Jodha took her pooja thal and sent Reva to instruct in the front gate  terjemahan - Jodha took her pooja thal and sent Reva to instruct in the front gate  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jodha took her pooja thal and sent

Jodha took her pooja thal and sent Reva to instruct in the front gate to arrange for a palkhi. Within few minutes, Jodha walked to the front gate but she was surprised to see Abdul over there. She came to know he was also accompanying them.

Jodha smiled a little and respectfully asked Abdul- “Are you coming with us to the temple???”

Abdul replied soberly- “Ji Begum Sahiba... Shahenshah has ordered me to accompany you out of the palace wherever you want to go…”

Jodha smirked a little thinking about Jalal- “How caring he is!!!”

Jodha replied back to Abdul with gratitude- “Since it is Shahenshah’s order then how can I deny…”

Abdul smiled a little and accompanied her with two other soldiers and everyone left for the temple.

Abdul was waiting outside the temple for Jodha and Reva. They both came out of the temple and Abdul followed them looking around to make sure about their security.

Jodha & Reva walked down on the steps holding pooja thal. Reva with questioning look asked Jodha- “Jodha… I've known you for years… Whenever you keep any votive (Mannat) you offer coconut to God… But I don’t get one thing… When you already have everything you want, what have you asked for!!!”

Jodha smirked mysteriously and replied- “Hmmm… Reva, you know me so well then you also know that I never tell my votive to anyone??? The day it gets fulfilled, I myself will let you know about it…”

They were almost at the last step. Suddenly, Abdul’s eyes caught some one behind the tree suspiciously looking at them. Before he could do anything, he saw dagger rolling towards Jodha begum. To save her he swiftly pushed Jodha on the other side. And screamed- “Bend down immediately…” Instead of Jodha begum, dagger went into Abdul's shoulder. Abdul swiftly attacked back at him and injured that solider. Seeing Abdul's condition Jodha's eyes widened in fear and shock. Other soldiers ran towards injured attacker. But before they could reach him he died on the spot. Dagger went right in between his forehead.

Abdul swiftly took the dagger out from his shoulder. He squealed a little in pain. Jodha got worried seeing his condition. Abdul with worried expression swiftly got up and with instructive voice told everyone to go back to the palace immediately from a secret way. They all reached the palace safely.

Everyone in the palace got shocked hearing about this attack. Hamida with fear came to Jodha's room and hugged her tight with tears in her eyes and with so much affection she kissed on her forehead. With sad and teary heavy voice she said- “Jodha… If anything would have happened to you then… Ohh God, I am so grateful to you for saving my daughter’s life…”

Hamida and Jodha both went personally to thank Abdul for his bravery.

Maham got the news that her plan has completely failed. She was fuming in fire. She stamped her foot so hard. With a heavy jerk she smacked her wrist on the wall. Her eyes got filled with anger and extreme rage. At last she completely lost her patience and almost screamed aloud- “I will not spare you... Every time... Every time my plan gets failed... Because of you Jodha my only son Adham is dead... You will have to pay for your deeds… You will have to face Maham... I want to see Jalal in bloody tears... If something happens to Jodha, Jalal will break down completely... I know very well how to hurt you... How long can you save yourself Jodha…” she laughed evilly and broke into tears.

Next day Maham walked into Rukaiya's room to poison her mind. She started with evil smirk- “Today you must be very happy naa Begum Rukaiya… As Jalal is returning back… He would be surely be spending his night with you only…”

Rukaiya stared at Maham with fiery gaze and said - “You know well how to sprinkle salt on the burns… I didn’t expect all this from you… How can you taunt me like this…”

Maham snapped back at her while mirroring her tone- “And I also didn’t expect this from you, just crying on your destiny without making any effort…”

Rukaiya looked at Maham with humiliation and replied irritatingly- “Control your bitter tongue Maham… Don’t you forget that I am the Begum-e-Khaas of this Sultanate and your value in this palace is not more than that of any ordinary worker… Even today I have complete control over Mughal Harem… So you better talk to me with respect…”

Maham burnt inside hearing her insult but somehow she managed to engulf her anger and replied back in a very calm tone- “Forgive me for my audacity Begum-e-Khaas… I didn’t mean to hurt you… I have seen you growing up in front of my eyes… I have always treated you like my own daughter… My heart burnt seeing Jodha snatching away Jalal from you… I just wanted to make you realize the truth and help you by removing the biggest obstacle from your path... But I guess you misunderstood me… But any way… I think I have no work left over here now… I shall take your leave then… God bless you…”

Rukaiya realised the need of the situation. She anyhow wanted to get her Jalal rid from the clutches of Jodha either by hook or by crook. With heavy voice she said- “Wait Maham anga… Tell me clearly what you want to say… I can do anything to get my Jalal back…”

Maham smirked at her wittiness. She knew without involving Rukaiya in her plan she couldn't get succeeded. She looked back at her and with little smirk on her face she said- “To suniye…” (Then listen…) She came close to her ears and murmured her whole plan.

After hearing her plan Rukaiya's face was shocked and full of fear. She looked at Maham and asked- “Are you sure this plan will be successful???”

Maham gave her witty evil smirk and replied- “This plan will be successful only if you have full faith on me…”

Rukaiya and Maham both smiled wickedly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Jodha took her pooja thal and sent Reva to instruct in the front gate to arrange for a palkhi. Within few minutes, Jodha walked to the front gate but she was surprised to see Abdul over there. She came to know he was also accompanying them.Jodha smiled a little and respectfully asked Abdul- “Are you coming with us to the temple???”Abdul replied soberly- “Ji Begum Sahiba... Shahenshah has ordered me to accompany you out of the palace wherever you want to go…”Jodha smirked a little thinking about Jalal- “How caring he is!!!”Jodha replied back to Abdul with gratitude- “Since it is Shahenshah’s order then how can I deny…”Abdul smiled a little and accompanied her with two other soldiers and everyone left for the temple.Abdul was waiting outside the temple for Jodha and Reva. They both came out of the temple and Abdul followed them looking around to make sure about their security.Jodha & Reva walked down on the steps holding pooja thal. Reva with questioning look asked Jodha- “Jodha… I've known you for years… Whenever you keep any votive (Mannat) you offer coconut to God… But I don’t get one thing… When you already have everything you want, what have you asked for!!!” Jodha smirked mysteriously and replied- “Hmmm… Reva, you know me so well then you also know that I never tell my votive to anyone??? The day it gets fulfilled, I myself will let you know about it…”They were almost at the last step. Suddenly, Abdul’s eyes caught some one behind the tree suspiciously looking at them. Before he could do anything, he saw dagger rolling towards Jodha begum. To save her he swiftly pushed Jodha on the other side. And screamed- “Bend down immediately…” Instead of Jodha begum, dagger went into Abdul's shoulder. Abdul swiftly attacked back at him and injured that solider. Seeing Abdul's condition Jodha's eyes widened in fear and shock. Other soldiers ran towards injured attacker. But before they could reach him he died on the spot. Dagger went right in between his forehead.Abdul swiftly took the dagger out from his shoulder. He squealed a little in pain. Jodha got worried seeing his condition. Abdul with worried expression swiftly got up and with instructive voice told everyone to go back to the palace immediately from a secret way. They all reached the palace safely.Everyone in the palace got shocked hearing about this attack. Hamida with fear came to Jodha's room and hugged her tight with tears in her eyes and with so much affection she kissed on her forehead. With sad and teary heavy voice she said- “Jodha… If anything would have happened to you then… Ohh God, I am so grateful to you for saving my daughter’s life…”Hamida and Jodha both went personally to thank Abdul for his bravery.Maham got the news that her plan has completely failed. She was fuming in fire. She stamped her foot so hard. With a heavy jerk she smacked her wrist on the wall. Her eyes got filled with anger and extreme rage. At last she completely lost her patience and almost screamed aloud- “I will not spare you... Every time... Every time my plan gets failed... Because of you Jodha my only son Adham is dead... You will have to pay for your deeds… You will have to face Maham... I want to see Jalal in bloody tears... If something happens to Jodha, Jalal will break down completely... I know very well how to hurt you... How long can you save yourself Jodha…” she laughed evilly and broke into tears.Next day Maham walked into Rukaiya's room to poison her mind. She started with evil smirk- “Today you must be very happy naa Begum Rukaiya… As Jalal is returning back… He would be surely be spending his night with you only…”Rukaiya stared at Maham with fiery gaze and said - “You know well how to sprinkle salt on the burns… I didn’t expect all this from you… How can you taunt me like this…”Maham snapped back at her while mirroring her tone- “And I also didn’t expect this from you, just crying on your destiny without making any effort…”Rukaiya looked at Maham with humiliation and replied irritatingly- “Control your bitter tongue Maham… Don’t you forget that I am the Begum-e-Khaas of this Sultanate and your value in this palace is not more than that of any ordinary worker… Even today I have complete control over Mughal Harem… So you better talk to me with respect…”Maham burnt inside hearing her insult but somehow she managed to engulf her anger and replied back in a very calm tone- “Forgive me for my audacity Begum-e-Khaas… I didn’t mean to hurt you… I have seen you growing up in front of my eyes… I have always treated you like my own daughter… My heart burnt seeing Jodha snatching away Jalal from you… I just wanted to make you realize the truth and help you by removing the biggest obstacle from your path... But I guess you misunderstood me… But any way… I think I have no work left over here now… I shall take your leave then… God bless you…”Rukaiya realised the need of the situation. She anyhow wanted to get her Jalal rid from the clutches of Jodha either by hook or by crook. With heavy voice she said- “Wait Maham anga… Tell me clearly what you want to say… I can do anything to get my Jalal back…”Maham smirked at her wittiness. She knew without involving Rukaiya in her plan she couldn't get succeeded. She looked back at her and with little smirk on her face she said- “To suniye…” (Then listen…) She came close to her ears and murmured her whole plan.
After hearing her plan Rukaiya's face was shocked and full of fear. She looked at Maham and asked- “Are you sure this plan will be successful???”

Maham gave her witty evil smirk and replied- “This plan will be successful only if you have full faith on me…”

Rukaiya and Maham both smiled wickedly.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jodha mengambil thal pooja dan mengirim Reva untuk menginstruksikan di gerbang depan untuk mengatur Palkhi a. Dalam beberapa menit, Jodha berjalan ke gerbang depan tapi ia terkejut melihat Abdul di sana. Dia datang untuk mengetahui ia juga mendampingi mereka. Jodha tersenyum kecil dan hormat meminta Abdul "Apakah Anda datang dengan kami ke kuil ???" Abdul menjawab soberly- "Ji Begum Sahiba ... Shahenshah telah memerintahkan saya untuk menemani Anda keluar dari istana mana pun Anda ingin pergi ... " Jodha menyeringai sedikit berpikir tentang Jalal- "Bagaimana peduli dia !!!" Jodha menjawab kembali ke Abdul dengan gratitude- "Karena untuk Shahenshah kemudian bagaimana saya bisa menyangkal ..." Abdul tersenyum kecil dan menemaninya dengan dua tentara lain dan semua orang pergi ke kuil. Abdul sedang menunggu di luar kuil untuk Jodha dan Reva. Mereka berdua keluar dari kuil dan Abdul mengikuti mereka melihat sekeliling untuk memastikan tentang mereka keamanan. Jodha & Reva berjalan di tangga memegang pooja thal. Reva dengan mempertanyakan tampilan bertanya Jodha- "Jodha ... aku mengenalmu selama bertahun-tahun ... Setiap kali Anda menyimpan nazar apapun (Mannat) Anda menawarkan kelapa kepada Allah ... Tapi aku tidak mendapatkan satu hal ... Ketika Anda sudah memiliki semua yang Anda inginkan, apa yang Anda telah meminta !!! " Jodha menyeringai misterius dan replied- "Hmmm ... Reva, Anda tahu saya begitu baik maka Anda juga tahu bahwa saya tidak pernah memberitahu nazar saya kepada siapa pun ??? Hari itu akan terpenuhi, saya sendiri akan membiarkan Anda tahu tentang hal itu ... " Mereka hampir pada langkah terakhir. Tiba-tiba, mata Abdul menangkap beberapa orang di belakang pohon curiga melihat mereka. Sebelum ia bisa melakukan apa-apa, dia melihat pisau bergulir ke arah Jodha begum. Untuk menyelamatkannya ia dengan cepat mendorong Jodha di sisi lain. Dan screamed- "Bend turun segera ..." Daripada Jodha begum, keris masuk ke bahu Abdul. Abdul cepat menyerang ke arahnya dan melukai solider itu. Melihat kondisi Abdul mata Jodha melebar ketakutan dan shock. Tentara lainnya berlari menuju cedera penyerang. Tapi sebelum mereka bisa mencapai dia meninggal di tempat. Dagger pergi tepat di antara dahinya. Abdul cepat mengambil pisau keluar dari bahunya. Dia menjerit sedikit kesakitan. Jodha mendapat khawatir melihat kondisinya. Abdul dengan ekspresi khawatir cepat bangkit dan dengan suara instruktif memberitahu semua orang untuk kembali ke istana segera dari cara rahasia. Mereka semua mencapai istana aman. Semua orang di istana mendapat pendengaran terkejut tentang serangan ini. Hamidah ketakutan datang ke kamar Jodha dan memeluk erat-erat dengan mata berkaca-kaca dan dengan begitu banyak kasih sayang dia mencium di dahinya. Dengan suara berat sedih dan berkaca-kaca dia bilang- "Jodha ... Jika sesuatu akan terjadi pada Anda maka ... Ohh Tuhan, saya sangat berterima kasih kepada Anda untuk menyelamatkan hidup anak saya ..." Hamida dan Jodha baik pergi secara pribadi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Abdul karena keberaniannya. Maham mendapat kabar bahwa rencananya telah gagal total. Dia marah dalam api. Dia menghentakkan kakinya begitu keras. Dengan brengsek berat dia memukul pergelangan tangannya di dinding. Matanya mendapat diisi dengan kemarahan dan kemarahan ekstrim. Akhirnya dia benar-benar kehilangan kesabaran dan hampir berteriak aloud- "Saya tidak akan luang Anda ... Setiap kali ... Setiap kali rencana saya akan gagal ... Karena Anda Jodha hanya anakku Adham mati ... Anda akan harus membayar untuk perbuatan Anda ... Anda akan harus menghadapi Maham ... Saya ingin melihat Jalal menangis berdarah ... Jika sesuatu terjadi pada Jodha, Jalal akan memecah-benar ... Aku tahu betul bagaimana untuk menyakiti Anda. .. Berapa lama Anda menyimpan sendiri Jodha ... "dia tertawa keji dan masuk ke air mata. Hari berikutnya Maham masuk ke ruangan Rukaiya untuk meracuni pikirannya. Dia mulai dengan kejahatan smirk- "Hari ini Anda harus sangat senang naa Begum Rukaiya ... Sebagai Jalal adalah kembali kembali ... Dia akan pasti akan menghabiskan malam dengan Anda hanya ..." Rukaiya menatap Maham dengan tatapan berapi-api dan berkata - "Anda tahu dengan baik bagaimana menaburkan garam pada luka bakar ... saya tidak mengharapkan semua ini dari Anda ... Bagaimana Anda bisa mengejekku seperti ini ... " Maham bentak kembali sambil mirroring Tone nya "Dan saya juga tidak mengharapkan ini dari Anda, hanya menangis di takdir Anda tanpa membuat usaha apapun ... " Rukaiya memandang Maham dengan penghinaan dan menjawab irritatingly- "Kontrol Pahit Lidah Anda Maham ... Apakah Anda lupa bahwa Akulah Begum-e-Khaas dari Kesultanan ini dan nilai Anda di istana ini tidak lebih dari itu dari setiap pekerja biasa ... Bahkan hari ini saya memiliki kontrol penuh atas Mughal Harem ... Jadi lebih baik Anda berbicara dengan saya dengan hormat ... " Maham dibakar dalam mendengar penghinaan, tapi entah bagaimana ia berhasil menelan kemarahannya dan menjawab kembali sangat menenangkan Tone "Maafkan aku karena keberanian saya Begum-e-Khaas ... Aku tidak bermaksud untuk menyakiti Anda ... Saya telah melihat Anda tumbuh di depan mata saya ... Saya selalu memperlakukan Anda seperti putri saya sendiri ... Hatiku terbakar melihat Jodha menyambar jauh Jalal dari Anda ... Saya hanya ingin membuat Anda menyadari kebenaran dan membantu Anda dengan menghapus hambatan terbesar dari jalan Anda ... Tapi saya rasa Anda salah paham ... Tapi cara apapun ... Saya pikir saya tidak punya pekerjaan yang tersisa di sini sekarang ... aku akan mengambil cuti Anda maka ... Tuhan memberkati Anda ... " Rukaiya menyadari kebutuhan situasi. Dia bagaimanapun ingin mendapatkan Jalal dia menyingkirkan dari cengkeraman Jodha baik dengan cara apa pun. Dengan suara berat dia bilang- "Tunggu Maham Anga ... Katakan dengan jelas apa yang ingin Anda katakan ... Aku bisa melakukan apa saja untuk mendapatkan Jalal saya kembali ..." Maham menyeringai di wittiness nya. Dia tahu tanpa melibatkan Rukaiya dalam rencana dia tidak bisa mendapatkan berhasil. Dia melihat ke arahnya dan dengan sedikit seringai di wajahnya dia bilang- "Untuk suniye ..." (Lalu dengarkan ...) Dia mendekati telinganya dan berbisik seluruh rencananya. Setelah mendengar rencananya wajah Rukaiya dunia terkejut dan penuh ketakutan. Dia memandang Maham dan baik bertanya "Apakah Anda yakin rencana ini akan berhasil ???" Maham memberinya seringai cerdas jahat dan replied- "Rencana ini akan berhasil hanya jika Anda memiliki keyakinan penuh pada saya ..." Rukaiya dan Maham berdua tersenyum jahat.

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