„Be care­ful! The tor­nado cut” Lin Wan Er to shout one hur­riedly.Re­ terjemahan - „Be care­ful! The tor­nado cut” Lin Wan Er to shout one hur­riedly.Re­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Be care­ful! The tor­nado cut” Lin

„Be care­ful! The tor­nado cut” Lin Wan Er to shout one hur­riedly.
Re­ally, rips the body of wind to sink slightly, pre­lude that the sur­round­ings cy­clone dance, the tor­nado cuts, how­ever BOSS AI is not too high, has not looked like Ran Min that type through con­ceal­ing, the skill op­er­a­tion re­duces the pre­lude, there­fore the BOSS tor­nado cut the pre­lude at least main­tained 1 sec­ond, this was enough, in the in­stance that the young lady warned, I jumped to go for­ward, the body flew high the in­cline, under pressed the left arm sud­denly, the town month sword belt the trick ef­fects of night ghost in­can­ta­tion is falling above the BOSS ab­domen
This struck di­ver­sion firmly the BOSS ha­tred value, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and month slightly cool, Song Han four [Zhan Long] as­sas­sins were the player al­most kill to go for­ward to­gether, the dou­ble knife-edge com­bined and com­ple­mented one an­other and sur­round and at­tack, edges of var­i­ous god and other skills to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions Mars around BOSS con­tin­u­ally, after a se­ries of killing skills, im­me­di­ately with­drew, my Jian­feng cold, cold ice fiercely had the snow and ice en­ergy to pen­e­trate the chest of BOSS, al­most di­verted it be­fore my body.
Sur­round­ings, roar­ing flame, storm and other magic dance, the un­ceas­ing bang kills is rip­ping wind, even if Saint sun­light step BOSS can­not re­sist such in­jury, ac­tu­ally mainly be­cause rips wind to have 102 lev­els, 110 lev­els of Saint sun­light step BOSS has fre­quently fallen far short in that the heroic memo­r­ial park met com­pared with us, was quite good to kill.
Rips the wind anger to di­vide one after an­other four han­dle sharp knife blade, but my dou­ble sword al­ter­nately hor­i­zon­tally in front, after the right foot, slides one step, steps on de­ci­sively at the place main­tains de­fends the stance, wall of in ad­di­tion mump­ing holds, 10% de­fen­sive pow­ers that in ad­di­tion does not at­tack, above the arm trans­mit four times to shiver con­tin­u­ously, the BOSS fours struck the con­tin­u­ous at­tack also only to wipe out my 2 W + HP, the prac­tic­ing med­i­cine treat­ment added on my Mu Yushu, had more than enough to spare deals with.
How­ever at this mo­ment, rips wind to raise head to roar, be­hind my body, to­gether prob­a­bly the tor­nado of 5 × 5 code range wreaks havoc, sev­eral archers and Mage of bear­ing the brunt neat was killed by the sec­ond, no one has thought that this will rip wind to be sep­a­rated from my skill di­ver­sion, un­ex­pect­edly can also at­tack other player.
The tor­nado ro­tates in the crowd slowly, after mas­sacring dozens [Zhan Long] play­ers, con­tin­u­ously ceases.
Yue Qing Qian is grasp­ing the pow­der fist: „Prob­a­bly this is the sto­chas­tic trig­ger­ing skill, with­out the ap­pear­ance of any pre­lude”
Lin Wan Er nods: „Every­body has been care­ful, once the tor­nado ap­pears in the sur­round­ings, im­me­di­ately Re­gent or opens the speed skill to es­cape di­rectly, has in­vin­ci­bly in­vin­ci­ble, does not want par­si­mo­nious skill CD”
Two beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter or­dered, the peo­ple nod­ded in abun­dance, this BOSS killed say­ing that was dif­fi­cult, but was not sim­ple, the ca­su­alty was un­avoid­able, mas­sa­cred that com­pared with Prague, our losses enough have been short.
, Jian Feng Han and Yanzhao un­par­al­leled are ob­serv­ing [Zhan Long] to kill the BOSS process from afar
After Jian Feng Han strikes to kill con­tin­u­ously sev­eral dig up a grave the ghost, holds the sword in the bosom say­ing: „[Zhan Long] kills BOSS to take the core by Xiao Yao Zi Zai as be­fore, ha-ha, ten thou­sand years of in­vari­able”
In a Sim­ple pair of beau­ti­ful eye is pass­ing the wis­dom: „No, after hav­ing Cang Tong has joined, [Zhan Long] kills the BOSS pat­tern to change, each Class skill had the rea­son­able rhythm al­ter­nately . More­over, also had the en­hance­ment to deal­ing
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Be care­ful! The tor­nado cut” Lin Wan Er to shout one hur­riedly.Re­ally, rips the body of wind to sink slightly, pre­lude that the sur­round­ings cy­clone dance, the tor­nado cuts, how­ever BOSS AI is not too high, has not looked like Ran Min that type through con­ceal­ing, the skill op­er­a­tion re­duces the pre­lude, there­fore the BOSS tor­nado cut the pre­lude at least main­tained 1 sec­ond, this was enough, in the in­stance that the young lady warned, I jumped to go for­ward, the body flew high the in­cline, under pressed the left arm sud­denly, the town month sword belt the trick ef­fects of night ghost in­can­ta­tion is falling above the BOSS ab­domen„12178!”This struck di­ver­sion firmly the BOSS ha­tred value, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and month slightly cool, Song Han four [Zhan Long] as­sas­sins were the player al­most kill to go for­ward to­gether, the dou­ble knife-edge com­bined and com­ple­mented one an­other and sur­round and at­tack, edges of var­i­ous god and other skills to spat­ter in all di­rec­tions Mars around BOSS con­tin­u­ally, after a se­ries of killing skills, im­me­di­ately with­drew, my Jian­feng cold, cold ice fiercely had the snow and ice en­ergy to pen­e­trate the chest of BOSS, al­most di­verted it be­fore my body.Sur­round­ings, roar­ing flame, storm and other magic dance, the un­ceas­ing bang kills is rip­ping wind, even if Saint sun­light step BOSS can­not re­sist such in­jury, ac­tu­ally mainly be­cause rips wind to have 102 lev­els, 110 lev­els of Saint sun­light step BOSS has fre­quently fallen far short in that the heroic memo­r­ial park met com­pared with us, was quite good to kill.„Roar!”Rips the wind anger to di­vide one after an­other four han­dle sharp knife blade, but my dou­ble sword al­ter­nately hor­i­zon­tally in front, after the right foot, slides one step, steps on de­ci­sively at the place main­tains de­fends the stance, wall of in ad­di­tion mump­ing holds, 10% de­fen­sive pow­ers that in ad­di­tion does not at­tack, above the arm trans­mit four times to shiver con­tin­u­ously, the BOSS fours struck the con­tin­u­ous at­tack also only to wipe out my 2 W + HP, the prac­tic­ing med­i­cine treat­ment added on my Mu Yushu, had more than enough to spare deals with.How­ever at this mo­ment, rips wind to raise head to roar, be­hind my body, to­gether prob­a­bly the tor­nado of 5 × 5 code range wreaks havoc, sev­eral archers and Mage of bear­ing the brunt neat was killed by the sec­ond, no one has thought that this will rip wind to be sep­a­rated from my skill di­ver­sion, un­ex­pect­edly can also at­tack other player.The tor­nado ro­tates in the crowd slowly, after mas­sacring dozens [Zhan Long] play­ers, con­tin­u­ously ceases.Yue Qing Qian is grasp­ing the pow­der fist: „Prob­a­bly this is the sto­chas­tic trig­ger­ing skill, with­out the ap­pear­ance of any pre­lude”Lin Wan Er nods: „Every­body has been care­ful, once the tor­nado ap­pears in the sur­round­ings, im­me­di­ately Re­gent or opens the speed skill to es­cape di­rectly, has in­vin­ci­bly in­vin­ci­ble, does not want par­si­mo­nious skill CD”„Um!”Two beau­ti­ful woman vice- guild­mas­ter or­dered, the peo­ple nod­ded in abun­dance, this BOSS killed say­ing that was dif­fi­cult, but was not sim­ple, the ca­su­alty was un­avoid­able, mas­sa­cred that com­pared with Prague, our losses enough have been short., Jian Feng Han and Yanzhao un­par­al­leled are ob­serv­ing [Zhan Long] to kill the BOSS process from afarAfter Jian Feng Han strikes to kill con­tin­u­ously sev­eral dig up a grave the ghost, holds the sword in the bosom say­ing: „[Zhan Long] kills BOSS to take the core by Xiao Yao Zi Zai as be­fore, ha-ha, ten thou­sand years of in­vari­able”In a Sim­ple pair of beau­ti­ful eye is pass­ing the wis­dom: „No, after hav­ing Cang Tong has joined, [Zhan Long] kills the BOSS pat­tern to change, each Class skill had the rea­son­able rhythm al­ter­nately . More­over, also had the en­hance­ment to deal­ing
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Hati-hati! Tornado cut "Lin Wan Er berteriak satu buru-buru.
Benar-benar, robekan tubuh angin tenggelam sedikit, awal bahwa tari siklon sekitarnya, pemotongan tornado, namun BOSS AI tidak terlalu tinggi, belum tampak seperti Ran Min jenis melalui menyembunyikan, operasi keterampilan mengurangi awal, oleh karena itu BOSS tornado memotong awal minimal dipertahankan 1 detik, ini sudah cukup, dalam contoh bahwa wanita muda memperingatkan, aku melompat untuk maju, tubuh terbang tinggi lereng, di bawah menekan lengan kiri tiba-tiba, sabuk bulan pedang kota efek trik dari mantra malam hantu yang jatuh di atas BOSS perut
ini melanda pengalihan tegas nilai BOSS kebencian, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan bulan sedikit dingin, Lagu Han empat [Zhan panjang] pembunuh yang pemain hampir membunuh untuk maju bersama-sama, ganda pisau-tepi gabungan dan dilengkapi satu sama lain dan surround dan menyerang, tepi berbagai dewa dan keterampilan lainnya untuk memercikkan segala arah Mars sekitar BOSS terus, setelah serangkaian pembunuhan keterampilan, segera menarik, Jianfeng saya dingin, es dingin sengit memiliki salju dan es energi untuk menembus dada BOSS, hampir dialihkan sebelum tubuh saya.
Sekeliling, menderu api, badai dan tari sihir lain, tak henti-hentinya Bang membunuh adalah merobek angin, bahkan jika Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS tidak bisa menahan cedera tersebut, sebenarnya terutama karena robekan angin memiliki 102 tingkat, 110 tingkat Saint sinar matahari langkah BOSS telah sering jatuh jauh di bahwa taman memorial heroik bertemu dibandingkan dengan kami, itu cukup baik untuk membunuh.
Rips kemarahan angin untuk membagi satu setelah empat lain menangani pisau tajam, tapi pedang ganda saya bergantian horizontal di depan, setelah kaki kanan, slide satu langkah, langkah pada tegas di tempat memelihara membela sikap, dinding di samping mumping memegang, 10% kekuatan defensif yang selain tidak menyerang, di atas lengan mengirimkan empat kali menggigil terus, fours BOSS melanda serangan terus menerus juga hanya untuk melenyapkan saya 2 W + HP, berlatih pengobatan pengobatan ditambahkan pada saya Mu Yushu, memiliki lebih dari cukup untuk cadangan penawaran dengan.
Namun saat ini, robekan angin untuk mengangkat kepala mengaum, di belakang tubuh saya, bersama-sama mungkin tornado dari kisaran 5 × 5 kode membuat kekacauan, beberapa pemanah dan Mage dari menanggung beban rapi dibunuh oleh kedua, tidak ada yang berpikir bahwa ini akan merobek angin untuk dipisahkan dari pengalihan keterampilan saya, tiba-tiba juga dapat menyerang pemain lain.
tornado berputar di kerumunan perlahan, setelah membantai puluhan [Zhan panjang] pemain, terus berhenti.
Yue Qing Qian adalah menangkap bubuk tinju: "Mungkin ini adalah stochastic memicu keterampilan, tanpa penampilan awal setiap"
Lin Wan Er mengangguk: "Semua orang telah berhati-hati, setelah tornado muncul di sekitar , segera Bupati atau membuka skill kecepatan untuk melarikan diri langsung, memiliki invincibly tak terkalahkan, tidak ingin CD keterampilan pelit "
" Um! "
Guildmaster Dua wanita cantik wakil memerintahkan, orang-orang mengangguk dalam kelimpahan, BOSS ini menewaskan mengatakan bahwa itu sulit, tapi tidak sederhana, korban yang tidak dapat dihindari, membantai bahwa dibandingkan dengan Praha, kerugian kami cukup telah singkat.
, Jian Feng Han dan Yanzhao tertandingi mengamati [Zhan panjang] untuk membunuh proses BOSS dari jauh
Setelah Jian Feng Han menyerang untuk membunuh terus beberapa menggali kuburan hantu, memegang pedang di dada mengatakan: "[Zhan panjang] membunuh BOSS untuk mengambil inti oleh Xiao Yao Zi Zai seperti sebelumnya, ha-ha, sepuluh ribu tahun tidak berubah-ubah"
dalam sepasang Sederhana mata indah yang melewati hikmat: "Tidak, setelah Cang Tong telah bergabung, [Zhan panjang] membunuh pola BOSS berubah, setiap keterampilan Kelas memiliki ritme yang wajar bergantian. Selain itu, juga memiliki perangkat tambahan untuk menangani
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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