“Yuri unnie, are you okay? You seempale...” Yoona said while releazing terjemahan - “Yuri unnie, are you okay? You seempale...” Yoona said while releazing Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Yuri unnie, are you okay? You seem

“Yuri unnie, are you okay? You seem
pale...” Yoona said while releazing
her grip on my waist.
I usually would say that I was fine
because I didn’t want her to know
what I felt, but now, I thought I
should tell her that I was sick. I
didn’t want to ruin our performances
by fainting or collapsing on the
So I said, “I think I’m not feeling well,
“You’re sick?” She seemed concern.
“Yeah, I felt dizzy.” I said weakly. No
need to hide it anymore.
I saw Yoona did a fast-walking to
Taeyeon. I guessed she was telling
Taeyeon about my condition. Well,
right now was a greeting session so
it was the right time if I wanted to
leave the stage. I guessed, as much
as I didn’t want to, I had to leave the
I saw Yoona came back to my side.
“Unnie, you better get some rests.
You can leave the stage.” She said
hesitantly. Maybe she was afraid that
her words sounded like she was
pushing me out of the stage.
“Yeah.. I guess I better get some
rests in our room in the backstage.” I
turned my body, trying to walk to the
backstage but I felt that I was going
to fall to the floor. I didn’t have any
energy left, even to walk.
Again, I felt someone catched me
before I could fall. I turned my head
only to see Yoona, again, supported
me to stand on my feet.
Suddenly, Yoona removed her high
heeled shoes from her feet. What was
she doing? I thought.
“Unnie, come on, I’ll piggy-back
you.” She said.
“What? No, no, no need to do that.” I
tried to object. I was surprised by her
action though.
“Can you walk?” She raised her
“No...” I looked down and mumbled.
“Then you have no choice. Come on,
get on my back. I’m strong enough,
you know.” She smiled while
positioning herself in front of me.
Yeah, she was called Him Yoona not
for nothing of course.
I sighed. Well, she was right. I had no
choice. I was too weak.
I got on her back.
Suddenly, I could feel the audiences
gone wild. What was going on? Was it
because of our—no, I meant Yoona’s
and my—action? Gosh, maybe
tomorrow they would start to ship us
like they shipped TaeNy, 2Ny, Yulsic,
Soona and Soosica. What we—Gosh
now I referred Yoona and I as we—
Yoona and I would be? YoonYul? I
asked myself. That was so not going
to happen!
“Whoaaah.. Look at there. Yoona is a
really good dongsaeng, right? She
even gave the sick Yuri unnie a
piggy-back ride.” Sooyoung shouted
with too much excitement. What the
H was wrong with her?
I felt embarassed. Arrhg, they were all
teasing me and Yoona.
I decided to hide my face in the crook
of Yoona’s neck.
Hmm.. Yoona’s scent was so nice. It
was kinda addicting...
Gosh! Kwon Yuri! What the hell were
you thinking?!
You were addicted to her scent? Were
you insane?
The only reason you should be
addicted to her was because you
hated her! Nothing else!
After seeing I hid my face in Yoona’s
neck, the crowd—including the other
Soshi members—gone wild. I could
feel Yoona stiffened. Maybe she was
also surprised of my action. But I
could care less. I was too
“Yah! Stop teasing us. I just don’t
want to see Yuri unnie gets sick. We
need her to stay healthy.” Yoona
exclaimed. She started to walk to the
I felt my cheeks became kinda hot
after hearing Yoona’s statement. She
didn’t want to me to get sick...
Yoona didn’t want me to get sick...
It would be a very ordinary sentence
if it came from other people. But
when this sentence came from Yoona,
it felt really... special...
Was it because I hated Yoona so that
a single nice/sincere sentence like
that became very special?
Oh God, I could feel my heart
pounded my rib bones really hard.
What was happening to me? Did I
become unhealthy now?
Yoona laid me to a big couch in our
room in the backstage. She
positioned my body so that I could
get some sleep. She even helped me
to remove my boots from my feet.
“Yoona.. Why are you being
nice to me?” I said to myself.
“There.. You now could get
some sleep, unnie.” She smiled at me.
Ah, that smile..
I unconciously smiled back. It
seemed that Yoona’s eyes lit up after
seeing that I was smiling back at her.
“Unnie, I need to go back to
the stage. You should get some
rests, okay?” She turned her body.
Before she could walk away, I
held her hand.
She faced me again.
“Thanks you, Yoona..” I said
in a low volume.
“You’re welcome, Yuri unnie.”
She flashed a smile then walked to
the door. I could see she looked at
her cellphone. It seemed she texted
Whom she was texting during
this kind of situation? I meant, we
were in a concert.
I just shrugged it off and shut my
Not long after I shut my eyes, I drifted
to sleep.
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“Yuri unnie, are you okay? You seempale...” Yoona said while releazingher grip on my waist.I usually would say that I was finebecause I didn’t want her to knowwhat I felt, but now, I thought Ishould tell her that I was sick. Ididn’t want to ruin our performancesby fainting or collapsing on thestage.So I said, “I think I’m not feeling well,Yoona.”“You’re sick?” She seemed concern.“Yeah, I felt dizzy.” I said weakly. Noneed to hide it anymore.I saw Yoona did a fast-walking toTaeyeon. I guessed she was tellingTaeyeon about my condition. Well,right now was a greeting session soit was the right time if I wanted toleave the stage. I guessed, as muchas I didn’t want to, I had to leave thestage.I saw Yoona came back to my side.“Unnie, you better get some rests.You can leave the stage.” She saidhesitantly. Maybe she was afraid thather words sounded like she waspushing me out of the stage.“Yeah.. I guess I better get somerests in our room in the backstage.” Iturned my body, trying to walk to thebackstage but I felt that I was goingto fall to the floor. I didn’t have anyenergy left, even to walk.Again, I felt someone catched mebefore I could fall. I turned my headonly to see Yoona, again, supportedme to stand on my feet.Suddenly, Yoona removed her highheeled shoes from her feet. What wasshe doing? I thought.“Unnie, come on, I’ll piggy-backyou.” She said.“What? No, no, no need to do that.” Itried to object. I was surprised by heraction though.“Can you walk?” She raised hereyebrows.“No...” I looked down and mumbled.“Then you have no choice. Come on,get on my back. I’m strong enough,you know.” She smiled whilepositioning herself in front of me.Yeah, she was called Him Yoona notfor nothing of course.I sighed. Well, she was right. I had nochoice. I was too weak.I got on her back.Suddenly, I could feel the audiencesgone wild. What was going on? Was itbecause of our—no, I meant Yoona’sand my—action? Gosh, maybetomorrow they would start to ship uslike they shipped TaeNy, 2Ny, Yulsic,Soona and Soosica. What we—Goshnow I referred Yoona and I as we—Yoona and I would be? YoonYul? Iasked myself. That was so not goingto happen!“Whoaaah.. Look at there. Yoona is areally good dongsaeng, right? Sheeven gave the sick Yuri unnie apiggy-back ride.” Sooyoung shoutedwith too much excitement. What theH was wrong with her?I felt embarassed. Arrhg, they were allteasing me and Yoona.I decided to hide my face in the crookof Yoona’s neck.Hmm.. Yoona’s scent was so nice. Itwas kinda addicting...........................Gosh! Kwon Yuri! What the hell wereyou thinking?!You were addicted to her scent? Wereyou insane?The only reason you should beaddicted to her was because youhated her! Nothing else!After seeing I hid my face in Yoona’sneck, the crowd—including the otherSoshi members—gone wild. I could
feel Yoona stiffened. Maybe she was
also surprised of my action. But I
could care less. I was too
“Yah! Stop teasing us. I just don’t
want to see Yuri unnie gets sick. We
need her to stay healthy.” Yoona
exclaimed. She started to walk to the
I felt my cheeks became kinda hot
after hearing Yoona’s statement. She
didn’t want to me to get sick...
Yoona didn’t want me to get sick...
It would be a very ordinary sentence
if it came from other people. But
when this sentence came from Yoona,
it felt really... special...
Was it because I hated Yoona so that
a single nice/sincere sentence like
that became very special?
Oh God, I could feel my heart
pounded my rib bones really hard.
What was happening to me? Did I
become unhealthy now?
Yoona laid me to a big couch in our
room in the backstage. She
positioned my body so that I could
get some sleep. She even helped me
to remove my boots from my feet.
“Yoona.. Why are you being
nice to me?” I said to myself.
“There.. You now could get
some sleep, unnie.” She smiled at me.
Ah, that smile..
I unconciously smiled back. It
seemed that Yoona’s eyes lit up after
seeing that I was smiling back at her.
“Unnie, I need to go back to
the stage. You should get some
rests, okay?” She turned her body.
Before she could walk away, I
held her hand.
She faced me again.
“Thanks you, Yoona..” I said
in a low volume.
“You’re welcome, Yuri unnie.”
She flashed a smile then walked to
the door. I could see she looked at
her cellphone. It seemed she texted
Whom she was texting during
this kind of situation? I meant, we
were in a concert.
I just shrugged it off and shut my
Not long after I shut my eyes, I drifted
to sleep.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Yuri unnie, kau baik-baik saja? Anda tampaknya
pucat ... "Yoona mengatakan sementara releazing
cengkeramannya pada pinggang saya.
Saya biasanya akan mengatakan bahwa saya baik-baik saja
karena saya tidak ingin dia tahu
apa yang saya rasakan, tapi sekarang, saya pikir saya
harus mengatakan padanya bahwa saya sakit. Aku
tidak ingin merusak penampilan kami
dengan pingsan atau runtuh pada
Jadi aku berkata, "Saya pikir saya tidak merasa baik,
"Kau sakit?" Dia tampak perhatian.
"Ya, saya merasa pusing. "kataku lemah. Tidak
perlu menyembunyikannya lagi.
Aku melihat Yoona melakukan cepat berjalan ke
Taeyeon. Saya menduga ia mengatakan
Taeyeon tentang kondisi saya. Nah,
sekarang adalah sesi ucapan sehingga
itu adalah waktu yang tepat jika saya ingin
meninggalkan panggung. Saya menduga, sebanyak
karena saya tidak mau, saya harus meninggalkan
Aku melihat Yoona kembali ke sisi saya.
"Unnie, Anda lebih baik mendapatkan beberapa beristirahat.
Anda dapat meninggalkan panggung." Dia berkata
dengan ragu-ragu. Mungkin dia takut bahwa
kata-katanya terdengar seperti dia
mendorong saya keluar dari panggung.
"Ya .. Saya kira saya lebih baik mendapatkan beberapa
beristirahat di kamar kami di belakang panggung." Aku
berbalik tubuh saya, mencoba untuk berjalan ke
belakang panggung tapi aku merasa bahwa aku akan
jatuh ke lantai. Saya tidak memiliki
energi yang tersisa, bahkan untuk berjalan.
Sekali lagi, saya merasa seseorang menangkapku
sebelum aku bisa jatuh. Aku menoleh
hanya untuk melihat Yoona, lagi, didukung
saya untuk berdiri di atas kaki saya.
Tiba-tiba, Yoona dihapus nya tinggi
sepatu bertumit dari kakinya. Apa yang
dia lakukan? Saya pikir.
"Unnie, ayolah, aku akan piggy-back
Anda." Kata Dia.
"Apa? Tidak, tidak, tidak perlu melakukan itu. "Aku
mencoba untuk objek. Aku terkejut olehnya
tindakan sekalipun.
"Bisakah Anda berjalan?" Dia mengangkat nya
"Tidak ..." Aku menunduk dan bergumam.
"Lalu Anda tidak punya pilihan. Ayo,
dapatkan di punggung saya. Aku cukup kuat,
Anda tahu. "Dia tersenyum sambil
memposisikan dirinya di depan saya.
Ya, dia disebut-Nya Yoona tidak
untuk apa-apa tentu saja.
Aku mendesah. Nah, dia benar. Aku tidak punya
pilihan. Aku terlalu lemah.
Aku di punggungnya.
Tiba-tiba, aku bisa merasakan penonton
pergi liar. Apa yang sedang terjadi? Apakah itu
karena kita-tidak, saya berarti Yoona
dan saya-tindakan? Astaga, mungkin
besok mereka akan mulai untuk kapal kami
seperti mereka dikirim TaeNy, 2NY, Yulsic,
Soona dan Soosica. Apa yang kita-Gosh
sekarang saya disebut Yoona dan saya sebagai kita-
Yoona dan saya akan? YoonYul? Aku
bertanya pada diriku sendiri. Yang begitu tidak akan
"Whoaaah .. Lihatlah ada. Yoona adalah
dongsaeng benar-benar baik, kan? Dia
bahkan memberi Yuri unnie sakit yang
piggy-kembali naik. "Sooyoung berteriak
dengan terlalu banyak kegembiraan. Apa
H yang salah dengan dirinya?
Aku merasa malu. Arrhg, mereka semua
menggodaku dan Yoona.
Aku memutuskan untuk menyembunyikan wajahku di lekuk
leher Yoona.
Hmm .. aroma Yoona itu begitu baik. Hal
itu agak adiktif ...
Astaga! Kwon Yuri! Apa sih yang
Anda pikirkan ?!
Kau kecanduan aroma? Apakah
Anda gila?
Satu-satunya alasan Anda harus
kecanduan nya karena Anda
membencinya! Tidak ada yang lain!
Setelah melihat aku menyembunyikan wajahku di Yoona
leher, kerumunan-termasuk lain
Soshi anggota-pergi liar. Aku bisa
merasakan Yoona menegang. Mungkin dia
juga terkejut tindakan saya. Tapi aku
tidak peduli. Aku terlalu
"Yah! Berhenti menggoda kita. Aku hanya tidak
ingin melihat Yuri unnie sakit. Kami
membutuhkannya untuk tetap sehat. "Yoona
seru. Dia mulai berjalan ke
belakang panggung.
Aku merasa pipiku menjadi agak panas
setelah mendengar pernyataan Yoona. Dia
tidak ingin saya untuk mendapatkan sakit ...
Yoona tidak ingin aku sakit ...
Ini akan menjadi kalimat sangat biasa
jika itu datang dari orang lain. Tapi
ketika kalimat ini berasal dari Yoona,
rasanya benar-benar ... khusus ...
Apakah itu karena aku benci Yoona sehingga
bagus / kalimat tulus tunggal seperti
yang menjadi sangat istimewa?
Oh Tuhan, aku bisa merasakan hatiku
berdebar tulang rusuk saya benar-benar sulit.
Apa yang terjadi padaku? Apakah saya
menjadi tidak sehat sekarang?
Yoona meletakkan saya untuk sofa besar di kami
kamar di belakang panggung. Dia
diposisikan tubuh saya sehingga saya bisa
mendapatkan tidur. Dia bahkan membantu saya
untuk menghapus sepatu saya dari kaki saya.
"Yoona .. Kenapa kau bersikap
baik padaku?" Kata saya dalam hati.
"Ada .. Anda sekarang bisa mendapatkan
tidur, unnie." Dia tersenyum padaku.
Ah , senyum itu ..
Aku unconciously tersenyum kembali. Ini
tampak bahwa mata Yoona menyala setelah
melihat bahwa saya tersenyum kembali padanya.
"Unnie, aku harus kembali ke
panggung. Anda harus mendapatkan beberapa
beristirahat, oke? "Dia berbalik tubuhnya.
Sebelum dia bisa pergi, aku
memegang tangannya.
Dia menatapku
lagi." Terima kasih Anda, Yoona .. "kataku
dalam volume
rendah." Terima kasih , Yuri unnie.
"Dia berkelebat tersenyum lalu berjalan ke
pintu. Aku bisa melihat dia menatap
ponselnya. Tampaknya dia mengirim sms
Siapa dia SMS selama
situasi seperti ini? Aku berarti, kita
berada di konser.
Aku hanya mengangkat bahu dan menutup saya
Tidak lama setelah saya menutup mata saya, saya melayang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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