Teh develoment of good character should be the heart and soul of eduac terjemahan - Teh develoment of good character should be the heart and soul of eduac Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Teh develoment of good character sh

Teh develoment of good character should be the heart and soul of eduaction, and should dominate the spirit of teaching. This was philosophy of the “ Father of Education” in indonesia, Ki Hajar dewantara. The reason, he said, was that teaching and character building are like two side of a coin and cannot, and should not be separated.
Education, by definition, means guiding student lives in a strong foundation of good character, so that they would be civilized humans of highest moral fibre, thus laying the foundation of a great nation without distinction of religion, ethnicity, customs, economic, and social status.
Ki Hajar dewantara was born in the royal family of Yogryakarta om 2nd May 1889. His given name was Suwardi Suryaningrat which he later changed to renounce his connections with the royal family. He transformed himself into activist, columnist, politican and pioneer of education for indonesians. He fought for roghts of Indonesians during dutch and Japanese colonial eras.
He was born into an aristocratic familiy that granted him the privilage of free access to education of his choice. He got his primary education from ELS (Europeesche Legere School) then the continued his education at Stovia (Java Medical School) but due to health reasons he couldn’t finish it. He strated writing for newspaper and eventually all his writings were focused on Indonesian patriotism, thus anti dutch. He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and the Indiesche Party, which werw both important in the early develoment of the Pergerakan, the “movement” that grew up with a nascent Indonesian national political consciousness.
He was exiled between 1913 and 1919 following the publication of two of his articles : “Als ik eens Nederlander” (if i was a dutchman) and “Eén voor allen en allen voor één’ (One for all and all for one). He used his time in exile to learn more about education and obtained a Europeesche certificate.
Following his return, he focused more on cultural and educational efforts paving way to develope educational concept in Indonesia. He believed that education is very important and the most important means of feeing Indonesians from clutches of colonization. He played e leading role in estabilishing “Onderwijs Institut Taman Siswa” in 1922. This institution was estabilished to educate native Indonesians during colonial times. This institution was based on these principles:
1. Ing ngarsa sung tuladha (the one in front sets example)
2. Ing madya mangun karsa ((the one in the middle bulids the spirit and encouragement)
3. Tut wuri handayani (the one at the back gives support).
Ki Hajar Dewantara passed away on 26th April 1952 at the age of 69 years. His wife donated all Ki Hajar’s belongings to Dewantara Kirti Girya Museum, Yogyakarta. He was great man who spent his whole life serving his people and country.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Teh develoment of good character should be the heart and soul of eduaction, and should dominate the spirit of teaching. This was philosophy of the “ Father of Education” in indonesia, Ki Hajar dewantara. The reason, he said, was that teaching and character building are like two side of a coin and cannot, and should not be separated.Education, by definition, means guiding student lives in a strong foundation of good character, so that they would be civilized humans of highest moral fibre, thus laying the foundation of a great nation without distinction of religion, ethnicity, customs, economic, and social status.Ki Hajar dewantara was born in the royal family of Yogryakarta om 2nd May 1889. His given name was Suwardi Suryaningrat which he later changed to renounce his connections with the royal family. He transformed himself into activist, columnist, politican and pioneer of education for indonesians. He fought for roghts of Indonesians during dutch and Japanese colonial eras.He was born into an aristocratic familiy that granted him the privilage of free access to education of his choice. He got his primary education from ELS (Europeesche Legere School) then the continued his education at Stovia (Java Medical School) but due to health reasons he couldn’t finish it. He strated writing for newspaper and eventually all his writings were focused on Indonesian patriotism, thus anti dutch. He was involved in the early activities of Budi Utomo and the Indiesche Party, which werw both important in the early develoment of the Pergerakan, the “movement” that grew up with a nascent Indonesian national political consciousness.He was exiled between 1913 and 1919 following the publication of two of his articles : “Als ik eens Nederlander” (if i was a dutchman) and “Eén voor allen en allen voor één’ (One for all and all for one). He used his time in exile to learn more about education and obtained a Europeesche certificate.Following his return, he focused more on cultural and educational efforts paving way to develope educational concept in Indonesia. He believed that education is very important and the most important means of feeing Indonesians from clutches of colonization. He played e leading role in estabilishing “Onderwijs Institut Taman Siswa” in 1922. This institution was estabilished to educate native Indonesians during colonial times. This institution was based on these principles:1. Ing ngarsa sung tuladha (the one in front sets example)
2. Ing madya mangun karsa ((the one in the middle bulids the spirit and encouragement)
3. Tut wuri handayani (the one at the back gives support).
Ki Hajar Dewantara passed away on 26th April 1952 at the age of 69 years. His wife donated all Ki Hajar’s belongings to Dewantara Kirti Girya Museum, Yogyakarta. He was great man who spent his whole life serving his people and country.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Teh develoment karakter yang baik harus menjadi jantung dan jiwa dari eduaction, dan harus mendominasi semangat mengajar. Ini adalah filosofi dari "Bapak Pendidikan" di Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara. Pasalnya, kata dia, adalah bahwa pengajaran dan pembangunan karakter seperti dua sisi koin dan tidak bisa, dan tidak boleh dipisahkan.
Pendidikan, menurut definisi, berarti membimbing siswa tinggal di sebuah fondasi yang kuat dari karakter yang baik, sehingga mereka akan manusia beradab serat moral yang tertinggi, sehingga meletakkan dasar dari bangsa yang besar tanpa membedakan agama, suku, adat istiadat, ekonomi, dan status sosial.
Ki Hajar Dewantara lahir di keluarga kerajaan Yogryakarta om 2 Mei 1889. Namanya diberikan adalah Suwardi Suryaningrat yang ia kemudian berubah untuk meninggalkan koneksi dengan keluarga kerajaan. Dia mengubah dirinya menjadi aktivis, kolumnis, politikus dan pelopor pendidikan bagi orang Indonesia. Dia berjuang untuk roghts dari Indonesia selama era kolonial Belanda dan Jepang.
Ia dilahirkan dalam sebuah familiy aristokrat yang diberikan kepadanya privilage akses gratis ke pendidikan pilihannya. Dia mendapat pendidikan dasar dari ELS (Europeesche Legere School) kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan di Stovia (Java Medical School) namun karena alasan kesehatan ia tidak bisa menyelesaikannya. Dia strated menulis untuk surat kabar dan akhirnya semua tulisan-tulisannya terfokus pada patriotisme Indonesia, sehingga anti Belanda. Ia terlibat dalam kegiatan awal Budi Utomo dan Partai Indiesche, yang werw baik penting dalam develoment awal Pergerakan, "gerakan" yang tumbuh dengan kesadaran politik nasional Indonesia yang baru lahir.
Ia diasingkan antara tahun 1913 dan 1919 sebagai berikut publikasi dua artikel nya: "Als ik eens Nederlander" (jika aku dutchman a) dan "een voor allen en allen voor één '(satu untuk semua dan semua untuk satu). Dia menggunakan waktunya di pengasingan untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang pendidikan dan memperoleh sertifikat Europeesche.
Setelah kembali, ia lebih terfokus pada upaya budaya dan pendidikan membuka jalan untuk mengembangkan konsep pendidikan di Indonesia. Dia percaya bahwa pendidikan sangat penting dan cara yang paling penting dari feeing Indonesia dari cengkeraman penjajahan. Ia memainkan e peran utama dalam estabilishing "Onderwijs Institut Taman Siswa" pada tahun 1922. Lembaga ini estabilished untuk mendidik asli Indonesia selama masa penjajahan. Lembaga ini didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip ini:
1. Ing tuladha ngarsa sung (satu di depan memberikan teladan)
2. Ing madya mangun karsa ((satu di tengah bulids semangat dan dorongan)
3. Tut wuri handayani (satu di belakang memberi dukungan).
Ki Hajar Dewantara meninggal pada 26 April 1952 pada usia 69 tahun. Istrinya menyumbangkan barang-barang semua Ki Hajar untuk Museum Girya Kirti Dewantara, Yogyakarta. Dia adalah orang besar yang menghabiskan seluruh hidupnya melayani rakyat dan negerinya.
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