Patented Heat Recovery DesignOur patented heat recovery system exempli terjemahan - Patented Heat Recovery DesignOur patented heat recovery system exempli Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Patented Heat Recovery DesignOur pa

Patented Heat Recovery Design

Our patented heat recovery system exemplifies the engineering excellence that has placed us at the forefront of nitrogen pumping technology.

This non-fired technology utilizes the heat generated by the unit systems to vaporize the nitrogen. We offer both hydraulic and water brake methods of heat production.

Direct-Fired Solutions

Our proprietary, direct-fired vaporizers have become the industry standard for high vaporization rate applications. We have made continued improvements to the design and operation of these units in order to simplify operation and extend component life.

Complete Unit Line

Heat recovery units are available in flow rates from 90,000 SCFH to 270,000 SCFH. Direct-fired units are available for ranges up to 1,000,000 SCFH. All of our units are built to a standard MAWP of 15,000 PSI. Pressure ratings on a specific unit are limited by the size of the cold ends, not unit capability. No matter what flow is required; we have a solution to meet your needs. All skidded equipment is available with full certification where necessary, including DNV and BP200 certification, for the demanding conditions required of equipment operating in the North Sea.

The New Standard

Leadership in an industry must be earned. We are focused on product improvement and customer satisfaction to maintain our leadership position in the industry. Our commitment to continued R&D projects ensures that our units remain on the leading edge of technology. Our willingness to provide customer specific solutions, and our commitment to service after the sale, are cornerstones of our goal of total customer satisfaction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Patented Heat Recovery DesignOur patented heat recovery system exemplifies the engineering excellence that has placed us at the forefront of nitrogen pumping technology.This non-fired technology utilizes the heat generated by the unit systems to vaporize the nitrogen. We offer both hydraulic and water brake methods of heat production.Direct-Fired SolutionsOur proprietary, direct-fired vaporizers have become the industry standard for high vaporization rate applications. We have made continued improvements to the design and operation of these units in order to simplify operation and extend component life.Complete Unit LineHeat recovery units are available in flow rates from 90,000 SCFH to 270,000 SCFH. Direct-fired units are available for ranges up to 1,000,000 SCFH. All of our units are built to a standard MAWP of 15,000 PSI. Pressure ratings on a specific unit are limited by the size of the cold ends, not unit capability. No matter what flow is required; we have a solution to meet your needs. All skidded equipment is available with full certification where necessary, including DNV and BP200 certification, for the demanding conditions required of equipment operating in the North Sea.The New StandardLeadership in an industry must be earned. We are focused on product improvement and customer satisfaction to maintain our leadership position in the industry. Our commitment to continued R&D projects ensures that our units remain on the leading edge of technology. Our willingness to provide customer specific solutions, and our commitment to service after the sale, are cornerstones of our goal of total customer satisfaction.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dipatenkan Heat Recovery Desain sistem pemulihan panas dipatenkan kami mencontohkan keunggulan rekayasa yang telah menempatkan kita di garis depan teknologi memompa nitrogen. Teknologi ini bara non memanfaatkan panas yang dihasilkan oleh sistem satuan untuk menguapkan nitrogen. Kami menawarkan kedua metode hidrolik dan rem air dari produksi panas. Solusi Direct-Fired proprietary, alat penguap langsung dipecat kami telah menjadi standar industri untuk aplikasi tingkat penguapan yang tinggi. Kami telah membuat perbaikan lanjutan dengan desain dan pengoperasian unit ini dalam rangka untuk menyederhanakan operasi dan memperpanjang umur komponen. Lengkapi Satuan Jalur unit Panas pemulihan yang tersedia di tingkat aliran dari 90.000 SCFH ke 270.000 SCFH. Unit langsung dipecat tersedia untuk rentang sampai 1.000.000 SCFH. Semua unit kami dibangun untuk MAWP standar 15.000 PSI. Peringkat tekanan pada unit tertentu dibatasi oleh ukuran ujung dingin, tidak kemampuan satuan. Tidak peduli apa aliran diperlukan; kami memiliki solusi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Semua tergelincir peralatan tersedia dengan sertifikasi penuh di mana diperlukan, termasuk DNV dan sertifikasi BP200, untuk kondisi menuntut diperlukan peralatan yang beroperasi di Laut Utara. Standar Baru Kepemimpinan dalam suatu industri harus diterima. Kita berfokus pada perbaikan produk dan kepuasan pelanggan untuk mempertahankan posisi kepemimpinan kami di industri. Komitmen kami untuk R & D proyek terus memastikan bahwa unit kami tetap di tepi terkemuka teknologi. Kesediaan kita untuk memberikan solusi spesifik pelanggan, dan komitmen kami untuk layanan setelah penjualan, merupakan landasan dari tujuan kami untuk kepuasan pelanggan.

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