The Recovery EffortHow could alternative P-valve production sites be o terjemahan - The Recovery EffortHow could alternative P-valve production sites be o Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The Recovery EffortHow could altern

The Recovery Effort

How could alternative P-valve production sites be organized and the delivery of the required 32,500 P-valves a day be resumed so quickly? We describe the roles played in the recovery by six firms, which we visited during our field research: Toyota, Aisin Seiki, Denso, Taiho Kogyo, Kayaba Industry, and Koritsu Sangyo. While these firms differ in size, areas of specialization, position in the value chain, and financial linkages to Toyota, they share several characteristics: a commitment to, and capabilities for, JIT production and the ability to solve problems at their source.16

From the beginning, it was clear that until Aisin could rebuild its previous capacity, outside help would be indispensable. It was decided then that firms from both inside and outside the Toyota group would be asked to set up alternative P-valve production sites as soon as possible, with Aisin providing technical assistance, design drawings, jigs (e.g., specialized drills), machine tools, and raw materials (e.g., cast iron) salvaged from the fire.17 Aisin was to immediately begin setting up alternative production sites in its other plants as well.

Sixty-two firms responded to Aisin’s call and immediately began preparations to manufacture P-valves. Responding firms included twenty-two of Aisin’s own suppliers (e.g., Koritsu Sangyo); Toyota itself; thirty-six of Toyota’s regular suppliers (e.g., Toyota keiretsu firms such as Denso and Taiho Kogyo, independent suppliers such as Kayaba Industry and Akebono Brake Industry, and firms belonging to other keiretsu such as Sumitomo Electric Industries); and four non-regular suppliers (e.g., Nabco).

Along with these firms were about 150 others, including seventy machine-tool makers that were involved indirectly in the recovery process, since machinery, drills, fixtures, and gauges had to be found to replace the ones destroyed in the fire. Aisin asked machinery makers in Japan and beyond to gather every available machine on hand, including exhibition models taken from showrooms and equipment already promised to other clients. For the sake of fast recovery, both regular and nonregular suppliers of machinery to Aisin were called on. The cooperation of these suppliers was crucial to the success of the recovery effort; undoubtedly, many were hoping to increase sales to Toyota in the future.

Firms were asked to machine the needed parts using Aisin’s design drawings and forged blocks and to deliver them to Aisin. Then Aisin would be responsible for final assembly, quality control, and delivery to Toyota and other customers. A few firms such as Nabco, Sumitomo Electric Industries, and Akebono Brake Industry already produced P-valves of different types, but most had no experience with this particular part. One firm, the sewing-machine manufacturer Brother Industries, had never made car parts.18 Although the technology and skills involved in manufacturing P-valves are relatively simple, their numerous and complex orifices require highly precise machining. Without the dedicated equipment used by Aisin (which was largely destroyed in the fire), P-valve production would be slow and arduous.

The situation was discouraging: the suppliers recruited lacked sufficient tools, were mostly unfamiliar with P-valve production, and were inexperienced in responding to crises of this magnitude. The problem-solving capabilities developed through long-term collaboration and the flexible deployment of resources enabled the firms to overcome these obstacles and ensured a rapid recovery of P-valve production and of Toyota’s assembly plants.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The Recovery EffortHow could alternative P-valve production sites be organized and the delivery of the required 32,500 P-valves a day be resumed so quickly? We describe the roles played in the recovery by six firms, which we visited during our field research: Toyota, Aisin Seiki, Denso, Taiho Kogyo, Kayaba Industry, and Koritsu Sangyo. While these firms differ in size, areas of specialization, position in the value chain, and financial linkages to Toyota, they share several characteristics: a commitment to, and capabilities for, JIT production and the ability to solve problems at their source.16From the beginning, it was clear that until Aisin could rebuild its previous capacity, outside help would be indispensable. It was decided then that firms from both inside and outside the Toyota group would be asked to set up alternative P-valve production sites as soon as possible, with Aisin providing technical assistance, design drawings, jigs (e.g., specialized drills), machine tools, and raw materials (e.g., cast iron) salvaged from the fire.17 Aisin was to immediately begin setting up alternative production sites in its other plants as well.Sixty-two firms responded to Aisin’s call and immediately began preparations to manufacture P-valves. Responding firms included twenty-two of Aisin’s own suppliers (e.g., Koritsu Sangyo); Toyota itself; thirty-six of Toyota’s regular suppliers (e.g., Toyota keiretsu firms such as Denso and Taiho Kogyo, independent suppliers such as Kayaba Industry and Akebono Brake Industry, and firms belonging to other keiretsu such as Sumitomo Electric Industries); and four non-regular suppliers (e.g., Nabco).
Along with these firms were about 150 others, including seventy machine-tool makers that were involved indirectly in the recovery process, since machinery, drills, fixtures, and gauges had to be found to replace the ones destroyed in the fire. Aisin asked machinery makers in Japan and beyond to gather every available machine on hand, including exhibition models taken from showrooms and equipment already promised to other clients. For the sake of fast recovery, both regular and nonregular suppliers of machinery to Aisin were called on. The cooperation of these suppliers was crucial to the success of the recovery effort; undoubtedly, many were hoping to increase sales to Toyota in the future.

Firms were asked to machine the needed parts using Aisin’s design drawings and forged blocks and to deliver them to Aisin. Then Aisin would be responsible for final assembly, quality control, and delivery to Toyota and other customers. A few firms such as Nabco, Sumitomo Electric Industries, and Akebono Brake Industry already produced P-valves of different types, but most had no experience with this particular part. One firm, the sewing-machine manufacturer Brother Industries, had never made car parts.18 Although the technology and skills involved in manufacturing P-valves are relatively simple, their numerous and complex orifices require highly precise machining. Without the dedicated equipment used by Aisin (which was largely destroyed in the fire), P-valve production would be slow and arduous.

The situation was discouraging: the suppliers recruited lacked sufficient tools, were mostly unfamiliar with P-valve production, and were inexperienced in responding to crises of this magnitude. The problem-solving capabilities developed through long-term collaboration and the flexible deployment of resources enabled the firms to overcome these obstacles and ensured a rapid recovery of P-valve production and of Toyota’s assembly plants.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Upaya Pemulihan Bagaimana mungkin tempat produksi alternatif P-katup diatur dan pengiriman diperlukan 32.500 P-katup sehari dilanjutkan dengan begitu cepat? Kami menggambarkan peran yang dimainkan dalam pemulihan oleh enam perusahaan, yang kami mengunjungi selama penelitian lapangan kami: Toyota, Aisin Seiki, Denso, Taiho Kogyo, Kayaba Industri, dan Koritsu Sangyo. Sementara perusahaan-perusahaan ini berbeda dalam ukuran, bidang spesialisasi, posisi dalam rantai nilai, dan hubungan keuangan untuk Toyota, mereka berbagi beberapa karakteristik: komitmen untuk, dan kemampuan untuk, produksi JIT dan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah di source.16 mereka Dari awalnya, jelaslah bahwa sampai Aisin bisa membangun kembali kapasitasnya sebelumnya, bantuan dari luar akan sangat diperlukan. Diputuskan kemudian bahwa perusahaan baik dari dalam dan luar kelompok Toyota akan diminta untuk mengatur alternatif lokasi produksi P-katup sesegera mungkin, dengan Aisin memberikan bantuan teknis, gambar desain, jig (misalnya, latihan khusus), peralatan mesin , dan bahan baku (misalnya, besi cor) diselamatkan dari fire.17 Aisin adalah untuk segera memulai mendirikan tempat produksi alternatif dalam tanaman lainnya juga. Enam puluh dua perusahaan menanggapi panggilan Aisin dan segera mulai persiapan untuk memproduksi P-katup . Menanggapi perusahaan termasuk dua puluh dua pemasok Aisin sendiri (misalnya, Koritsu Sangyo); Toyota sendiri; tiga puluh enam pemasok reguler Toyota (misalnya, perusahaan keiretsu Toyota seperti Denso dan Taihō Kogyo, pemasok independen seperti Kayaba Industri dan Akebono Brake Industry, dan perusahaan milik keiretsu lain seperti Sumitomo Electric Industries); dan empat pemasok non-reguler (misalnya, Nabco). Seiring dengan perusahaan-perusahaan ini sekitar 150 orang lain, termasuk tujuh pembuat mesin-alat yang terlibat langsung dalam proses pemulihan, karena mesin, latihan, perlengkapan, dan alat pengukur harus ditemukan untuk menggantikan yang hancur dalam kebakaran. Aisin meminta pembuat mesin di Jepang dan di luar untuk mengumpulkan setiap mesin yang tersedia di tangan, termasuk model pameran yang diambil dari ruang pamer dan peralatan sudah berjanji untuk klien lain. Demi pemulihan yang cepat, baik pemasok reguler dan tidak tetap dari mesin ke Aisin dipanggil pada. Kerjasama dari pemasok ini sangat penting untuk keberhasilan upaya pemulihan; diragukan lagi, banyak yang berharap untuk meningkatkan penjualan Toyota di masa depan. Perusahaan diminta untuk mesin bagian yang diperlukan dengan menggunakan gambar desain Aisin dan blok ditempa dan mengantarkan mereka ke Aisin. Kemudian Aisin akan bertanggung jawab untuk perakitan akhir, kontrol kualitas, dan pengiriman ke Toyota dan pelanggan lainnya. Beberapa perusahaan seperti Nabco, Sumitomo Electric Industries, dan Akebono Brake Industry sudah diproduksi P-katup dari berbagai jenis, tetapi kebanyakan tidak memiliki pengalaman dengan bagian tertentu. Salah satu perusahaan, produsen mesin jahit Brother Industries, tidak pernah membuat parts.18 mobil Meskipun teknologi dan keterampilan yang terlibat dalam pembuatan P-katup yang relatif sederhana, banyak dan kompleks lubang mereka membutuhkan mesin yang sangat tepat. Tanpa peralatan khusus yang digunakan oleh Aisin (yang sebagian besar hancur dalam kebakaran), produksi P-katup akan lambat dan sulit. Situasi ini mengecilkan: pemasok direkrut tidak memiliki alat yang memadai, sebagian besar terbiasa dengan produksi P-katup, dan berpengalaman dalam menanggapi krisis sebesar ini. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dikembangkan melalui kolaborasi jangka panjang dan penyebaran fleksibel sumber daya memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut dan memastikan pemulihan yang cepat dari produksi P-katup dan Toyota pabrik perakitan.

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