Around the mound of earth out­side city, the [Zhan Long] core man­age­ terjemahan - Around the mound of earth out­side city, the [Zhan Long] core man­age­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Around the mound of earth out­side

Around the mound of earth out­side city, the [Zhan Long] core man­age­ment level player makes the rest tem­porar­ily, soon after Q Sword and Tang Qi, Ye to come, Misty Clouds, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled, six he et al. in abun­dance came, these peo­ple are at­tack­ing a city the man­age­ment play­ers of main trade union, but when does not know, they have tac­itly ap­proved [Zhan Long] are this at­tack fire Yun Cheng the leader trade unions of ex­pe­di­tion.
I de­pend upon on a low peach tree, is clean­ing the blood­stain of town Yue Dao, Longchi sword, si­mul­ta­ne­ously skids on the cut­ting edge with a brightly bur­nished hone slowly, this is the hone of Tian Ling Em­pire spe­cial prod­uct, after the mill knife, can pro­mote 2% weapon durable ap­prox­i­mately, every 1 hour can mill knife one time, the Longchi sword have the spe­cial ef­fect never to wear is all right ac­tu­ally, the town Yue Dao en­durance only then 44%, every hour of mill knife time re­stored durable, this is each close com­bat is the basic fight skill that the mas­ters must mas­ter.
Misty Clouds also sits on the lawn, takes out the hone for the sword blade edge pol­ish, [Hero’s Mound] guild­mas­ter Q Sword pro­gresses to go for­ward, stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, the racket the nape of the neck of warhorse lets it, in the one side gnaws the green grass in food ground, at the same time looked to our one group of peo­ple, said: „Maple­wood was drunk to re­treat the fire city to work as the tur­tle likely, were we such then wait­ing?”
I nod: „Um, the strat­egy of Tian Ling Em­pire army is the be­sieged city, con­sumes the grain and fod­der of fire likely city, when the NPC army in fire city is likely hun­grier much the time at­tacks a city again.”
The Q Sword swarthy pupil trem­bles slightly, the cor­ners of the mouth rise, say with a smile: „I find the way to pick up their grain and fod­der spend­ing rate.”
„Speeds up?” I asked.
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled also asked: „Right, you have any good means that mak­ing every­body end­less is not the means.”
Q Sword nod­ded the head, hes­i­tates say­ing: „Ac­tu­ally, I have sev­eral friends to study abroad and do busi­ness in India, sev­eral en­tered India, there­fore their sta­tus are the fire Yun Cheng play­ers, al­though they do not crave at the coun­try war very much, but I can through the re­la­tions, con­firm that in fire likely city the Co­or­di­nate of gra­nary, we send the as­sas­sin to sub­merge, or en­ters the fire likely city in the tac­tic of air­drop, is bring­ing the stage prop of set­ting on fire, burns down the gra­nary in fire likely city, be­lieves that they on cry­ing to cry not to come out.”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled claps: „Um, the means are good.”
I said: „Around in fire city wall every other hun­dred me­ters have a look­out tower likely, in each look­out tower the demon eye quartz, under shin­ing of demon eye quartz, mov­ing under water of any as­sas­sin will be solved, there­fore the as­sas­sin is very dif­fi­cult to sub­merge.”
Q Sword nods: „Um, there­fore I plan to cre­ate the con­fu­sion, mak­ing the as­sas­sin seize the chance to enter, so long as an op­por­tu­nity, we can suc­ceed.”
I show a faint smile: „What needs us to make?”
Q Sword said: „Sev­eral trade unions here, each send few play­ers to start in four sides city wall at­tack a city, I will start one time to at­tack, at least sends over a thou­sand as­sas­sins to move under water to­gether en­ters a city, can mix to look at the di­vine in­ter­ven­tion.”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled nods to say with a smile: „Um, if this plan can be com­pleted, your Q Sword is great merit one!”
Q Sword slightly smile: „Only I want to do ear­lier kills fire Yun Cheng, oth­er­wise this has the main city of 5000 W player to let us sim­ply such as the fish­bone in the throat, has fire Yun Cheng, our Tian Ling Em­pire player rests calmly and steadily on Beng Xiang.”
I con­tinue to sit there rest and re­store the weapon be durable, swep
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Around the mound of earth out­side city, the [Zhan Long] core man­age­ment level player makes the rest tem­porar­ily, soon after Q Sword and Tang Qi, Ye to come, Misty Clouds, Yanzhao un­par­al­leled, six he et al. in abun­dance came, these peo­ple are at­tack­ing a city the man­age­ment play­ers of main trade union, but when does not know, they have tac­itly ap­proved [Zhan Long] are this at­tack fire Yun Cheng the leader trade unions of ex­pe­di­tion.I de­pend upon on a low peach tree, is clean­ing the blood­stain of town Yue Dao, Longchi sword, si­mul­ta­ne­ously skids on the cut­ting edge with a brightly bur­nished hone slowly, this is the hone of Tian Ling Em­pire spe­cial prod­uct, after the mill knife, can pro­mote 2% weapon durable ap­prox­i­mately, every 1 hour can mill knife one time, the Longchi sword have the spe­cial ef­fect never to wear is all right ac­tu­ally, the town Yue Dao en­durance only then 44%, every hour of mill knife time re­stored durable, this is each close com­bat is the basic fight skill that the mas­ters must mas­ter.„Ding-dong”Misty Clouds also sits on the lawn, takes out the hone for the sword blade edge pol­ish, [Hero’s Mound] guild­mas­ter Q Sword pro­gresses to go for­ward, stands up from fail­ure to dis­con­tinue, the racket the nape of the neck of warhorse lets it, in the one side gnaws the green grass in food ground, at the same time looked to our one group of peo­ple, said: „Maple­wood was drunk to re­treat the fire city to work as the tur­tle likely, were we such then wait­ing?”I nod: „Um, the strat­egy of Tian Ling Em­pire army is the be­sieged city, con­sumes the grain and fod­der of fire likely city, when the NPC army in fire city is likely hun­grier much the time at­tacks a city again.”
The Q Sword swarthy pupil trem­bles slightly, the cor­ners of the mouth rise, say with a smile: „I find the way to pick up their grain and fod­der spend­ing rate.”
„Speeds up?” I asked.
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled also asked: „Right, you have any good means that mak­ing every­body end­less is not the means.”
Q Sword nod­ded the head, hes­i­tates say­ing: „Ac­tu­ally, I have sev­eral friends to study abroad and do busi­ness in India, sev­eral en­tered India, there­fore their sta­tus are the fire Yun Cheng play­ers, al­though they do not crave at the coun­try war very much, but I can through the re­la­tions, con­firm that in fire likely city the Co­or­di­nate of gra­nary, we send the as­sas­sin to sub­merge, or en­ters the fire likely city in the tac­tic of air­drop, is bring­ing the stage prop of set­ting on fire, burns down the gra­nary in fire likely city, be­lieves that they on cry­ing to cry not to come out.”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled claps: „Um, the means are good.”
I said: „Around in fire city wall every other hun­dred me­ters have a look­out tower likely, in each look­out tower the demon eye quartz, under shin­ing of demon eye quartz, mov­ing under water of any as­sas­sin will be solved, there­fore the as­sas­sin is very dif­fi­cult to sub­merge.”
Q Sword nods: „Um, there­fore I plan to cre­ate the con­fu­sion, mak­ing the as­sas­sin seize the chance to enter, so long as an op­por­tu­nity, we can suc­ceed.”
I show a faint smile: „What needs us to make?”
Q Sword said: „Sev­eral trade unions here, each send few play­ers to start in four sides city wall at­tack a city, I will start one time to at­tack, at least sends over a thou­sand as­sas­sins to move under water to­gether en­ters a city, can mix to look at the di­vine in­ter­ven­tion.”
Yanzhao un­par­al­leled nods to say with a smile: „Um, if this plan can be com­pleted, your Q Sword is great merit one!”
Q Sword slightly smile: „Only I want to do ear­lier kills fire Yun Cheng, oth­er­wise this has the main city of 5000 W player to let us sim­ply such as the fish­bone in the throat, has fire Yun Cheng, our Tian Ling Em­pire player rests calmly and steadily on Beng Xiang.”
I con­tinue to sit there rest and re­store the weapon be durable, swep
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Sekitar gundukan tanah di luar kota, [Zhan panjang] tingkat manajemen inti pemain membuat sisa sementara, segera setelah Q Pedang dan Tang Qi, Ye datang, Misty Clouds, Yanzhao tertandingi, enam ia et al. dalam kelimpahan datang, orang-orang ini menyerang kota pemain pengelolaan serikat buruh utama, tetapi ketika tidak tahu, mereka telah secara diam-diam menyetujui [Zhan panjang] yang serangan ini api Yun Cheng serikat buruh pemimpin ekspedisi.
Aku tergantung pada pohon persik rendah, membersihkan noda darah dari kota Yue Dao, pedang Longchi, bersamaan tergelincir di ujung tombak dengan mengasah mengilap cerah perlahan, ini adalah mengasah produk khusus Tian Ling Empire, setelah pisau mill, dapat mempromosikan 2% senjata tahan lama kira-kira, setiap 1 jam dapat mill pisau satu waktu, pedang Longchi memiliki efek khusus tidak pernah memakai adalah semua benar-benar, kota Yue Dao daya tahan hanya kemudian 44%, setiap jam waktu pisau mill dipulihkan tahan lama, ini adalah masing-masing dekat tempur adalah keterampilan laga dasar bahwa master harus menguasai.
Misty Clouds juga duduk di halaman, mengeluarkan hone untuk cat tepi pedang pisau, [Hero Mound] Guildmaster Q Sword berlangsung untuk maju, berdiri dari kegagalan untuk menghentikan, raket tengkuk leher kuda perang memungkinkan itu, di satu sisi menggerogoti rumput hijau di tanah makanan, pada saat yang sama tampak salah satu kelompok kami orang, mengatakan: "Maplewood mabuk mundur yang kota api untuk bekerja sebagai kura-kura mungkin, yang kita seperti kemudian menunggu "?
saya mengangguk:" Um, strategi militer Tian Ling Empire adalah kota yang terkepung, mengkonsumsi gandum dan pakan api kemungkinan kota, ketika tentara NPC dalam api kota mungkin lapar banyak waktu menyerang kota lagi ".
The Q Sword berkulit gelap pupil gemetar sedikit, sudut-sudut kenaikan mulut, mengatakan dengan tersenyum:". saya menemukan cara untuk mengambil tingkat pengeluaran gandum dan pakan ternak mereka
" " ? kecepatan up "saya bertanya.
Yanzhao tertandingi juga bertanya:". Benar, Anda memiliki cara yang baik yang membuat semua orang tak berujung bukan berarti "
Q Sword mengangguk kepala, ragu-ragu mengatakan:" Sebenarnya, saya memiliki beberapa teman untuk belajar di luar negeri dan melakukan bisnis di India, beberapa memasuki India, karena status adalah api pemain Yun Cheng, meskipun mereka tidak menginginkan di perang negara yang sangat banyak, tapi saya dapat melalui hubungan, pastikan bahwa api mungkin kota Koordinasi dari lumbung, kami mengirim pembunuh untuk menenggelamkan, atau memasuki api kemungkinan kota di taktik airdrop, adalah membawa prop tahap pengaturan terbakar, terbakar lumbung api kemungkinan kota, percaya bahwa mereka menangis menangis tidak keluar. "
tepuk Yanzhao tertandingi: "Um, sarana yang baik."
saya berkata: "Sekitar di tembok kota api setiap lain ratus meter memiliki menara lookout mungkin, di setiap lookout menara kuarsa setan mata, di bawah bersinar kuarsa setan mata, bergerak di bawah . air pembunuh apapun akan diselesaikan, karena si pembunuh sangat sulit untuk menenggelamkan "
Q Pedang mengangguk:" Um, karena itu saya berencana untuk membuat kebingungan, membuat pembunuh merebut kesempatan untuk masuk, asalkan kesempatan, kita bisa berhasil ".
aku menunjukkan senyum tipis:"? Apa yang perlu kita untuk membuat "
ujar Q Sword:" beberapa serikat pekerja di sini, masing-masing mengirim beberapa pemain untuk memulai di empat sisi dinding kota serangan kota, saya akan mulai satu waktu untuk menyerang, setidaknya mengirimkan lebih dari seribu pembunuh untuk bergerak di bawah air bersama-sama memasuki kota, dapat mencampur untuk melihat intervensi ilahi ".
mengangguk Yanzhao tak tertandingi untuk mengatakan dengan senyum:" Um, jika rencana ini dapat diselesaikan, Anda Q Pedang besar Kelebihan satu "!
Q Sword sedikit tersenyum:" Hanya aku ingin melakukan sebelumnya membunuh api Yun Cheng, sebaliknya ini memiliki kota utama 5000 W pemain untuk memberitahu kami hanya seperti tulang ikan di tenggorokan, memiliki api Yun Cheng, Tian kami Ling Empire pemain bersandar dengan tenang dan mantap di Beng Xiang. "
" Um! "
aku terus duduk di sana beristirahat dan memulihkan senjata tahan lama, SWEP
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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