Tuesday was my day off from classes, and I spent the day doing laundry terjemahan - Tuesday was my day off from classes, and I spent the day doing laundry Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Tuesday was my day off from classes

Tuesday was my day off from classes, and I spent the day doing laundry and nervously anticipating my tutoring session with Jake that night. I was 22-years old, but the level of obsession I was experiencing made me feel like I was sixteen.
I still could not believe I had agreed to the terms of his bet. Truthfully, I knew I wasn’t going to get A’s on my tests no matter how hard I studied, so I could pretty much start mentally preparing myself for the worst. Even though what Jake proposed terrified me, I really didn’t ever consider telling him no.
He was like no other guy I had ever known. It wasn’t just that he looked different (in a very good way). He had a self-assurance and commanding way about him that was hard to resist, but that oddly, also made me feel safe.
Growing up in my small town, the guys I had met from the time I was a teenager up until I moved here were cookie cutter. I had yet to meet someone like Jake: dark and dangerous on the outside but smart and clever on the inside; someone who owned a room the second he stepped into it.
My last serious boyfriend, Spencer, could not have been more different from Jake. He was a clean-cut, church-going kind of guy, who my parents and everyone else just loved. He was a few years older and sold insurance for a living, but looking back, if you ask me, the only thing he was ever really good at selling was a false impression of himself. What my family didn’t realize was that behind that squeaky-clean exterior, was a man that constantly tried to berate me with critiques and put-downs. And ultimately, he cheated on me. I felt like I wasted three years and got nothing out of it, except a certificate of completion in Asshole 101. He was the only guy I ever slept with. What a waste.
I shook my head to rid my mind from thoughts of Spencer as I continued to fold shirts in the basement laundry room. Then, my cell phone rang, and I saw it was my father.
“Hey, Dad.”
“Hi, sweetie. I am just checking in. How are things going at the new place?”
I can’t stop obsessing over my roommate.
“Pretty good so far.”
“How’s Ryan?”
“He’s great. Turns out he’s actually dating my other roommate, Tarah.”
“Really? Good for him. Nice girl?” he asked.
“Yes, very.”
“Well, you know Ryan is like family to us. So, I couldn’t be happier that he is there to look out for you.”
Actually, Ryan’s head is so far up Tarah’s ass, I am lucky if he even realizes I still live here.
“Me too,” I said.
My father sighed. “What about the other roommate? A guy, right?”
Yes, a really hot guy, with tattoos and piercings on his face…and tongue…and God knows where else…and I sometimes want to lick him.
“Jake…his name is Jake. Good guy, kind of quiet…an engineer.”
“Ah, good, he must be nice and nerdy. I won’t have to worry.” He laughed.
Dad, you should be so worried.
“That’s exactly right. He is a bit of a nerd.”
“How are classes so far?”
I am going to fail math.
“So far so good. Math is going to be a challenge.”
“Well, I have confidence in you, honey. You made this big move to the city, and I know you won’t let yourself fail.”
I just wish I had confidence in myself.
“Thanks, Dad. I better get back to folding laundry. Tell Mom I love her.”
“Ok, sweetie. Love you. Bye bye.”
It was 4:30 in the afternoon, and since I had been up tossing and turning the previous night, I decided to try to take a nap since Jake wouldn’t be home until after six o’clock.
I had set my alarm—or so I thought—for 5:30. So, you could imagine my surprise when I woke up and saw that it was 7:45. My heart was pounding, and I was beyond agitated when I realized I had overslept.
I got up and scratched my head, lifting the alarm clock and noticing that, while yes, I had set the alarm for 5:30, it was for am not pm, which did me absolutely no good.
I rubbed my eyes and matted my hair down, unsure of what I would be met with when I emerged from the bedroom.
To make matters worse, I looked over at my nightstand and my pulse quickened as I discovered evidence that Jake had been in my room while I was asleep. There, next to my tissue box was another black origami bat. I shook my head in disbelief and began to unfold it.
Did you know that you drool?
That’s so not cool.
Showing up is my number one rule.
Now, get up, fool. You’re late for school.
Mortified did not even begin to describe how I felt. Even though I would have rather stayed put at that point, I knew I needed to go out and face the music. I took a stick of gum from my purse to mask my sleep breath and quickly inspected myself in the mirror. I grabbed my math books and syllabus and headed down the hall.
When I got to Jake’s room, his door was cracked open, and I could see that he was sitting up in bed wearing headphones and writing on a laptop. He hadn’t noticed me, so I stood there for a minute taking him in.
His hair was flattened, like he had just taken a shower, and there was a loose piece hanging over his forehead. He had beautiful, shiny dark hair that looked jet-black when it was wet. He was wearing black cargo pants and a navy blue t-shirt that hugged his muscles and showed off his tattooed arms. The room smelled like cinnamon candle, musk and cigarettes, even though I had yet to see him smoking in the house. His long legs were stretched out to the end of the length of the bed. He was tapping his foot fast and nervously as he typed, bobbing his head to the beat of the music.
I clutched my textbook and was nervous just looking at him, while anticipating the grief he was going to give me for sleeping through our tutoring session.
I finally coughed to let him know I was standing at the doorway.
Jake looked up and slowly removed his headphones. “Well, well, well, look who finally decided to wake up.”
I stayed at the threshold. Waving the paper bat he made me, I said, “I am sorry, Jake, I really am. I set the alarm for am instead of pm.”
He closed his laptop and sat up into a sitting position at the edge of the bed. He wasn’t smiling. “You should be apologizing to yourself. You’re the one who’s gonna fail.”
Okay, hard-ass.
“Why didn’t you just wake me up?”
“I tried to nudge you, but you didn’t even move. I had to check your pulse to make sure you were still alive. Then, you farted, so I figured all was well.”
“I did not!” I laughed, but was dying inside.
“I’m kidding. Relax.”
Dear God, thank you.
“When is your first exam?”
He shook his head and sighed. “Tomorrow…” Rolling his eyes, he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Yes. Professor Hernandez doesn’t waste any time.”
“Well, then, it’s a good thing you napped because I hope you’re ready to be up all night.”
Shit. He was serious about this. There was no joking around in his tone, making this situation all the more intimidating.
Dari: Inggris
Ke: Bahasa Indonesia
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Hari Selasa adalah hari saya lepas dari kelas, dan aku menghabiskan hari mencuci dan gugup mengantisipasi sesi bimbingan saya dengan Jake malam itu. Saya berusia 22 tahun tua, tapi tingkat obsesi saya mengalami membuat saya merasa seperti saya berumur enam belas tahun.Aku masih tidak bisa percaya aku setuju untuk persyaratan taruhan. Sejujurnya, aku tahu aku tidak akan mendapatkan A pada tes saya tidak peduli seberapa keras aku belajar, jadi saya bisa cukup banyak mulai mental mempersiapkan diri untuk yang terburuk. Meskipun apa yang diusulkan Jake ketakutan saya, saya benar-benar tidak pernah mempertimbangkan mengatakan kepadanya tidak.Dia adalah seperti tidak ada orang lain yang pernah kukenal. Bukan hanya bahwa ia tampak berbeda (dalam cara yang sangat baik). Dia punya keyakinan diri dan cara memerintah tentang dia yang sulit untuk menolak, tapi yang aneh, juga membuat saya merasa aman.Tumbuh di kota kecil saya, orang-orang yang saya temui dari saat aku masih remaja sampai aku pindah di sini ada cookie cutter. Saya belum bertemu seseorang seperti Jake: gelap dan berbahaya di luar tapi pintar dan cerdas dari dalam; seseorang yang memiliki kamar kedua ia melangkah ke dalamnya.My last serious boyfriend, Spencer, could not have been more different from Jake. He was a clean-cut, church-going kind of guy, who my parents and everyone else just loved. He was a few years older and sold insurance for a living, but looking back, if you ask me, the only thing he was ever really good at selling was a false impression of himself. What my family didn’t realize was that behind that squeaky-clean exterior, was a man that constantly tried to berate me with critiques and put-downs. And ultimately, he cheated on me. I felt like I wasted three years and got nothing out of it, except a certificate of completion in Asshole 101. He was the only guy I ever slept with. What a waste.I shook my head to rid my mind from thoughts of Spencer as I continued to fold shirts in the basement laundry room. Then, my cell phone rang, and I saw it was my father.“Hey, Dad.”“Hi, sweetie. I am just checking in. How are things going at the new place?”I can’t stop obsessing over my roommate.“Pretty good so far.”“How’s Ryan?”Who?“He’s great. Turns out he’s actually dating my other roommate, Tarah.”“Really? Good for him. Nice girl?” he asked.“Yes, very.”“Well, you know Ryan is like family to us. So, I couldn’t be happier that he is there to look out for you.”Actually, Ryan’s head is so far up Tarah’s ass, I am lucky if he even realizes I still live here."Saya juga," kataku.Ayah saya menghela napas. "Bagaimana dengan teman sekamar lain? Seorang pria, benar?"Ya, seorang pria yang benar-benar panas, dengan tato dan tindikan nya wajah... dan lidah... dan Allah tahu yang mana lain... dan saya kadang-kadang ingin menjilat nya."Jake... namanya adalah Jake. Baik pria, semacam tenang... seorang insinyur. ""Ah, baik, ia harus bagus dan kutu buku. Saya tidak perlu khawatir." Dia tertawa.Dad, Anda harus sangat khawatir."Itu tepat. Dia adalah sedikit dari yang aneh.""Bagaimana Apakah kelas sejauh?"Aku akan gagal matematika."So far so good. Matematika akan menjadi sebuah tantangan.""Yah, aku memiliki keyakinan Anda, madu. Anda membuat langkah besar ke kota, dan saya tahu Anda tidak akan membiarkan dirimu gagal."Aku hanya berharap aku punya keyakinan dalam diriku sendiri."Terima kasih, ayah. Aku lebih baik kembali ke lipat Binatu. Katakan ibu aku mencintainya.""Oke, sayang. Sayang kamu. Bye bye."  ***  Itu 4:30 di sore hari, dan sejak aku telah melemparkan dan berpaling malam sebelumnya, saya memutuskan untuk mencoba untuk beristirahat sejak Jake tidak akan rumah hingga setelah jam enam.Saya telah mengatur alarm — atau jadi saya pikir — untuk 5:30. Jadi, Anda bisa bayangkan betapa terkejutnya saya ketika saya terbangun dan melihat bahwa itu adalah 7:45. Hatiku berdebar, dan saya melampaui gelisah ketika aku sadar bahwa aku telah ketiduran.Aku bangkit dan menggaruk kepala saya, mengangkat jam alarm dan melihat bahwa, sementara ya, saya telah mengatur alarm untuk 5:30, itu untuk am tidak pm, yang menurut saya benar-benar tidak baik.Omong kosong!Aku menggosok mataku dan kusut rambut saya turun, tidak yakin apa yang saya akan bertemu dengan ketika aku keluar dari kamar tidur.Untuk membuat keadaan menjadi lebih buruk, aku menoleh di meja saya dan denyut nadi dipercepat ketika aku menemukan bukti bahwa Jake telah di kamarku ketika aku sedang tertidur. Sana, di samping jaringan saya kotak adalah kelelawar origami hitam yang lain. Aku menggelengkan kepala tak percaya dan mulai terungkap itu. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa Anda ngiler?Itulah tidak keren.Muncul adalah nomor satu aturan saya.Sekarang, mendapatkan, bodoh. Kau terlambat untuk sekolah. Malu tidak bahkan mulai untuk menggambarkan bagaimana rasanya. Meskipun saya akan telah agak tinggal menempatkan pada saat itu, aku tahu aku harus pergi keluar dan menghadapi musik. Aku mengambil permen karet dari tas saya untuk menutupi napas tidur dan cepat memeriksa diri sendiri di cermin. Aku menyambar saya buku-buku matematika dan silabus dan menuju ke aula.Ketika aku sampai ke ruang Jake, pintu sudah retak-retak terbuka, dan aku bisa melihat bahwa ia adalah duduk di tempat tidur mengenakan headphone dan menulis pada laptop. Dia tidak melihat saya, jadi saya berdiri di sana sejenak membawanya.Rambutnya diratakan, seperti ia hanya mengambil mandi, dan ada potongan longgar menggantung dahinya. Ia cantik, mengkilap rambut gelap yang tampak hitam legam ketika itu basah. Dia memakai celana kargo hitam dan biru t-shirt yang memeluk ototnya dan menunjukkan off lengannya tato. Kamar berbau seperti lilin kayu manis, musk dan Rokok, meskipun aku belum melihatnya merokok di rumah. Kakinya yang panjang itu mengulurkan sampai akhir panjang tempat tidur. Dia mengetuk kakinya cepat dan gugup saat ia mengetik, angguk kepalanya untuk irama musik.I clutched my textbook and was nervous just looking at him, while anticipating the grief he was going to give me for sleeping through our tutoring session.I finally coughed to let him know I was standing at the doorway.Jake looked up and slowly removed his headphones. “Well, well, well, look who finally decided to wake up.”I stayed at the threshold. Waving the paper bat he made me, I said, “I am sorry, Jake, I really am. I set the alarm for am instead of pm.”He closed his laptop and sat up into a sitting position at the edge of the bed. He wasn’t smiling. “You should be apologizing to yourself. You’re the one who’s gonna fail.”Okay, hard-ass.“Why didn’t you just wake me up?”“I tried to nudge you, but you didn’t even move. I had to check your pulse to make sure you were still alive. Then, you farted, so I figured all was well.”“I did not!” I laughed, but was dying inside.“I’m kidding. Relax.”Dear God, thank you.“When is your first exam?”“Tomorrow.”He shook his head and sighed. “Tomorrow…” Rolling his eyes, he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.“Yes. Professor Hernandez doesn’t waste any time.”“Well, then, it’s a good thing you napped because I hope you’re ready to be up all night.”Shit. He was serious about this. There was no joking around in his tone, making this situation all the more intimidating.
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