Now. Run down to the end of the hallway. On the right is a locked door terjemahan - Now. Run down to the end of the hallway. On the right is a locked door Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Now. Run down to the end of the hal

Now. Run down to the end of the hallway. On the right is a locked door. Use
the Biohazard ID card on it to open it. When you go in, a laser will begin to
target you. It's Ashford! Run around, avoiding his laser. Walk up the stairs.
He will run away, the little wuss. Follow him through the door. At the end of
the hallway, pick up the 2 boxes of bullets. Then, go through the door on the
right. It's a save room. There is an item box in the corner. There is a green
herb sitting on the floor beside the type writer. There also a few items you
can pick up on the couch. When you're done in here, exit the room. Go to the
right. Try to open the door. Ashford will close the door behind you. Locking
you in this part of the facility. He will come on the radio and talk to you.
Saying it's going to be hard for you to survive, etc. Go back through the
door you were about to before. Go to the left. There are two sub machine guns
on the floor. The only problem is, there's no ammo for them! Pick them up
anyways, they might come in handy.

Now, head back the other way. Walk towards the stairs. This will trigger a
FMV. A shutter door will open near to where the sub machine guns were. A hand
will come flying out and grab onto a post. Then, the monster will fling
itself onto your platform. It's a big two headed thing! It looks pretty gross
too. Now, if you have machine guns with ammo, use them on him. That is the
easiest way. if not, you have to use the hand gun. Shoot him, then run away.
He has really long arms that can stretch really far to grab at you. If you
stop beside him, he will lift you up and snap your neck, so don't get too
close. If you can get behind him, it takes j=him a while to get turned around
so it's an ideal spot to shoot him at. When he collapses to the ground, a
door will open. Walk through that door. As you do, the monster will get up
and grab your head. He will lift you up, ready to kill you. Then, Steve
smashes through the glass above it. He has the gold luggers! He starts firing
at the beast. He kills it. Then, he trades you the luggers for the sub
machine guns.

He gets mad though, since you cheated him and gave him machine guns with no
ammo. Since you saw the ammo on top of a crate earlier, you know exactly
where it is. Steve gives you a boost to get it. After that, the platform you
guys are on will begin to lower, with Ashford laughing at you in the
back ground. When you get to the bottom, Steve will load up his machine guns
and tell Claire to wait behind, as he tries out his new toys. This is your
first time controlling Steve. He handles the same as Claire. Now, as soon as
you get through the door, kill the zombies wondering around the room. Don't
worry about ammo, you have plenty of it. When those zombies are killed, shoot
the barrel behind the fenced area. If that doesn't kill all the zombies in
there, then shoot at them through the fence. Now, turn around and go through
the door. Kill the few zombies in here and go back out. Now, go to the door
across from it. Go down the stairs. There is a zombie directly in front of
you, so kill it.

Now, shoot at the two different barrels. That should take out most of the
zombies. Kill the rest and go up the stairs on the other side. Run across the
bridge. Steve will yell for Claire. When she comes, they both go into an
elevator. You get raised to the 2nd floor. When you get out, Steve is already
gone. Follow the passage around to a door. Go through it. Run around the
wooden walkway to meet Steve again. The weight of both of you makes the
walkway collapse. When you fall down, a cut scene will begin. I won't spoil
anything, because this ones a shocker. Sort of...After it's over, go into the
door beside the jeep. Run through the hallway and into the doors. Inside,
there is a type writer to save your progress. At the other end of the room,
take the item enclosed within the picture. Now, go back to the room with the
jeep. Go through the big doub
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Now. Run down to the end of the hallway. On the right is a locked door. Use the Biohazard ID card on it to open it. When you go in, a laser will begin to target you. It's Ashford! Run around, avoiding his laser. Walk up the stairs.He will run away, the little wuss. Follow him through the door. At the end ofthe hallway, pick up the 2 boxes of bullets. Then, go through the door on the right. It's a save room. There is an item box in the corner. There is a green herb sitting on the floor beside the type writer. There also a few items you can pick up on the couch. When you're done in here, exit the room. Go to theright. Try to open the door. Ashford will close the door behind you. Locking you in this part of the facility. He will come on the radio and talk to you. Saying it's going to be hard for you to survive, etc. Go back through the door you were about to before. Go to the left. There are two sub machine gunson the floor. The only problem is, there's no ammo for them! Pick them up anyways, they might come in handy.Now, head back the other way. Walk towards the stairs. This will trigger aFMV. A shutter door will open near to where the sub machine guns were. A handwill come flying out and grab onto a post. Then, the monster will fling itself onto your platform. It's a big two headed thing! It looks pretty grosstoo. Now, if you have machine guns with ammo, use them on him. That is the easiest way. if not, you have to use the hand gun. Shoot him, then run away. He has really long arms that can stretch really far to grab at you. If you stop beside him, he will lift you up and snap your neck, so don't get too close. If you can get behind him, it takes j=him a while to get turned aroundso it's an ideal spot to shoot him at. When he collapses to the ground, a door will open. Walk through that door. As you do, the monster will get up and grab your head. He will lift you up, ready to kill you. Then, Steve smashes through the glass above it. He has the gold luggers! He starts firingat the beast. He kills it. Then, he trades you the luggers for the sub machine guns.He gets mad though, since you cheated him and gave him machine guns with noammo. Since you saw the ammo on top of a crate earlier, you know exactly where it is. Steve gives you a boost to get it. After that, the platform you guys are on will begin to lower, with Ashford laughing at you in the back ground. When you get to the bottom, Steve will load up his machine guns and tell Claire to wait behind, as he tries out his new toys. This is your first time controlling Steve. He handles the same as Claire. Now, as soon as you get through the door, kill the zombies wondering around the room. Don't worry about ammo, you have plenty of it. When those zombies are killed, shoot the barrel behind the fenced area. If that doesn't kill all the zombies in there, then shoot at them through the fence. Now, turn around and go through the door. Kill the few zombies in here and go back out. Now, go to the door across from it. Go down the stairs. There is a zombie directly in front of you, so kill it.Now, shoot at the two different barrels. That should take out most of the zombies. Kill the rest and go up the stairs on the other side. Run across thebridge. Steve will yell for Claire. When she comes, they both go into an elevator. You get raised to the 2nd floor. When you get out, Steve is already gone. Follow the passage around to a door. Go through it. Run around the wooden walkway to meet Steve again. The weight of both of you makes the walkway collapse. When you fall down, a cut scene will begin. I won't spoilanything, because this ones a shocker. Sort of...After it's over, go into the door beside the jeep. Run through the hallway and into the doors. Inside, there is a type writer to save your progress. At the other end of the room, take the item enclosed within the picture. Now, go back to the room with the jeep. Go through the big doub
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Sekarang. Jalankan ke ujung lorong. Di sebelah kanan adalah pintu terkunci. Gunakan
ID card Biohazard di atasnya untuk membukanya. Ketika Anda masuk, laser akan mulai
target Anda. Ini Ashford! Jalankan sekitar, menghindari laser nya. Berjalan menaiki tangga.
Dia akan lari, yang pengecut kecil. Ikuti dia melalui pintu. Pada akhir
lorong, mengambil 2 kotak peluru. Kemudian, pergi melalui pintu di
sebelah kanan. Ini adalah ruang simpan. Ada kotak item di sudut. Ada hijau
ramuan duduk di lantai di samping jenis penulis. Ada juga beberapa item Anda
dapat mengambil di sofa. Ketika Anda sudah selesai di sini, keluar ruangan. Pergi ke
kanan. Cobalah untuk membuka pintu. Ashford akan menutup pintu di belakang Anda. Mengunci
Anda di bagian fasilitas. Dia akan datang di radio dan berbicara dengan Anda.
Mengatakan itu akan sulit bagi Anda untuk bertahan hidup, dll Kembali melalui
pintu Anda hendak sebelumnya. Pergi ke kiri. Ada dua senapan mesin sub
di lantai. Satu-satunya masalah adalah, tidak ada amunisi untuk mereka! Menjemput mereka
lagian, mereka mungkin akan berguna. Sekarang, kembali ke arah lain. Berjalan menuju tangga. Ini akan memicu FMV. Sebuah pintu rana akan terbuka dekat ke tempat senjata sub mesin yang. Sebuah tangan akan terbang keluar dan ambil ke posting. Kemudian, rakasa akan melemparkan dirinya ke platform Anda. Ini adalah dua hal yang berkepala besar! Ini terlihat cukup berat juga. Sekarang, jika Anda memiliki senapan mesin dengan amunisi, menggunakannya pada dirinya. Itu adalah cara termudah. jika tidak, Anda harus menggunakan pistol tangan. Tembak dia, kemudian melarikan diri. Dia memiliki lengan yang sangat panjang yang dapat meregang benar-benar jauh untuk mengambil pada Anda. Jika Anda berhenti di sampingnya, ia akan mengangkat Anda ke atas dan snap leher Anda, jadi jangan terlalu dekat. Jika Anda bisa mendapatkan di belakangnya, dibutuhkan j = dia beberapa saat untuk mendapatkan berbalik jadi tempat yang ideal untuk menembaknya di. Ketika ia runtuh ke tanah, sebuah pintu akan terbuka. Berjalan melalui pintu itu. Seperti yang Anda lakukan, rakasa akan bangun dan ambil kepala Anda. Dia akan mengangkat Anda ke atas, siap untuk membunuh Anda. Kemudian, Steve menghancurkan melalui kaca di atasnya. Dia memiliki luggers emas! Dia mulai menembak di binatang itu. Dia membunuh itu. Kemudian, ia perdagangan Anda luggers untuk sub senapan mesin. Dia marah meskipun, karena Anda ditipu dia dan memberinya senapan mesin tanpa amunisi. Karena Anda melihat amunisi di atas peti sebelumnya, Anda tahu persis di mana itu. Steve memberi Anda dorongan untuk mendapatkannya. Setelah itu, platform Anda orang yang akan mulai menurunkan, dengan Ashford menertawakan Anda di belakang tanah. Ketika Anda sampai ke bagian bawah, Steve akan memuat senapan mesin nya dan memberitahu Claire menunggu di belakang, ketika ia mencoba keluar mainan barunya. Ini adalah Anda pertama kali mengendalikan Steve. Dia menangani sama dengan Claire. Sekarang, segera setelah Anda melewati pintu, membunuh zombie bertanya-tanya di sekitar ruangan. Jangan khawatir tentang amunisi, Anda memiliki banyak itu. Ketika mereka zombie dibunuh, menembak laras belakang daerah berpagar. Jika itu tidak membunuh semua zombie di sana, kemudian menembak mereka melalui pagar. Sekarang, berbalik dan pergi melalui pintu. Membunuh beberapa zombie di sini dan kembali keluar. Sekarang, pergi ke pintu di seberang itu. Turun tangga. Ada zombie langsung di depan Anda, sehingga membunuhnya. Sekarang, menembak dua barel yang berbeda. Itu harus mengambil sebagian besar zombie. Membunuh sisanya dan naik tangga di sisi lain. Jalankan melintasi jembatan. Steve akan berteriak untuk Claire. Ketika dia datang, mereka berdua pergi ke sebuah lift. Anda bisa diangkat ke lantai 2. Ketika Anda keluar, Steve sudah hilang. Ikuti jalan sekitar untuk pintu. Pergi melalui itu. Jalankan sekitar jalan kayu untuk memenuhi Steve lagi. Berat Anda berdua membuat runtuhnya jalan. Ketika Anda jatuh, adegan dipotong akan dimulai. Aku tidak akan merusak apa-apa, karena orang-orang ini jijik. Semacam ... Setelah itu selesai, masuk ke pintu samping jip. Jalankan melalui lorong dan masuk ke pintu. Di dalam, ada seorang penulis jenis untuk menyimpan kemajuan Anda. Di ujung lain dari ruangan, mengambil item tertutup dalam gambar. Sekarang, kembali ke ruangan dengan jeep. Pergi melalui doub besar

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