat tinggi komponen. Perhatikan aliran data darisumber sistem ke area stage, lalu ke berbagai independen data mart, dan sesudahnyamasing-masing kelompok pengguna sebagai intelijen bisnis. Dalam banyak kasus, data pementasanfungsi dan gerakan untuk masing-masing data mart dapat dilakukan secara terpisah.FederasiJenis arsitektur ini tampaknya mirip dengan jenis data independen Mart. Tapiada satu perbedaan besar. Dalam jenis arsitektur Federasi, elemen data umumdalam berbagai data Mart dan bahkan data gudang yang membentuk federasi yang terintegrasisecara fisik atau secara logis. Tujuannya adalah untuk berjuang untuk satu versi dari kebenaran bagi organisasi;Ada sebuah gudang data terpusat perusahaan. Ada tidak ada data mart, Apakahtergantung atau independen. Oleh karena itu semua informasi pengiriman adalah dari data terpusatgudang.Lihat gambar 7-9 untuk gambaran yang tingkat tinggi komponen. Catatan aliran datadari Federasi data mart, gudang data dan sumber lain untuk pengguna akhir sebagaiintelijen bisnis. Di antara, integrasi Logis atau fisik dari elemen data umumberlangsung.Hub-dan-berbicaraDalam jenis arsitektur ini, ada gudang data terpusat perusahaan. Sebagai tambahanada data Mart yang bergantung pada gudang data perusahaan untuk data feed.Pengiriman informasi, oleh karena itu, dapat baik dari gudang data terpusat dandependent data marts.See Figure 7-10 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of datafrom source systems to the staging area, then to the normalized central data warehouse,and thereafter to end-users as business intelligence from both the central data warehouseand the dependent data marts.Data-Mart BusIn this architecture type, no distinct, single data warehouse exists. The collection of all thedata marts form the data warehouse because the data marts are conformed “super-marts”because the business dimensions and measured facts are conformed and linked amongthe data marts. All information delivery is from the conglomeration of the conformed datamarts. These data marts may serve the entire enterprise, not just single departments.See Figure 7-11 for a high-level overview of the components. Note the flow of datafrom source systems to staging area, then to the various conformed data marts, thereafterto end-users as business intelligence from the conformed data marts.
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