Procedure for this study was based on facility practices already in pl terjemahan - Procedure for this study was based on facility practices already in pl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Procedure for this study was based

Procedure for this study was based on facility practices already in place. Upon intake
to the facility, a parent/guardian of the child was administered the PSI, the CBCL,
and a child background form. The assigned play therapist provided the parent/
guardian with an informed consent regarding treatment procedures and data
collection protocol, which notified parents that the clinic would request the
completion of instruments at unidentified times during treatment for the purposes
of tracking counselling progress. The consent form also informed parents that such
instruments might be used for research purposes. The play therapist then facilitated
CCPT with the child on a weekly basis until the parent and counsellor mutually
decided upon termination based on completion of therapeutic goals or the parent
prematurely terminated. Each play therapy session was between 40 and 50 minutes in
length. There was no therapeutic intervention directed to the parent. Post testing of
the PSI was administered upon the therapist’s notification from the parent that
therapy would be terminated or upon the end of a university academic semester.
Because the data for this study were provided from archival data collected during the
course of serving a client population, there was no control for time of posttest
administration of the instrument or length of treatment. Measurements were initially
administered by play therapists for purposes of understanding the extent of problem
behaviours reported by parents and subsequently administered for the purposes of
determining progress of treatment. Only data collected by the same therapist were
used, signifying that the length of play therapy for each client was conducted by the
same therapist.
Of the 202 participants, 77 participated in play therapy facilitated by a doctoral
student and 122 participated in play therapy facilitated by a master’s student. All
play therapists had successfully completed at least two courses in play therapy, and
participated in direct individual/triadic supervision with a counselling faculty
member certified in play therapy or advanced doctoral student. Play therapists
were required to review their videotaped play therapy sessions with their supervisors
on a weekly basis. Supervisors ensured that the basic principles of CCPT were being
followed and enacted in the play sessions. Play therapists were assigned to the
training facility for a minimum of two semesters and a maximum of two years.
Play therapy sessions were conducted in specially equipped playrooms in the
training facility setting. Playrooms were equipped with a variety of specific toys to
facilitate a broad range of expression, following Landreth’s (2002) general guidelines.
CCPT is designed to provide specific therapist responses to the child during play
therapy. These response sets are clarified in detail in Landreth (2002) and Ray (2004),
and both include non-verbal skills and verbal skills. CCPT non-verbal skills include
the counsellor leaning forward toward the child and being physically directed toward
the child at all times. When responding to a child, the counsellor’s tone is congruent
by matching the level of affect displayed by child. The skill of matching verbal
response with non-verbal response is representative of the counsellor’s level of
genuineness with the child. CCPT verbal skills involve responses that can be
structured into categories that help facilitate growth in the child. They include the
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Prosedur untuk studi ini didasarkan pada praktek-praktek fasilitas sudah di tempat. Berdasarkan asupanuntuk fasilitas, orangtua/wali anak diberikan PSI, CBCL,dan bentuk latar belakang anak. Terapis bermain ditugaskan diberikan orangtua /Guardian dengan persetujuan mengenai prosedur perawatan dan dataKoleksi protokol, yang diberitahu orangtua yang klinik akan memintapenyelesaian instrumen saat teridentifikasi selama pengobatan untuk tujuanpelacakan kemajuan konseling. Formulir izin juga diberitahu bahwa orang tuainstrumen dapat digunakan untuk tujuan penelitian. Terapis bermain kemudian difasilitasiCCPT dengan anak secara mingguan sampai orang tua dan konselor salingdiputuskan diberhentikan berdasarkan tujuan terapeutik atau orangtuaprematur dihentikan. Setiap sesi terapi bermain adalah antara 40-50 menitpanjang. Ada tidak ada intervensi terapeutik yang ditujukan untuk orang tua. Posting pengujianPSI diberikan terapis pemberitahuan dari orangtua atas yangterapi akan dihentikan atau atas akhir semester Akademik Universitas.Karena data untuk studi ini yang Diperoleh dari arsip data yang dikumpulkan selamakursus melayani klien populasi, ada tidak ada kontrol untuk waktu posttestAdministrasi instrumen atau lama pengobatannya. Pengukuran awalnyadikelola oleh terapis bermain untuk tujuan pemahaman tingkat masalahperilaku yang dilaporkan oleh orangtua dan kemudian diberikan untuk keperluanmenentukan kemajuan pengobatan. Itu hanya data yang dikumpulkan oleh terapis samadigunakan, menandakan bahwa panjang terapi bermain untuk setiap klien dilakukan olehterapis yang sama.Peserta 202, 77 berpartisipasi dalam terapi bermain yang difasilitasi oleh doktormahasiswa dan 122 berpartisipasi dalam terapi bermain yang difasilitasi oleh mahasiswa master. SemuaBermain terapis telah berhasil menyelesaikan setidaknya dua kursus di terapi bermain, danberpartisipasi dalam pengawasan individu triadic langsung dengan Fakultas konselinganggota bersertifikat dalam terapi bermain atau maju mahasiswa doktoral. Bermain terapisdiminta untuk meninjau sesi rekaman video terapi bermain mereka dengan atasan merekasetiap minggu. Pengawas memastikan bahwa prinsip-prinsip dasar CCPT sedangdiikuti dan disahkan pada sesi permainan. Bermain terapis ditugaskan untukFasilitas pelatihan minimal dua semester dan maksimum dua tahun.Sesi terapi bermain dilakukan di Ruangan bermain yang dilengkapi khusus dipengaturan fasilitas pelatihan. Ruangan bermain yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai mainan tertentu untukmemfasilitasi berbagai ekspresi, mengikuti pedoman umum Landreth's (2002).CCPT dirancang untuk memberikan tanggapan tertentu terapis anak selama bermainterapi. Set respon ini menjelaskan secara rinci dalam Landreth (2002) dan Ray (2004),dan keduanya termasuk non-verbal keahlian dan ketrampilan verbal. CCPT non-verbal keterampilan termasukkonselor yang bersandar ke depan menuju anak dan fisik diarahkan ke arahanak setiap saat. Ketika menanggapi anak, konselor nada kongruendengan mencocokkan tingkat mempengaruhi ditampilkan oleh anak. Keterampilan pencocokan verbalrespon dengan non-verbal respon adalah wakil dari tingkat konselorkeaslian dengan anak. Ketrampilan verbal CCPT melibatkan tanggapan yang dapatterstruktur ke dalam kategori yang membantu memfasilitasi pertumbuhan anak. Mereka termasuk
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