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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Instance that this presses, a fist, direct deep place from this blood fog, the palm of a fist and Dao Tian, has bumped into one.When the bang of bang spreads, the Dao Tian facial color change, he felt an intrepid strength, transmitted from this fist, he roared lowly, whole body blood light dreadfully, fierce pushed to the fist.The blood fog disperses at this moment, the Meng Hao form reveals, that fist, he makes, at this moment under Dao Tian this pushes, the Meng Hao corners of the mouth overflow blood, body retreats, the Dao Tian both eyes contraction, pursues once more instant, Meng Hao unexpectedly no longer retreats, but is fierce running out, once more a fist.A fist, a fist, a fist!Meng Hao like going crazy, in such a short time, rumbled more than ten to strike Life Destroying Fist unexpectedly, with Dao Tian in midair, battle loudly in one.Their battles, thunder in this midair unceasingly, two people are flying, flies, while the war, approached the boundary of sixth country and fifth country's gradually.The Meng Hao corners of the mouth spout the blood unceasingly, after the 17 th fist, his both eyes dodges, the fascinated fist, goes loudly.The speed that this fist leaves is extremely fast, when the Dao Tian palm promotes, when the look third change, the face is slightly pale, by Meng Hao this fist, had driven out the palm unexpectedly, withdrew one step.One step draws back, Meng Hao runs out, he occupied the situation, fascinated fist in this flash, loudly eruption, a fist fist fist.Dao Tian warna wajah jelek, ia menemukan bahwa ia telah menarik tiba-tiba langkah kedua, dalam pemberontakan Meng Hao cara ini mengesankan, menarik langkah ketiga."Anda pengadilan kematian!" Dao Tian dingin mendengus, setelah langkah ketiga menarik kembali, keluar tiba-tiba tegas maju satu langkah, kedua tangan juga Lift, menuju Meng Hao, memisahkan sengit spasial robekan!"Membuka hari!" Di bawah mengaum dia rendah, kedua tangan robekan ini, Meng Hao seluruh tubuh sakit parah, ia merasa seseorang untuk mengirimkan keras, berubah menjadi dua tangan yang tak terlihat, gesper ke dada sendiri, harus memiliki tubuh, merobek dalam setengah dari tengah.Krisis saat ini, Meng Hao kedua mata berwarna merah, dia memiliki pikiran untuk mengambil kedua untuk mencubit panci buah, dapat benar-benar segera menyerah, gunakan waktu, ia adalah menoleransi sakit parah, pengertian rohani yang menyebar menatap mata empat minggu kemudian, tidak lagi pun yang canggung, tangan kanan membuat tinju, dengan maknanya, meleleh harian, meleleh Tianwei , menjadi... Satu tinju membunuh dewa!Deicides!Dahsyat, deru rendah Meng Hao, kepalan tangan bergemuruh langsung, tinju ini, memungkinkan dunia bereaksi, arti getar tumblings langit ketika delapan sisi, seolah-olah dapat menutupi mata pencaharian, bahkan jika Dao Tian, kedua mata sengit kontrak.Gemuruh!Tinju ini, bang untuk Dao Tian, dengan membuka hari kekuatan, ketika telah bertemu satu langsung, gema bang, Meng Hao ledakan darah, tubuh punggung atas tiba-tiba, ketika ledakan darah, dia kecepatan jauh ke belakang.Dao Tian corners of the mouth overflow blood, the blood falls, thinks that Cheng Xuehu, was waved by him, immediately this blood lake tumbles, chases down Meng Hao, but his oneself, is the facial color is ugly, his both hands tingled with numbness unexpectedly.„This fist, is good, when I initially saw when he and Lin Cong fights, had the countermeasure, otherwise, but also is not really good to resist.” When Dao Tian muttered, the murderous intention was more intense, takes a step to pursue.Meng Hao speeds away, he takes out medicinal pills one to swallow, in within the body eternal boundary is also launching, rapidly when restores, approached the boundary of sixth country's, the Ru Feng Plane nine countries, each two countries boundary, each other cannot see the opposite party national territory, sees, is only a wall barrier.Here the barrier can penetrate, but when penetration, at present a flower, although will have the pressure to arrive, but actually unobstructive.After the vision sweeps, Meng Hao both eyes dodge, saw has position that a wall bonds, survived the Yuwen Jian aura.
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