In short ten min­utes, NPC and player of fire likely city „with ir­re­ terjemahan - In short ten min­utes, NPC and player of fire likely city „with ir­re­ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

In short ten min­utes, NPC and play

In short ten min­utes, NPC and player of fire likely city „with ir­re­sistible force” the break­through the armed forces ac­count of Chi­nese war zone, after hav­ing killed sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple , to con­tinue to for­ward, but I lead [Zhan Long] and palace guard back and forth to rush ahead in their re­treat­ing line­ups, we are one of the Chi­nese war zone strongest strengths, here con­quers by killing them one is nec­es­sary.
Above the bat­tle­field full is the sword and spear sword hal­berd that breaks off, when some in­nu­mer­able corpses, al­most the sad­dle horse walks must be dis­crete, will oth­er­wise be tripped, my be­hind one crowd of [Zhan Long] every­one whole bod­ies are bathed in blood, killed peo­ple like the hemp, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Song Han brings the [Zhan Long] as­sas­sin team also to walk ran­domly in the frontal line, as long as learned the un­yield­ing war soul and soul to ap­pear in­ter­mit­tently or is five rev­o­lu­tions of as­sas­sins has the abil­ity that the close com­bat has put to­gether hardly, the speed that this group of as­sas­sins killed peo­ple was not in­fe­rior in rid­ing to fight the de­part­ment, es­pe­cially Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and month slightly cool, Song Han these four. The [Zhan Long] top as­sas­sin, equip­ment and skill be­long ex­cel­lent, the coun­try fights the in­te­gral not to lose to rides the war is the long-dis­tance de­part­ment.
„Bang bang bang”
The earth shiv­ers, peo­ple Qi Qi looked to the south, that was the di­rec­tion of fire likely val­ley, trans­mit­ted was the run­ning sound of Long Jing ar­tillery, the night falls, that side flame soared to the heav­ens, the am­bush war­fare started, thinks that maple­wood being drunk led the per­son who was going on an ex­pe­di­tion the world to ar­rive there not to think will come under that fierce fire at­tack, and dam­ages of fire Yun Cheng sev­eral big NPC reg­i­ments def­i­nitely were a cinch.
The play­ers in fire city too were likely many, near two hours have not walked, in un­ceas­ing break­ing through, I led the [Zhan Long] peo­ple di­rectly to enter the fire likely val­ley as be­fore, rushed ahead the har­vest­ing India player in a panic in the canyon.
The dis­tant place flame is and out, with shock­ing the bomb­ing sound of mind, the In­dian player taste at this mo­ment will not feel bet­ter.
„Is care­ful there!”
In the dark­ness, Lin Wan Er raises dag­ger say­ing: „Prob­a­bly flows the per­son of Yun meet­ing, the de­ter­mi­na­tion was, flowed the main force of Yun meet­ing here, in front of the crazy sol­dier of that name was Lei Xiong that was class cloud guild­mas­ter!”
I fix the eyes on look, under the moon­light, rides the crazy sol­dier of dragon first bat­tle beast to wave the tom­a­hawk rush in the player crowd of male tyrant wind and cloud, meets no re­sis­tance, a stan­dard high-or­der mail-ar­mor and hel­met, in the hand the tom­a­hawk is also flut­ter­ing the scar­let gloss, is one crowd flows the sharp cav­alry sol­dier of Yun meet­ing, in the top of the head is flut­ter­ing one line of char­ac­ters
Thun­der bear LV-153 di­a­mond crazy sol­dier
Main city: Fire Yun Cheng
Trade union: The class said
Po­si­tion: guild­mas­ter
IBN place: 4
So is no won­der fierce, the thun­der bear wields the tom­a­hawk each time time is skill­ful, the strength just right, takes and puts away freely, a charge ar­rived at the male tyrant wind and cloud group team leader love front, the axe glow rose sud­denly, oc­cu­pies a com­mand­ing po­si­tion strikes!
Love „” which calls out in alarm one to think some peo­ple will come is so quick, but was the archer of male tyrant wind and cloud ac­tu­ally, en­tered the Re­gent con­di­tion in­stan­ta­neously, in 1 sec­ond MISS fell Lei Xiong one time to di­vide fiercely, the arrow raised is ris­ing Long Jian­hong of short dis­tance in Lei Xiong the chest!
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
In short ten min­utes, NPC and player of fire likely city „with ir­re­sistible force” the break­through the armed forces ac­count of Chi­nese war zone, after hav­ing killed sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple , to con­tinue to for­ward, but I lead [Zhan Long] and palace guard back and forth to rush ahead in their re­treat­ing line­ups, we are one of the Chi­nese war zone strongest strengths, here con­quers by killing them one is nec­es­sary.Above the bat­tle­field full is the sword and spear sword hal­berd that breaks off, when some in­nu­mer­able corpses, al­most the sad­dle horse walks must be dis­crete, will oth­er­wise be tripped, my be­hind one crowd of [Zhan Long] every­one whole bod­ies are bathed in blood, killed peo­ple like the hemp, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and Song Han brings the [Zhan Long] as­sas­sin team also to walk ran­domly in the frontal line, as long as learned the un­yield­ing war soul and soul to ap­pear in­ter­mit­tently or is five rev­o­lu­tions of as­sas­sins has the abil­ity that the close com­bat has put to­gether hardly, the speed that this group of as­sas­sins killed peo­ple was not in­fe­rior in rid­ing to fight the de­part­ment, es­pe­cially Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian and month slightly cool, Song Han these four. The [Zhan Long] top as­sas­sin, equip­ment and skill be­long ex­cel­lent, the coun­try fights the in­te­gral not to lose to rides the war is the long-dis­tance de­part­ment.„Bang bang bang”
The earth shiv­ers, peo­ple Qi Qi looked to the south, that was the di­rec­tion of fire likely val­ley, trans­mit­ted was the run­ning sound of Long Jing ar­tillery, the night falls, that side flame soared to the heav­ens, the am­bush war­fare started, thinks that maple­wood being drunk led the per­son who was going on an ex­pe­di­tion the world to ar­rive there not to think will come under that fierce fire at­tack, and dam­ages of fire Yun Cheng sev­eral big NPC reg­i­ments def­i­nitely were a cinch.
The play­ers in fire city too were likely many, near two hours have not walked, in un­ceas­ing break­ing through, I led the [Zhan Long] peo­ple di­rectly to enter the fire likely val­ley as be­fore, rushed ahead the har­vest­ing India player in a panic in the canyon.
The dis­tant place flame is and out, with shock­ing the bomb­ing sound of mind, the In­dian player taste at this mo­ment will not feel bet­ter.
„Is care­ful there!”
In the dark­ness, Lin Wan Er raises dag­ger say­ing: „Prob­a­bly flows the per­son of Yun meet­ing, the de­ter­mi­na­tion was, flowed the main force of Yun meet­ing here, in front of the crazy sol­dier of that name was Lei Xiong that was class cloud guild­mas­ter!”
I fix the eyes on look, under the moon­light, rides the crazy sol­dier of dragon first bat­tle beast to wave the tom­a­hawk rush in the player crowd of male tyrant wind and cloud, meets no re­sis­tance, a stan­dard high-or­der mail-ar­mor and hel­met, in the hand the tom­a­hawk is also flut­ter­ing the scar­let gloss, is one crowd flows the sharp cav­alry sol­dier of Yun meet­ing, in the top of the head is flut­ter­ing one line of char­ac­ters
Thun­der bear LV-153 di­a­mond crazy sol­dier
Main city: Fire Yun Cheng
Trade union: The class said
Po­si­tion: guild­mas­ter
IBN place: 4
So is no won­der fierce, the thun­der bear wields the tom­a­hawk each time time is skill­ful, the strength just right, takes and puts away freely, a charge ar­rived at the male tyrant wind and cloud group team leader love front, the axe glow rose sud­denly, oc­cu­pies a com­mand­ing po­si­tion strikes!
Love „” which calls out in alarm one to think some peo­ple will come is so quick, but was the archer of male tyrant wind and cloud ac­tu­ally, en­tered the Re­gent con­di­tion in­stan­ta­neously, in 1 sec­ond MISS fell Lei Xiong one time to di­vide fiercely, the arrow raised is ris­ing Long Jian­hong of short dis­tance in Lei Xiong the chest!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Singkatnya sepuluh menit, NPC dan pemain api kemungkinan kota "dengan kekuatan yang tak tertahankan" terobosan rekening angkatan bersenjata zona perang Cina, setelah membunuh beberapa ratus orang, untuk terus maju, tapi saya memimpin [Zhan Panjang] dan penjaga istana bolak-balik ke terburu-buru maju dalam Formasi mundur mereka, kami adalah salah satu zona perang Cina kekuatan terkuat, di sini Pendatukan dengan membunuh mereka satu diperlukan.
di atas medan perang penuh adalah pedang dan pedang tombak tombak yang terputus, ketika beberapa mayat tak terhitung , hampir kuda pelana berjalan harus diskrit, akan dinyatakan akan tersandung, saya di belakang salah satu kerumunan [Zhan panjang] semua orang seluruh tubuh bermandikan darah, membunuh orang-orang seperti rami, Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan Song Han membawa [Zhan panjang] tim pembunuh juga berjalan secara acak di garis frontal, selama belajar jiwa perang pantang menyerah dan jiwa muncul sebentar-sebentar atau lima putaran pembunuh memiliki kemampuan bahwa pertempuran jarak dekat telah mengumpulkan hampir tidak, kecepatan yang ini sekelompok pembunuh membunuh orang itu tidak kalah dalam mengendarai untuk melawan departemen, terutama Lin Wan Er, Yue Qing Qian dan bulan sedikit dingin, Lagu Han keempat. The [Zhan Panjang] pembunuh atas, peralatan dan keterampilan milik sangat baik, negara perkelahian integral tidak kalah dengan wahana perang adalah departemen jarak jauh.
"Bang bang bang"
The menggigil bumi, orang Qi Qi melihat ke selatan, yang merupakan arah api kemungkinan lembah, dikirimkan adalah suara berjalan dari Long Jing artileri, malam jatuh, yang nyala sisi melonjak ke langit, penyergapan peperangan dimulai, berpikir bahwa maplewood mabuk dipimpin orang yang akan melakukan ekspedisi dunia untuk tiba di sana tidak berpikir akan datang di bawah serangan api sengit, dan kerusakan api Yun Cheng beberapa resimen NPC besar pasti yang menang.
para pemain di kota api terlalu kemungkinan besar banyak, dekat dua jam belum berjalan, di tak henti-hentinya menerobos, saya memimpin [Zhan panjang] orang langsung masuk ke api kemungkinan lembah seperti sebelumnya, bergegas ke depan India pemain panen panik di canyon.
tempat api jauh adalah dan keluar, dengan mengejutkan suara bom pikiran, . India pemutar rasa saat ini tidak akan merasa lebih baik
"! Apakah hati ada"
dalam kegelapan, Lin Wan Er menimbulkan belati mengatakan: "Mungkin mengalir pribadi pertemuan Yun, tekad itu, mengalir kekuatan utama dari pertemuan Yun sini , di depan tentara gila nama yang Lei Xiong itu kelas awan Guildmaster! "
aku memperbaiki mata pada tampilan, di bawah sinar bulan, naik prajurit gila naga pertempuran pertama binatang mengibarkan tomahawk terburu-buru dalam kerumunan pemain laki-laki tiran angin dan awan, bertemu tidak ada perlawanan, standar high-order email-armor dan helm, di tangan tomahawk ini juga berkibar gloss merah, adalah salah satu orang mengalir prajurit kavaleri tajam pertemuan Yun, di atas kepala berkibar satu baris karakter
guntur beruang LV-153 berlian gila tentara
kota utama: Api Yun Cheng
serikat buruh: kelas mengatakan
Posisi: Guildmaster
IBN tempat: 4
Jadi tidak heran sengit, guntur beruang wields tomahawk setiap kali waktu terampil, kekuatan tepat, mengambil dan menempatkan diri secara bebas, biaya tiba di angin tiran laki-laki dan kelompok awan pemimpin tim cinta depan, kapak cahaya naik tiba-tiba, menempati memerintah pemogokan posisi!
Love "" yang memanggil di alarm satu berpikir beberapa orang akan datang begitu cepat, tapi pemanah dari tiran angin laki-laki dan awan sebenarnya, memasuki kondisi Bupati seketika, dalam 1 LEWATKAN kedua jatuh Lei Xiong satu waktu untuk membagi sengit, panah mengangkat meningkat panjang Jianhong pendek jarak dalam Lei Xiong dada!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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