Looks at my ap­pear­ance red, Li Mengyao cheek one: „Elder brother, wh terjemahan - Looks at my ap­pear­ance red, Li Mengyao cheek one: „Elder brother, wh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Looks at my ap­pear­ance red, Li Me

Looks at my ap­pear­ance red, Li Mengyao cheek one: „Elder brother, what is up?”
I smile: „, My fam­ily good of dream Yao growth, has not grown into a gen­uine beau­ti­ful woman”
Her charm­ingly angry: „Elder brother knows to tease me, snort! You when my last 2 nd added my even chest air­port”
„Where has!”
„Groan­ing” she vis­its me with a smile, slowly fuses in the golden shield and iron um­brella to­gether, then raises a han­dle gold long sword to walk, is ra­di­ant with smiles, fills in­clud­ing the pro­found mean­ing smiles, said: „Elder brother, the stature of Lin Wan Er Cang Tong beau­ti­ful woman re­ally well, mak­ing the human envy, more­over be­fore me, heard that the scan­dal in game, it is said the re­la­tions of Xiao Yao Zi Zai and Cang Tong are sig­nif­i­cant the elder brother, you solid con­fessed with me that you were Lin Wan Er is a lover?”
I am star­tled slightly, lover words and ex­pres­sions are away from me to be quite far prob­a­bly, but as if also is very at this mo­ment near, thinks that shakes the head say­ing: „It is not, when did dream Yao also be­come gos­sips?”
„You hon­estly con­fessed that I will not tell the aunt”
„Re­ally is not, at least tem­porar­ily is not”
Li Mengyao chuckle: „Elder brother, you like her, is right? Likes a per­son, the look can­not de­ceive peo­ple”
I show nei­ther ap­proval nor dis­ap­proval: „Prac­tices the level with sin­gle-hearted de­vo­tion, you quite gos­sip!”
Con­tin­ues to walk ran­domly in the jun­gles, rec­og­nized Lei She, from 100 lev­els of Lei She­sha to 103 lev­els of Lei She, but Li Mengyao was also main­tain­ing very swift and vi­o­lent pro­mo­tion speed, Class was put on reg­u­lar sta­tus has ex­empted, after 2 hours, rose 55 lev­els, looked like also fi­nally likely is ini­tially the in­flu­en­tial young beau­ti­ful woman knight.
I am also se­cret joy­fully, from my ob­ser­va­tion, so long as gives her the skill and equip­ment, my younger sis­ter at least is the first-class player, the ef­fec­tive strength, does not wipe under the tea in the month mon­ster face, will be pos­si­bly higher, such one was sim­i­lar to such, [Zhan Long] the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of month spirit cav­alry sol­dier I con­ceived was she, had to wipe the tea and Li Mengyao two MM to lead, the [Zhan Long] fu­ture heavy cav­alry reg­i­ment will have the where­abouts, first after hav­ing, had the sol­dier, mil­i­tary of­fi­cer enough in­tre­pid words, did not worry that the en­tire reg­i­ment was not strong, this I. It is con­fi­dent.
Is tread­ing the lawn of night every­where dew, I and younger sis­ter en­tered the jun­gle depth to lo­cate, but has not re­lated , to con­tinue to fight bravely, today's goal is Li Mengyao rises to 70 lev­els, goes back to give her to col­lect one set of 70 + lev­els of spirit Yu Qi armor, de­fended, HP to have, as for the strik­ing power, Li Mengyao was the vi­o­lence adds, 10 points added the strength com­pletely, the strik­ing power will not be any issue.
„Hiss­ing hiss­ing”
With the grat­ing cry, an­other Lei Shegua fell, and crash-bang blew out one pan- the spirit Yu Qi gloss long-bar­relled gun, Li Mengyao joy­ful walks to go for­ward, picks to take, said with a smile: „Elder brother, is the spirit Yu Qi long-bar­relled gun, the strik­ing power upper limit bro­ken 2000 points, re­quest 95 lev­els, hum, I also fell far short”
I said with a smile: „Do not worry, after re­turn­ing to the city, elder brother will pre­pare equip­ment for you.”
In fact is so, my such blood younger sis­ter, def­i­nitely holds the trea­sure in con­trol, so long as I, Li Mengyao equip­ment will be iron­clad will not have missed, at least will be first-class on, and words that later my equip­ment must elim­i­nate def­i­nitely also first to her, own younger sis­ter, I will favor her, no one can speak half a word idle talk.
„Rus­tle rus­tle”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Looks at my ap­pear­ance red, Li Mengyao cheek one: „Elder brother, what is up?”I smile: „, My fam­ily good of dream Yao growth, has not grown into a gen­uine beau­ti­ful woman”Her charm­ingly angry: „Elder brother knows to tease me, snort! You when my last 2 nd added my even chest air­port”„Where has!”„Groan­ing” she vis­its me with a smile, slowly fuses in the golden shield and iron um­brella to­gether, then raises a han­dle gold long sword to walk, is ra­di­ant with smiles, fills in­clud­ing the pro­found mean­ing smiles, said: „Elder brother, the stature of Lin Wan Er Cang Tong beau­ti­ful woman re­ally well, mak­ing the human envy, more­over be­fore me, heard that the scan­dal in game, it is said the re­la­tions of Xiao Yao Zi Zai and Cang Tong are sig­nif­i­cant the elder brother, you solid con­fessed with me that you were Lin Wan Er is a lover?”I am star­tled slightly, lover words and ex­pres­sions are away from me to be quite far prob­a­bly, but as if also is very at this mo­ment near, thinks that shakes the head say­ing: „It is not, when did dream Yao also be­come gos­sips?”„You hon­estly con­fessed that I will not tell the aunt”„Re­ally is not, at least tem­porar­ily is not”Li Mengyao chuckle: „Elder brother, you like her, is right? Likes a per­son, the look can­not de­ceive peo­ple”I show nei­ther ap­proval nor dis­ap­proval: „Prac­tices the level with sin­gle-hearted de­vo­tion, you quite gos­sip!”„Good”Con­tin­ues to walk ran­domly in the jun­gles, rec­og­nized Lei She, from 100 lev­els of Lei She­sha to 103 lev­els of Lei She, but Li Mengyao was also main­tain­ing very swift and vi­o­lent pro­mo­tion speed, Class was put on reg­u­lar sta­tus has ex­empted, after 2 hours, rose 55 lev­els, looked like also fi­nally likely is ini­tially the in­flu­en­tial young beau­ti­ful woman knight.I am also se­cret joy­fully, from my ob­ser­va­tion, so long as gives her the skill and equip­ment, my younger sis­ter at least is the first-class player, the ef­fec­tive strength, does not wipe under the tea in the month mon­ster face, will be pos­si­bly higher, such one was sim­i­lar to such, [Zhan Long] the rep­re­sen­ta­tive of month spirit cav­alry sol­dier I con­ceived was she, had to wipe the tea and Li Mengyao two MM to lead, the [Zhan Long] fu­ture heavy cav­alry reg­i­ment will have the where­abouts, first after hav­ing, had the sol­dier, mil­i­tary of­fi­cer enough in­tre­pid words, did not worry that the en­tire reg­i­ment was not strong, this I. It is con­fi­dent.„Rus­tle”Is tread­ing the lawn of night every­where dew, I and younger sis­ter en­tered the jun­gle depth to lo­cate, but has not re­lated , to con­tinue to fight bravely, today's goal is Li Mengyao rises to 70 lev­els, goes back to give her to col­lect one set of 70 + lev­els of spirit Yu Qi armor, de­fended, HP to have, as for the strik­ing power, Li Mengyao was the vi­o­lence adds, 10 points added the strength com­pletely, the strik­ing power will not be any issue.„Hiss­ing hiss­ing”With the grat­ing cry, an­other Lei Shegua fell, and crash-bang blew out one pan- the spirit Yu Qi gloss long-bar­relled gun, Li Mengyao joy­ful walks to go for­ward, picks to take, said with a smile: „Elder brother, is the spirit Yu Qi long-bar­relled gun, the strik­ing power upper limit bro­ken 2000 points, re­quest 95 lev­els, hum, I also fell far short”I said with a smile: „Do not worry, after re­turn­ing to the city, elder brother will pre­pare equip­ment for you.”In fact is so, my such blood younger sis­ter, def­i­nitely holds the trea­sure in con­trol, so long as I, Li Mengyao equip­ment will be iron­clad will not have missed, at least will be first-class on, and words that later my equip­ment must elim­i­nate def­i­nitely also first to her, own younger sis­ter, I will favor her, no one can speak half a word idle talk.„Rus­tle rus­tle”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tampak di penampilan saya merah, Li Mengyao pipi satu: "? Saudara Penatua, apa terserah"
Aku tersenyum: ", saya keluarga baik dari mimpi pertumbuhan Yao, belum tumbuh menjadi wanita cantik asli"
Her apik marah: "saudara Penatua tahu menggodaku, mendengus! Anda ketika 2 nd terakhir saya menambahkan bandara saya bahkan dada "
" Di mana memiliki! "
" Sambil mengerang "ia mengunjungi saya dengan senyum, perlahan sekering di emas perisai dan besi payung bersama-sama, kemudian menimbulkan pegangan emas pedang panjang untuk berjalan, bersinar dengan senyum, mengisi termasuk makna senyum yang mendalam, mengatakan: "saudara Penatua, figur wanita Lin Wan Er Cang Tong indah benar-benar baik, membuat iri manusia, apalagi sebelum saya, mendengar bahwa skandal dalam permainan, dikatakan hubungan Xiao Yao Zi Zai dan Cang Tong yang signifikan kakak, Anda padat mengaku dengan saya bahwa Anda berada Lin Wan Er adalah kekasih? "
saya terkejut sedikit, kata kekasih dan ekspresi yang jauh dari saya untuk menjadi cukup jauh mungkin, tapi seolah-olah juga sangat pada saat ini dekat, berpikir bahwa menggeleng yang mengatakan: "Hal ini tidak, kapan mimpi Yao juga menjadi gosip?"
"Kamu jujur ​​mengaku bahwa saya tidak akan memberitahu bibi"
"benar-benar tidak, setidaknya sementara tidak "
Li Mengyao tertawa:" saudara Elder, Anda menyukainya, benar? Suka seseorang, tampilan tidak dapat menipu orang "
Aku menunjukkan tidak persetujuan atau ketidaksetujuan:"! Praktik tingkat dengan pengabdian single-hati, Anda cukup gosip "
" Baik "
Terus berjalan secara acak di hutan-hutan, diakui Lei Dia, dari 100 tingkat Lei Shesha ke 103 tingkat Lei Dia, tetapi Li Mengyao juga mempertahankan sangat cepat dan kekerasan kecepatan promosi, Kelas mengenakan status biasa telah dibebaskan, setelah 2 jam, naik 55 tingkat, tampak seperti juga akhirnya mungkin awalnya muda berpengaruh wanita cantik ksatria.
saya juga rahasia sukacita, dari pengamatan saya, asalkan memberinya keterampilan dan peralatan, adik saya setidaknya adalah pemain kelas, kekuatan yang efektif, tidak menghapus bawah teh di rakasa bulan wajah, akan mungkin lebih tinggi, salah satunya mirip dengan seperti, [Zhan panjang] perwakilan dari tentara bulan semangat kavaleri aku hamil adalah dia, harus menghapus teh dan Li Mengyao dua MM untuk memimpin, yang [Zhan panjang] masa berat kavaleri resimen akan memiliki keberadaan, pertama setelah, memiliki tentara, perwira militer cukup kata-kata pemberani, tidak khawatir bahwa seluruh resimen itu tidak kuat, I. ini ini adalah percaya diri.
Apakah menginjak rumput malam di mana-mana embun , saya dan adik memasuki kedalaman hutan untuk mencari, tapi belum terkait, untuk terus berjuang dengan gagah berani, tujuan hari ini adalah Li Mengyao naik ke 70 tingkat, kembali ke memberinya untuk mengumpulkan satu set 70 + tingkat semangat Yu Qi armor, membela, HP memiliki, seperti untuk kekuatan mencolok, Li Mengyao adalah kekerasan menambahkan, 10 poin menambahkan kekuatan sepenuhnya, kekuatan mencolok tidak akan masalah apapun.
"mendesis mendesis"
dengan teriakan kisi, lain Lei Shegua jatuh , dan kecelakaan-bang meniup satu pan semangat Yu Qi gloss gun laras panjang, Li Mengyao menyenangkan berjalan untuk maju, mengambil untuk mengambil, mengatakan dengan senyum: "saudara Elder, adalah roh Yu Qi laras panjang gun , kekuatan mencolok batas atas yang rusak 2.000 poin, meminta 95 tingkat, hum, saya juga jatuh jauh "
kataku sambil tersenyum:" Jangan khawatir, setelah kembali ke kota, kakak akan mempersiapkan peralatan untuk Anda ".
Bahkan begitu, saya darah seperti adik, pasti memegang harta di kontrol, selama aku, peralatan Li Mengyao akan ketat tidak akan melewatkan, setidaknya akan menjadi yang pertama-kelas, dan kata-kata yang kemudian peralatan saya harus menghilangkan pasti juga pertama dia, memiliki adik perempuan, saya akan mendukung dia, tidak ada yang bisa berbicara setengah kata omong kosong.
"Rustle gemerisik"
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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