When the flours were reconstituted by dry blending the fractionsfollow terjemahan - When the flours were reconstituted by dry blending the fractionsfollow Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When the flours were reconstituted

When the flours were reconstituted by dry blending the fractionsfollowed by
humidifying method A),the noodles made from those reconstituted flours showed reduced
breaking stress, reduced cooking time, reduced cutting stress, and increased surface
firmness (Table IV). Color was not affected. It is apparent that noodles from the flours
reconstituted by method A, especiallythose from the CHRW wheat flour, had a weaker structure than those from the original flour. Fractionation and reconstitution
experiments on cookie flours(Doescher 1986) and on cracker flours (Rogers,1987) recently
confirmed Yamazaki's (1955) early finding that an extra step is needed to reconstitute flours used in low-moisture formulations of baking foods. In the extra step, the combined
fractions are moistened with 40-45 parts of distilled water and then dried at room temperature. During wetting and drying of the combined fractions,it is hypothesized
that some components reassociate to give structural features nearly the same as in the
original flour. Those structural features appear to be particularly important during processing and cooking of low-moisture doughs. In our fractionation-reconstitution work on noodles,it appears that when the dry-blended flour fractions were used to bake noodles,
most of the starch, gluten, and other hydrophilic molecules were exposed and
competed for the limited water added to the formula. However, when noodles were made
from the original flours, it may be that the surface molecules of flour particleswere
heavily hydrated, especially in the hard wheat flour. Polymers nearer the center ofa flour
particle could remain relativelydry. During sheeting of the noodle dough, the flour
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ketika tepung yang dilarutkan oleh kering pencampuran fractionsfollowed olehpelembapan metode A), MI yang terbuat dari tepung dilarutkan tersebut menunjukkan penurunanmelanggar stres, mengurangi waktu memasak, dikurangi pemotongan stres, dan peningkatan permukaanketegasan (tabel IV). Warna tidak terpengaruh. Jelas bahwa mie dari tepungdilarutkan dengan metode A, especiallythose dari tepung gandum CHRW, memiliki struktur lebih lemah daripada dari tepung asli. Fraksinasi dan pemulihanpercobaan pada kue tepung (Doescher 1986) dan pada cracker Gaplek (Rogers, 1987) baru sajadikonfirmasi Yamazaki's (1955) awal menemukan bahwa langkah tambahan yang diperlukan untuk menyusun kembali tepung yang digunakan dalam air rendah formulasi baking makanan. Pada langkah tambahan, gabunganpecahan dibasahi dengan 40-45 bagian air suling dan kemudian kering pada suhu kamar. Selama membasahi dan pengeringan pecahan gabungan, ini adalah hipotesisbahwa beberapa komponen reassociate untuk memberikan ciri struktur hampir sama seperti dalamasli tepung. Fitur tersebut struktural tampaknya sangat penting selama pengolahan dan memasak penyimpanan air rendah. Dalam pekerjaan kami fraksinasi-pemulihan pada mie, tampaknya bahwa ketika pecahan tepung dicampur dry digunakan untuk memanggang mie,Pati, perekat, dan molekul-molekul lain hidrofil terkena danberkompetisi untuk air yang terbatas yang ditambahkan ke formula. Namun, ketika mie dibuatdari tepung asli, itu mungkin bahwa permukaan molekul tepung particleswereberat terhidrasi, terutama dalam tepung terigu keras. Polimer dekat pusat ofa tepungpartikel bisa tetap relativelydry. Selama terpal adonan mie, tepung
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