Human Resource changes include:Investment in training and developmentS terjemahan - Human Resource changes include:Investment in training and developmentS Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Human Resource changes include:Inve

Human Resource changes include:
Investment in training and development
Socializing employees into the organizational culture
Changing organizational norms and values to motivate a multicultural and diverse workforce
Promotion and reward systems
Changing the composition of the top- management team
Functional Resources changes Include:
Transferring resources to the functions where the most value can be created in response to environmental change
An organization can improve the value that its functions create by changing its structure, culture, and technology
Technological capabilities changes include:
Efforts intended to give an organization the capacity to change itself in order to exploit market opportunities
Adoption and use of new technologies
Development of new products/ technologies and the changing of existing one’s
Technological capabilities are a core competence
Organizational capabilities changes include:
Changing organizational design
Culture and structure
Changing strategy
Changes that permeate entire organization
Argues that two sets of opposing forces within an organization determine how change will take place
Forces for change and forces making organizations resistant to change
When forces for and against change are equal, the organization is in a state of inertia
To change an organization, managers must increase forces for change and/or decrease forces resisting change
Evolutionary change: change that is gradual, incremental, and narrowly focused
Revolutionary change: change that is sudden, drastic, and broadly focused
Sociotechnical systems theory: a theory that proposes the importance of changing role and task or technical relationships to increase organizational effectiveness
Total quality management (TQM): an ongoing and constant effort by all of an organization’s functions to find new ways to improve the quality of the organization’s goods and services
Flexible workers and Flexible work teams
Reengineering: the process by which managers redesign how tasks are bundled into roles and functions to improve organizational effectiveness
Focuses on business processes versus functions
Deliberately ignores the existing arrangement of tasks, roles, and work activities
E-engineering: refers to companies’ attempts to use information systems to improve their performance
Restructuring: changing task and authority relationships and redesigning organizational structure and culture to improve organizational effectiveness
Downsizing: the process of streamlining the organizational hierarchy and laying off managers and workers to reduce bureaucratic costs
Innovation: the process by which organizations use their skills and resources to:
Create new technologies
Develop new goods and services
Better respond to the needs of their customers
One of the most difficult instruments of change to manage
Action research: a strategy for generating and acquiring knowledge that managers can use to define an organization’s desired future state
Used to plan a change program that allows the organization to reach that state
Helps in the unfreezing, changing, and refreezing process
Organizational development (OD): a series of techniques and methods that managers can use in their action research program to increase the adaptability of their organization
Goal is to improve organizational effectiveness and to help people in organizations reach their potential and realize their goals and objectives
Can be used to unfreeze, change, and refreeze attitudes and behaviors
OD techniques to deal with resistance to change
Education and communication: inform workers about change and how they will be affected
Participation and empowerment: involve workers in change
Facilitation: help employees with change
Bargaining and negotiation
Manipulation: change the situation to secure acceptance
Coercion: force workers to accept change
OD techniques to promote change
Counseling, Sensitivity training, and Process consultation
Team building, Intergroup training, and Organizational mirroring
Total organizational interventions
Organizational confrontation meeting
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Human Resource changes include:
Investment in training and development
Socializing employees into the organizational culture
Changing organizational norms and values to motivate a multicultural and diverse workforce
Promotion and reward systems
Changing the composition of the top- management team
Functional Resources changes Include:
Transferring resources to the functions where the most value can be created in response to environmental change
An organization can improve the value that its functions create by changing its structure, culture, and technology
Technological capabilities changes include:
Efforts intended to give an organization the capacity to change itself in order to exploit market opportunities
Adoption and use of new technologies
Development of new products/ technologies and the changing of existing one’s
Technological capabilities are a core competence
Organizational capabilities changes include:
Changing organizational design
Culture and structure
Changing strategy
Changes that permeate entire organization
Argues that two sets of opposing forces within an organization determine how change will take place
Forces for change and forces making organizations resistant to change
When forces for and against change are equal, the organization is in a state of inertia
To change an organization, managers must increase forces for change and/or decrease forces resisting change
Evolutionary change: change that is gradual, incremental, and narrowly focused
Revolutionary change: change that is sudden, drastic, and broadly focused
Sociotechnical systems theory: a theory that proposes the importance of changing role and task or technical relationships to increase organizational effectiveness
Total quality management (TQM): an ongoing and constant effort by all of an organization’s functions to find new ways to improve the quality of the organization’s goods and services
Flexible workers and Flexible work teams
Reengineering: the process by which managers redesign how tasks are bundled into roles and functions to improve organizational effectiveness
Focuses on business processes versus functions
Deliberately ignores the existing arrangement of tasks, roles, and work activities
E-engineering: refers to companies’ attempts to use information systems to improve their performance
Restructuring: changing task and authority relationships and redesigning organizational structure and culture to improve organizational effectiveness
Downsizing: the process of streamlining the organizational hierarchy and laying off managers and workers to reduce bureaucratic costs
Innovation: the process by which organizations use their skills and resources to:
Create new technologies
Develop new goods and services
Better respond to the needs of their customers
One of the most difficult instruments of change to manage
Action research: a strategy for generating and acquiring knowledge that managers can use to define an organization’s desired future state
Used to plan a change program that allows the organization to reach that state
Helps in the unfreezing, changing, and refreezing process
Organizational development (OD): a series of techniques and methods that managers can use in their action research program to increase the adaptability of their organization
Goal is to improve organizational effectiveness and to help people in organizations reach their potential and realize their goals and objectives
Can be used to unfreeze, change, and refreeze attitudes and behaviors
OD techniques to deal with resistance to change
Education and communication: inform workers about change and how they will be affected
Participation and empowerment: involve workers in change
Facilitation: help employees with change
Bargaining and negotiation
Manipulation: change the situation to secure acceptance
Coercion: force workers to accept change
OD techniques to promote change
Counseling, Sensitivity training, and Process consultation
Team building, Intergroup training, and Organizational mirroring
Total organizational interventions
Organizational confrontation meeting
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Perubahan Sumber Daya Manusia meliputi:
Investasi untuk pelatihan dan pengembangan
karyawan Sosialisasi ke dalam budaya organisasi
Mengubah norma dan nilai-nilai organisasi untuk memotivasi multikultural dan beragam tenaga kerja
Promosi dan penghargaan sistem
Mengubah susunan tim manajemen top
perubahan Resources Fungsional Sertakan:
Mentransfer sumber daya untuk fungsi di mana nilai yang paling dapat dibuat dalam menanggapi perubahan lingkungan
Suatu organisasi dapat meningkatkan nilai yang fungsinya buat dengan mengubah struktur, budaya, dan teknologi
kemampuan teknologi perubahan meliputi:
Upaya dimaksudkan untuk memberikan organisasi kemampuan untuk mengubah diri agar untuk memanfaatkan peluang pasar
Adopsi dan penggunaan teknologi baru
Pengembangan produk baru / teknologi dan perubahan yang ada seseorang
kemampuan teknologi adalah kompetensi inti
perubahan kemampuan organisasi meliputi:
Mengubah desain organisasi
Budaya dan struktur
Mengubah strategi
Perubahan yang menembus seluruh organisasi
Berpendapat bahwa dua set pasukan musuh dalam sebuah organisasi menentukan bagaimana perubahan akan berlangsung
Pasukan untuk perubahan dan kekuatan membuat organisasi resisten terhadap perubahan
Ketika pasukan untuk dan menentang perubahan adalah sama, organisasi ini dalam keadaan inersia
Untuk mengubah sebuah organisasi, manajer harus meningkatkan kekuatan untuk perubahan dan / atau penurunan kekuatan yang menentang perubahan
perubahan Evolusioner: perubahan yang bertahap, bertahap, dan difokuskan secara sempit
perubahan Revolusioner: perubahan yang mendadak, drastis, dan luas terfokus
sociotechnical teori sistem: sebuah teori yang mengusulkan pentingnya perubahan peran dan tugas atau teknis hubungan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi
Jumlah manajemen mutu (TQM): upaya berkesinambungan dan terus menerus oleh semua fungsi organisasi untuk menemukan cara-cara baru untuk meningkatkan kualitas barang organisasi dan jasa
pekerja Fleksibel dan Fleksibel tim kerja
Reengineering: proses dimana manajer mendesain ulang bagaimana tugas yang digabungkan ke dalam peran dan fungsi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi
Fokus pada proses bisnis dibandingkan fungsi
sengaja mengabaikan pengaturan yang ada tugas, peran, dan aktivitas kerja
E-engineering: mengacu pada upaya perusahaan untuk menggunakan sistem informasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka
Restrukturisasi : mengubah hubungan tugas dan wewenang dan mendesain ulang struktur dan budaya organisasi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi
Perampingan: proses perampingan hirarki organisasi dan merumahkan para manajer dan pekerja untuk mengurangi birokrasi biaya
Inovasi: proses dimana organisasi menggunakan keterampilan dan sumber daya mereka untuk:
Buat teknologi baru
Mengembangkan barang dan jasa baru
yang lebih baik menanggapi kebutuhan pelanggan mereka
Salah satu instrumen yang paling sulit dari perubahan untuk mengelola
penelitian Action: strategi untuk menghasilkan dan memperoleh pengetahuan bahwa manajer dapat digunakan untuk menentukan organisasi yang diinginkan di masa depan negara
Digunakan untuk merencanakan program perubahan yang memungkinkan organisasi untuk mencapai keadaan yang
Membantu dalam unfreezing, mengubah, dan refreezing proses
pembangunan Organisasi (OD): serangkaian teknik dan metode yang manajer dapat digunakan dalam program penelitian tindakan mereka untuk meningkatkan adaptasi dari organisasi mereka
Tujuan adalah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi dan untuk membantu orang dalam organisasi mencapai potensi mereka dan menyadari tujuan dan sasaran
Dapat digunakan untuk mencairkan, perubahan, dan refreeze sikap dan perilaku
teknik OD untuk berurusan dengan resistensi terhadap perubahan
Pendidikan dan komunikasi: menginformasikan para pekerja tentang perubahan dan bagaimana mereka akan terpengaruh
Partisipasi dan pemberdayaan: melibatkan pekerja dalam perubahan
Fasilitasi: membantu karyawan dengan perubahan
Perundingan dan negosiasi
Manipulasi: mengubah situasi untuk mengamankan penerimaan
Pemaksaan: pekerja kekuatan untuk menerima perubahan
teknik OD untuk mempromosikan perubahan
Konseling, pelatihan Sensitivitas, dan konsultasi Proses
Tim bangunan, pelatihan antargolongan, dan mirroring Organisasi
Jumlah intervensi organisasi
pertemuan konfrontasi Organisasi
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