“You don’t need to waste your efforts. My yuan qi space domain is a th terjemahan - “You don’t need to waste your efforts. My yuan qi space domain is a th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“You don’t need to waste your effor

“You don’t need to waste your efforts. My yuan qi space domain is a thousand metres in range. You cannot escape at all.”

“A thousand metres?” Ye Qingyu smiled a little, nodding his head roguishly. His gaze kept flickering about. With his arms crossed, he regarded the opposing party. “Fine, it seems I really can’t escape……..Let’s speak of the proper matter, why must you have me stay? Could it be that it was because of my peerless martial talent, is really like the will o wisp in a gloomy cemetery that cannot be hidden? It’s been discovered by just one glance by you…… “

A will o wisp in a cemetery?

Jsut what kind of nonsensical analogy was this?

“Young man, be more serious. If you continue using such a tone to speak to me like this, I will kill you.”

The expression of Yan Buhui became icy cold.

In that instant, the surrounding yuan qi seemed to consolidate. A coldness that seeped into one’s bones spread throughout the air.

He had truly been angered.

Because he was able to tell, that what was hidden behind the laughter and chuckle of Ye Qingyu was a heart that did not fear him in the slightest.

In these past tens of years, Yan Buhui had seen far too many people that thought themselves as brave and heroic. But the large majority of these people were forcefully faking it. They were just showing strength on the outside but weak on the inside. Just a look at them was enough to make someone laugh and feel disgusted. But Ye Qingyu was not afraid. Not only was he not afraid, he held a mockery and disdain that he did not hide at all.

“Fine, no need to be so fearsome.” Ye Qingyu lifted both of his hands. “I’ll be serious then. You’ve specially wanted me to stay behind, just what do you want from me?”

Yan Buhui deeply breathed in.

He did his best to control his killing intent.

Even he did not know why, but when in front of this youth, his emotions could not help but be affected. But he was finally able to control and suppress his killing intent. Staring at Ye Qingyu, he said word by word :”Follow me, I won’t kill you.”

Ye Qingyu let out a snort. “After half the day, you really want me to surrender.”

Yan Buhui did not say anything.

He was waiting for Ye Qingyu’s reply.

“Eh, to speak the truth, you have spent all these years alone among the demon race, do you not feel lonely and isolated? Therefore you wanted to find a person to follow you?” There was a nosy expression on Ye Qingyu’s face, and he said jokingly: “But I am a man. Why can’t you find a woman to follow you?”

In the pupils of Yan Buhui, killing intent and cleverness flickered past.

But he instantly began to smile.

“I was nearly angered by you.” He seriously evaluated Ye Qingyu up and down. Asking : “I’m really curious, just what kind of things do you possess that makes you will be able to escape from my hands?”

The smile on Ye qingyu’s face instantly retreated.

“Eh, you were able to see this?”

The two people chattered away.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“You don’t need to waste your efforts. My yuan qi space domain is a thousand metres in range. You cannot escape at all.”“A thousand metres?” Ye Qingyu smiled a little, nodding his head roguishly. His gaze kept flickering about. With his arms crossed, he regarded the opposing party. “Fine, it seems I really can’t escape……..Let’s speak of the proper matter, why must you have me stay? Could it be that it was because of my peerless martial talent, is really like the will o wisp in a gloomy cemetery that cannot be hidden? It’s been discovered by just one glance by you…… “A will o wisp in a cemetery?Jsut what kind of nonsensical analogy was this?“Young man, be more serious. If you continue using such a tone to speak to me like this, I will kill you.”The expression of Yan Buhui became icy cold.In that instant, the surrounding yuan qi seemed to consolidate. A coldness that seeped into one’s bones spread throughout the air.He had truly been angered.Because he was able to tell, that what was hidden behind the laughter and chuckle of Ye Qingyu was a heart that did not fear him in the slightest.In these past tens of years, Yan Buhui had seen far too many people that thought themselves as brave and heroic. But the large majority of these people were forcefully faking it. They were just showing strength on the outside but weak on the inside. Just a look at them was enough to make someone laugh and feel disgusted. But Ye Qingyu was not afraid. Not only was he not afraid, he held a mockery and disdain that he did not hide at all.
“Fine, no need to be so fearsome.” Ye Qingyu lifted both of his hands. “I’ll be serious then. You’ve specially wanted me to stay behind, just what do you want from me?”

Yan Buhui deeply breathed in.

He did his best to control his killing intent.

Even he did not know why, but when in front of this youth, his emotions could not help but be affected. But he was finally able to control and suppress his killing intent. Staring at Ye Qingyu, he said word by word :”Follow me, I won’t kill you.”

Ye Qingyu let out a snort. “After half the day, you really want me to surrender.”

Yan Buhui did not say anything.

He was waiting for Ye Qingyu’s reply.

“Eh, to speak the truth, you have spent all these years alone among the demon race, do you not feel lonely and isolated? Therefore you wanted to find a person to follow you?” There was a nosy expression on Ye Qingyu’s face, and he said jokingly: “But I am a man. Why can’t you find a woman to follow you?”

In the pupils of Yan Buhui, killing intent and cleverness flickered past.

But he instantly began to smile.

“I was nearly angered by you.” He seriously evaluated Ye Qingyu up and down. Asking : “I’m really curious, just what kind of things do you possess that makes you will be able to escape from my hands?”

The smile on Ye qingyu’s face instantly retreated.

“Eh, you were able to see this?”

The two people chattered away.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Anda tidak perlu membuang-buang usaha Anda. Saya domain ruang yuan qi adalah seribu meter di kisaran. Anda tidak bisa lepas sama sekali. " " A ribu meter? "Ye Qingyu tersenyum kecil, sambil mengangguk roguishly. Tatapannya terus berkedip-kedip tentang. Dengan lengan disilangkan, ia menganggap pihak lawan. "Baik, sepertinya aku benar-benar tidak bisa lepas ...... berbicara ..Let untuk masalah yang tepat, mengapa harus kau punya aku tinggal? Mungkinkah itu karena bakat bela diri taranya saya, benar-benar seperti kehendak o wisp di pemakaman suram yang tidak bisa disembunyikan? Ini telah ditemukan oleh hanya satu pandangan dengan Anda ...... " A o kehendak seuntai dalam? Pemakaman jsut jenis analogi masuk akal adalah ini? " Anak muda, lebih serius. Jika Anda terus menggunakan nada seperti itu untuk berbicara kepada saya seperti ini, saya akan membunuhmu. " Ekspresi Yan Buhui menjadi sedingin es. Pada saat itu, yuan sekitarnya qi tampaknya mengkonsolidasikan. Sebuah dingin yang meresap ke dalam tulang seseorang menyebar ke seluruh udara. Dia benar-benar telah membuat marah. Karena ia bisa memberitahu, bahwa apa yang tersembunyi di balik tawa dan tertawa Ye Qingyu adalah hati yang tidak takut akan Dia sedikit pun. Dalam ini puluhan tahun terakhir, Yan Buhui telah melihat terlalu banyak orang yang mengira diri mereka sebagai berani dan heroik. Namun sebagian besar orang-orang ini paksa berpura-pura. Mereka hanya menunjukkan kekuatan di luar tapi lemah di dalam. Hanya melihat mereka sudah cukup untuk membuat seseorang tertawa dan merasa jijik. Tapi Ye Qingyu tidak takut. Tidak hanya itu ia tidak takut, ia memegang ejekan dan penghinaan bahwa ia tidak menyembunyikan sama sekali. "Baik, tidak perlu begitu menakutkan." Ye Qingyu mengangkat kedua tangannya. "Aku akan serius maka. Anda khusus ingin aku tinggal di belakang, hanya apa yang Anda inginkan dari saya? " Yan Buhui sangat menarik napas dalam. Dia melakukan yang terbaik untuk mengendalikan niatnya membunuh. Bahkan dia tidak tahu mengapa, tapi ketika di depan pemuda ini, emosinya tidak bisa membantu tetapi akan terpengaruh. Tapi dia akhirnya bisa mengontrol dan menekan niat pembunuhannya. Menatap Ye Qingyu, katanya kata demi kata: "Ikuti aku, aku tidak akan membunuhmu." Ye Qingyu mengeluarkan mendengus. "Setelah setengah hari, Anda benar-benar ingin aku menyerah." Yan Buhui tidak mengatakan apa-apa. Dia menunggu jawaban Ye Qingyu ini. "Eh, berbicara kebenaran, Anda telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun sendirian di antara ras setan, lakukan Anda tidak merasa kesepian dan terisolasi? Oleh karena itu Anda ingin menemukan seseorang untuk mengikuti Anda "Ada ekspresi usil di wajah Ye Qingyu, dan dia berkata bercanda:"? Tapi aku seorang pria. Mengapa Anda tidak dapat menemukan seorang wanita untuk mengikuti Anda? " Dalam murid Yan Buhui, niat membunuh dan kepandaian berkedip masa lalu. Tapi dia langsung mulai tersenyum. " Aku hampir marah dengan Anda. "Dia serius dievaluasi Ye Qingyu dan turun. Bertanya: "Aku benar-benar penasaran, apa hal yang Anda miliki yang membuat Anda akan dapat melarikan diri dari tangan saya?" Senyum di wajah Ye Qingyu ini langsung mundur. "Eh, Anda dapat melihat ini?" dua orang berceloteh.

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