3. Send a Personalized Letter . Soon after the person has agreed to pa terjemahan - 3. Send a Personalized Letter . Soon after the person has agreed to pa Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

3. Send a Personalized Letter . Soo

3. Send a Personalized Letter . Soon after the person has agreed to participate,
send him or her a personalized letter. Don ’ t use a generic salutation, such as
“ Dear Friend. ” This letter should thank the person for agreeing to participate and
confi rm the date, time, and place.
4. Send a Reminder . Phone or contact each person the day before the focus
group to remind him or her of the group: “ I ’ m looking forward to seeing you
tomorrow at . . . ”
Finding a Pool of Participants
Typically, you will fi nd a pool of people who meet your selection requirements
and then you will randomly select individuals to invite from that pool. For example,
you might invite every fi fth name on a list or every tenth person who enters
a store. Here are several different ways to fi nd a pool:
Find a list of people who fi t your selection criteria. Think about who might
have such a list. It might be a list of program participants or employees or
Piggyback on another event that attracts the type of people you want. Do
farmers in a certain area get together for a specifi c event, for example?
Recruit on location. For instance, invite every fi fth person who arrives at a
Ask for nominations. Ask key people, like elders, educators, or service providers,
for names of people who fi t the selection criteria.
Build snowball samples. Once you fi nd some people who fi t the selection criteria,
ask them for names of other people who fi t the selection criteria.
Getting People to Attend — Incentives
First, think about what might make it hard for people to attend. Try to eliminate
these things. If appropriate, provide transportation and child care.
Then, think about what might entice people to participate. Try to offer some
of these things. Ask a few people who are like the people you are trying to attract
what it will take to get them to come. Here are some of the things that have been
used to encourage people to participate:
Money. (We will pay you.)
Food. (There will be something to eat.)
Gifts. (We have a gift for you.)

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
3. kirim surat pribadi. Segera setelah orang telah setuju untuk berpartisipasi,mengirim dia surat pribadi. Don ' t menggunakan salam generik, seperti"Dear teman." Surat ini harus terima orang untuk setuju untuk berpartisipasi danXQWXN tanggal, waktu dan tempat.4. mengirim pengingat. Telepon atau hubungi orang setiap hari sebelum fokuskelompok untuk mengingatkan dia kelompok: "saya melihat ke depan untuk melihat Andabesok di... ”Menemukan kolam pesertaBiasanya, Anda akan menemukan kolam renang orang-orang yang memenuhi persyaratan pilihan Andadan kemudian Anda akan secara acak memilih individu untuk mengundang dari kolam yang. Misalnya,Anda mungkin mengundang setiap fi fth nama pada daftar atau setiap orang kesepuluh yang masuksebuah toko. Berikut adalah beberapa cara yang berbeda untuk menemukan sebuah kolam renang:Menemukan daftar orang yang fi t kriteria seleksi. Pikirkan tentang yang mungkinmemiliki daftar tersebut. Mungkin daftar peserta program atau karyawan atauorang tua.Dukung-dukungan pada acara lain yang menarik jenis orang yang Anda inginkan. Apakahpetani di daerah tertentu berkumpul untuk acara olah c, misalnya?Merekrut di lokasi. Misalnya, mengundang setiap orang fth fi yang tiba diKlinik.Meminta untuk nominasi. Meminta orang-orang kunci, seperti tua-tua, pendidik, atau penyedia layanan,untuk nama-nama orang yang fi t kriteria seleksi.Membangun sampel bola salju. Setelah Anda menemukan beberapa orang yang fi t kriteria seleksi,meminta mereka untuk nama-nama lain bagi fi t kriteria seleksi.Membuat orang untuk menghadiri — insentifPertama, pikirkan tentang apa mungkin membuatnya sulit bagi orang untuk menghadiri. Mencoba untuk menghilangkanhal-hal ini. Jika sesuai, menyediakan transportasi dan Penitipan anak.Maka, berpikir tentang apa mungkin membujuk orang untuk berpartisipasi. Mencoba untuk menawarkan beberapahal-hal ini. Meminta beberapa orang-orang yang seperti orang-orang Anda sedang mencoba untuk menarikapa yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan mereka untuk datang. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang telahdigunakan untuk mendorong orang untuk berpartisipasi:Uang. (Kami akan membayar Anda.)Makanan. (Akan ada sesuatu untuk dimakan.)Hadiah. (Kita punya hadiah untuk Anda.)
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
3. Send a Personalized Letter . Soon after the person has agreed to participate,
send him or her a personalized letter. Don ’ t use a generic salutation, such as
“ Dear Friend. ” This letter should thank the person for agreeing to participate and
confi rm the date, time, and place.
4. Send a Reminder . Phone or contact each person the day before the focus
group to remind him or her of the group: “ I ’ m looking forward to seeing you
tomorrow at . . . ”
Finding a Pool of Participants
Typically, you will fi nd a pool of people who meet your selection requirements
and then you will randomly select individuals to invite from that pool. For example,
you might invite every fi fth name on a list or every tenth person who enters
a store. Here are several different ways to fi nd a pool:
Find a list of people who fi t your selection criteria. Think about who might
have such a list. It might be a list of program participants or employees or
Piggyback on another event that attracts the type of people you want. Do
farmers in a certain area get together for a specifi c event, for example?
Recruit on location. For instance, invite every fi fth person who arrives at a
Ask for nominations. Ask key people, like elders, educators, or service providers,
for names of people who fi t the selection criteria.
Build snowball samples. Once you fi nd some people who fi t the selection criteria,
ask them for names of other people who fi t the selection criteria.
Getting People to Attend — Incentives
First, think about what might make it hard for people to attend. Try to eliminate
these things. If appropriate, provide transportation and child care.
Then, think about what might entice people to participate. Try to offer some
of these things. Ask a few people who are like the people you are trying to attract
what it will take to get them to come. Here are some of the things that have been
used to encourage people to participate:
Money. (We will pay you.)
Food. (There will be something to eat.)
Gifts. (We have a gift for you.)

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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