KMS in a Cluster of Firms: The Roleof a Digital PlatformL. Cremona, A. terjemahan - KMS in a Cluster of Firms: The Roleof a Digital PlatformL. Cremona, A. Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

KMS in a Cluster of Firms: The Role

KMS in a Cluster of Firms: The Role
of a Digital Platform
L. Cremona, A. Ravarini and J. Sutanto
Abstract Previous studies widely focused on the adoption and usage of Knowledge Management Systems, namely KMS, within a single organization or within supply chains providing little explanations of the relations behind knowledge sharing and transfer; yet, hitherto few studies have provided empirical results of KMS adoption within cluster of firms. The lack of such studies dealing with KMS adoption within cluster of firms and focusing on knowledge absorption motivated the study focus on how the IT-enabled knowledge capabilities affect firm innovation. To overcome this void in the literature this study presents the preliminary results of a multiple case study conducted on six SMEs within a cluster of firms adopting a digital platform, a KMS, aiming at generating innovation and internationalization opportunities. We carried out a systematic literature review over 200 articles by identifying three main research areas: knowledge management, joint activities and business value of IT. We built an a priori theoretical framework that extends the limitations of previous studies by focusing on the adoption within a cluster of firms. For scrutinizing the theoretical framework on knowledge sharing, a multiple case study approach was chosen and carried out on the six firms. The preliminary results contribute in explaining the role of digital platforms and the strength of interpersonal connections in influencing the performances improvement of the whole cluster.
Keywords Knowledge sharing _ Knowledge management systems _ Cluster of
firms _ Absorptive capacity

1 Introduction
Contemporary organizations have set the effective use of information and knowledge resources as an important goal to reach. More than ever, they are deriving value from intellectual rather than physical assets and they are benefiting from the most profitable resource: employee knowledge. The identification and exploitation of these resources is becoming central to organizational success [1]. Knowledge exists in several locations within an organization, including culturally embedded practices, documents, policies and with individual employees [2–5]. With the growing strategic importance of knowledge management, more firms are implementing knowledge management systems (KMS), ‘‘a class of information systems applied to manage organizational knowledge’’ [6]. Nevertheless, it is relevant not only to design IT tools to manage knowledge sharing but also to
understand how to select and manage knowledge resources. Moreover, many studies focused on the introduction of KMS within a single firm [7], leaving almost unexplored the issue at the inter-organizational level. To cover this gap, we studied the variables affecting the impact of digital KMS platforms on the performances of clusters of firms.
The paper is organized as follows: the next section presents the theoretical background of the research by introducing relevant fields of investigation; Sect. 3 presents the methodology adopted in the study; Sect. 4 describes the analysis carried out within the study; Sect. 5 discusses the preliminary results; Sect. 6 draws conclusions and the implications for both academia and practitioners as long as future steps of the research.
2 Background
2.1 KMS
Previous studies about KMS implemented by aggregations of multiple firms were characterized by being referred to a specific type of industrial aggregation, i.e. supply chains, and by being focused on the usage of KMS at the intra-organizational level (i.e. considering the impact of KMS on the internal activities of each single firm). On the contrary, the benefits deriving from the usage of a KMS (here
defined as a digital platform for knowledge sharing and management), were not widely investigated when the usage occurred at an inter-organizational level such as within a cluster of firms.
Several studies have tried to demonstrate how IT enhances the knowledge management capabilities of organizations for example by connecting knowledge creation to the development of new products and/or services [8, 9] while others found that these capabilities provide competitive advantage and increase financial firm performance [10].
Along this line, another stream of research studies KMS using the concept of firm’s absorptive capacity, i.e., the ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends. Malhotra et al. [11] showed that enterprises have to build ‘‘requisite absorptive capacity to prepare for collaborative knowledge creation with their supply chain partners’’. In other terms, Absorptive Capacity works as a filter and a moderator of the information exchanged at the intra- and inter-organizational level. Cohen and Levinthal [12] pointed out that entering into an alliance will potentially expose the firm to a larger knowledge base but the fraction of the knowledge that it can appropriate depends largely on its prior preparation. Finally, [13] studied how inter-organizational information systems could help developing a business community that can produce positive effects such as improving the number of commercial partners or creating joint activities on the market and strengthening supply chain partnership.

2.2 Business Value of IT
Mukhopadhyay et al. [14] refer to the ‘‘business value of IT’’ as the ‘‘impact of IT on firm performance’’. The term ‘‘IT business value’’ is used—rather generically— to refer to the organizational performance impacts of IT, including productivity enhancement, profit ability improvement, cost reduction, competitive advantage, inventory reduction, and other measures of performance [15]. As the business value of IT is linked to complementary changes in organizational process capabilities, it is necessary to introduce the concept of sustainability and capabilities. Inasmuch, there is still limited understanding about the business value of IT when a cluster of firms of the same industry uses a digital platform. Rather than suppliercustomer relationships, firms in a cluster deal with multifaceted relationships (such as competition, co-design, besides the supplier-customer ones). Thus, assessing the value of digital platforms for these firms is both complex and important [16, 17]. In this research we aim at studying the moderating role of Absorptive Capacity [12] on information and knowledge sharing within a digital platform used by firms in the same cluster. Findings of this study add to findings in the extant studies on digital platforms that mainly focus on intra-organizational performances.

3 Methodology
The previous section showed that the available literature studied the business value of IT deriving from the adoption of inter-organizational systems (broadly defined, thus not specifically digital platforms) only within supply chains and focused on joint alliances and not joint activities.
As a first step of the research we carried out a literature review of about 200 articles based on the search for the following keywords: ‘‘joint activities’’, ‘‘knowledge sharing exchanging management’’ and ‘‘business value of IT’’. Among the papers selected for review, those of [11, 18–20], were analyzed to find relevant constructs. According to this review, IT business value of IOS platforms (and specifically: digital platforms) in a cluster of firms is influenced by a number of phenomena such as: the presence of a social network between firms, IT managerial skills, capabilities of the IT system, knowledge sharing and management activities. This literature review allowed us to develop an a priori framework (Fig. 1), showing how capabilities of digital platforms, together with the strength of interpersonal connections and joint activities of firms, influence the performances improvement of the whole cluster.
Starting from this research framework we identified those research gaps that we addressed through three research questions, addressed at a firm level:
1. Which are the socio-technical phenomena (at the firm level) that characterize the use of a digital platform by firms in a cluster?
1.1 Does the digital platform produce more effects if the firms already have up to-date IT tools?
1.2 Does the digital platform produce more effects if the firms already know each other?
2. Which is the effect of a digital platform on the information generated and exchanged by firms in a cluster?
2.1 Is this information relevant and exclusive?
3. Which is the effect of a digital platform on the performances of a firm in a cluster?
3.1 Which is the effect on its activities?
A multiple-case study methodology [21, 22] together with a positivist approach was chosen for exploring our a priori theoretical framework on knowledge management systems within a cluster of firms. A qualitative method was adopted to explore the factors that facilitate the usage of a digital platform by firms in the same cluster, how the information exchange is influenced and which are the effects on performance of each firm. A team of a junior researcher, a senior researcher and a professor collected all the data and analyzed them: this approach was helpful in capturing greater findings and maximizing reliability. Following [22] a case-study protocol was designed including the following sections: overview of the project (objectives and issues), field procedures, questions, and guidance for the report.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
KMS in a Cluster of Firms: The Roleof a Digital PlatformL. Cremona, A. Ravarini and J. SutantoAbstract Previous studies widely focused on the adoption and usage of Knowledge Management Systems, namely KMS, within a single organization or within supply chains providing little explanations of the relations behind knowledge sharing and transfer; yet, hitherto few studies have provided empirical results of KMS adoption within cluster of firms. The lack of such studies dealing with KMS adoption within cluster of firms and focusing on knowledge absorption motivated the study focus on how the IT-enabled knowledge capabilities affect firm innovation. To overcome this void in the literature this study presents the preliminary results of a multiple case study conducted on six SMEs within a cluster of firms adopting a digital platform, a KMS, aiming at generating innovation and internationalization opportunities. We carried out a systematic literature review over 200 articles by identifying three main research areas: knowledge management, joint activities and business value of IT. We built an a priori theoretical framework that extends the limitations of previous studies by focusing on the adoption within a cluster of firms. For scrutinizing the theoretical framework on knowledge sharing, a multiple case study approach was chosen and carried out on the six firms. The preliminary results contribute in explaining the role of digital platforms and the strength of interpersonal connections in influencing the performances improvement of the whole cluster.Keywords Knowledge sharing _ Knowledge management systems _ Cluster offirms _ Absorptive capacity1 IntroductionContemporary organizations have set the effective use of information and knowledge resources as an important goal to reach. More than ever, they are deriving value from intellectual rather than physical assets and they are benefiting from the most profitable resource: employee knowledge. The identification and exploitation of these resources is becoming central to organizational success [1]. Knowledge exists in several locations within an organization, including culturally embedded practices, documents, policies and with individual employees [2–5]. With the growing strategic importance of knowledge management, more firms are implementing knowledge management systems (KMS), ‘‘a class of information systems applied to manage organizational knowledge’’ [6]. Nevertheless, it is relevant not only to design IT tools to manage knowledge sharing but also tounderstand how to select and manage knowledge resources. Moreover, many studies focused on the introduction of KMS within a single firm [7], leaving almost unexplored the issue at the inter-organizational level. To cover this gap, we studied the variables affecting the impact of digital KMS platforms on the performances of clusters of firms.The paper is organized as follows: the next section presents the theoretical background of the research by introducing relevant fields of investigation; Sect. 3 presents the methodology adopted in the study; Sect. 4 describes the analysis carried out within the study; Sect. 5 discusses the preliminary results; Sect. 6 draws conclusions and the implications for both academia and practitioners as long as future steps of the research.2 Background2.1 KMSPrevious studies about KMS implemented by aggregations of multiple firms were characterized by being referred to a specific type of industrial aggregation, i.e. supply chains, and by being focused on the usage of KMS at the intra-organizational level (i.e. considering the impact of KMS on the internal activities of each single firm). On the contrary, the benefits deriving from the usage of a KMS (heredefined as a digital platform for knowledge sharing and management), were not widely investigated when the usage occurred at an inter-organizational level such as within a cluster of firms.Several studies have tried to demonstrate how IT enhances the knowledge management capabilities of organizations for example by connecting knowledge creation to the development of new products and/or services [8, 9] while others found that these capabilities provide competitive advantage and increase financial firm performance [10].Along this line, another stream of research studies KMS using the concept of firm’s absorptive capacity, i.e., the ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends. Malhotra et al. [11] showed that enterprises have to build ‘‘requisite absorptive capacity to prepare for collaborative knowledge creation with their supply chain partners’’. In other terms, Absorptive Capacity works as a filter and a moderator of the information exchanged at the intra- and inter-organizational level. Cohen and Levinthal [12] pointed out that entering into an alliance will potentially expose the firm to a larger knowledge base but the fraction of the knowledge that it can appropriate depends largely on its prior preparation. Finally, [13] studied how inter-organizational information systems could help developing a business community that can produce positive effects such as improving the number of commercial partners or creating joint activities on the market and strengthening supply chain partnership.2.2 Business Value of ITMukhopadhyay et al. [14] refer to the ‘‘business value of IT’’ as the ‘‘impact of IT on firm performance’’. The term ‘‘IT business value’’ is used—rather generically— to refer to the organizational performance impacts of IT, including productivity enhancement, profit ability improvement, cost reduction, competitive advantage, inventory reduction, and other measures of performance [15]. As the business value of IT is linked to complementary changes in organizational process capabilities, it is necessary to introduce the concept of sustainability and capabilities. Inasmuch, there is still limited understanding about the business value of IT when a cluster of firms of the same industry uses a digital platform. Rather than suppliercustomer relationships, firms in a cluster deal with multifaceted relationships (such as competition, co-design, besides the supplier-customer ones). Thus, assessing the value of digital platforms for these firms is both complex and important [16, 17]. In this research we aim at studying the moderating role of Absorptive Capacity [12] on information and knowledge sharing within a digital platform used by firms in the same cluster. Findings of this study add to findings in the extant studies on digital platforms that mainly focus on intra-organizational performances.3 MethodologyThe previous section showed that the available literature studied the business value of IT deriving from the adoption of inter-organizational systems (broadly defined, thus not specifically digital platforms) only within supply chains and focused on joint alliances and not joint activities.As a first step of the research we carried out a literature review of about 200 articles based on the search for the following keywords: ‘‘joint activities’’, ‘‘knowledge sharing exchanging management’’ and ‘‘business value of IT’’. Among the papers selected for review, those of [11, 18–20], were analyzed to find relevant constructs. According to this review, IT business value of IOS platforms (and specifically: digital platforms) in a cluster of firms is influenced by a number of phenomena such as: the presence of a social network between firms, IT managerial skills, capabilities of the IT system, knowledge sharing and management activities. This literature review allowed us to develop an a priori framework (Fig. 1), showing how capabilities of digital platforms, together with the strength of interpersonal connections and joint activities of firms, influence the performances improvement of the whole cluster. Starting from this research framework we identified those research gaps that we addressed through three research questions, addressed at a firm level:1. Which are the socio-technical phenomena (at the firm level) that characterize the use of a digital platform by firms in a cluster?1.1 Does the digital platform produce more effects if the firms already have up to-date IT tools?1.2 Does the digital platform produce more effects if the firms already know each other?2. Which is the effect of a digital platform on the information generated and exchanged by firms in a cluster?2.1 Is this information relevant and exclusive?3. Which is the effect of a digital platform on the performances of a firm in a cluster?3.1 Which is the effect on its activities?A multiple-case study methodology [21, 22] together with a positivist approach was chosen for exploring our a priori theoretical framework on knowledge management systems within a cluster of firms. A qualitative method was adopted to explore the factors that facilitate the usage of a digital platform by firms in the same cluster, how the information exchange is influenced and which are the effects on performance of each firm. A team of a junior researcher, a senior researcher and a professor collected all the data and analyzed them: this approach was helpful in capturing greater findings and maximizing reliability. Following [22] a case-study protocol was designed including the following sections: overview of the project (objectives and issues), field procedures, questions, and guidance for the report.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
KMS di Cluster dari Perusahaan: Peran
dari Digital platform
L. Cremona, A. Ravarini dan J. Sutanto
Abstrak Penelitian sebelumnya banyak difokuskan pada adopsi dan penggunaan Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan, yaitu KMS, dalam satu organisasi atau dalam rantai pasokan memberikan penjelasan sedikit dari hubungan belakang berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalihan; namun, sampai sekarang beberapa studi telah memberikan hasil empiris dari KMS adopsi dalam cluster dari perusahaan. Kurangnya studi tersebut berhubungan dengan penerapan KMS dalam cluster perusahaan dan fokus pada penyerapan pengetahuan termotivasi studi fokus pada bagaimana kemampuan pengetahuan-enabled IT mempengaruhi inovasi perusahaan. Untuk mengatasi kekosongan ini dalam literatur penelitian ini menyajikan hasil awal dari studi kasus yang dilakukan pada beberapa enam UKM dalam sekelompok perusahaan mengadopsi platform digital, KMS, bertujuan menghasilkan inovasi dan internasionalisasi peluang. Kami melakukan tinjauan literatur sistematis lebih dari 200 artikel dengan mengidentifikasi tiga bidang utama penelitian: manajemen pengetahuan, kegiatan bersama dan nilai bisnis TI. Kami membangun sebuah kerangka teori apriori yang memanjang keterbatasan penelitian sebelumnya dengan berfokus pada adopsi dalam sekelompok perusahaan. Untuk meneliti kerangka teoritis berbagi pengetahuan, pendekatan studi kasus beberapa dipilih dan dilakukan di enam perusahaan. Hasil awal berkontribusi dalam menjelaskan peran platform digital dan kekuatan koneksi antar dalam mempengaruhi kinerja perbaikan seluruh klaster.
berbagi Keywords Pengetahuan _ sistem manajemen Pengetahuan _ Cluster dari
perusahaan _ kapasitas serap 1 Pendahuluan organisasi Kontemporer telah menetapkan penggunaan yang efektif informasi dan sumber daya pengetahuan sebagai tujuan penting untuk mencapai. Lebih dari sebelumnya, mereka berasal dari nilai aset intelektual daripada fisik dan mereka mendapatkan manfaat dari sumber daya yang paling menguntungkan: pengetahuan karyawan. Identifikasi dan eksploitasi sumber daya ini menjadi pusat keberhasilan organisasi [1]. Pengetahuan ada di beberapa lokasi dalam suatu organisasi, termasuk praktek-praktek budaya tertanam, dokumen, kebijakan dan dengan karyawan individu [2-5]. Dengan kepentingan strategis yang berkembang dari manajemen pengetahuan, lebih banyak perusahaan yang menerapkan sistem manajemen pengetahuan (KMS), '' kelas sistem informasi yang diterapkan untuk mengelola pengetahuan organisasi '' [6]. Namun demikian, hal ini relevan tidak hanya untuk merancang IT alat untuk mengelola berbagi pengetahuan tetapi juga untuk memahami bagaimana memilih dan mengelola sumber daya pengetahuan. Selain itu, banyak penelitian difokuskan pada pengenalan KMS dalam satu perusahaan [7], meninggalkan hampir belum diselidiki masalah di tingkat antar-organisasi. Untuk menutupi kesenjangan ini, kami mempelajari variabel yang mempengaruhi dampak KMS digital platform pada kinerja kelompok perusahaan. Makalah ini disusun sebagai berikut: bagian selanjutnya menyajikan latar belakang teoritis penelitian dengan memperkenalkan bidang yang relevan investigasi; Sekte. 3 menyajikan metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini; Sekte. 4 menggambarkan analisis dilakukan dalam penelitian ini; Sekte. 5 membahas hasil awal; Sekte. 6 menarik kesimpulan dan implikasi untuk kedua akademisi dan praktisi selama langkah masa penelitian. 2 Latar Belakang 2.1 KMS Studi sebelumnya tentang KMS dilaksanakan oleh agregasi dari beberapa perusahaan yang ditandai dengan yang disebut jenis tertentu agregasi industri, yaitu rantai pasokan , dan dengan menjadi terfokus pada penggunaan KMS pada tingkat intra-organisasi (yaitu mempertimbangkan dampak dari KMS pada kegiatan internal masing-masing perusahaan tunggal). Sebaliknya, manfaat yang berasal dari penggunaan dari KMS (di sini didefinisikan sebagai platform digital untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan manajemen), tidak banyak diteliti ketika penggunaan terjadi pada tingkat antar-organisasi seperti dalam sekelompok perusahaan. Beberapa penelitian telah mencoba untuk menunjukkan bagaimana TI meningkatkan kemampuan manajemen pengetahuan organisasi misalnya dengan menghubungkan penciptaan pengetahuan untuk pengembangan produk baru dan / atau jasa [8, 9] sementara yang lain menemukan bahwa kemampuan ini memberikan keunggulan kompetitif dan meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan keuangan [ 10]. Sejalan dengan hal ini, aliran lain studi penelitian KMS menggunakan konsep daya serap perusahaan, yaitu, kemampuan untuk mengenali nilai informasi baru, mengasimilasi, dan menerapkannya untuk tujuan komersial. Malhotra et al. [11] menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan harus membangun '' daya serap yang diperlukan untuk mempersiapkan penciptaan pengetahuan kolaboratif dengan mitra rantai suplai mereka. Dalam istilah lain, Kapasitas karya Absorptive sebagai filter dan moderator informasi dipertukarkan pada tingkat intra dan antar-organisasi. Cohen dan Levinthal [12] menunjukkan bahwa masuk ke aliansi berpotensi akan mengekspos perusahaan untuk basis pengetahuan yang lebih besar tetapi sebagian kecil dari pengetahuan yang dapat yang sesuai tergantung pada persiapan sebelum nya. Akhirnya, [13] mempelajari bagaimana antar-organisasi sistem informasi dapat membantu mengembangkan komunitas bisnis yang dapat menghasilkan efek positif seperti meningkatkan jumlah mitra komersial atau menciptakan kegiatan bersama di pasar dan memperkuat kemitraan rantai pasokan. Nilai 2,2 Bisnis TI Mukhopadhyay et al. [14] mengacu pada '' nilai bisnis IT '' sebagai '' dampak TI pada kinerja perusahaan ''. Istilah '' IT nilai bisnis '' digunakan-bukan generically- untuk merujuk pada dampak kinerja organisasi TI, termasuk peningkatan produktivitas, peningkatan kemampuan laba, pengurangan biaya, keunggulan kompetitif, pengurangan persediaan, dan langkah-langkah lain dari kinerja [15] . Sebagai nilai bisnis IT terkait dengan perubahan pelengkap dalam kemampuan proses organisasi, perlu untuk memperkenalkan konsep keberlanjutan dan kemampuan. Lantaran, masih ada pemahaman tentang nilai bisnis TI terbatas ketika sekelompok perusahaan dari industri yang sama menggunakan platform digital. Daripada hubungan suppliercustomer, perusahaan dalam kesepakatan cluster dengan hubungan beragam (seperti kompetisi, co-desain, selain yang pemasok-pelanggan). Dengan demikian, menilai nilai platform digital untuk perusahaan-perusahaan ini adalah kompleks dan penting [16, 17]. Dalam penelitian ini kami bertujuan untuk mempelajari peran moderator dari Absorptive Capacity [12] informasi dan berbagi pengetahuan dalam platform digital yang digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan dalam cluster yang sama. Temuan dari studi ini menambah temuan dalam studi yang masih ada pada platform digital yang terutama berfokus pada pertunjukan intra-organisasi. 3 Metodologi Bagian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa literatur yang tersedia mempelajari nilai bisnis IT yang berasal dari penerapan sistem antar-organisasi (luas didefinisikan, platform sehingga tidak secara khusus digital) hanya dalam rantai pasokan dan fokus pada aliansi bersama dan tidak kegiatan bersama. Sebagai langkah awal dari penelitian kami melakukan tinjauan literatur dari sekitar 200 artikel berdasarkan pencarian untuk kata kunci berikut: '' kegiatan bersama '', '' berbagi pengetahuan bertukar manajemen '' dan '' nilai bisnis TI ''. Di antara surat-surat yang dipilih untuk diperiksa, orang-orang [11, 18-20], dianalisis untuk menemukan konstruksi yang relevan. Menurut ulasan ini, nilai bisnis IT platform iOS (dan secara khusus: platform digital) dalam sebuah cluster perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah fenomena seperti: kehadiran jaringan sosial antara perusahaan, keterampilan manajerial IT, kemampuan IT sistem, berbagi pengetahuan dan manajemen kegiatan. Tinjauan pustaka ini memungkinkan kami untuk mengembangkan kerangka apriori (Gbr. 1), menunjukkan bagaimana kemampuan platform digital, bersama-sama dengan kekuatan koneksi interpersonal dan kegiatan bersama perusahaan, mempengaruhi kinerja perbaikan seluruh klaster. Mulai dari penelitian ini Kerangka kami mengidentifikasi kesenjangan penelitian yang kami ditangani melalui tiga pertanyaan penelitian, ditujukan pada tingkat perusahaan: 1. Yang merupakan fenomena sosio-teknis (di tingkat perusahaan) yang menjadi ciri penggunaan platform digital oleh perusahaan-perusahaan dalam sebuah cluster? 1.1 Apakah platform digital menghasilkan efek lebih jika perusahaan sudah up to-date alat IT? 1.2 Apakah Platform digital menghasilkan efek lebih jika perusahaan sudah mengenal satu sama lain? 2. Yang merupakan efek dari platform digital pada informasi yang dihasilkan dan dipertukarkan oleh perusahaan dalam cluster? 2.1 Apakah informasi ini relevan dan eksklusif? 3. Yang merupakan efek dari platform digital pada kinerja perusahaan dalam cluster? 3.1 Yang merupakan efek pada kegiatannya? A multi-studi kasus metodologi [21, 22] bersama dengan pendekatan positivis dipilih untuk menjelajahi kami apriori kerangka teori tentang sistem manajemen pengetahuan dalam sekelompok perusahaan. Sebuah metode kualitatif diadopsi untuk mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor yang memfasilitasi penggunaan platform digital oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di cluster yang sama, bagaimana pertukaran informasi dipengaruhi dan yang efek pada kinerja masing-masing perusahaan. Sebuah tim peneliti junior, seorang peneliti senior dan profesor mengumpulkan semua data dan dianalisis mereka: pendekatan ini sangat membantu dalam menangkap temuan yang lebih besar dan memaksimalkan keandalan. Berikut [22] protokol studi kasus dirancang termasuk bagian berikut: gambaran dari proyek (tujuan dan masalah), prosedur lapangan, pertanyaan, dan bimbingan untuk laporan.

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