Ofra Mayseless1 and Einat Keren1AbstractTwo central life domains, love terjemahan - Ofra Mayseless1 and Einat Keren1AbstractTwo central life domains, love Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Ofra Mayseless1 and Einat Keren1Abs

Ofra Mayseless1 and Einat Keren1
Two central life domains, love and work, are described as the focus of identity exploration in emerging adulthood. The present
theoretical overview suggests an additional perspective. Current postmodern processes in Western industrialized countries set
the stage for the saliency of a new developmental task in emerging adulthood: finding the meaningful life. This task is enacted in
various domains of life including love and work. The pursuit in either domain is different in diverse cultures that ascribe different
levels of importance and allow different levels of autonomy in each domain. Thus, a given domain may be more or less salient as a
source of meaning in life. The studies in this special issue accord with this new viewpoint even though they were not conceptualized
from this perspective. Current research has just begun to examine the search for meaningful life in emerging
adulthood. Research is therefore called for to address this lacuna.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Rivka Mayseless1 dan Einat Keren1AbstrakDua pusat kehidupan domain, cinta dan bekerja, digambarkan sebagai fokus identitas eksplorasi di muncul dewasa. Masa kiniSekilas pandang teoritis menunjukkan perspektif tambahan. Proses postmodern saat ini di negara-negara Barat setpanggung untuk saliency tugas perkembangan baru muncul dewasa: menemukan kehidupan yang bermakna. Tugas ini diberlakukan dalamberbagai domain termasuk kehidupan cinta dan bekerja. Mengejar di salah satu domain berbeda dalam budaya beragam yang menganggap berbedatingkat kepentingan dan memungkinkan berbagai tingkat otonomi di setiap domain. Dengan demikian, domain tertentu mungkin lebih atau kurang menonjol sebagaisumber arti dalam hidup. Studi dalam edisi khusus ini sesuai dengan pandangan baru ini meskipun mereka tidak itu dikonseptualisasikandari perspektif ini. Penelitian saat ini baru saja mulai memeriksa pencarian bermakna kehidupan di munculdewasa. Penelitian itu disebut untuk mengatasi kekosongan ini.Kata kunci
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Ofra Mayseless1 and Einat Keren1
Two central life domains, love and work, are described as the focus of identity exploration in emerging adulthood. The present
theoretical overview suggests an additional perspective. Current postmodern processes in Western industrialized countries set
the stage for the saliency of a new developmental task in emerging adulthood: finding the meaningful life. This task is enacted in
various domains of life including love and work. The pursuit in either domain is different in diverse cultures that ascribe different
levels of importance and allow different levels of autonomy in each domain. Thus, a given domain may be more or less salient as a
source of meaning in life. The studies in this special issue accord with this new viewpoint even though they were not conceptualized
from this perspective. Current research has just begun to examine the search for meaningful life in emerging
adulthood. Research is therefore called for to address this lacuna.
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