A Long Jing ar­tillery erupts sud­denly in the crowd of male tyrant wi terjemahan - A Long Jing ar­tillery erupts sud­denly in the crowd of male tyrant wi Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A Long Jing ar­tillery erupts sud­d

A Long Jing ar­tillery erupts sud­denly in the crowd of male tyrant wind and cloud trade union, for­mally an­nounced that this com­menc­ing of ac­tion, the bi­lat­eral crackle of gun­fire is un­ceas­ing, Long Jing ar­tillery to bang, but our be­hind palace guards also at least trans­ported over 500 Long Jing ar­tillery, the hot crag ar­tillery was over 1000, the crackle of gun­fire is more un­ceas­ing, [Zhan Long] di­rectly op­po­site the play­ers of sev­eral Lin­hai City Trade unions have wanted to cry but have no tears im­me­di­ately, was rum­bled torn to pieces.
I raise the but­ter­fly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Stops bomb­ing, chops the in­te­gral the time to!”
The hoof­beat re­ver­ber­ates, the sev­eral thou­sand melt god cav­al­ries in [Zhan Long] frontal line start to progress to march for­ward and in­crease speed rapidly, after sev­eral sec­onds, has achieved the speed ef­fect of speed­ing away, but the team that our di­rectly op­po­site, some not well-known India War zone Trade union or­ga­nizes also rushes ahead to come, bomb­ing of both sides also stopped sud­denly, starts hand-to-hand fight­ing Cooldown.
A but­ter­fly, town Yue Dao, I do not have thou­sand frost wings, main­tains the speed leads the melt god cav­alry to clash to­gether for­ward, Jian­feng shakes is 19 lev­els of Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan­hong kills in the crowd, town Yue Dao­heng gets up, im­me­di­ately is to­gether 19 lev­els of ra­di­ant skill rays erupts, sev­eral golden six glow stars flee above the town Yue Dao knife, dead ahead 4 ride the war is the player sees is I, im­me­di­ately lifts the de­fense the shield, im­me­di­ately town Yue Dao­dai the ef­fects of 19 level dou­ble hit „clang clang clang” in three shields. On spat­ters in all di­rec­tions daz­zling Mars, al­though they have de­fended, but at least every­one fell the 10 W blood, was flushed by the rear melt god cav­alry, died in bat­tle com­pletely!
Ran Min clashes ex­tremely quickly, the greed hydra chops to di­vide sud­denly on shoul­ders of-and-a-half blood swords­men, the di­rect sec­ond kills, si­mul­ta­ne­ously trig­gers „nine” ef­fect, cre­ates the major in­jury ef­fect to the sur­round­ing 9 en­e­mies, but this goods clash be­fore, the body was pen­e­trated by the sword air/Qi con­tin­u­ously, the swords­man of op­po­site party rapidly has be­come to other party the col­lec­tion hot ef­fect, Ran Min that 14 W HP only re­main­ing 5 W do not ar­rive im­me­di­ately.
The speed of dream Yao is luck­ily fast enough, rapid Z char­ac­ter walked po­si­tion at­trac­tive keep­ing off in Ran Min Qian­fang, held up the Lady Wa stone shield, main­tained the im­pulse is flush­ing for­ward, the Lady Wa stone has ab­sorbed round an after ef­fect of sword round cut­ting, a dream Yao rul­ing ef­fect hit on a body of high-level swords­man, re­pelled it sud­denly, and con­tin­ued 3 sec­onds of dizzi­ness, not only so, she rapidly raised the long sword is a dragon blade edge cuts, this swords­man stuffy snort fell, he does not think that a knight be­yond hav­ing the super­el­e­va­tion de­fense can also have ter­ror the at­tack in this way. Strength!
equip­ment of dream Yao has much is I makes to her, the strik­ing power nat­u­rally can­not miss.
Had the pro­tec­tion of dream Yao, Ran Min's of­fen­sive did not have the human na­ture, the greed hydra wreaked havoc in the crowd, after tor­nado cut, can the sec­ond kill sev­eral peo­ple, the greed ef­fect of that greed hydra thinks that also un­ceas­ingly su­per­im­posed, after wait­ing for old K to kill to thou­sand peo­ple, 10 times of knock rat­ing pro­moted, prob­a­bly prob­a­bly is linked the un­der­pants to be ex­ploded by the per­son who the homi­cide fell?
Rid­ing of [Zhan Long] fought the de­part­ment is re­ally too strong, today al­to­gether prob­a­bly the 1.3 W melt god cav­alry en­ters the war, sweeps away the pre­sent mot­ley crew rapidly, after the melt god cav­alry swept, a speed­ing away dizzi­ness ef­fect of trim, in these
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
A Long Jing ar­tillery erupts sud­denly in the crowd of male tyrant wind and cloud trade union, for­mally an­nounced that this com­menc­ing of ac­tion, the bi­lat­eral crackle of gun­fire is un­ceas­ing, Long Jing ar­tillery to bang, but our be­hind palace guards also at least trans­ported over 500 Long Jing ar­tillery, the hot crag ar­tillery was over 1000, the crackle of gun­fire is more un­ceas­ing, [Zhan Long] di­rectly op­po­site the play­ers of sev­eral Lin­hai City Trade unions have wanted to cry but have no tears im­me­di­ately, was rum­bled torn to pieces.I raise the but­ter­fly, shouted to clear the way lowly: „Stops bomb­ing, chops the in­te­gral the time to!”The hoof­beat re­ver­ber­ates, the sev­eral thou­sand melt god cav­al­ries in [Zhan Long] frontal line start to progress to march for­ward and in­crease speed rapidly, after sev­eral sec­onds, has achieved the speed ef­fect of speed­ing away, but the team that our di­rectly op­po­site, some not well-known India War zone Trade union or­ga­nizes also rushes ahead to come, bomb­ing of both sides also stopped sud­denly, starts hand-to-hand fight­ing Cooldown.A but­ter­fly, town Yue Dao, I do not have thou­sand frost wings, main­tains the speed leads the melt god cav­alry to clash to­gether for­ward, Jian­feng shakes is 19 lev­els of Big Dip­per bro­ken Yue Zhan­hong kills in the crowd, town Yue Dao­heng gets up, im­me­di­ately is to­gether 19 lev­els of ra­di­ant skill rays erupts, sev­eral golden six glow stars flee above the town Yue Dao knife, dead ahead 4 ride the war is the player sees is I, im­me­di­ately lifts the de­fense the shield, im­me­di­ately town Yue Dao­dai the ef­fects of 19 level dou­ble hit „clang clang clang” in three shields. On spat­ters in all di­rec­tions daz­zling Mars, al­though they have de­fended, but at least every­one fell the 10 W blood, was flushed by the rear melt god cav­alry, died in bat­tle com­pletely!Ran Min clashes ex­tremely quickly, the greed hydra chops to di­vide sud­denly on shoul­ders of-and-a-half blood swords­men, the di­rect sec­ond kills, si­mul­ta­ne­ously trig­gers „nine” ef­fect, cre­ates the major in­jury ef­fect to the sur­round­ing 9 en­e­mies, but this goods clash be­fore, the body was pen­e­trated by the sword air/Qi con­tin­u­ously, the swords­man of op­po­site party rapidly has be­come to other party the col­lec­tion hot ef­fect, Ran Min that 14 W HP only re­main­ing 5 W do not ar­rive im­me­di­ately.The speed of dream Yao is luck­ily fast enough, rapid Z char­ac­ter walked po­si­tion at­trac­tive keep­ing off in Ran Min Qian­fang, held up the Lady Wa stone shield, main­tained the im­pulse is flush­ing for­ward, the Lady Wa stone has ab­sorbed round an after ef­fect of sword round cut­ting, a dream Yao rul­ing ef­fect hit on a body of high-level swords­man, re­pelled it sud­denly, and con­tin­ued 3 sec­onds of dizzi­ness, not only so, she rapidly raised the long sword is a dragon blade edge cuts, this swords­man stuffy snort fell, he does not think that a knight be­yond hav­ing the super­el­e­va­tion de­fense can also have ter­ror the at­tack in this way. Strength!equip­ment of dream Yao has much is I makes to her, the strik­ing power nat­u­rally can­not miss.Had the pro­tec­tion of dream Yao, Ran Min's of­fen­sive did not have the human na­ture, the greed hydra wreaked havoc in the crowd, after tor­nado cut, can the sec­ond kill sev­eral peo­ple, the greed ef­fect of that greed hydra thinks that also un­ceas­ingly su­per­im­posed, after wait­ing for old K to kill to thou­sand peo­ple, 10 times of knock rat­ing pro­moted, prob­a­bly prob­a­bly is linked the un­der­pants to be ex­ploded by the per­son who the homi­cide fell?Rid­ing of [Zhan Long] fought the de­part­ment is re­ally too strong, today al­to­gether prob­a­bly the 1.3 W melt god cav­alry en­ters the war, sweeps away the pre­sent mot­ley crew rapidly, after the melt god cav­alry swept, a speed­ing away dizzi­ness ef­fect of trim, in these
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sebuah artileri Long Jing meletus tiba-tiba di tengah kerumunan angin tiran laki-laki dan awan serikat buruh, secara resmi mengumumkan bahwa terhitung aksi ini, derak bilateral tembakan adalah terus-menerus, Long Jing artileri bang, tapi kami di belakang istana penjaga juga setidaknya diangkut lebih 500 Long Jing artileri, yang karang artileri panas adalah lebih dari 1000, derak tembakan lebih terus-menerus, [Zhan panjang] yang berhadapan langsung dengan pemain dari beberapa serikat Linhai Kota Perdagangan telah ingin menangis tetapi tidak memiliki air mata segera, itu bergemuruh diterkam .
aku mengangkat kupu-kupu, berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan rendahan: "! Stop bom, daging integral waktu untuk"
reverberates hoofbeat, beberapa ribu cavalries meleleh dewa di [Zhan panjang] garis frontal mulai berkembang maju ke depan dan peningkatan mempercepat cepat, setelah beberapa detik, telah mencapai efek kecepatan mempercepat pergi, tapi tim yang berhadapan secara langsung, beberapa tidak terkenal zona Perang India serikat buruh kami menyelenggarakan juga bergegas ke depan untuk datang, pemboman kedua belah pihak juga berhenti tiba-tiba, dimulai tangan-ke-tangan pertempuran Pendinginan.
Sebuah kupu-kupu, kota Yue Dao, saya tidak punya ribu sayap es, mempertahankan kecepatan memimpin meleleh dewa kavaleri berbenturan bersama-sama ke depan, Jianfeng getar adalah 19 tingkat Big Dipper rusak Yue Zhanhong membunuh di kerumunan, kota Yue Daoheng bangun, segera adalah bersama-sama 19 tingkat radiasi keterampilan sinar meletus, beberapa emas enam bintang bersinar melarikan diri di atas kota Yue Dao pisau, mati duluan 4 perjalanan perang adalah pemain melihat adalah saya, segera mengangkat pertahanan yang perisai, segera kota Yue Daodai efek dari 19 tingkat ganda hit "dentang dentang dentang" dalam tiga perisai. Pada spatters segala arah menyilaukan Mars, meskipun mereka telah membela, tapi setidaknya semua orang jatuh darah 10 W, memerah oleh belakang kavaleri meleleh dewa, tewas dalam pertempuran benar-benar!
Ran Min bentrokan sangat cepat, keserakahan daging hydra untuk membagi tiba-tiba pada pundak-dan-a-setengah pedang darah, yang membunuh kedua langsung, secara bersamaan memicu "sembilan" efek, menciptakan efek cedera utama ke 9 musuh sekitarnya, tapi barang ini berbenturan sebelumnya, mayat itu ditembus oleh udara pedang / Qi terus menerus, pendekar pedang dari pihak lawan dengan cepat telah menjadi kepada pihak lain efek panas koleksi, Ran Min bahwa 14 W HP hanya tersisa 5 W tidak tiba segera.
kecepatan mimpi Yao adalah untungnya cukup cepat, cepat karakter Z berjalan posisi yang menarik menjaga off di Ran Min Qianfang, mengangkat batu perisai Lady Wa, dipelihara impuls yang disiram ke depan, batu Lady Wa telah diserap putaran setelah dampak dari pedang memotong putaran, mimpi Yao efek putusan memukul pada tubuh tingkat tinggi pendekar, ditolak tiba-tiba, dan terus 3 detik pusing, tidak hanya itu, dia cepat mengangkat pedang panjang adalah pemotongan tepi naga pisau, pedang mendengus pengap ini jatuh, ia tidak berpikir bahwa seorang ksatria di luar memiliki pertahanan superelevasi dapat juga memiliki teror serangan dengan cara ini. Kekuatan!
Peralatan mimpi Yao telah banyak yang saya membuat dia, kekuatan mencolok secara alami tidak dapat melewatkan.
Memiliki perlindungan mimpi Yao, Ran ofensif Min tidak memiliki sifat manusia, keserakahan hydra mendatangkan malapetaka di keramaian, setelah tornado cut , bisa kedua membunuh beberapa orang, efek keserakahan bahwa keserakahan hydra berpikir yang juga tak henti-hentinya ditumpangkan, setelah menunggu K tua untuk membunuh untuk ribu orang, 10 kali dari ketukan dipromosikan, mungkin mungkin terkait dengan celana yang akan meledak oleh orang yang pembunuhan jatuh?
Riding of [Zhan panjang] berjuang departemen benar-benar terlalu kuat, hari ini sama sekali mungkin 1,3 W mencair dewa kavaleri memasuki perang, menyapu para awak beraneka ragam ini dengan cepat, setelah mencair dewa kavaleri menyapu, ngebut sebuah efek pusing jauh dari trim, di ini
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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